Trying to keep the player

By Lexxiia

627K 7.5K 360

Lexis is your regular smart teen-scratch that out. Lexis is your psycho teenage girl. Psycho according to a p... More

Trying to keep the player
Ch. 2 Meeting the Demon.
Ch.4 Can't call yourself a player if you lose the girl.
Ch. 5 He's always there for me.
Ch. 6 You break me? I'll break your car.
Ch. 7 He always wins but I never lose.
Ch.8 Damon... I know a secret...!
Ch. 9 True friends... I think not.
Ch. 10 Doing it for the Money
Ch. 11 The dark side of a player
Ch. 12 Tour of the Demon's school.
Ch. 13 I'm robbing the player out of his money
ch. 14 She's going to make you look like a clown with a missing smile
Ch. 15 War has been declared
Ch.16 Love me or love me not.
Ch. 17 Just when I thought the demon was kind.
Ch. 18 I'm sorry. I want you to trust me.
Ch. 19 The demon sees threw a persons heart.
Ch. 20 The bad boy and the player. I hate them both
Ch. 21 I almost killed a player. Am I proud of it? Maybe...
Ch. 22 Player vs Six year old.
Ch. 23: Demon vs Prince charming
Ch.24. He's ken and I'm barbie.
Ch. 25 Rich wifes magazine featuring: Demon & Psycho
Ch. 26. Psycho, meet a real pyscho.
Ch. 27 The last chance.
Ch. 28. Player meet the queen of England
Ch. 29 Lost your pride, hope and rejected.
Ch. 30 Final Decision. The end.

Ch. 3 My twin best friends. The bad boy and the prep.

22.2K 299 23
By Lexxiia

Chapter 3

            The whole first period class I had fallen asleep without being noticed. I was walking like the living dead in the narrow school hallway. The wall was painted dirty beige and the ground also had beige square tiles. The lockers were bright red but all scratched up and written on from the many vandalism. I held my textbooks and books close to me, hugging it. Then I felt a small bump and I end up moving to the side and tired to keep my balance leaning on my locker. I'll be getting my paycheck this Sunday. Today was Monday morning. Then I noticed who pushed me, Seth.

   "Did a vampire appear at your house and bit you?" Seth asked looking at me but tried to keep distance because people around. I looked at Seth who was fully awake. We had our next class together.

   "I'm just very tired... could you give me a piggy back?" I asked him not carrying if anyone was watching. Damon was very tiring and he made me feel guilty when he used me to dumb those other two girls. I felt so bad for them. We had to all over the place to try to find them because one girl's cell phone wasn't on. Seth sighed and then put his arm over my shoulder helping me keep my balance. I could feel stares at the hallway but I really could care less right now. I leaned on his shoulder. I was just wearing a t-shirt and skinny jeans and nice comfortable spring boots.

  "Where did you go yesterday...? I woke up and you were gone. Sam said you went somewhere and giggled. You got me worried," He said because at times he didn't know what was on Sam's mind.

            "I tried to force myself to go home," I told him. Yesterday I slept at Demon's Castle. Not house, not mansion, castle! A DEMONS CASTLE. Don't get any wrong ideas, we were in separate rooms.

            "I see," Seth said and then the bell ring and we walked into the math classroom and we went at the middle beside each other. Seth was wearing a hoodie and a t-shirt under. He wore his jeans that had a chain hanging out with wicked shoes. His hair wasn't spiked up today, it was just normal.

            "Hi Seth," Catherine popped up and my eyes popped open too. I looked at Catherine who was talking to Seth and ignoring my existence. Her hair was died light brown with blond highlights, straightened and her eyes were blue. She was wearing another sluty dress to school that was short and showed her chest.

            "What...?" Seth looked at Catherine in a not friendly way.

            "Why didn't you come to my party yesterday...? You're sister came and we had a lot of fun," Catherine said with a sad sweet upset voice that didn't want to be disappointment. So Seth was also invited. It made me smile that he decided not to go and stick around with me.

            "No offense Catherine, but I don't like you," Seth said and then added "Personally." I fought an urge to laugh at Seth's burn. Catherine just looked upset and then at me with an angry face. Sooner or later, I'm going to be the most hated girl for girls. I already had Seth's stalkers hating on me, now adding Damon is gonna make it bad. I need body guards or a gun.

            "I won't be smiling if I were you Anthis," Catherine gave me a bitchy smile.

            "Why...? I'm enjoying this," I told her.

            "Please, you're completely pathetic. Friends with either the smartest people or the dumbest, you're lucky that someone like Seth hangs out with you!" She gave the talk and I just stared at her. No one disses my friends.

            "Go fuck yourself bitch, at least my friends are not sluts and backstabbers," I snapped and after yesterday and the day before, I had really bad temper. Seth laughed at my comment and Seth knew something important about me. If anyone knew that Daphne Anthis was my older sister... I'll feel so embarrassed and who knows what will happen. Daphne is a legend at this school, basically the queen bitch over here. If they knew, I'd get the title right away.

            "Excuse me...?" She stared at me.

            "She's right, go away," Seth smiled "You mess with Lexi, you mess with me." It's so nice to have Seth as a best friend. She just rolled her eyes but I knew she wasn't going to give up at Seth. What Katherine wants, she has to get. Then the teacher had come in and we started doing some math work and I was having trouble paying attention. The class passed and I Seth walked down the hallway and into the lunch room and sat at our regular lunch table.

            "Hi Lexi," Amber waved smiling at me as we sat across from her. She looked at Seth to say hi but she was kind of afraid. It has been awhile since I and Seth have sat near each other. I was starting to think again, who cares what everyone thinks of me and Seth staying near each other. Amber's hair was jet black with a pink streak in her hair and had mixed skin. She was wearing a bright hippy sweater.

            "Hey, is the History teacher away?" I asked her hoping because I didn't want to do the test when I didn't have time to study.

            "Yup," She answered.

            "Seth is staying with us, which are fine with you?" I asked looking at Amber and she nodded quickly. Some other of my friends came along at the table and all eyes were on me and Seth sitting beside each other. I lay my head on Seth's shoulder. Seth got into the conversations easily. Now I was just wondering where the hell was Sam!

            "You're okay with hanging out with all girls?" I asked Seth knowing he had guy friends that he might like better.

            "Girls... Well I'm not gay, so I guess its okay," He joked.

            "You're so hilarious, I thought you were really cold or something," Katie laughed out looking at Seth. I and Seth just looked at each other and smiled at each other. Usually, Seth would act like that if I wasn't around. One time I thought it was because how my life was that he wasn't going to be down around me.

            "Well I am but its hard being upset around Lexi. When she goes hyper it's hard not to laugh," He mentioned. I frowned but everyone knew that I was a bit crazy when I go hyper.

            "Ooo, Lexi," Jessica raise her eyebrows smiling at me and I just stared at her as my face flushed. No, she thought but she already knew we were best friends.

            "Jess..." I looked at her.

            "Fine, fine... but are you sure nothing is going on with you too?" Jessica asked as if she was gonna get any gossip from this. Seth just laughed at what my friends were thinking. I looked around my friends, they all thought that. It didn't feel that awkward hearing this with Seth since we've got that before.

            "Why do you say that?" I asked "nothing's going on..."

            "Well, whenever you're near each other it's like you're a young love couple," Jessica explained. I heard Amber giggle as if she agreed to Jess completely. My eyes just widened, I can't believe my friends thought that. I looked at Seth waiting for him to say something.

            "Nah, nothing is going on now," He said.

            "Now...? You mean it could?" Katie smiled nicely.

            "Ooo," Amber said as if she was happy for me.

            "You guys are crazy," I laughed out embarrassed and then blinked and then frowned. Where the hell was Sam!? Did any of my friends even notice that Sam wasn't here...!? I bit my lip in worry but Seth nudged me and I just smiled. He'd always make me truthfully smile. I don't know what I would end up like without Seth and Samantha in my life.

            "Does anyone know where Sam is?" I asked.

            "She said she had to go meet a guy behind the school," Jessica informed. Some guy...? I looked at Seth who was trying to keep his cool hearing his twin sister was out with some guy. I was just as worried as him, if it was Josh. I want to rip his face off for daring to make someone like Sam go out with him! What if Josh was like Damon...

            "I'm going to find her," I got up quickly afraid that I'll see Samantha crying after. If she does cry, I swear I'm making him go running out nude and hit him with a bat too. Then I felt a grip on my wrist and it was Seth.

            "Let her, we'll beat the guy up if he does do anything," Seth said. I sat down bust still worried about her. Though, I was more angry then worried.

            "You're gonna laugh when you hear this," Luna announced with a big grin. Everyone looked at her wondering what it could be.

            "You know Daphne, the legend in our school. I heard her younger sister spot her having it with a guy. So her sister yelled at them and beat the guy in till he got out of the house. Though, he got outside naked and he gave some rude comment and she start chasing him with a bat!" Luna laughed out and then my other friends laughed along with her hearing the news. I flushed down into the rectangle lunch room table with a scared face. None of them saw me did they? Seth looked at me not a bit surprised I'd do something crazy like that.

            "Wow..." I said trying to pretend that I didn't know.

            "I don't blame the girl..." Jessica said "I'd do the same." Good to know that Jessica is just as crazy as me. I bit my lip and Seth then start laughing hearing what I did and that none of my friends know that, that girl is sitting right here.

            "That's weird, you're not laughing Lexi," Luna said looking at me strangely.

            "Trust me, she's laughing her head off inside," Seth said.

            "Yea," I said laughing out normally and I was a good liar. There was no way they'll figure out about Daphne being my sister. Then we all found Sam walking into the lunchroom. My eyes looked at Sam who was laughing and right beside Josh. My anger flared inside me looking at Josh with my best friend. I need to give him a warning talk. If he so much hurt her or changed her into something she's not, he's getting a beat down from Seth and I. Seth was really built up and had his fights before. Sam then told something to Josh and he gave a nod and Sam came toward us. Before she came though-

            "What happened to her...?" Luna said with a calm confused voice. I looked at Sam, dressing into a pink designer shirt with, white jean kind of ripped shorts and same pink flats. The shirt was kind of see threw and very light. Seth looked at his sister in complete shock. Jessica was less shocked then us but still shocked.

            "Hey guys," Sam said a bit more preppy. Did I leave for a year for her to change this much!? The whole group just looked at her shock.

            "Okay, what's the joke?" Sam asked staring at us.

            "You," Luna said looking at Sam.

            "Yea, whatever," Sam said very perky. I just stared at Sam just disgusted. I was her best friend, child hood friend, sister; I've got to give her a wakeup call. It's what best friends slash sisters do.

            "Sam I-"I started.

            "I'm going to go hang out with Josh and his friends. I'll talk to you guys later," She said quickly and with a different kind of voice. Did she just cut me off and not even asked her friends about if we were fine with that. I mean, sure that we should let her but it's like as if she couldn't care less about us. Seth had got up and caught his sister's wrist and hard...

            "No you're not," Seth said straight up ordering. You go tell her Seth because I'm kind of afraid to tell Sam right now.

            "What...?" Sam asked "Why...? It's just for a day."

            "You look like Catherine puked on you," Seth said it straight.

            "Excuse me...? Just because you're a minute older doesn't give you the right to decide what I'm going to do Seth. I'm going to hang with you tomorrow because I probably won't be able to stand Josh's friends anyway," Sam said but did she just say probably!? I looked at her, still shocked.

            "Sam you should-"I started.

            "I'm leaving for today bye," She interrupted. Bitch much...? All my friends just stared at Sam walking away in complete shock. Josh is getting it, he's definitely getting it!

            "He's fucking dead," I said right away. Seth just looked at his sister still in shock and didn't say a word. Though, I could tell he was being serious that he was planning to do something. My friends had stayed in silence.

            "Did you just see that...? She's more of a bitch then Catherine! I thought that was impossible!" Luna yelled out.

            "She's not a bitch," I defended Sam "It's Josh's fault she's like this and he's gonna get his ass kicked by a girl with being videotaped."

            "It's like a second Daphne," Katie mentioned. I would know my sister and she's a lot worse. I can't imagine a second Daphne. I felt the urge to run at Sam and drag her back and lock her in a cage. After all, I was crazy enough to do it. Lunch finished and I went into my next class that had Sam in it. I got right away talking to her.

            "What the hell was that about? I'm sorry but I have to say it. Why were you interrupting me and ignoring me Sam? That was really rude! You were acting like Daphne," I said disgusted looking at her. She looked at me and then laughed smiling at me. I blinked and just stared at her, why was she laughing?

            "You actually think I act like that?" She asked me smiling "Come on be serious. There's no way and hell I actually act like that. I was dared to do it." I looked at her with wide eyes. So she was just acting...?

            "You scared the shit out of me! You got Seth ready to murder Josh!" I told her and she smiled.

            "I'm going to tell him it was an act, you tell everyone else. Though I felt insulted what Luna was saying," She scrunched up her nose. So it was the same Sam that I always know.

            "So you didn't like hanging out with Catherine and her groupies?" I asked.

            "No... It isn't the same. Tell me what happened with you,"

            "Well, the guy's name is Damon; he's really hot but a big player. Though, you can't tell anyone Sam, about that I'm being paid, if you do then I will get fired from the money thing and that's the only thing that's making me do it."

            "Understood, so cool...! Hot guy, tell me more!" She smiled.

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