Artemis and Apollo: Twins for...

By Kaileywithaq

5K 177 38

I don't have a summary quite yet because I haven't written enough to give you one but I can tell you that it'... More

The Note That Changed My Life
We Need To Talk
Texting Sun Boy
Nervous, Scared, and Driving
Nerves, Hospitals, and Fancy Used Cars
Time To Step Up
Alicia Jones: Social Worker Extrodinare
Sun Boy Explodes
Realizations, Broken Hearts, and Foster Homes
Talking in Your Sleep
Long Days And Love
Drunk Prophecys
Meeting the Family
Clueless Brother, Clueless Friend
Love Love Love and Some Not So Love
Secrets and Family

Too Many Crappy Days Makes For a Crappy Life

226 12 7
By Kaileywithaq

Artemis' Point of View

I'm such an idiot. I made the worst day of my life even crappier. I had a choice. I could've held onto that secret so damn hard that it hurt, but no, I had to tell her. I had done so good. I had kept it quiet for years. This sucks.

I look up at Zoe who seems to be watching me. She looks confused, as if she's wondering what's going through my head. She makes eye contact with me and I see something flash in her eyes that I hadn't ever seen before. I didn't have time to put my finger on it before she spoke, "So, I don't mean to like be rude or disrespectful or anything, but I want to understand what you're going through so can you explain to me how you realized all of this?"

"Umm... What?" I asked, not entirely sure what she was asking.

"Tell me how you figured out that you liked me and stuff. Like I know you said you weren't sure what you liked but could you tell me how you got here?" She questioned.

I nodded and thought for a second.

"My dad used to tell me that when you look at someone and think beautiful instead of hot, that's when you know you're in love. What he meant was when you look at someone and don't see them for their sex appeal but more for their beautiful personality, that's when you know that you're in love." I began.

"That makes sense." Zoe said, thinking aloud.

"Well for me, I saw your personality first. I fell in love with who you are before your body developed. I thought you were beautiful before I thought you were hot. Which is what always confused me about what my dad would say. What I didn't know is that he had a second part of that saying. 'When you look at someone and think beautiful instead of hot, that's when you know you're in love. But some people start off beautiful, when those people become hot, then you're most definitely in love.'" I explained.

Zoe nodded hesitantly, "That makes sense too."

"I didn't realize that I thought of you as more than a friend until 7th grade. I thought that we were just really close friends, and then I realized I was attracted to you. And at first it scared me but then I realized that it made a lot of sense, and it was better than my previous fear of not being able to love. Anyways, once I accepted that I liked you, I had to figure out if it was girls in general or just you. After like a week of thinking on that, I realized it was girls in general, but I still don't know if I like guys or not." I continued.

"Well maybe we should find you a guy and see if you're attracted to him at all, and if not then I guess we have an answer." She concluded.

"Yeah, I guess. Not right now though, I think I need a break from the beating my heart has taken lately." I said slowly.

"Yeah, I get that. Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower, why don't you go talk to your brother about why he's here." She suggested. I nodded before leaving the room.

This was going to be a struggle. How am I supposed to tell Apollo about all of this? Was he accepting of people like me? Would he hate me? I guess I'll just leave it for now.  

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