Trying to keep the player

By Lexxiia

627K 7.5K 360

Lexis is your regular smart teen-scratch that out. Lexis is your psycho teenage girl. Psycho according to a p... More

Trying to keep the player
Ch. 2 Meeting the Demon.
Ch. 3 My twin best friends. The bad boy and the prep.
Ch.4 Can't call yourself a player if you lose the girl.
Ch. 5 He's always there for me.
Ch. 6 You break me? I'll break your car.
Ch. 7 He always wins but I never lose.
Ch. 9 True friends... I think not.
Ch. 10 Doing it for the Money
Ch. 11 The dark side of a player
Ch. 12 Tour of the Demon's school.
Ch. 13 I'm robbing the player out of his money
ch. 14 She's going to make you look like a clown with a missing smile
Ch. 15 War has been declared
Ch.16 Love me or love me not.
Ch. 17 Just when I thought the demon was kind.
Ch. 18 I'm sorry. I want you to trust me.
Ch. 19 The demon sees threw a persons heart.
Ch. 20 The bad boy and the player. I hate them both
Ch. 21 I almost killed a player. Am I proud of it? Maybe...
Ch. 22 Player vs Six year old.
Ch. 23: Demon vs Prince charming
Ch.24. He's ken and I'm barbie.
Ch. 25 Rich wifes magazine featuring: Demon & Psycho
Ch. 26. Psycho, meet a real pyscho.
Ch. 27 The last chance.
Ch. 28. Player meet the queen of England
Ch. 29 Lost your pride, hope and rejected.
Ch. 30 Final Decision. The end.

Ch.8 Damon... I know a secret...!

19.1K 242 3
By Lexxiia

Chapter 8

My eyes stared up into the high ceiling. The room was almost pitching black but my eyes adjusted. I refreshed the events that happened today. Sadly, I can’t sleep. I was wearing some grey spaghetti top and the material was thin and went no lower than my waist. Then I had blue jeans short shorts. That was the only comfortable clothes I found in the closet. I tossed my body around facing the mirror closet. Then I remembered there was a window. I stood up and opened the window and finally it became brighter. I turned my head toward the mirror and my body froze. I stared at something black behind me. When I turned around if there was anything, there wasn’t anybody or anything there. It was probably my own shadow.

Yea nice Lexi scared of a shadow! – I can’t believe it. Then I heard a loud slam. Then I heard the Demons voice “Ow...” I rolled my eyes. Did he fall of the bed? I laughed quietly.

“It’s not funny!” Demon yelled out. I just laughed louder. Then there was quiet again. Then I stare up at the ceiling again. My eyes moved to the mirror at times and I would just get the creeps. For some reason this mirror is scaring me. I look over the window keeping away from the mirror. Then I start hear strange humming. This was ticking me off. Then I walk off from my bed and bang the wall at the right where the Demon was supposed to be sleeping.

“If you want to be in bed with me, you can just say so,” The demon announced. My eye twitched.

“I’d murder you if I was in the same room with you in the dark,” I harshly said to him and then said “Would you cut out that humming?”

“What humming...?” He asks with a laugh. This was so not funny!

“I can’t sleep you shit! So shut up...!” I snapped because I wanted to sleep and he wasn’t letting me because of his noise.

“Lexi, is humming attractive?” He asks me as if it was some trivia question.

“I don’t know Demon; do you think it’s attractive...? If you’re trying to make me hate you, I already do,” I said sharply.

“Whoa, you’re snappy! I ain’t humming...” The demon denied and while he was talking I could hear the humming at the same time. I froze and sighed.

“Do you have somebody over?” I asked him ticked off.

“Do I sound like I’m doing it with somebody?” He asks.

“Why are you being so disgusting?”

“Why are you being so annoying?”



“Unattractive ugly shit,”

“Are we calling our selves names now? Well if that’s so, I’m attractive sexy stuff,” He says.

“Puh-lease don’t flatter yourself,” I insulted and I kept on hearing the humming. It gave me the shivers.

“Back at yea psycho,” He remarked. I groaned and I couldn’t sleep now. The humming kept on going. For some reason, it reminded me of horror movies. Another twenty minutes past and the humming didn’t stop. Then I start hearing foot steps down at the open hallway outside of our rooms.

“Physco, you awake?” The demon asked.

“There is no one in the name of Psycho here,” I told him. My eyes stared at the door. A shiver went down my spine. The demon stood quiet for awhile.

“That’s weird,” The demon started.

“What...?” I asked being oblivious but the humming and now footsteps seemed a lot closer. This better not be some stupid prank. There was another complete silence. After five minutes of the demon not answering back I talked.

“Hey, demon, what’s weird...?” I asked him. Then there was another no respond. Yea, this was a prank. I sigh and look back at the mirror seeing nothing. Then the mirror closet slides open by itself. My heart starts to restart and I sat up. My eyes went wide and then I looked who came out and saw the Demon. I sighed in relief almost thinking it was the monster coming out of the closet. Oh wait; it is a monster coming out of the closet but how he did...

“We’re you in my closet all this time!?” I roared. Then the demon ran up to me and then covered my mouth. I bit him...hard. He made a face and shook his hand and looked at me with full anger.

“Why did you do that for?” he asked and I opened my mouth to answer but he answered for me “Right, you’re a psycho. Anyways, keep quiet...” I stared at him in disbelieve. I rolled my eyes and then he locked the closet door as if there was some trick to it. I stared at the closet weirdly.

“What were you doing in my closet?” I ask him.

“I wasn’t peeping on you if that’s what you’re asking, like I would,” He rolls his eyes “The closet is like another door way to enter to the other room.” Well that explains things. I sigh and sit on my bed. He sits beside me. My eyes narrow at him not wanting sitting on the bed.

“Why are you here...?” I questioned.

“There’s somebody that shouldn’t be here outside,” He simply put.

“Is this a prank...?”

“Thanks for the idea,” He smiles nicely.

“Seriously, who’s out there?” I asked him harshly. He sighs and then half lies down on the bed. His eyes move onto the door and we kept on hearing footsteps. The humming kept on coming and it was really freaking me out. His eyes narrow at the door and whispers quietly and slowly “A physco...” I get up and then walk to the door. His eyes widen and then he pulled me back away from the door. Then we heard footsteps stopping right at the door. We both kept quiet staring at the door. My body goes to alert mode when the door starts to bang as if they’re trying to get in. The demon’s face turns serious and fierce. My eyes looked over at the closet. I pointed at the closet having an idea. The demon followed me even though he didn’t exactly know where I was getting at. The demon unlocked the closet and then we walked inside of it locking it again. We hid there. Then we heard a loud crash. My face goes white.

The demon grips on my wrist and the other holding around my waist as we hid in the closet. What the hell is going on...? I look up at the Demon. He was gripping on to me to tight. That is funny. The big player is scared. Then I heard humming in the room. I sucked in air and my body shook. Then I heard something falling inside of the room. After that you could hear glass breaking into pieces. Well, I guess it isn’t a friendly lost person. The Demon moved the racks in the closet that was filled with closed and then slide another door open. It didn’t even look like something that could be opened; it looked like a complete wall! We walked into the other room and then the Demon moved the clothes back to how it was and we walked into this room. We closed the door behind us. We kept quiet and we stared at each other. Then our eyes looked over at the other room. We heard another smashing and screeching yell. My mouth hanged open. The Demon then walked over his bed into this desk beside his bed. He opened the drawer and got a gun. My eyes widened staring at the gun.

Then we heard footsteps coming out of that room toward outsides. Our eyes looked over at our door now and we start hearing loud banging from that side. The demon looked over at me and we walked into the closet again. Then we went back into my room. The demon starts running toward the window. He opened it quietly and then he climbed out. Then I climbed out too and jumped down to the ground.

“Hold on to me,” Damon said quietly. I nodded and he caught my hand. Then we start running down over the road. We walked inside the forest that was across from we were but following the path of the road. I kept up with Damon perfectly fine and most of the time I was ahead of him. Then Damon took out his cell-phone. We stopped and we looked back at where we were. We were far but not far enough that we couldn’t see. A person had walked out and then stabbed the wall with something really large and sharp. Then we heard a gunshot in the air.

“When you said psycho, your really meant psycho,” I said shocked.

“Yea, is that one of your friends?” The demon asked smiling.

“Haha, funny,” I laughed sourly. Then he called somebody and first I thought he’d call the cops but instead it was something just like that put more private. I couldn’t make it out.

“Come on, we need to go find a nearby hotel,” Damon said serious. All I could do is give a nod. We kept on running and I was almost out of breath from running so much. Then we made it. It looked really old and poor. The demon made a face and groaned at the horrible broken up place.

“This place is shit, is this is a haunted mansion?” The demon complained. It wasn’t that bad... It didn’t look that nice but it was a motel not a hotel.

“I can’t run anymore,” I told him.

“I doubt I can run out in the night with psycho like you either,” The demon said rudely. We walked in the place. My eyes looked around at the small tight room. The place looked something picked out of a horror movie. Why was this night like a horror movie? We looked around put found nobody. The front desk was some white scratched up desk.

“Um, excuse me,” Damon said charming. Then a head popped up from the front desk. We both jumped back startled and let out a big gasp.

“Holly ugly,” Damon mouth hanged open and he looked at the old disgusting old lady. I and Damon had looked at her up and down. Almost all her teeth have fallen off, and the others were black and cut in half. The hair was thin and had bald spots. I pressed my lips together feeling as if I’d throw up. The skin was so ugly pale. Her eyes were black and wide. She barely had any eyebrows. She was also short and had a weird smile on her face. Demon just sucked up air and I could see almost tears in his eyes from looking something so ugly. I wanted to laugh at the Demon.

“Yes, sunny...?” The women asked with a high pitch voice. Okay, where are the cameras...? Like seriously, I get it, we’ve been punked! I tried not to smile but every time I did I’d go back smiling. My face would go serious and then smile. The demon looked at me seeing me not to smile. He looked really freaked out.

“We, uh, I, uh,” Damon was actually stammering!

“You would like a room for one bedroom?” She asks.

“No, two,” I answered calmly trying not to look at the women but at the wall. I’m just going to pretend to be blind. Damon probably wished he was blind.

“We have no two bedrooms, take one. It wills me ten dollars,” The women couldn’t even speak proper.

“Excuse me miss, is there any hotel nearby?” Demon tried to be friendly. I think walking an hour will be fine.

“No, only this is around,” She answered “you have my word.”

“Alright, we’re going camping Lexis,” Demon announced. I looked at him. He was going to deep measures. The women face looked at Demon as if she had a demon inside of her. As much as I didn’t think sleeping outside was I’d think it might be saver. This woman could be a murder. The women looked completely loco. It made me wonder why Demon’s beach was over around here with bunch of crazy people. The women’s eyes glared at me.

“Come here young lady, I have a son that would just love to meet you,” The women said with a smile but with evil eyes. I held the scream inside of me. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I gave a nervous laugh and then pushed Demon out of the place. My body was shaking because it was cold and the women freaked me out.

We kept on walking outside and I don’t care if we have to sleep in woods or under the mud. The Demon then faced me.

“You’re scared...?” Demon asked amused.

“No fuck...!” I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not scared at all,” Demon said smartly. I gave him a ‘what are you talking about?’ stare. He was gripping onto my wrist as if it was the only thing to hold onto without falling to his doom. The guys always try to show that they’re tough.

“That lady is creepy...” I shivered.

“That lady is NUTS!” The demon complained.

“So where are we going...?” I asked him “camping.” He stares at me as if I was a pyscho. Wait, he already thinks I am one!

“Do you think I was being serious...?” He asks me pathetically. I roll my eyes. We keep walking and then he pulls out his cell-phone again. It was dark and I could hardly see. My eyes look up into the sky seeing the bright stars. Then I bump into something very hard. I took a step back and saw that he stopped walking. He could have given a warning!

“Yo Nathan, I need a ride,” Demon demanded. Wait, since when did I give him his phone back from way before!? My teeth clenched together.

“What do you mean you’re busy with Karen?” Demon said harshly “I don’t give a shit man...! I’m in shit and need of a ride.” He had a very nice way of asking for somebody to do a big favour for them. I crossed my arms and waited for him to finish. This wasn’t going so well. So I pulled out the Demon’s phone from him. The demon just gave me a pissed of look.

“Whoever you are, like the demon said, we’re in deep shit. A stupid pyscho trashed our place and could have murdered us if the psycho found us. So we need a ride or it’ll be your head,” I said sweetly. Demon gave a look and then laughed. Then the phone hanged up. I blinked in shock and I put it nicely. The demon just laughed and took his phone back.

“That was a real nice way to order someone,” Demon smiled.

“Like you did any better explaining,” I defended. Then Demon called somebody else. They agreed to give us a ride this time. Then I and Demon leaned on the tree sleepy and tired from running. It was cold and I was shivering. There were Goosebumps on my legs and arms.

“You’re cold...?” He asks me. I gave him a glare saying ‘and you care...?’ Damon rolls his eyes and then pushes me against him. His arms wrapped around from my waist and I had to admit that I was warmer. My heart was starting to rattle. Then I pulled away.

“I’m not that cold,” I said confidently.

“Seriously, be a normal girl for once,”

“Oh you mean a copy of every other girl out there, no thank you,” I snickered. We kept quiet after that. There was no way I’d let him play with me. After a long silence, Demon breaks it up.

“I’ve noticed that you’re a lot harsher and bitcher,” He insulted.

“What...? I’m not-“I started...

“-Don’t tell me you aren’t because that’s how your acting,” Damon said it dead serious. His eyes looked hard on me “I get that you don’t want to fall for me, but you can let loose and be nice at least.” He was flattering himself again. I ignored his comment. Another moment of silence came back but this time it was a longer. Then a black Mercedes stopped in front of us. The Demon went into the back seat with me. There were two people at the front. My eyes moved to the two people in the front.

“Damon, any harm done?” The man at the front asked. He was very dark skinned and he looked like somebody that could be a body guard.

“Physically no... Emotionally, very...” Damon’s eyes move toward me. I didn’t look anywhere near him. It must have been two o’clock now. We kept on driving and we ended up into a regular size house. The body guard’s wife was in the car with us. We had walked in the house. The wife smiled at me and Damon sadly.

“Is it okay if you two sleep together, we only have one other room available,” The wife told us. Well, I can’t ask more.

“That’s fine,” I smiled nicely back to her.

“Good,” She smiles friendly back. Demon’s eyes moved at me as if I was a completely different person.

When we walked up stairs there was a king sized bed. It could fit more than two people. Demon took off his shirt. I looked over at him not wanting him to be in the same bed if he was taking off his shirt. Let alone actually being in the same bed. I’ll only kick him off if he does something horrible. I lay down at the bed and closed my eyes. Demon made the bed sink in when he went on the bed.

“Why do you hate me?” Demon asked.

“Cause you’re a selfish, heartless, spoiled, conceited, jerk, you get the point,” I said quietly and tiredly. I felt his breathing on my beck. My back was facing him.

“Back up,” I ordered.

“No,” Demon stubbornly said. I was too tired to make him back off.

“I’m serious Demon, back off. I’m grumpy and tired,” I warned him.

“No,” He seriously said. Then I felt his neck rest on my shoulder I moved and then his head turned to me. His eyes were looking directly at me. My cheeks glowed red and I turned my head back away. The demon let out a cute laugh. He’s shirtless...not good...! My eyes remained awake again. Demon was laying flat on the bed looking up at the ceiling. I had one question to ask.

“What was that over there...? Why do you have a gun...?” I asked. He stood quiet for a minute.

“I told you, being rich isn’t all fun and games,” He said it simply.

“Explain...” I said as I turned around and faced him wanting my answer. He looked over at me. I made sure that we were on opposite sides. His bright blue eyes looked brightly at me. His expression didn’t look like he was joking around anymore.

“People want money... Getting me, would mean a money reward. Or killing me will also get them money from some people that hate my family. Then there’s the ones that just simply hate me,” Damon answered my question properly. I frowned at that...

“You know how to use a gun...?” I asked him.

“I’m trained physco, I already told you that,” Damon reminded and then smiled and asked “So what about your life...?” I kept my mouth locked about it. My body turned back around not facing him. Then I felt his breath on my neck again. My teeth clenched together. Then I felt lips on my neck

“Demon...” I warned. He just gives another laugh as if he was up to something very well. Then he starts kissing my neck. What the hell...? Does he have a death wish? My body turned around. He backed up and stared at me with those beautiful blue eyes. Then he touched my cheek and then pulled me in for a kiss. My heart beat was so loud that I think I could hear it. As much as I wanted to hate him, I’d still like his kisses. There was a sweet warming feeling into them. I felt his body press against mine. Then I start to wonder what am I doing? I backed up.

“Don’t,” Damon whispered and kissed me again. Then I stopped not wanting this to happen. For some reason, I felt like I could understand him more because today happened. My eyes were closed but I opened them. I started to realize something important to ruin Damon if he wanted to go with someone else. At least he wouldn’t dare to go farther than kissing.

“Stop,” I told him straight.

“Why...?” he asks looking at me eye to eye.

“Because this isn’t real,” I told him.

“It might be if you let me...” He says smiling.

“I’m gonna smack your face,”

“That’s hot,”

“What are you, drunk...?”

“Shut up Lexis,” He said and was about to kiss me again but I wasn’t going to let him. So I really did slap him hard.

“Ow...that’s the third time I got slapped by a girl,” he complained. He is just a jerk! My eyes roll but somehow he end up kissing me again. Damon...I know a secret... I wanted to sing.

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