Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to...

By StarCrossed81

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Things had changed drastically since Wayne showed up at my door.. It has been six months since Fallon and I... More

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving Tunechi
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

chapter 19

1.4K 35 4
By StarCrossed81

Friday came and went in the blink of an eye. Both Fallon and I cried when Reginae left. The house seemed so quiet without her cheerful chatter. Things with Ryan hadn't gotten any better, he had been beyond pissed about the custody agreement. I refused to argue with him and told him to either sign it or get a lawyer. Tilson had advised me that from his talks with Ryan he was almost positive he was just blowing hot air. Sure enough it only took a week for Ryan to give in and sign the papers, his only stipulation was he wanted Fallon for the rest of the summer. I hesitantly agreed. The papers classified summer as June, July, and August, so that means he would get Fallon for the remainder of the month.

I was sad as I packed Fallon's bag, but also happy Wayne would be home soon. His interview with BET was scheduled for Sunday, so I prepared myself to talk to Ryan when we met at the airport in Dallas. The plane ride there seemed to take forever, Fallon talked nonstop about anything and everything that came to her mind. It was amazing that she had yet to slip and tell Ryan about the baby. As we landed Ryan was waiting for us at the gate. Wayne didn't like idea of me meeting Ryan alone but had finally gave in after I told him I had been dealing with him forever without him. Fallon ran to Ryan and jumped in his arms as soon as she saw him. I rolled my eyes as I followed them to the baggage claim. "So when is your flight out?" I shrugged looking Ryan up and down. "In about two hours." Ryan grabbed Fallon's bad. "You wanna grab a bite to eat with us here." I frowned knowing Ryan was up to something. "Yeah, I actually need to talk to you." Ryan gave me a look and I felt a knot form in my stomach.

We picked a little burger restaurant that had seating. As we sat down I felt awkward having Ryan across from me. Fallon sat in a booster seat beside him. "So what do you want to talk to me about?"I had just taken a bite of my burger so I held a finger up letting him know it would be a minute. "Well I just wanted you to hear this from me..." Ryan cut in. "What Wayne done drop your ass?" Fallon cut her eyes at Ryan looking confused. "No, Ryan look, Wayne and I are engaged. I gasped as Ryan reached across the table and jerked my left hand pulling it to him. Out of nowhere I heard a voice say "let her go now." Ryan dropped my hand like it had caught fire, I turned around and saw Rasheed, one of Wayne's bodyguards. "What the hell, Wayne had you follow me?" Rasheed looked at me. "I'll be in the corner if you need me." I closed my eyes, damn it Wayne. I opened my eyes looking at Ryan and could tell he was beyond furious. "Look Ryan I didn't know." Ryan laughed. "Oh its all good, your boy was afraid I'd fuck up his bitches pretty little face." Fallon was wide eyed. "Ryan please don't talk like that in front of her." Ryan threw his hands up. "Well congrats, I guess, I never saw you as a gold digging whore but go head." I sighed "Ryan enough OK, would you rather me tell you or to find out on TV or some shit?" Ryan smirked. "Baby I couldn't care more about you." I let out a deep breath. "Good then you wont have shit to say when I tell you I'm pregnant." Ryan clapped his hands. "Maci you fucking idiot, that's why he proposed huh?" I shrugged. "I don't know Ryan but what does it matter?" Ryan shook his head. "He will leave you, at least now you've made sure you'll be taken care of." I stood up leaning over the table to kiss Fallon bye. "Mommy loves you baby girl, call me every night OK." Fallon nodded her head and I turned around as I felt tears start to fall.

Rasheed walked behind me and I stopped letting him catch up. "Why?" Rasheed shook his head. "Maci don't be mad at Weezy for trying to protect you. He told me about this guy putting his hands on you once before, he is just looking out for you." I sighed, "shouldn't you be looking out for him while he is on tour." Rasheed shook his head. "He has other guards, I look after whatever he needs watched and right now that just happens to be you and that baby." I touched my stomach and nodded OK as I started walking back toward my terminal. I had promised Wayne Id call when I left Ryan but I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to him, I was kinda mad he had me followed. In a way I felt protected but I hated that he had kept it from me.

Wayne ended up calling me, as the phone rang I shot Rasheed an ugly look. I knew he had already reported back to Wayne everything that had happened. "You OK?" I sighed. "Yes and you already know that don't you, you ass. I said I would be fine, but did you listen to me, no." Wayne let out a deep breath. "Then why did Rasheed have to step in Maci?" I rolled my eyes, "he overreacted. Ryan grabbed my hand to see if I had a ring and if we were really engaged." Wayne sighed. "He has no fucking reason to touch you Maci." I let out a breath "Ok, whatever." Wayne gave a little laugh. "Well how did he take it." I smirked, "well I'm a gold digging whore who has made sure you will support me for life, and the only reason you proposed in the first place is because you knocked me up." Wayne was silent a good minute. "I swear to God Maci, I want to put my hands on him just one good time..." I cut in "baby he is so not worth it, forget him. My doctor appointment has been changed so it looks like you will be home for this one." Wayne got quiet to quiet. "What Wayne?" He sighed. "Don't trip out, but they have extended the tour another week, I wont be home  till  after the 26th. When is your appointment?" I frowned. "The 23rd, but its all good, didn't expect you to make it at first anyways." Wayne let out a breath, "Maci you know I love you." shook my head "Yeah I love you too, but I got to go bye."

I don't even know why I was so mad, I just hated the fact that this schedule could change at the drop of a hat. I was so ready to go home. That night I called Adrianna and she informed me that she would be down on the 19th. I was overly happy that she would be done soon. I missed her and hated that we lived so far away now. We talked about Wayne's interview on BET and about how he was going to announce that we were engaged. She asked if he was going to say anything about the baby and I told her I had no clue but I doubted it. We had been keeping it pretty low key. We agreed to talk after it was over. I was nervous about it too even though I would be watching from home, the simple fact that he would announce our engagement publicly meant he wasn't just playing games he was in this for real.

I woke up the next morning feeling horrible. I knew I was probably just hungry so I headed downstairs and made an omelet and some coffee. After I ate I headed right back upstairs and back in the bed watching movies on the LMN channel. I usually hated lifetime movies, but today they seemed to all be good or either I was just bored. I took the longest shower of my life taking the extra time to blow dry and straighten my hair perfectly like I was going out. My lunch consisted of a grilled cheese sandwich and some chips. Wayne's interview was live at 6 so I set my reminder to switch to BET. I was half asleep when my TV changed channels and I instantly got nervous. My hands were sweating and I got up and paced around the room. The moment they introduced Wayne I sat at the end of my bed hugging my pillow. Why the hell was I so nervous Wayne was on stage grinning and laughing like a freaking idiot. OK so he always laughs like that but still. Bow Wow and Wayne sat down on the couch and I had to grin, thank God Wayne was dressed decent. I worry about him sometimes, dressing all crazy and shit. Bow Wow sat back, "So how's the tour going." Wayne laughed, "Man its all good, you know different city every night, just grateful to be out their with my fans." Bow Wow shook his head. "So news is you've extended your tour another week" Wayne nodded, "Yeah all of the shows we have booked have been sold out, and we decided to hit a couple of different locals that we would have missed by ending early." Bow Wow laughed. "Gotta keep the fans happy." Wayne sat back "Hell yeah man, gotta stay 100 with my fans." Bow Wow cleared his throat. "So lets get a little personal if you don't mind." Wayne laughed shaking his head. "A couple moths ago you had a pretty bad seizure that landed you in the hospital, you doing ok now." Wayne sat up. "Yeah man, I've always had seizures, just the public usually don't hear bout them. That time I had a couple of seizures back to back making it worse, but I'm all good." Bow Wow nodded his head. "I know your fans are glad to hear that, now how about the rumor that was going around about you and your girlfriend breaking up, you're back together now right." Wayne grinned. "Yeah man, you know how it is, I pissed her off and she up and left on me, but we are back together now stronger than ever." I was grinning and crying at the same time. I freaking loved that boy. Bow Wow grinned. "I know its hard having your relationship in the spot light but you have always kept your relationships low key." Wayne nodded. "Yeah man, I'm big on keeping my personal life personal. Maci isn't used to all the media and cameras in her face and I try to shield her and her daughter from it as much as possible. I do have some interesting news for you though." Bow Wow gave Wayne a look grinning. "We are about to have some breaking lil Wayne news." Wayne laughed. "Well I don't know about breaking news, but Maci and I are engaged now." Bow wow leaned forward giving Wayne doubt. "Alright man, congrats, any date on a wedding." Wayne shook his head. "Some time next year, we haven't really talked about dates." Bow Wow nodded. "So of course I have to ask cause I thought you were going to break some different news, do you plan on having anymore kids." Wayne laughed his crazy ass laugh. "Man if they come they come, I wouldn't' complain." Bow Wow laughed. "Again man congratulations on the engagement, I know some girls are at home crying now." Wayne laughed. "I doubt that." I grinned as Bow Wow introduced a song Wayne and Nicki had done together that had made it into the top 10 videos.

Adrianna called immediately as the video started playing. "Well now the world knows." I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, I about died laughing when they asked if he had plans on anymore kids." Adrianna busted out laughing. "Now that would have been some breaking news. Was he sucking up or what we are back together stronger than ever." I laughed at Adrianna mimicking Wayne's voice. "Leave my baby alone, hell." Adrianna sighed. "OK OK, I'll leave him alone, but still it was sweet. That's a big deal you know." I shook my head. "I know, I'm surprised he isn't into putting his business out there." Adrianna laughed. "Well he has won some gold stars with me." I rolled my eyes. "You are so stupid, gold stars, what the hell." Adrianna sighed and I already knew she was rolling her eyes at me. " Shut up Mrs. Carter, that boy freaking loves you. You should be jumping up and down right now." I laughed and looked down as my phone beeped. "Hey let me call you back its Reginae." I clicked over. "Hey." Reginae was laughing. "OMG you had dad on TV all lovey dovey and shit." I laughed at her. "He wasn't all lovey dovey what show did you watch." Reginae busted out laughing. "Maci, please what did he say yeah were back together stronger than ever." I had to laugh at her. "Stop hating on your dad." Reginae let out a breath. "OK, OK, I had to call you and get that off my chest, now let me call dad and give him a hard time." I laughed as we hung up. That girl is crazy.

Wayne called a little later and I answered the phone, "So did Reginae give you a hard time." Wayne laughed. "Hell yeah, telling me I'm being lovey dovey and shit, I told her to go on somewhere with that shit." I smiled, "I thought it was quite funny when they asked if you planned on anymore kids." Wayne gave a little laugh. "Yeah now they going to be looking for you to pop, you ain't started showing yet since I been gone have you?" I shrugged. "A little, but you can't tell unless I don't have clothes on." Wayne laughed. "Well that's something I cant wait to see." I rolled my eyes. "Well your the one who wanted to extend your tour, your just going to have to wait." Wayne sighed. "I can fly home right quick, you know hit it and run." I busted out laughing. "I wish you would, do you know who your talking to." Wayne chuckled. "Your just no fun anymore." I rolled my eyes. "Keep on talking shit and you will come home and be on restriction and sleeping on the couch." Wayne laughed. "You know if you banned me to the couch your ass would be right there with me." I laughed. "I know shut up." We said our goodbyes and I laid down. I went to sleep with the biggest smile on my face.

The next two weeks seemed to drag by. Bored didn't even begin to describe my mood. I tried to keep myself as busy as possible making hair appointments, sleeping in, and shopping. I had about given up on shopping for the baby furniture until we found out what we were having. Shopping for maternity clothes sucked. I had decided it was time when I could barley button my jeans anymore. Brooklynne had went with me insisting I was "adorable" pregnant. Yeah whatever. Knowing Wayne should already have been home if he wouldn't have extended his tour sucked. I was so ready to see him. I had visions of running and jumping up in his arms when he arrived home.

I grinned the entire way to the airport like a fool when I went to pick up Adrianna. I was so impatient waiting on her I was about jumping up and down, the minute I saw her I ran up to her. "Look at ya!" I hugged her rolling my eyes. "What ever you can't even tell." Adrianna laughed. "Boo, I'm your best friend. I can tell, hell i see that belly." I subconsciously pulled my shirt down causing Adrianna to bust out laughing. "Stop you should wear that belly proudly." I rolled my eyes at her again. "Shut up Adrianna before I send your ass back to Texas" She gasped and we both busted out laughing as we went to get her bags.

"Damn how may bags you bring?" Adrianna pulled bag after bag off the luggage belt, she looked down, "this is it." I quickly counted six bags. We walked to the car in silence. It wasn't until we were safely back on the freeway that Adrianna started talking again. "OK so, I want to be down here when the baby is born." I looked over at her nodding, "yeah." Adrianna sighed. "I kinda accepted a job here in Miami..." I cut her of screaming at the top of my lungs. "OMG really, don't play games with me." Adrianna rolled her eyes at me. "Maci my God chill the fuck out, you been around Wayne too long, hell your already a damn drama queen." I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, do you think I could stay with you and Wayne till I found a place of my own?" I shot her a look. "Hell yeah, you are my bff, you will always have a roof over your head." Adrianna frowned, "what about Wayne." I shot her a look like she had lost her mind, "girl I run Wayne what you talking about." We both died laughing. "Girl please I'm pretty sure Wayne runs your ass." I rolled my eyes. "He fucking wishes."

The entire first week Adrianna was down we apartment searched for her. Her new job started in September and she wouldn't have time to search then. It felt like she had dragged me to every possible rental and apartment before she found a place she fell in love with. She found a one bedroom duplex that wasn't too far away from me and Wayne that she decided was perfect for her. She ended up putting her deposit down and would move in on the first. I cried like she was my child planning on moving away. Hormones were kicking my ass.

Friday after Adrianna officially signed her lease we went to my doctors appointment. We were approaching the elevator when I heard someone yell out my name. I turned slightly surprised at the camera flashing. "Fucking paparazzi, Adrianna mumbled. We hurried to the elevator and I hit the button leaning back. "What the hell, why in the world would they want to follow me around." Adrianna sighed. "After Wayne announced your engagement I bet your on the baby bump watch list." I rolled my eyes. "Awesome." After I signed in I sent Wayne a text telling him about what had happened. After making sure one I was OK and two they didn't put a hand on me Wayne told me it was OK and not to worry about it. I had a feeling me and Rasheed would become real good friends. Stupid Paparazzi and their nosey asses. I glance over at Adrianna who was reading a Star magazine. I elbowed her, "put that shit down." Adrianna rolled her eyes at me. "Gah, I'm just checking making sure your not in this one." I gave her a go to hell look and she started laughing at me.

"Maci Chambers." I looked up and saw Dr. Chan smiling at me. Adrianna followed behind me as I was lead to the scales to weigh in. After peeing in the stupid little cup I went in the back for my exam. "How are you today Maci, any problems?" I shook my head no. "Just sleepy all the time, my morning sickness has gotten so much better." Dr Chan nodded her head. "That's great, unfortunately their is nothing we can do about you being sleepy just keep taking those prenatal vitamins. Lets lay back and measure then we will listen to the heart beat" I leaned back as Dr Chan measured my stomach. "Perfect measuring 16 weeks, lets find that baby." She squirted some warm jelly on my stomach and started searching for the baby. "There it is." Adrianna gasped as she heard the baby's heartbeat fill the room. Dr Chan handed me a rag. "Healthy heartbeat, 140-150." I nodded sitting up. "I do have some questions for you before we go to the sonogram room." I nodded as Dr Chan walked behind her computer. "OK so next appointment we can find out the baby's sex if it cooperates, do you and Mr Carter want to know?" I gave her a look "Yes most defiantly." She laughed. "OK do you want the triple screen we talked about last time." I shook my head no. "OK" she nodded, "Lets go see that baby." As before Dr Chan measured the baby and printed out pictures with Adrianna recording the whole thing. As we left Adrianna sent Wayne, Reginae, and myself the video.

I woke up Monday morning like a kid on Christmas morning, Wayne would be home sometime today. I jumped up taking a shower changing into some maternity blue jean shorts and a white cotton eye-lit lace top. After applying my makeup and fixing my hair I looked in the mirror. Wayne had only been gone a month and a half and I had most certainly started showing. I wasn't huge but I had grown a belly. Walking downstairs I put on some coffee and started making breakfast burritos. I had just sat down at the bar when Adrianna drug herself downstairs . I had to laugh at her, she had on a shirt with some plaid boxers and her hair was sticking straight up. "Please tame that shit.' Adrianna flipped me off as she poured her cup of coffee. "Shut it up, I'll be decent by the time Wayne makes it home." I laughed at her. "OK if you say so." We ate and talked about what all she still needed for her apartment. After breakfast she went up stairs to shower and change. I flipped on the TV seeing it was on BET. I started reading the script that runs underneath the shows with the breaking news and gasped. It read. Lil Wayne's fiance Maci Chambers was spotted at St Francis Medical Plaza in Miami with what appears to be a baby bump, no word yet from Lil Wayne's publicist. "Fucking awesome." I said to no one in particular.

Adrianna and I was downstairs both playing on our computers when I heard the garage door open. I practically threw my computer on the coffee table running to the kitchen. "Maci calm you tits hell!" I turned around. "Why you so obsessed with my tits?"She flipped me off as I opened the door. Wayne had just stepped out of his car grinning as soon as he saw me. "Come here momma." I ran up to him throwing my arms around him. He leaned in kissing me slightly lifting me off the ground. "Ya'll two need to get a fucking room hell." Wayne flipped her off behind my back. "Don't hate." She grinned "no hatting over here." Wayne softly sat me back down and put his hands on my belly. "You've really grown momma." I sighed. "I guess." Wayne laughed. "I'm not saying your huge, you just didn't have a belly at all when i left, I can tell your pregnant now." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah you and the whole world." Wayne laughed leaning down to kiss me. "You'll be just fine." Adrianna gave Wayne a hug. "You going to shut the garage door or not." Wayne glanced at me and looked guilty. "Well actually Chris is behind me." I gasped looking at Adrianna. She met my gaze and I swear I could see the color fade from her face as we looked up and saw Chris turning into the driveway.

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