Invisible Halo (MGK Fanfic)

By J_Latriceee

36.4K 819 34

Monica was a typical Cleveland native, never seen the outside of her neighborhood. She was highly intelligent... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
A/N: Final Note

Chapter 13

1K 23 0
By J_Latriceee

Colson pov

It had been a week since I reunited with Casie. In the time, Monica had moved back to her place. I missed her a lot, especially after her helping me get my daughter out of that house.

Latoya enlisted in a Sanatorium four days ago, where she would be given her medicine along with three meals a day and visiting hours only on Sunday mornings. Casie was too scared, she didn't want to have to see her mother in that state of mind.

I enjoyed having my baby girl back, we spent our days watching Disney movies and eating junk food. She was my little soldier and I would be taking her on tour when we started back up next week. Slim told me that Monica had been busy these last few days and that's why she hasn't made her way over here. He also told me that he was going to try to convince her to come back on tour with us.

Casie wanted to see her as well everyday I would hear her ask the guys where she was and who was this mystery women who saved her and left. Casie had even said her name in her sleep, at first I thought she was having a nightmare when actually she was recalling that terrible day.

"Monica! Monica! Mommy is dangerous!" I had heard her say last night.

With it being a Saturday, the boys were all getting ready for the club. I decided to text Monica to see if she wanted to come over.

Hey, really missed having you around. I hope you plan on going on tour with us starting Monday. If you don't want to come that's cool too, anyway would you like to come over tonight?

She replied after what seemed like an hour but only five minutes later.

Monica : I would love too!(: Go on tour and come over that is. I'm meeting up with a friend and I'll text you when I get back.

Me : okay, sounds perfect!

I was ecstatic I'd finally get to see her after so long!

Monica pov

Well looks like I was going to actually have plans today. This last week I've just been buried in work, doing makeup for video shoots, magazine covers, and movie screenings.

It was weird that a week ago I was Colson's partner in crime in saving Casie. We made a good team, I was the brains and he was the muscle. My phone vibrated and for a second I had totally forgot that I was getting ready to be meeting up with Janine.

Janine : hey I'm at the restaurant. Really hope your not flaking out on me.

Me : I'm on my way and I'll see you in a little bit.

I got in my 2014 Honda Fit and headed toward the restaurant. I was extremely nervous, I hadn't seen Janine since the night at the club and I didn't know what I was going to do. All week I had ignored her calls and said I'd get back to her when I could. Really I just didn't want to put up with her and the drama that always followed her.

She greeted me at the door with a warm smile.

"Long time, no see!" Janine said.

"Yeah, you know duty calls." I half lied.

Janine led me to the table by a window. She let me choose where I wanted to sit before sitting across from me.

"So how has your life been?" She asked enthusiastically.

"Oh you know, same old same. Not really much has changed. What about you?" I said flatly.

"Nothing on this end. Your probably wondering why I asked you to come here."

I nodded and she proceeded on.

"I just wanted to let you know that I am really sorry and I didn't mean what I said that night."

"We don't need to disc-" I started before she cut me off.

"I need to get this off my chest. You see the thing is I've been jealous of you since we were kids."

Ouch! That kind of hurt, I know I was thinking it but it sounded harsh almost like it escaped her lips on accident. I always assumed she just wasn't supportive of me for made up reasons. It was weird that it was all because she was jealous that where I was successful, she could not be.

"Bryan told me he had been in contact with you and he's placed me in this really nice rehab facility. I'm going to be myself before the drugs again." She said with self confidence.

"Wow that's amazing, I'm at a lost for words. I'm so happy for you Janine." I said excitedly.

"Thank you! The fifth step to recovery is rebuilding my bridges which is why you're here right now."

Rebuild bridges um what, why did this make me so nervous. I felt everything build up in the pit of my stomach and I thought I was going to vomit all over the table.

"Oh okay, that sounds good." I said casually, not trying to show my emotions.

"As much as I loved being your friend this is an unhealthy relationship for the both of us." She said as tears formed in her eyes.

Here comes the waterworks, something in me was thinking this whole thing was an act. She was the main character and I was a fool for coming here.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked impatiently.

"I'm trying to say that we can't be friends anymore. You've found where you belong and what your happy doing and I find it a struggle to wake up every morning. I'm just done wasting your time."

"You don't waste my time." I said, tone filled with attitude.

"If I didn't waste your time then why couldn't you return my text or calls but you could talk to Bryan? You obviously weren't to busy to make sure you got back with your clients. Face it, I'm not your first priority or even your fifth."

She was right, in a cruel way I was ignoring her to spare my feelings when all I was doing was hurting hers. I didn't put her first and at the time she needed me most. The fact that she realized this hurt me down to the core of my soul. I had the nerve to say she was a terrible friend when really I wasn't any better. But at the same time I still held a grudge from what she said at the club and I still hadn't let that go.

"Your right and I'm sorry." I croaked.

I felt my throat tightening as the room spun around me. I didn't want to cry in front of her and I wouldn't so I stood up and walked out of the restaurant and to my car thinking this would be my last time ever talking to her again. It's funny how someone could go from being your best friend to a stranger in two seconds.

Had I dug my own hole or had I plainly played the game how she wanted me to play it. I thought to myself.

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