My life as a Bolton Boy

By WildImagination22

220K 6.7K 385


An update
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 19

7.1K 253 11
By WildImagination22

Chapter 19

We pulled up at the party about an hour later. All of the ride we sang to the radio, of key and out of tune – of course. Aubrey drove the car. She looks really nice in her dress, a simple pink, one shouldered dress that fits her like a glove. I could see Ralf looking at her through the rear view mirror, which made me chuckle. But it was Eden that caught my eye. Her dress was a cream lace dress the fit her chest and the flowed out at her hips. She looks beautiful, radiant... there aren't any words that can describe how beautiful she looks.

Her eyes sparkled and gleamed. She had long lashed, fake and mascara but they just made her eyes look... again I'm lost for words. But my eyes are attracted to hers. Her make-up just makes you want to look at her. Not because she looks orange or because her eye-liner is all over the place. It makes her look like a model, she looks likes beautiful. I can't emphasise how beautiful she looks.

I really didn't want to come tonight but I made an effort and put a nice shirt and jeans. I put on a waistcoat and a black cardigan. I took a long shower and washed and styled my hair. Ralf and I were forced to sit in the back while Eden and Aubrey sat in the front.

When we arrived at the party, it almost felt like I was back in America. On February 1st last year. The evening of the first of February we went to a party, Eden looked beautiful. I can't remember what she wore but I know she looked beautiful. She always does. She could where a bin bag and still look amazing. I thought the party would be a good idea. But turns out it wasn't the best idea. I'm sure you remember what happened that night. It haunts me in dream like forms. There's been many nights I woken up from that dream.

As we pulled up at the house I could already see the sea of red plastic cups. The music was loud and it made the walls vibrate. The house was packed, people everywhere. There where a few people outside in the front garden. They where either throwing up or stumbling out. I don't know any one here, apart from the three people here. I really hope Harriet and Margaret aren't here. That would be disasterous. I coud hear the music from here. Shine bright like a diamond was playing.

When we managed to squeeze inside the house, if was full of people drinking and dancing to the music. I walked to the livingroom and took a – very squished – seat in between two people. One of the was passed out adn snoring, whilst the other, a young girl with beautiful large eyes, checked me out. Yes, not the most comfortable position to be in.

From where I was sat I could see Aubrey dancing with Eden and Ralf. They danced in a little circle and resembled children playing ring-a-ring-a-roses. I stood up and walked over to them. They broke their circle and let me join in. We danced in a circle, being children.

I remember being little playing games like this with my brother. Because of the age differneces it was always me, Aaron, Kade and Christians. Guy was a little older and had other friends. I wanted to be little again. Playing ring-a-ring-a-rose. Playing football, even though we sucked at it. Even Kade. We used to love playing hide and seek in such a big house. We had all he toys we wanted but we still loved playing with our imagination.

'I need a drink! I'm dying of thirst.' Eden called over the music. She left the cicrle and walked off. I kept dancing like a little children again. We danced for so long we never realised Eden never returned. It was Ralf who noticed first. I felt guilty for not noticing but when we did we went to look for her.

'I'll look in the kitchen. Aubrey you go upstairs and check, you don't mind walking in and... yeah. Jesse you look around the bottom floor.' Ralf instructed us and we began looking for Eden. I searched around the area.

She wasn't on the dance floor. She wasn't in the garden. She wasn't in the dinning room or livingroom. Basement or the bathroom – I stood ouside, I didn't just walk in. No matter where I looked, I just couldn't find her.

After twenty, twenty-five minutes I gave up. I found Ralf and Aubrey, they couldn't find her either, and they went to the back garden to talk to friends. I, on the other hand, got a drink and threw it down my neck. I'm really worried about her, how ca she not be here? I looked around, turning in circle to find the beautiful brunett. I really didn't think I'd find her.

I sat back down on the couch, where I was earlier – between the passed outdrunk and the girl that was checking me out. Only this time the girl is playing tongue tonsils with another girl. It doesn't bother me thats shes gay. I fully support gay pride.

I felt my phone buzz, so I quickly stood up and squeezed between people and rushed outside.

'Hello?' I asked, not bothering to check the caller ID.

'Jesse Oliver Bolton. Where are you? Why can't Eden find you?' Beth yelled. I can imagine her yelling at me. A very pregnant woman, sat on the couch eating strawberrys and cream – her craving that she's been having – watching heartland. An amazing programm about a small town in America and all the drama. I've spent many hours, skipping after school lesson, watching them with Beth. Lucky bitch left school two months ago to make sure she didn't go into labour during school. But she has work sent home for her. So, I guess, not so lucky.

'I've been looking for her! She's no where!' I argued back. Bad move.

'Jesse Oliver Bolton, why are you yelling at me? Stop using that tone with me.' She barked down the phone. Like a shark hunting in a coral reef full of little fish. I'm her target. Again, I felt like a young child being yelled at by a teaher or a parent.

'Sorry, ma'am.' I appoloised to her, feeling silly and embarassing. I let out a long sigh then began speaking. 'Do you know where she is?' I asked, fustrated that someone in America could find her but I couldn't. Silence filled the line, and for a moment I thought she'd hung up on me.

'She's in the livingroom, with a kid passed out on her shoulder. Apparetntly she's drooling!' Beth let out a howl of laughter. Snorts and all. It was so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear. The peirceing shreik hurt my ears so much and caused a ringing noise in my ears. I hung up and started walking -more like sprinting – to the house. I could feel my phone ringing but I ignored it. I don't want to listen to Beth anymore. Sorry Beth.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Eden. I let out a sigh of relief, but I didn't like what I saw. Jake was stood with her, his arms around her shoulder and pulling her closer. I couldn't hear what they where saying but I could see what was happening.

Eden pulled herself away from him and began talking. Her eyebrows knitting together, I didn't need to know what she was saying to know she was spitting the words out of her mouth. He leaned closer to kiss her, her hand flew up to hit him. But he caught her wrist and his other arm slithered around her waist like a tentical holding her in place. A prisioner. She looked terrified at what he was saying. What terrifyied me was that know one was helping her. There where easily twenty people around her and no of them helped her. They began moving, well, Eden was being dragged. Fear all over her face, she seemed to be trembling. They walked closer and closer to the stairs. Was he? He wouldn't? Would he?

I ran towards them, pushing people as I did, but I didn't care. I had to get to her. I saw them disappear up the stairs. When I got to the top of the stairs I could hear Eden. Her stern words.

'Get off me. Jake! Get off me!' I could see her, and she could see me. Or eyes connected and I made a gesture for her to stay silent. It was like being in a spy movie, defeating the bad guy and saving the girl.

'Come on baby, I know you want to.' He slurred.

'She said get off.' I hissed at him. Jake turned around and gave me a puzzled look. A evil, toothy grin appeared and a blank look from his eyes. I could feel my blood boilin and my clenching at my side, I was clenching so hard my knuckles where white anc cutting off blood circulation. I looked at Eden, who look terrified.

'What you going to do about it America? We're fine here.' He growled, he still had hold of her wrist.

'I said. Let. Go.' A spat my words through clenched teeth. I wanted to punch him, I wanted him to let go of my girl and stop acting like a prick. He pulled Eden's wrist and pulled him into her. His arm snaked its way around her waist. She looked uneasy, she had a paniced look on her face. She held her breath, I could see her stomach stop rising and falling. Jake smiled at me before locking lips with her.

That was it. I swung my fist and it fit Jake under the eyes, leaving a red mark. He turned around and swung at me, but I was one step ahead and threw another, whish sent him flying. He stumbled back and hit his head on the wall, before slumping to the floor. 'I told you to get off my girl.' I hissed. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we walked downstairs.

When we reached the bottom she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards a closet where the coats where being hung up. I fallowed obediantly. When she opened the door it revealed two people in the middle of a heated make-out session.

'Out.' Eden ordered and, suprisingly the two of the left in a hurry. She pulled me in adn didn't say a word. She just crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me. Which left me standing there confused. What had I done wrong? Ok, maybe I shouldn't have punched him, but, other than that whatt had I done wrong? 'Don't give me that look.' She comanded. Since when has she been this scary.

'What?' I threw my hands in the air in defence. I honestly had no idea why she would be that mad at me.

'I told you to get off my girl. Please, explain when I became your girl? Last time I heard, we'd broken up.' She scrutenized. Oh. Maybe I had made a mistake. It was an honest mistake. A slip of the tongue. She woudn't buy it. I guess its time to come clean.

'I could come up with a million different excuses. But you'd never buy it. So here it is. I love you, I still love you. I never stopped. Every time I look at you I feel my heart beat increase and my head becomes fuzzy when you smile. Being away from you for six months killed me. Ask Beth, I was a mess. I want you back.' I blurted out. Everything I said was true. She gave me a look that I've never seen.

She took a nervous step closer to me and put her hand on my cheek. Here eyes fixed with mine. Her head came closer and my eyes closed. I could feel her breath on my face. We're going to kiss! I've been waiting for this for months. The feel of her lips on mine.

'WHAT THE HELL!?' A voice yelled. Aubrey. Eden pulled away but I stayed where I was. I opened my eyes and look at her. Eden shyed away but let her friend through. She didn't leave the room though. 'That,' she pointed to Eden. 'Wasn't the plan. And you know it. Why are so stupid, you ruin everything!' She yelled.

'I ruin everything? Every time I get a moment with her you jump in and ruin it!' I yelled back. I heard the closet door slam. Eden had gone, left. I started walking towards the door when Aubrey grabbed my arms. She pulled me into her, her chest against my arm.

'Come on, we don't need her. I know you like me. Why do you think I signed up for this? For Eden to get the hot guy. No I did it so I'd get the guy. I really like you, and I know you like me.' She pleaded. I shook her off my arm and started playing tag with Eden.

I know its mean and insensative to Aubrey, but I don't feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for Ralf. I ran outside after Eden. The rain was terrenchal, a sudden change in the wheater. I grabbed Eden by the wrist. We seem to do that a lot. And spun her around, so she was in my chest and couldn't escape. I made sure we weren't near a road to niether of us could be hit.

Don't want another week in the hospital.

'You Jerk. You conseted, spiteful arse. Just... URG!' She yelled. 'How could you do that to me?' She began hitting my chest with her little fists.

'Do what pretend to have a girlfriend? I'm not the only one who played that game am I?' I argued back. She looked up at me in amazment 'You and Ralf. Yes I know. Ralf told from day one.' I yelled. Matching her vemoms tone.

Without thinking I crashed my lips into hers and then pulled away.

'Go home. Now! Why do you always ruin things. Go home, book your plane home. I want you gone by the time I wake up in the morning!' She yelled.

And thats what I did. I went home, packed a my things. I book a ticket, using the ticket Austin gave me, and booked a taxi. And I left. I got on the first plane to Florida.

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