Queen of the Swords & Lord of...

By OBrien_has_Stiles

64.1K 1.9K 308

Secrets are secrets, and Esmeralda's path is unknown to her. But walls start breaking down, and she finds out... More

Queen of Swords & Lord of the Rings (a LOTR fanfic)
Part 1 - To Know Chapter 1: The Fellowship
To Know - Chapter 2 - The Fellowship is off
To Know - Chapter 3 - And so it begins
To Know - Chapter 4 - Lifes shall be shaken
To Know - Chapter 5 - Walls of Moria
To Know - Chapter 6 - Darkness surrounds us
To Know - Chapter 7 - We need a break
To Know - Chapter 8 - They are coming
To Know - Chapter 9 - Even the strongest fall
To Know - Chapter 10 - Please come back
To Know - Chapter 11 - I'm fine
To Know - Chapter 12 - The Past comes back to me
To Know - Chapter 13 - Gently down the stream
Part 2 - To Feel - Chapter 1 - A long run
To Feel - Chapter 2 - I'm glad to have our wizard back
To Feel - Chapter 3 - Time alone
To Feel - Chapter 4 - Off to Helms Deep
To Feel - Chapter 5 - Over the edge
To Feel - Chapter 6 - Seeking answers and purpose
To Feel - Chapter 7 - Dangerous obstacles
To Feel - Chapter 8 - Victories in Wars
Part 3 - To Love - Chapter 1 - Victorious Feast
To Love - Chapter 2 - Captive
To Love - Chap 4

To Love - Chapter 3 - Star Gazing

745 24 8
By OBrien_has_Stiles

To Love - Chapter 3 - Star Gazing

They had reached Edoras midday, from there it was a mess and blur of activity. That night there was to be a feast held in the King's orders to honor those who had died in the Battle of Minas Tirith. And that is why Esme found herself whisked away from her companions, courtesy of Eowyn who had exclaimed for a makeover. But the lady had proclaimed that Esme was too filthy and in a desperate need of a bath, and had ordered for maids to clean her.

For the past hour Esme sat through hair tugging, skin grubbing and a lot of squealing. She was now thankfully out of the water, dry and dressed in a robe as a maid, who Esme came to know as Embria, dried her hair. It look a while for her long hair to dry, but it eventually came to point where it was suitable to be styled.

"How would you like your hair, lady Esme?" Asked Embria.

"I don't mind. Care to do what you like." Esme never really cared for what she looked like, and has hardly ever had to fuss over her hair.

Embria squealed, "I know just the thing to do." Esme smiled at the girl's obvious excitement. "You will love it!"

"I'm sure I would have loved anything you did, Embria." Embria blushed at the comment.

"Thank you, lady Esme."

"And please, just Esme." Esme felt her lightly tugging at her hair, styling it in a way she couldn't see as there was no mirror at hand.

"And I'm sure your husband will love it too." Embria commented, shocking Esme.

"What do you mean?"

"The blonde elf. He's your husband, no?"

Esme blushed. "No he is not."

"But watching you two, I thought that you were together." Esme could hear Embria's confusion and disappointment in her voice from behind her.

"No, we are just friends."

"But you wish for more, no?" Embria's statement brought another blush to Esme's cheeks.

"Don't be absurd." Esme tried to hide her embarrassment.

"Ah, but no. You do fancy him." Esme grew hot. She thought of the kiss they shared the morning she fell from the cliff, and she couldn't hide from herself that there was some affection there. She just didn't want to admit to herself that she was developing feelings for Legolas. Didn't want to face the rejection and seeing someone she cares about get hurt. She also knew a relationship between them wouldn't be possible to work.

Esme sighed. "I may like him," Embria started to squeal but Esme cut her off. "But nothing can ever happen between us."

"But why?" Asked Embria sadly behind her. "You two are perfect for each other!"

"It just can't," Esme's voice was hard, her tone obvious that she wanted the conversation to end. Fortunately, Embria picked it up and changed the topic to her hair.

In what seemed like no time at all, Embria called out that she was done. "May I see now?" Esme asked. The girl was quick to retrieve a hand mirror and hold it up in front of Esme.

Esme smiled. "You did a beautiful job," Esme's comment brought a blush to the other girl's cheeks. She really did do a magnificent job. It seemed as if Esme had transformed. The front half of her has been pulled back and braided in an intricate design down her back, some loose curls left to frame her face. Embria had placed an exquisite silver adornment through the braid completing the beautiful look.

"And the best part is," Embria exclaimed. "It will go perfectly with your dress."

"Dress?" Esme asked, unsure. She hasn't worn a dress in years.

"Of course. You will be attending a feast as a lady after all."

"Of course, I will be wearing a dress." Esme muttered.

"Oh lighten up. You'll be fine." Embria turned and disappeared from the room for a few seconds before coming back with a dress in tow. "Here, I'll help you put it on."

Embria assisted Esme into the material, letting her tie up the laces in the back. Once she was done, Embria said, "See. That wasn't too terrible."

The dress was a light blue colour and cascaded down to her feet. It had an intricate design and was simple but beautiful.

"Thank you, Embria."

"Oh, hush. Now go wow that man of yours." Embria pushed Esme to the door, not giving Esme time to counteract her statement. Esme was pushed into the hall, the door slamming closed behind her. Esme regained her balance, muttering some choiceful words for the women behind the door.


Esme tensed and spun around at the sound of her name, freezing when she caught sight of who stood in front of her. "Legolas," Esme gasped out, his name coming out more like a gasp. "Uh, hello."

Legolas smiled down at her. "I came to escort you to the Hall."

"Yes, the feast." To be honest, Esme had forgotten about it just then. "Thank you."

Legolas smiled. "My pleasure," he held out his arm for Esme to take. "My lady."

Esme giggled slightly as she wrapped her arm around his. "Thank you, kind sir."

"And may I add, you look absolutely stunning."

Esme smiled, "And you look quite dashing, yourself."

Legolas stopped, in turn making Esme stop too. He had stopped smiling, and was looking  deeply in the eyes. "You're breathtaking."

Esme's breath hitched at his words, his fingers reached up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. They were silent as they stared at each other, Esme's heart racing.

Without them really noticing, they started leaning in. Entranced by each other. Esme couldn't help but notice his eyes. Those perfect, blue eyes. They were staring into her own, making Esme feel like she was melting.

They both heard footsteps down the hall and sprung apart, not getting far because of their interlocked arms. Esme blushed, took her arm from his and started walking down the hall, him following silently next to her. They reached the open doors to the Golden Hall, taking in the full room. Without another word to each other, they split going off into different directions. Esme to where Aragorn stood and Legolas to stand next to Gimli.

Aragorn turned to acknowledge her as she came to stand next to him. His eyes widened at the sight of her.

"Esme, you look beautiful this evening." Aragorn reached to give her a hug.

Esme returned his embrace, grateful for his comfort. "Thank you, Aragorn."

"Something seems different about you," Aragorn commented, when they broke apart from their embrace.

"I'm wearing a dress." Aragorn smiled at her frown.

"It's not the worst thing."

Esme scoffed. "Please, you've never had to wear one."

"True." Before Esme could carry on the conversation, a hush fell over the crowd and Esme watched as King Theoden enter the room and made his way to his throne. Eowyn approaches holding a goblet, offering the wine to Theoden as she kneels down before him. She retires behind him as Theoden offers the goblet in toast to the people of Rohan.

"Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country." Theoden offers up the Goblet. "Hail the victorious deed!"


Esme raised her own goblet to her lips, making a silent prayer before swallowing some wine. Next to her, Aragorn did the same. And then the feast began.


A tankard of ale was set in front of Gimli and Legolas on a table.

"No pauses, no spills." Eomer says, who had set down the drinks in front of the pair.

Gimli lifts the tankard to his mouth, laughing. "And no regurgitation!"

"So, it's a drinking game?" Legolas questioned.

"Aye!" Laughter breaks out from the surrounding Rohirrim who were standing around to watch.

"Last one standing wins," Gimli chuckles before drinking his tankard in one go. Esme smirks from behind Gimli at Legolas who had just taken a tentative sip from his drink.

It wasn't long before the empty tankards were piling up on top of the table, both elf and dwarf downing the drinks with no end. Esme had moved next to Eomer, helping him hand tankards to the gamers. Gimli took a break long enough to let out a fart, at which Eomer stopped to stare at him taken aback.

"Heh heh heh heh," Gimli drunkenly laughs, looking worse for wear. "Here, here." He takes another tankard. "Raah, it's the dwarves that go simming with little, hairy women haha!"

Esme couldn't stop from pulling a face at that comment.

"I feel something." Legolas suddenly says, looking at his fingers. Both Eomer and Esme raised an eyebrow. "A slight tingle in my fingers. I think it's affecting me."

Esme giggled at the concerned look on his face. He looks adorable, Esme thought.

"What did I say?" Gimli slurs. "He can't hold his liquor." His eyes crossed and he sits quietly for a moment, then keels over backwards off his stool. Esme covered her mouth as she giggled at the passed out dwarf.

Legolas who had watched Gimli fall looked back at Eomer. "Game over," he stated. Esme couldn't stop smiling, she was enjoying drunk Legolas.

Esme stopped him from taking another drink. "I think that is enough for you for one night. Come on, let's get out outside for fresh air." Esme took his arm to lead him out the hall, him leaning on her more then he normally would.

"Can you please see after him," Esme gestured to Gimli when they passed Eomer.

"Certainly, miss." Esme smiled her thanks and continued to lead Legolas out the hall and outside.

Esme welcomed the cold night air, taking a deep breath of the fresh air, beside her Legolas seemed to do the same. Esme was happy to see that Legolas looked more sober than he did inside, she did not want to deal with an intoxicated Legolas. It was silent between them as they stood, staring at the stars in the night sky.

"The stars seem brighter tonight," Esme stated. Legolas didn't look at her before replying.

"The deaths being celebrated tonight are thanking our gratitude," Legolas said, his voice quiet.

"Do you believe that once someone dies, they turn into stars?" Esme asked.

Legolas turned his head to look at her. He stared into her eyes, not saying a word. When Esme was about to ask him again, he answered her.

"I think that our souls carry on, travelling through other worlds. Almost like a dream." His voice sounded far away but his eyes always stayed locked on hers.

"Don't you elves believe in some sort of higher power?" Esme whispered.

"We do believe in Eru Ilúvatar, the creator of all existence." Legolas turned to look at the stars again, the two falling into silence.

"Esme," Legolas suddenly started, startling Esme slightly. "When we found no trace of you or Aragorn, my heart stopped." Esme's breath hitched. She knew that people would have thought she died, but hearing it coming out the way it did from his lips made Esme realize just how much that impacted the people she knew. "I could barely restrain myself from disobeying Theoden to find you."

"No, but you stayed." Esme laid her hand against his cheek. "And Theoden's people were saved because of you."

Legolas shook his head. "No, the Rohirrim saved them."

"But," Esme interrupted. "You helped, and those people in the hall are thankful for that."

Legolas turned away, breaking Esme's clutch on him. "I'm just thankful I have you back, because having you gone was killing me."

Esme's heart seemed to break hearing those last words. She reached for him and held his gaze. "I am so, so, sorry that I caused you pain. That was never my intent."

"Just," his eyes seemed to water as he spoke. "Promise me that you never leave me like that again."

"Of course, I will." Esme smiled reassuringly at him. "I'll never leave your side."

Legolas' eyes were fixated on hers, not blinking. He held her stare for many minutes, the time passing unknowingly between them.

"I've waited long to ask you this, so will you please promise me that you won't run away when I do?" Legolas asked suddenly.

"I promise," Esme answered, wholly truthful.

"The morning of the surprise attack, we kissed and you ran. Why?"

Esme's heart was racing, her thoughts a disarray. "I- I, uh." Esme stuttered not knowing what to say, her main thoughts on wanting to flee. But she promised him, and after a minute of fumbling with her words, Esme decided to just tell the truth.

"I... I was scared." Legolas was silent, his face baring no emotion as he waited for her to continue. "We kissed, and I've never made that type of contact before. It was new, and I wasn't prepared for the onslaught of feelings that I've never felt before. Not for anyone.

"And then there you were. Raising these untouched feelings and wonders. And I didn't want that." Esme's voice grew quiet with her last sentence, avoiding Legolas' searching eyes.

"Esme." Legolas said, but she didn't turn to look at him.

"Esme," he said again. His fingers lightly tilting her chin so she could look him in the eyes.

"I've never felt this way about anyone either. It also scares me. But when we kissed, you opened up this part of me that made me realize just how precious you are to me. Knowing you're alive has made me see what I was feeling the entire time. That I love you, Esmeralda. With all my heart. And I hope you see that I love you with the intent of keeping you safe and with being with you, not to scare you."

Esme was at a loss for words. The only words she could say was "Oh, Legolas." Never in her whole existence did she expect this. To expect these words coming from those lips, the emotion pure and true. And then she knew. And all her previous doubts flew away. And with that final thought Esme reached out and placed her lips upon his.

At first, the kiss was unsure. Both unmoving and silent. But with a flick of the match, a fire kindled in them and the passion grew between them. Nothing else seemed to exist except for the feeling of their lips pressed against each other. After a moment, the two hesitantly broke apart, both gasping for air.

"Esme," Legolas smiled lovingly. "Will you please do me the honour of courting me?"

Esme pecked his lips. "It will be my pleasure."

She leaned into him, allowing him to wrap his arms around her as they gazed at the stars. There was a content feeling among them. It seemed that hours passed as the two sat. After a while, Esme broke from his hold.

"I think I will retire for the night."

"Good night, my dear Esme." Esme smiled, lent forward to place another peck on his lips before standing and heading to her room. In her room, Esme lied on her bed and thought of the events of the night. Smiling at how well it ended, Esme fell asleep with a content smile on her face.


He watched as the elfling fell asleep, a grim look upon his face. He was not happy with her and the other elf. The two were becoming more open to their feelings and creating a bond that disgusted him.

He wanted him dead. Gone. He was making things so much harder.

And then he felt it. The stirring. The temptation. He fed into it. Developing the urge into a need. He sensed the weakness and with that he took advantage. And then he took control.

"I see you."

He saw an opportunity to bring fear, and delved into the mind of a hobbit. Searing him with images and pain.

A white tree. A courtyard of stone. And burning. The tree was dead. The white city was burning.

"What's your name."

There was no answer.

He sent a burning pain. And the hobbit never screamed, but only writhed in pain.

And then he felt another presence, to whom he sent agony. But then that presence left him and he felt himself losing his hold.

But before he could be entirely free. He searched for her.

When he found her he could only lightly place his presence in her before his grip was lost.

He was alone but he could feel that small part of him in her. He will get stronger, and in time he will take her over. And let her bring chaos to everyone she loves, as he stands watch.


So I updated, and I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. If I'm being honest, I was hating it, that's why I took so long to update. But hopefully I've set things in motion for the next few chapters which will be increasingly good. 

Is anyone else celebrating Esme and Legolas? Cause cheers to that finally happening. 

So, I have no idea when I will update next. But I don't want to leave it as long as I left it for this one. 

I also just want to thank you all of you who have been reading my chapters, commenting and voting. It truly warms my heart and I really appreciate it. 

I would also just say good on you to anyone who has read further than the first few chapters of this book. The writing of that is terrible and makes me squirm whenever I see it. I know that if I started reading something like that I would put the book down. So thanks again. 

Notice: Once I have finished this book, I am going to edit the entire thing. It will be increasingly better and just more readable and enjoyable. And there might be a possibility of a sequel, depends on some factors. So yeah, just giving you all a heads up!  

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