In My Dark Times - The Deal W...

By Rose-Lyn28

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The idea for this story came from "Kill Your Darlings," but in a more modern world way. Louis Tomlinson begi... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Fourteen

239 13 2
By Rose-Lyn28

Louis Tomlinson

I opened the car door and quickly reached down for Harry, "Zayn, help me."

We both struggled to pull Harry up and he kept mumbling.

"Let's get him to the couch," Zayn said calmly. I didn't see how he was so calm. I was fucking freaking out looking at him.

"Harry, come on," I started saying after we had lay him down. I patted his cheeks lightly and he kept mumbling and making faces.

"He's in pain," Zayn said quietly before running upstairs.

Niall was standing next to the couch staring down at Harry biting his nails in nervousness.

"Harry, come on, love," I said louder.

"Niall," Zayn started as he came back with stuff in his hands, "get some water."

"He won't respond," I nearly yelled, "we should call an ambulance, Zayn."

"He's mumbling, he's fine," Zayn replied still as calm as ever as he put a belt around his arm.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked, "you can't drug him up with him being out of it!"

Zayn looked back at me, "I don't think you were here when he came home like this, were you?"

I stared at him in disbelief as he went back to what he was doing, "he's been like this before?"

Zayn didn't say anything. He just nodded a little and prepped the vial of drugs.

As soon as the needle went in Harry's arm, he was moving frantically while screaming at us.

"Harry! Calm down!" I yelled and did my best to restrain him while Zayn finished, "it's us! It's Zayn and Lou!"

"Don't touch me!" He kept yelling.

Zayn removed the needle and I nearly tackled Harry on the couch as I hugged him, "it's me, Harry. It's Lou. Please calm down."

He finally stopped fighting me and his eyes were half open when they met mine, "I'm... I'm sorry. Where am I? How'd I get here?"

"I was hoping you could tell us that," Zayn said softly and took a seat on the table in front of us.

I hugged Harry gently, doing my best to not allow my emotions to take over me, "you're alright, love. You're here with us."

"What'd you give me?" Harry asked as he tried to look over at Zayn.

"Morphine," Zayn replied, "what happened, Harry?"

"I... I was trying to leave," he mumbled out closing his eyes, "he started talking about Lou... I went off on him. I called it off..."

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"Because I'm sick of it," he tried to yell while sitting up. He grabbed his stomach and lay still as he closed his eyes.

"Don't try to move please," I whispered and took a seat beside him.

"We should take him to the hospital," Niall spoke up.

"What? No," Harry said quickly, "hell, no. I'm not going. I'm fine."

"You're not fine," I shouted back, "stop! You could have a broken rib or something!"

"How did he get away with this?" Zayn asked, "you didn't put up a fight at all? I know you better than that, Harry."

Harry didn't open his eyes, "he... he attacked me.... when I was trying to leave. I don't remember much of it, other than him saying he wanted to talk about it... he was acting normal. Few minutes later, I was out of it. Last thing I remember is being put in the car..."

"Fucking bastard," I mumbled, "I'm gonna kill him. I'm going to fucking kill him."

"You can't kill him," Zayn sighed, "trust me, I'd help you if we could."

"Can't we take him to the hospital and say what happened?" Niall asked, "surely, we can tell them he attacked him?"

"They won't believe me," Harry muttered.

"We need to get out of here," I sighed, "the bastard will be back. And I won't sit here and do nothing. I will fucking break him for this!"

"Where can we go?" Niall asked, "the flat hasn't been rented yet."

"There's got to be someone," Zayn thought out loud.

"Call Gemma," Harry spoke up. I turned back to him, his eyes on me, "tell her we need a place to stay for a bit."

"Are you sure you wanna do that?" I asked, "we can find somewhere else."

"She has... she has a small place up town. I don't think she'd mind," he replied, "just... get me away from here... please..."

I wanted to cry at his words. He was nearly begging me to take him away from this. So, I did exactly what he asked and hurried upstairs to call his sister.

I talked to her for a few minutes, then hung up, wiping away the tears in my eyes. I turned to see Harry standing in the doorway, keeping himself propped up.

"You shouldn't be up," I said softly as I walked over to him. His beautiful face was covered in blood and his left eye was swollen up.

I put my arms around him and hugged him as light as possible without hurting him. Tears rolled down my cheeks onto his bloody shirt.

"Is she alright with it?" He asked.

"Yeah," I sniffed, "she's coming over."

"You're crying," he whispered and pulled me away to look at me.

"You didn't deserve this," I managed to get out, "Harry, you're such an incredible person. I don't see how or why someone would do this to you."

"I'll be ok," he whispered back, "I'm fine, Lou. Really. I just... I need to get out of here."

I nodded a little as his eyes filled up. I knew he wasn't alright, he couldn't fool me and he knew it. I pulled him into me and let him cry. I cried with him. I felt like he would never get through this trauma... and that the last 3 years would stay with him no matter what he did in the future.

"Are we packing?" Zayn spoke up from behind us as he stared at us, "you lads ok?"

"Fine, yeah, " I replied and let Harry go, "yeah, uh, we're packing. Gemma is coming over. She said we could stay."

"Alright. Liam should be back soon," Zayn added and went to his room.

I helped Harry over to the bed and he sat down slowly, "alright, love?"

"I'll survive," he replied, "mind packing my shirts in the closet and some of my boots?"

"No, of course not," I replied and went to his closet to pull out suitcases and duffel bags.

Harry lay down on the bed as I packed, his hands over his face while he kept sobbing. There was nothing I could do. I felt so helpless.

"I love you,"I said softly as I walked over to him.

"Love you, too," he said through sobs.

"You need to calm down," I sighed, "you're gonna have an attack or something."

He didn't say anything. He continued crying and my heart was broken. I had no clue how to help him through this one. This was beyond anything I was used to.

I sat down and placed my hand on his leg while he kept crying. I wasn't going to talk him out of it... he needed to get it out. He reached down and placed his hand over mine, the other staying over his face.

"Harry," I choked back tears, "why did you try to break it off knowing how he was?"

"Because," he sighed and wiped his eyes, "all I thought about was you... here alone without me because I was too busy giving in to him. I had to call it off. I've done this in the past and it's never blown up in my face this bad."

"Maybe it's because of me," I said quietly, "he knows we're together. He knew you were calling it off because of me, didn't he?"

He tried to nod as he breathed out slowly keeping his eyes closed.

"What did he say about me?" I asked.

"Just a bunch of bull shit, Lou," he replied, "I'm not going to repeat it. It's not worth repeating."

I nodded a little and got up, "I'll finish packing. You lay here and rest. If you need something, tell me, please."

I leaned down and kissed his forehead, "thank you, Lou."

"Don't thank me," I whispered staring at him, "I love you. And I swear from now on, I will keep you away from him. I swear on my life, Harry. I'll look after you."

He finally smiled a little and hugged me, "I love you, too."

"Rest, alright? I'll finish and we'll go," I said as I let him go.

I helped him pull the covers up on himself and went back to packing. He was exhausted I knew, so I wasn't too surprised when he started snoring.

I sat the bags downstairs when the doorbell rang. I opened it and seen Gemma looking worried.

"Hey, come in, "I sighed.

"How's Harry?" She asked looking around.

"Uh, he'll manage," I sighed, "look, why don't we go upstairs and I can explain."

She nodded and followed me up to Harry's room. He was still asleep and her face changed completely at the sight of her little brother.

"How did this happen?" Her hand was over her mouth as she stared at him.

"Let's, uh, go on the balcony and I can tell you," I quietly replied.

I lit a cigarette and started explaining everything to her, starting from when he was 16. She listened intently as tears spilled out. It was all a shock to her, I knew.

"How could someone do this?" She asked.

"I don't know," I replied quietly, "I really don't know. The man is unstable, Gem. His behavior is psychotic. He won't leave him alone, no matter what he does. Harry was trying to call it off for good but this is how he was repaid."

She shook her head and wiped her eyes, "you can stay as long as you want. If he shows up, I'll call the police. I won't do this. I'll have him arrested."

"He needs to be," I nodded, "but he's too smart to get caught. Besides, Harry doesn't think anyone will believe him over a professor."

"Why.. why didn't he tell us?" She asked, "mum could've done something."

"He realizes that now," I sighed, "I guess because he was young... he didn't want to tell because he was ashamed."

"He could've killed him," she nearly shouted, "he's fortunate he hasn't."

"Yeah," I said quietly, "but I don't think he wants him dead. He just wants him hurt.. and I'm pretty sure he only did this because of me. He knows we're together and the bastard despises Harry for it."

"He'll be safe at my place," she said and hugged me, "thank you for telling me."

"Harry wanted to. We discussed it in Doncaster," I replied, "and he asked me to call you."

"I'm glad he did," she said, "I... I wish I would've known."

"He wants help now," I said as I let her go, "that's what matters."

"Thank you for being here for him... for treating him like he deserves," she tried to smile.

"I love him," I said, "he knows I do."

"I'll help you get the bags," she offered and wiped her eyes.

We walked back in, Harry still snoring lightly.

Liam was already back and putting his things downstairs when we made it down.

"How is he?" He asked immediately.

"He's ok," I replied, "Zayn tell you?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "I'm willing to help him. If I need to stay with Sophia to give you lads more room, I can."

"Uh, I think we'll be alright," I looked at Gemma, "she has a spare room and a sofa."

"Alright," Liam said and patted my shoulder gently before heading outside to put his things in Zayn's car. Niall was throwing his things in his own car and Gemma and I put our things in hers.

I found Harry some clothes and sat down on the bed by him, "hey, love."

He stirred a little and opened his eyes slightly.

"Your sis is here and ready to go," I whispered, "let's clean you up, alright?"

He rubbed his eyes and nodded, "can I change?"

I held up the clothes and smiled a little, "on it, love. I'm gonna get you a cloth and clean you up, alright?"

He started getting up slowly and trying to unbutton his shirt. I started helping him as he kept his head low, his hair in his face. His chest and stomach were different shades of blue in different spots already. I tried not to stare at them in fear that I'd upset him more.

I got a wet cloth and helped clean up his face the best I could. He stayed quiet the whole time, not even looking at me.

I helped him up and helped him out of his tight jeans, then slipped on his sweatpants.

"I'll go barefoot," he mumbled a little.

"You sure?" I asked.

He nodded as he started tying his hair up slowly in the mirror. His face looked miserable when he finished his bun, touching his face gently.

"It'll heal," I whispered and put my arm around him, "you're still beautiful, Haz. I promise."

He tried to nod as he bit his lip and tears formed again. I quickly took his Xanax off the bed table, "here, take these."

"I'm alright," he quietly said.

"No you're not," I sighed, "you need to calm down, Harry..."

"No!" He yelled and knocked my hand away before he started crying against the dresser, "I'm... I'm so sorry."

He tried to kneel down to find them and I quickly got them for him, "it's alright, love."

"No, it's not," he said, "God, I just..."

I hugged him again while he sighed and cried quietly, "Harry, I'm getting you out of here, alright? Just calm down. Take these. Please."

He let me go and took the pills from my hand and swallowed them then wiped his eyes.

"Really sorry," he whispered.

"Don't be," I replied. I picked up his metal box and looked around the room, "anything else you need?"

He shook his head, "no. As long as you got my clothes, I'm not too worried about the rest."

I put my arm around his waist to help him, "Gemma is gonna let us ride with her, alright?"

"Is she mad at me?" He questioned.

"No," I quickly said, "fuck, no. Why would she be mad at you?"

"For not telling her," he mumbled, "I'm not sure I'm ready to face her, Lou."

"She's not mad at all. She was really upset," I answered, "she wants to help. Come on. It's gonna be alright."

He sighed and we headed downstairs slowly, Harry wincing in pain several times.

We made it outside and my eyes went straight to the end of the drive where Liam and Zayn were talking to the fucking bastard.

"Wait in the car," I mumbled to Harry as Gemma came over to help him.

"Lou," Harry sighed.

"So, Harry can't speak for himself?" I heard Darren laughing.

"Really? He did speak for himself!" I yelled as I walked over.

"Lou, don't," Harry said from behind me but I was too fucking pissed not to say something.

"He spoke up for himself last night!" I yelled in his face, "he tried for the millionth time to call it off with you! You didn't fucking listen! Just like you didn't listen when he was a fucking kid! Stay the fuck away from him! You won't keep taking shit from him! You come within 500 meters of his ass and I'll have you fucking arrested!"

"Me?" He laughed sarcastically, "it's that slut's word against a professor's... who do you think they'll believe?"

I didn't hesitate to throw my fist and slam him straight in the nose. Zayn and Liam pulled me away quickly.

"Stop," Zayn said lowly, "you wanna get in trouble for attacking a professor? Don't do this here."

"He's not worth it," Liam said seriously as he stared at Darren, "but if I would've known this sooner, I would've made sure your ass was crippled."

"Get the fuck out of here," Zayn said, "you've got your shit back. Leave Harry the fuck alone. Don't ever come around him again."

I walked off to get in the car with Harry who was seated up front with Gemma. He had his face in his hands as Gemma did her best to comfort him.

"Let's go, please," I mumbled without looking back.

Niall and Zayn followed us up to Gemma's place near the heart of London. Harry sat quiet the whole way, Gemma still crying as quiet as possible.

I wanted to fucking break the bastard. I was gonna find a way to take care of him myself. I couldn't sit back and not do anything to him after what he had done to Harry. I didn't care if it meant killing him by this point. I just wanted him to suffer the way Harry had suffered.

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