It's Gotta Be Her (Niall Hora...

By Shay_YOLO

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Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Torn
Chapter 3 Torn (part 2)
Chapter 4 Jumping to Conclusions
Chapter 5 Sweet Dreams
Chapter 7 Time Well Spent
Chapter 8 Be My Baby
Chapter 9 Tall & Tan & Young & Lovely (Part 1)
Chapter 10 Tall & Tan & Young & Lovely (Part 2)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 "If you want a bit of love put your head on my shoulder, It's cool"
Chapter 13 Falling For You...Or Not
Chapter 14 No One Fancies Valerie
Chapter 15 Happy Halloween!
Chapter 16 "Cosmic Love"
Chapter 17 "Cosmic Love" (continued)
Chapter 18 A Lack of Understanding
Chapter 19 A Lack of Understanding (continued)
Chapter 20 A New Beginning
A/N im sorry!/:
Chapter 21 After All That We've Been Through, I Know We're Cool
Chapter 22 Soundtracks To Our Life
Chapter 23 Don't Speak
Chapter 24 All I Want For Christmas Is You
Chapter 25 All I Want For Christmas Is You (continued)
Chapter 26 Make You Mine
Chapter 27 Make You Mine (Continued)
Chapter 28 Late Night Kisses
Chapter 29 Moments
Chapter 30 Goodbye

Chapter 6 Skyrocket Full of Sunshine

40 1 0
By Shay_YOLO

"I'm so sorry if Niall ran over another one of yer cats Mrs. Spade, how much will it cost to cremate this one?" I heard an older male voice say tiredly behind the door.

I thought that maybe I had mistaken houses and that Niall didn't actually live here, but the man on the other side had mentioned Niall, and as bizarre as it sounded, he had to live here.

The door opened and a man, who looked around the same age as my mum, stood there in a dressing gown and reading specs on.

"Oh, ye 're not Mrs.Spade," he said with an awkward laugh.

I smiled weakly and hitched my bag up higher on my shoulder.

"No I'm not, but I'm Valerie, yer neighbour and Niall said that he'd give me a ride in the forenoon to school."

"I'm sorry to inform ye dear, but Niall already left to school this forenoon," he said with a grave chevy chase.

I formed my gob into an "o" shape and guffawed nervously.

"Oh really? That's fine then, I'll just mosey -" I said turning to leave.

"Only joking darling! He's out in the garage," his pop said before closing the door and laughing hysterically.

I stood on their porch, still stunned by what just happened and furrowed my eyebrows. I walked around to the left side of the house and found their garage door open. Niall was bent over his jam-jar 's bonnet and doing sumfink to it

. " oi," I said knocking on the bonnet. He smiled and waved.

"I thought I heard yer voice, did ye meet my pop?" I inhaled and guffawed afterwards.

"Oh aye he's a laugh." Niall looked at me oddly then quirked an eyebrow.

"Did he tell ye I left for school early?" I nodded my head and he guffawed. "Don't take it personally, he always does that my mates. ye won't fall for it after the next couple of times he does it." He wiped his mits on a dingy rag and then sighed contently. "My jam-jar was having some troubles earlier, but being such a genius, I fixed em, and now we can go to school. Did ye eat this forenoon?"

"Just a banana," I answered glumly. "My mum didn't knock up and make me my usual breakfast."

"We've still got time til school starts, let's ring up the yobs and hae em come over," he suggested.

He made me take orf my bag and tossed it in the backseat of his jam-jar. We walked up a wee staircase that connected to the inside of his house and walked down a corridor. I passed by thousands of picture frames that contained bubtion pictures of Niall and his older brub.

"Wasn't I a cutie?" He called over his shoulder and winked. I rolled my eyes and smiled at all the pictures.

" ye still are cute," I added afterwards without realizing what I said. Niall cocked an eyebrow and when we reached the kitchen he stared at me.

" ye wouldn't hae a crush on me now Val, right?" he asked joking around, but I took it seriously.

"No, just being honest. That's what bessy mates are for," I said cheekily.

He smirked then made me sit at his kitchen table. It was big considering the fact that only Niall and his pop lived here, but as soon as he called Ed, Dylan, and other mates from school, the table had never seemed so wee.

"So how are ye liking Mullingar so far dear?" Mr.Horan asked me.

The yobs had been in their own little world yakking about school and mafted girls there.

"It's fit and completely different from my ol' hometown," I answered honestly.

I was feeling a tad homesick, but meeting all these new people made me grateful for moving here. He nodded his head and took a sip of his coffee.

"And where exactly did ye use to live?"


"California?! How exciting it must've been to live there. Did ye get to meet any celebrities?" I found it funny when people assumed that by living in California ye had a glamorous lifestyle and they instantly thought of Hollywood when ye mentioned it. Technically it was true though that I did live in Hollywood and infact knew celebrities.

"Um, I only know some of the younger actors fancy the kind that come out on Disney Channel and stuff. My sister is the talented one in our family and is filming here for a whilst."

"Oh right, Niall mentioned that. He seemed smitten with ye and yer family. Never seen him this chuffed since his break from One Direction. Their management had been working em fancy dogs. Perhaps their breaking up was for the bollocks." Mr.Horan must hae seen the shock on my chevy chase because then he continued. "Oh but they still keep in contact darling, don't fret! Their split isn't long-term, just temporary. Simon's trying to find em a new group of managers that'll understand the fact that they are working with a group of yobs who need a break from it all once in a whilst." I sighed and let out a shaky laugh.

"Thank goodness. I don't know what I'd dae if they broke up." Niall had been laughing at sumfink Ed said then caught my eye and grinned.

" oi, we should probably get going," he stood up and pushed the chaps out of the kitchen, " pop we're leaving now. hae a noice day at graft!" Mr.Horan waved at us before we left and then Niall dragged me to his jam-jar.

"Did ye enjoy breakfast?"

" bessy bowl of cereal I've had in ages," I replied.

Niall rolled his eyes at me then shoved me playfully.

"Fine then, next time we're coming to yer house. Let's see how mint of a cook ye 'll be then." We entered his jam-jar and drove to school.

"So I was yakking to yer pop and he told me that ye 'd been yakking about me and my family," I said coyly. Niall blushed and shook his head.

"I didn't tell him much. Just that ye were a really noice lass and that yer sister and mum were in the film-making biz. I think he fancies ye." It my turn to blush this time and I looked out the window to hide it.

" aye he's pretty cool." Niall guffawed and then we were already at school.

"I know he is. That's where I get my coolness from," he added with a wink. I rolled my eyes and we walked to our first class.



last chapter for tonight chaps!

sorry im knackered and its already 12:55 A.M here in Doncaster, Engerland so i better go to kip!

im so knackered!

bye chaps! hope ye enjoyed this chapter!


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