You're My Injustice

By RileyMizfit

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Kayla Marie Montgomery is one of the biggest face Divas of the WWE. Despite all the chaos that's been going o... More

Raw After WrestleMania
Main Event, SMS & SmackDown Tapings
Girls Day
Injustice Solved
Tapings Before Tour
Glasgow, Scotland
Double Shows
SmackDown Taping in London
Raw: April 29, 2013
SmackDown Taping for May 3, 2013
Raw: May 6, 2013
SmackDown Taping For May 10, 2013
Raw: May 13, 2013
Main Event, SmackDown Taping for May 17, 2013
Raw: May 20, 2013
SmackDown Taping for May 24, 2013

Extreme Rules 2013

47 2 0
By RileyMizfit

It's finally Sunday, the day of Extreme Rules. It was gonna be a long day of preparing and such for it, so per usual, there was a trip to the gym to prep for all of our matches tonight. Kaitlyn and I were doing a workout routine together, since she and I were carpooling this time. Dean, Seth and Roman were off somewhere else of course.

"So, excited for tonight?"

"Of course I am. Our match is going to be one of the best ones on the card."

"That's for sure."

"I can't tell you how much I'm glad that my first title match is against you."

"Awww, thanks. I feel the same way, of course not with the first title match and all. But I'm glad you're the one I'm defending against. Although, if it were AJ, which a lot of people thought it would be, that would be a great match also since we're the best of friends."

"Oh I know right? Well title match or not, you two still put on great matches."

"We do, don't we? So, you think Dean's winning tonight?"

"There's no doubt in my mind that he's going to come out the new United States Champion. Seth and Roman are gonna come out as champions too. It's time for a change and they are the change that the WWE needs. It'll be a great accomplishment, having since started their main roster careers."

"That just means that the company has faith in them that they'll make the titles relevant or something again."

"Exactly. I mean, who really cares about the US title, with it around Kofi's waist? I surely never took notice that's for sure."

She nods and we continue with our workout, before we've finally had enough. We head back to the hotel so that we could shower before heading to the arena. When we get to the arena, there are already fans outside waiting as we unload the rental. We wave to them, even going over to sign a few autographs before heading inside. We head to the locker room, to drop our stuff off at least, before spending time for ourselves before having to get ready for the match later. We take some time and head out to the ring, seeing all the empty seats that will all be filled in just a matter of hours.

"Just imagine, all these seats are gonna be filled in a matter of hours. Though, the crowd doesn't compare to the WrestleMania crowds, but it's still pretty close when it's any pay-per-view."

"Right. It's gonna be an amazing night. I can't wait. Already excited."

"You two are gonna tear the house down, that's for sure." Nattie remarks.

"Thanks Nattie."

That's when I look down at the ring, and Dean notices and waves, I wave back.

"So do you know who's winning tonight as far as their matches?" Nattie asks about Dean, Seth and Roman.

"No, not at all. I think it's gonna be a surprise to everyone aside from them. I hope they all win though. Like I was telling Kait today, we need a change and they're exactly that kind of change we need."

"Imagine that though."

"It's a nice thought." I nod.

We walk down to the ring, watching as some people are just warming up in the ring, others sitting around and watching, just hanging out and relaxing before the show. The time actually seemed to pass by quick and before we knew it, the show was getting ready to start. The pre-show anyway. The panel for the pre-show consisted of Renee Young, Wade Barrett, Titus O'Neil and Mick Foley. They talk about the matches they're looking forward to, Wade choosing Randy vs Big Show, Titus choosing Mark Henry vs Sheamus in the Strap Match, and Mick Foley chooses the Last Man Standing match between John and Ryback. And speaking of that match, they show a video package hyping the match, going back to WrestleMania last month.

"John's got that match in the bag. There's no way Ryback is winning." I say, as I start getting ready for the show.

After they show one of the Extreme moments voted on by the fans, that's when they start getting into The Shield. First they talk about Seth and Roman's match, Wade going for them to win the Tag Titles, and Mick doesn't really give an answer. Then they go into Dean vs Kofi for the United States Championship. Wade firmly believes that Dean is going to win the match and so does Mick.

"Oh good, they're all going for all three of them to come out with gold." I grin.

"Can't wait to see what they'll say about our match."

That's exactly what they get into next, talking about how I won that Divas battle royal to become the number one contender and how it's going to be my first Championship match in my career. The predictions are kind of split between me and Kaitlyn, but that'll be up to the match to determine if their predictions come true. The next match they talk about is Brock vs Triple H, showing the video package for that match buildup. But it was now time for the pre-show match, where Cody faces off against Mike, Cody coming out first. Mike comes out next of course. Once they both were ready, the bell rang and they circle and lock up. Mike grabs him from behind and Cody trips him, before going into the ropes and Mike drops to the mat, and then drops Cody, before rolling Cody up for the pin, but he gets out of it, and the goes into a backslide and Cody kicks out. Cody takes control of the match and throws Mike into the corner, only for Mike to counter and clothesline him. He then goes to kick him in the face, but Cody counters and he drops Mike onto the top rope. After kicking him between the legs, in the midsection, he goes for the cover, Mike kicks out. He drops him and covers him, Mike kicking out. Cody then locks his legs and feet around Mike on the mat and with the crowd, Mike gets to his feet and out of the hold, only to be pulled by the hair and dropped back. He goes for the cover, Mike kicks out. He then stomps on Mike's midsection repeatedly, before taunting and then gets into the ropes. Mike trips and he goes down again. Cody gets him in a painful submission hold, Mike getting to his feet and gets out of the hold, rolling Cody up for the pin, but he kicks out. Cody then knocks him down and goes for the cover, but it's no use. Again with the feet and legs locked around Mike on the mat, and Mike gets out of it again and to his feet. Mike goes up and over and counters with an elbow and starts to get the momentum back.

He goes for the corner clothesline, but Cody moves and then Mike slides under the bottom rope and rolls him up for the pin, Cody kicking out. Mike then goes for the backbreaker, neckbreaker combo, but Cody counters into the Cross Rhodes, which Mike counters with knees to the face, cause Cody to let him go. Mike then drops him and goes for the Figure Four, but Cody counters and gets Mike in for the Cross Rhodes again. Mike counters again and flips him, running at Cody in the corner, only for him to kick him away. Cody climbs to the top and goes for a dropkick, but Mike catches him and puts him in the Figure Four, causing Cody to tap out.

"Yayy." I cheer, a grin on my face.

It was getting down to about 4 minutes until the show starts officially and they do some last minute predictions as the commentary team comes out for the show.

"Listen to those boos for Cole." I laugh.

"So do you know when Dean's match is? Aren't you gonna see him beforehand?"

"Of course I am. And thanks for reminding me, I didn't even ask him. I'll be back okay?" I ask, grabbing my phone and heading out of the locker room.

"Alright." Kaitlyn calls after me, as the show begins.

I walk around the backstage area, asking if anyone has seen Dean, Seth and Roman. Thankfully someone knew where they were and I headed there.

"Hey." I greet them, of course kissing Dean quick. "Meant to ask when your matches are."

"Well mine is the second of the night." Dean replies.

"Oh really? That early? I guess I'll stay right here then. Wanted to see you before your match, so staying here is the best option. When's yours?" I ask Seth and Roman.

"Fifth match of the night."

"Oh nice."

"What about yours?"

"Oh, right after yours." I say to about Seth and Roman's match. "Carrano said after your match, and since that's the fifth one of the night, I'm the sixth match. You guys totally got your matches in the bag. You're all coming out with gold, I can feel it. Time for change around here. Tired of the same old people having the titles you know?"


"Only wish you could be out there wth me. Or even come out and celebrate with me after I win. Or, I wish I could be out there with you tonight to celebrate you winning." Dean remarks.

"Yeah, I know. But hey we'll be back here during those moments, celebrating in our own way for each other. We could always celebrate later too, or whenever we have free time, on our title wins."

"That's also true."

"I say we go out later this coming week when we have one of those days off and celebrate our wins we'll get tonight." Seth remarks.

"That sounds like a plan." I nod, as we hear the pyro and then Chris' music, his match being first against Fandango.

Halfway through the match however, Dean had to go, because he was needed at the usual spot to make his entrance for his match.

"Kick his ass." I remark, before he kisses me just long enough to hold both of us over until he gets back.

"Plan on it." He chuckles, before he follows behind Seth and Roman.

I find a nearby monitor to watch the show, to see Chris nail Fandango with the Codebreaker and pin him for the win.

"Hah, serves you right Fandango." I laugh. "Now go and cry Summer." I add.

They then go to Josh in the locker room with his guest, Sheamus.


"Sheamus, the question has been posed by everyone. How are you gonna drag Mark Henry, a man who weighs over 400 pounds, around the ring, touch all four corners in succession, and win tonight's strap match?"

"You know Josh, that is the ultimate question. How do I beat Mark Henry in a match that specifically favors him? How do I drag a man who weighs over 200 pounds more than me to each of the four corners to win? Now, we all saw Lumpy set a new record by dragging two trucks on SmackDown a couple of weeks ago. Very impressive right? But here's the thing, trucks don't hit back, I do. And tonight, at Extreme Rules, the world's strongest man is gonna find out firsthand what happens when the Celtic Warrior goes extreme."

They talk about John's match against Ryback, but only briefly when they show what happened on Raw this week. Then they went back to the ring for the next match, which was Dean's. Kofi being the champion, comes out first.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield

Dean comes out of one fan entrance in the crowd with Seth and Roman behind him. He bumps fists with them, before he heads down to the ring by himself, while they turn around and leave Dean to compete by himself. The ref raises the title, before signalling for the bell. They circle and lock up, Dean taking Kofi down from the start. Kofi gets out of the hold he had him in and twists his arm, but Dean counters and gets Kofi's arm. Into the ropes and Dean hits Kofi with a shoulderblock. He comes off the ropes again, steps over Kofi, then Kofi leapfrogs over him a couple times before Kofi sends Dean into the ropes again and Dean hangs on as Kofi tried for Trouble in Paradise early in the match.

"Oh no, I don't think so Kofi." I scoff.

Kofi counters Dean again, hitting him repeatedly and Dean counters the whip into the ropes and Kofi counters with a monkey flip. Dean's in the corner and Kofi jumps on him and hits him with a fist 10 times, before Dean kicks him in the face and then clotheslines him.

"There you go." I grin.

He then hits him with an elbow drop and goes for the cover, Kofi kicking out. He then hits him with a neckbreaker and goes for the cover, Kofi kicking out. Kofi's in the ropes and Dean rakes the back with his fingers, forcing Kofi into the corner as he winces in pain. He then proceeds to drag Kofi's face across the top rope before leaning him against it and keeping with the quick moves and then dropkicks him against the ropes. He goes for the cover, Kofi kicking out. He then starts the trash talk and helps Kofi to his feet only to hit him and that's when Kofi fires back. Dean catches him however and gets him in the chickenwing submission on the mat, his legs locked around Kofi so he can't move that much.


He does eventually get to his feet and gets Dean to let go, forcing him into the corner and forcing him to let go. Kofi then gets the momentum, hitting Dean with the legdrop. He goes to the corner, setting up for the Trouble in Paradise, but Dean backs up into the corner. That causes Kofi to jump onto the turnbuckle and goes for a crossbody, but Dean moves out of the way. Kofi then hits SOS and goes for the pin, and Dean kicks out at 2.

"Thank god. Come on Dean!"

Kofi then climbs to the top and Dean catches him, climbing to the top himself. He gets Kofi to the top almost until he starts fighting back and Dean falls off. Dean gets up and does it again and hits him with a superplex from the second rope. He goes for the cover, but no.

"Oh come on."

Dean then gets Kofi up and throws him into the corner and runs at him, but Kofi counters, kicking him in the head, stunning him for a moment. Kofi uses the ropes to hit him with a crossbody and goes for the cover, but Dean thankfully kicks out. Kofi then tries to send him to the outside, but it doesn't work, until he catches him with Trouble in Paradise and then he's knocked off the apron.

"Oh my god." I cringe.

Kofi rushes out and gets him back into the ring and covers him, Dean touching the bottom rope with his fingertips. Dean then quickly rolls Kofi up for the pin, but he kicks out. Kofi kicks him in the head and goes for trouble in paradise, only for Dean to roll out of the way and Kofi hits the ropes. That's when Dean sets Kofi up for his finisher and covers him, getting the win.

"YES!!!" I exclaim, almost jumping up and down.

That's wen Seth and Roman appear to celebrate, Seth practically jumping on him and then Roman gets him in a bearhug. They then hug him bevore they get him up on their shoulders, Dean holding the title high. They celebrate in the ring before they cut to the St. Louis arch. I literally can't wait for Dean to get back. Of course Nattie, Naomi and Kaitlyn came and found me and they all told me to tell Dean congrats for them.

"Of course I will. I can't any more happy for him."

"He did put on a spectacular performance out there."

"He did, and it paid off. Real accomplishment this early in his main roster career."


Shortly after, we hear cheering and yelling and it's the voices of Seth and Roman, but mostly Seth.

"We'll see you back in the locker room?"

"Yeah." I nod, before they walk off as Dean and them walk up.

"Congratulations!" I squeal, practically jumping on him in a hug. "Told you, you could do it."

"Step one onto taking over this business."

"Two more steps to go. Our match, then your match."

"Right. So, gonna go get your nameplate on there or what?" I question eagerly, which earns a chuckle from him.

"Yeah, I suppose we can go do that. Coming with?" He asks Seth and Roman.

"Well of course." Seth nods, before we all head off to get Kofi's nameplate off and his put on.

While that was happening, Mark vs Sheamus was up next and in the end it was Sheamus who came out the victor of the match.

"Title looks even more perfect with your name on it." I grin.

"It does, doesn't it?" He grins as well. "Well the Divas Championship is going to look a whole lot better with your name on it as well." He adds.

"That's true, it would and it will. Speaking of, I meant to get back to the locker room until my match."

"Oh yeah, of course. See you before your match. Meet you by the gorilla, which will be right after we get to the back after Seth and Roman's match."

"Right. Yeah, see you then." I nod, earning a brief kiss from him before I walk off to the Divas locker room.

"She has no idea what's gonna happen tonight." Dean says to Seth and Roman after I'm out of earshot.

"Let's keep it that way until the moment." Seth adds.

"Got to get a genuine reaction out of her." Roman continues.

As I'm walking to the locker room, I happen to stumble across a segment that AJ and Kaitlyn were doing.

"You know what baby? You're home, and you're getting better, and when I get home, I can play nurse. Okay, so I'll talk to you later...okay you hang up. Okay fine I'll hang up. Excuse me one second." She shushes Kaitlyn. "Okay, you didn't hang up either."

"I talked to Vickie."

"I'll call you later."

"Yeah, so I spoke with Vickie and she was telling me about your sob story that you're too distraught about Dolph's concussion to even get involved in my title match tonight. But you know, I know you and seems to me that you are afraid of both me and Kayla."

"You know, I thought that you would've appreciated having all this extra time to focus on her and your secret admirer. Quick question though. Do you think your secret admirer wants to stay a secret cause they're ashamed to go out into public with you or....?"

"I don't know. But I guess that I would rather have like, a mysterious secret admirer than be dating the real life adult coppertone baby. And you know what? This might make you feel Dolph has had this concussion, you are no longer the biggest headache in his life. Looney tunes."

"Call me looney tunes one more time. I dare you." AJ threatens.

"Abuh...abuh...abuh....that's all folks."

"It's appropriate you're quoting a pig." AJ snaps back.

That's when Kaitlyn attacks her and they start fighting. The Bellas and Tamina come in, encouraging them, until the officials break them apart. After the segment is over, I go over to Kaitlyn, making sure she's alright from the fight, cause a few trays had fallen over on top of them.

"Hey, you alright? Saw those trays fall on you and I wanna make sure you can still do the match tonight."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Made that fight realistic didn't we?"

"Yeah, that's for sure." I nod. "I was just on my way back to the locker room when I walked in on your segment."

"Ohhh. Well hope you enjoyed it. Though, you know, I wouldn't put it past AJ to try and get involved tonight."

"Yeah, well don't worry, I think we got that covered, right?"

"Of course we do." She laughs, before we continue onto the locker room.

While we were walking back, we could hear Zeb yapping away before the match between Swagger and Del Rio. In the end of the match however, it was Del Rio locking in the cross armbreaker on Swagger, and he tries to reverse it and he ends up saying 'I quit', Del Rio becoming the No. 1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.

"Well you'll get your title shot when Dolph's ready." I scoff.

That's when they go backstage to Josh, ready to interview someone else. "Please welcome the challenger in the Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship, Ryback."

"You want to know the real difference between John Cena and myself?"

"You're a bully and he's not?" I remark.

"I tell te truth. Cena's a liar. Cena can spout off all that garbage about never giving up, because at this point, words are all he has left. And despire what he thinks, tonight, he is not getting up. Why? Because 'm not gonna let him. I should've been WWE Champion six months ago, but because other people play by different rules, that didn't happen."

"Boo freaking hoo." I roll my eyes.

"Tonight, that all changes. Tonight, Ryback rules."

"More like Ryback drools."

That led to the next match, which was Seth and Roman's title match. Out first of course were Daniel and Kane, after Justin Roberts gave the rules of the match.

"Hey, you think since our match is up after this, we should be somewhere close to the gorilla? I'm meeting Dean there anyway before the match."

"Good idea. We can catch the match from there."

I nod and we head out, just as The Shield theme hit. When we get near the gorilla and find a monitor, we see that Seth and Roman are alone like Dean was for his match.

"I think it's a good idea, they're out there alone with no backup, proves that they can win without help."


And since it was a Tornado Tag Team match, that means everyone is allowed in the ring at the same time. The titles get raised into the air and then the bell rings to start the match, and it's chaos from the beginning. Roman and Seth had the momentum, until Kane and Daniel got it back. Daniel then gets Seth in the surfboard, while Kane focuses on Roman, keeping him from helping out. Daniel drops Seth to his knees and Kane dropkicks him in the face, covering him but Seth kicks out. That's when Roman gets back into the match and wails on him, while Seth dealt with Daniel and Roman hits him with a vicious clothesline and goes for the cover, but Daniel kicks out. They double team Kane for now, suplexing him together. They go for Daniel now, and Roman climbs to the top rope and Seth lifts him up onto Roman's shoulders and he goes to powerbomb him, but Daniel counters. That prompts Seth to go after him, but Kane catches both him and Roman by the throat and throws them outside the ring. Daniel then hits a suicide dive through the ropes, knocking them back even more. Kane follows out of the ring and they throw them back in. Kane deals with Roman while Daniel deals with Seth.

"Come on got this." I mumble.

They have momentum on their side for now, double teaming quite a few times. Kane then goes to the top, along with Daniel. Kane hits Seth with a flying clothesline while Daniel hits him with a flying headbutt. Roman breaks up the pin, and Daniel fights with him and tries to flip Roman over for the pin, but it doesn't work. Instead, he gets him in the No Lock and Kane prevents Seth from getting in, but Seth drops him onto the top rope and he breaks up the pin, only to be hit with a chokeslam, which allows Roman to spear Kane.

"Vicious spear! Knock you into next week."

Roman tries to get Seth back into the ring, but he goes back down to the floor. Roman goes after Daniel first, yelling at Daniel, trash talking, until Kane gets involved. But Roman shoves Kane into Daniel and goes for a clothesline, but Seth comes off the top rope with a knee to the side of the head, which allows Roman to spear Kane again and he covers him but Daniel breaks it up.

"Oh what the hell?!"

That's when Daniel gets pumped up, kicking Roman in he chest repeatedly, only to miss the kick to te head and Roman goes for the pin, and Daniel tries for the No Lock again. Roman counters and Seth catches him. Roman gets Daniel on his shoulders and Seth climbs to the top, and sends a knee to his chest, and Roman cover Daniel. Seth sees Kane trying to interfere, but he dropkicks him back out of the ring and Roman picks up the win for him and Seth.

"2 for 3! Yes!" I cheer.

As they celebrate, Dean comes in and he hugs both of them and they raise their titles in victory.

"Why 2 for 3?" Kaitlyn asks, as they highlight what happened in the pre-show.

"Well we kind of made a statement that we all would run the WWE. Dean would be US Champ, Seth and Roman would be Tag Team Champs and I would be Divas Champ."

"Ohhh, so if you win, you'll all run the WWE?"

"Basically." I nod.

"Well we'll have to see if that'll happen. If not then at least they'll still run it."

"True. May the best woman win."

"May the best woman win." She repeats, before her music hits and she heads out first, after the highlight video.

Of course Dean was there before I had to go out, to give me luck for the match.

"Go out there and kill the match. I'll be watching."

"Oh I know you will."

Just then my music hit, cueing me to get going and out to the ring.

"That's my cue. See you after the match." I say, getting a quick kiss before heading out.

After doing my entrance and enter the ring, the match is officially announced and the title is raised in the air like always, before it's handed off and the bell rings. Kaitlyn and I shake hands in the middle of the ring before we start. We circle before we lock up and our power is somewhat matched so we push against each other and then let go, looking at each other with a grin. We then circle and lock up again, this time Kaitlyn getting me in a side headlock. I struggle to get out for a bit before I push her over to the ropes and then off of me, and when she comes back, it backfires on me as she hits me with a shoulderblock. We then go through the routine of the leapfrogging and whatnot, and she picks me up off of the mat and then throws me into the corner. She charges at me, only for me to move and to make her go into the steel ring post. That prompts me to go after the injured arm, as expected, doing everything I can to hurt it more. I then get her in a sitting position and pull her arms back and drive my knee into her back. With the crowd's help, she starts to move and get to her feet and she gets out of the hold, and elbows me in the face a few times with her good arm.

That wasn't enough, as I had kneed her in the gut, making her fall to the mat again. I then help her up and whip her into the corner. I charge at her, before hitting her with a dropkick which makes her slide down so that she's sitting in the corner. I go over and put a foot to her throat and hold it there, letting go just before the 5 count, the ref telling me the rules.

"I know the rules!"

I then pull her out into the middle of the ring and go for the pin, but she kicks out. I don't get frustrated, as I know it's too early to win the match. I help her up once again, lifting her and dropping her on her back. I then proceed to jump to the top turnbuckle, waiting for her to get up.

"Come on Kaitlyn! Get up!" I exclaim, and she slowly get to her feet.

When she turns around, I go for a crossbody, but she moves out of the way and I go crashing to the mat. I turn over and clutch my midsection. That's when she rolls me over onto my back and covers me, but I kick out and roll away and to the ropes. After I compose myself, I use the ropes to help me get to my feet, but as I'm doing that, Kaitlyn grabs me by the hair and gets me in another side headlock. Instead of going to the ropes, I elbow her in the side a few times, forcing her to let me go, and I follow that up with a few headbutts, dazing her. I then choose to go to the top again, and this time I hit her with a missile dropkick, sending her across the ring. I quickly go for the pin, but she kicks out. Now is when I start getting frustrated, but I compose myself and grab Kaitlyn by the hair and get her to her feet, only for her to counter and send me to the outside. But I don't go out to the floor like she expected and when she notices, I move away so she ends up in the ropes and I kick her in the chest. She goes back into the ring, and I wait for her to stand and turn around, and when she does, I hit her with a crossbody, which she counters and lifts me and I wave my hands in protest. She then throws me backwards and I again tumble out of the ring.

After catching her breath, she comes and gets me, when I'm crawling on the floor and throws me back into the ring. I quickly crawl to the other side and use the ropes to get up and when she gets back into the ring, I charge at her and she hits me with numerous clotheslines, followed by a backbreaker and goes for the pin but I kick out. That's when she starts to get frustrated and helps me to my feet before she wails on me a few times, and then she sets up for spear as I'm dazed and manages to hit it on me. But something happens as she goes to pin me.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield

I'm absolutely confused, and so is Kaitlyn...or so she acts like that. I look over to where they usually come out and that's when I see them emerge from the crowd entrance. This of course stops Kaitlyn from pinning me and it distracts the ref. We all watch as they come through the crowd and stay behind the barricade. I happen to glance over at Dean as Kaitlyn is distracted, and he just nods at me. I nod back and I get to my feet slowly and stay behind Kaitlyn. When she's finally done yelling at Dean, Seth and Roman for being there, I hit her with her own finisher, a spear. I then cover her, and get the win.

"And your new Divas Champion, Kayla!" Justin announces.

It didn't hit me until I was handed the title and my hand raised in victory. I couldn't believe what happened. I won, but why were Dean, Seth and Roman out there? I didn't have time to think as both my hands were raised, Dean on one side, Seth and Roman on the other and all four of us were holding up our titles. After a bit of celebrating, that's when Dean motions to get out of the ring. I don't move of course, but then he motioned to me after they left the ring, for me to follow. I hesitantly did, and we left through the crowd, and went to the back. As soon as we got to the back, I had tons of questions.

"Dean, what was that? How? Why? What just happened?"

"Welcome to being a heel darlin'."

"Who's idea was this? Who else knew about this?"

"Well Kaitlyn knew already. We wanted to keep us being involved a secret."

"So I'm a heel now. Does this mean I'm..."

"Part of The Shield? Not really."

"So I'll just accompany you guys to matches and you'll do the same for me?"


"I don't have to come out through the crowd do I for my matches or anything do I?"

"No, you'll be coming out by the ramp."

"Alright. Well now that I'm a heel, I guess I have to change my music and gear then huh?"


"Well, thank god I always have those ideas up here in my head. But we're definitely going to take over this company, that's for sure."

"Change has come and we're only getting started."

"So I'm assuming tomorrow, I'll be meeting with Carrano then to talk about this heel turn. Wonder how that's gonna play out tomorrow on Raw."

"You'll make it work."

"So that's why you were talking about me being out there for your matches, you being out there for my matches. You knew this was happening."

"Guilty. We didn't tell you cause we wanted a genuine reaction out of you."

"Well it was genuine alright. Wasn't expecting it. I mean, I knew I was winning the title, I just didn't know it'd happen that way."

"Things surprise us sometimes."

But then i'm grabbed for a quick interview on my huge win over Kaitlyn tonight.

"Kayla, impressive showing out there tonight against Kaitlyn. You picked up the win and became the new Divas Champion. However, there are some questions as to what happened in the end of the match where The Shield had seemed to come out and help you win in a sense. People are now saying that you're part The Shield, you're a new member...comments?"

"Well first of all, thank you. It was an incredible match and I couldn't be more happier than for my first title match to be against Kaitlyn. She's a tough competitor and I wouldn't want it any other way. As for what happened before I won the title, I don't know what happened really. I wasn't expecting The Shield to be out there. It sure was a shock, but what isn't surprising around here when it comes to The Shield? New member? I don't know. I guess we move onto Raw tomorrow night, and we wait and see how this whole Shield thing pans out." I end.

After I walk off camera, I go back over to the guys and we watch what was becoming of the match between Randy and Big Show. In the end, Randy picked up the win over him.

"Hey, wanna go get your nameplate on that title?"

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot. So much excitement." I laugh.

We then head to get Kaitlyn's nameplate off the title and mine put on. After that, I'm stopped for a picture for WWE's Instagram page. I put the title on my shoulder and pose for the picture, and once it's taken, we head back to where we were to watch the next match, which was John vs Ryback for the title.

"This is gonna be brutal."

"No kidding."

In the end, they both were on the stage and John was going for the AA, but Ryback counters and basically grabs John and rams them both through the wall, which was actually a curtain and they disappear, spark flying.

"Oh my god." I say, eyes wide.

Charles runs to the back, and they replay what happened before going to the back where they ended up, and it's carnage. They call for medics and a stretcher, and of course we could hear them screaming from where we were standing backstage since we were relatively close. It's just chaos backstage, people are running everywhere to where they are. Next thing we know, a stretcher is rolled there as well and we see John being loaded onto it while Ryback is being walked off.

"Jeez." I shake my head.

After everything was settled with them, it was time for the main event, a steel cage match between Triple H and Brock. In the end of a hard fought and drawn out match, it was Brock who picked up the upset win over Triple H.

"Didn't see that coming." I say in shock and awe. "So I suppose we gotta stick around for the post-show right?"

"That's what we were told. Got a quick video message and then we'll be able to go I think."

"Alright, sounds good. I wasn't told about having to do anything for the post show, so I think I'll stick with you for now, and once you're done, I'll go back to the locker room to change and get my things together."

That's when they get grabbed again, this time I'm assuming to get into the spot where they need to be for their video message. I follow this time, making sure I stay off camera, even though it's gonna be one of those videos where they hold the camera on themselves while they talk. The people who came and grabbed them however stuck around too, so that they could give them the cue for the video message. After about 8 minutes or so, that's when they get the cue, Dean picking up the camera.



"And they are the WWE Tag Team Champions. I'm Dean Ambrose, and I am the WWE United States Champion. Tonight, you all witnessed that high flyer come crashing back down to earth hard."

"And we showed the entire world, what true unity, what teamwork is all about."

"Team Hell No, Kofi Kingston, they didn't believe, but they do now. And there's still a lot of arrogant fools out there...that still don't believe."

"But they will."

"They will. Tonight, The Shield brought power back to these championships. You know what the scary thing is? This is just the beginning, we're just getting warmed up."

"The Hounds of Justice run this yard now."

"You better believe that."

"And we wear the collars to back that up."

"Believe in the Shield." Seth finishes, before Dean puts the camera down and they walk off camera.

"So, question. When things play out tomorrow night between me and you guys, am I going to be involved in these video messages and promos?"

"Probably. Something to talk to Carrano about tomorrow."

"Right. I have started thinking of an idea of how to pan this out tomorrow."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. I was thinking that maybe I give a promo tomorrow night in the ring, talking about tonight and what happened. Saying that I thought about what happened, and say that you three came to me with an offer I couldn't refuse. Then I can get into how the Divas Division needs a change, and so on and so forth."

"Sounds like a good idea to pitch to Carrano."

"I thought so." I grin. "So I gotta go change, meet me outside the Divas locker room?"

"I will, these two will most likely meet us outside by the car."

"Alright." I nod in amusement, before we go our separate ways to get ready to leave to head to the next town.

Like I had said, Dean had met me outside the Divas locker room. Most of the other girls had left, so I was the only one left in the locker room. I made sure I didn't leave anything behind, and make sure I had my new title, before taking my bags and heading out to find Dean there.

"We're gonna have to get bags or sleeve thing for our titles. Unless we have it in our carry on bags for when we actually are on a plane."

"We'll look into that, but for now I say carry ons are the best idea." He nods. "Ready to go?"

"All set." I remark, before we both head out to the parking lot, which was almost empty except for a few cars and such and the production trucks. We pack up our things before getting into the car. This time Roman decided to drive, Seth in the passenger seat, leaving Dean and I to ourselves in the backseat. Once we were all set, we headed off to the next city for Raw tomorrow night.

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