Waves of Life

By melted_chocolate

57.1K 2K 603

Eva, a funny, witty, sarcastic 15 year old Australian girl has a whole hell of a hectic life with three aweso... More

Waves of Life
Chapter One- The door to my life
Chapter Two - The Unlucky Life
Chapter three- The foolish days of life
Chapter Four - The Detention Life
Chapter Five- The Scheming life
Chapter Six- The Helpful Life
Chapter Seven- The coincidental life
Chapter Eight- The Dodging Life
Chapter Nine- The horrifying Life
Chapter Ten- The Criminal Life
Chapter Eleven- The gossip life
Chapter Twelve- The West free life
Chapter Thirteen-The Mothers, cats and tears life
Chapter Fourteen- The Advising Life
Chapter Fifteen- The kilogram Chocolate life
Chapter Sixteen- The Troublesome Life
Chapter Eighteen- The Baby Richards Life
Chapter Nineteen- The sticky situation life
Chapter Twenty - The Party Life
Chapter Twenty One- The Beach Life
Chapter Twenty Two - The Dancing Beach Chair Life
Chapter Twenty Three- The shocking revelations life
Chapter Twenty Four - The Hospital Life
Chapter Twenty Five- The Kit-Kat life
Chapter Twenty Six - The Super Hero Life
Chapter Twenty Seven- The school and military school life
Chapter Twenty Eight - The Lost Life
Chapter Twenty Nine- The found life
Chapter Thirty - The Love Life
Chapter Thirty One- The Crazy Exchange Life
Chapter Thirty Two - The Awkward Life
Chapter Thirty Three- The boy life
Chapter Thirty four - the art life
Chapter Thirty Five- The abusive life
Chapter Thirty Six - The Vengeful Prank Life
Chapter Thirty Seven- The millionaire life
Chapter Thirty Eight - The Camping Life
Chapter Thirty Nine- The False Life
Chapter Fourty - The Library Life
Epilogue- Waves of Life

Chapter Seventeen- The James Bond and Watson life

1K 58 19
By melted_chocolate

The James Bond and Watson life

Interesting hah! James Bond and Watson life. Well I bet you think I've got the names wrong and said 'James Bond and Watson,' instead of 'Sherlock Holmes and Wattson, well I haven't and who cares?

In simple words, today was a spy, detective sort of day.


"Watson? Batt, you've gotta be kidding me!"

So there go me being infuriated at Matt.

"You wanted to act, didn't you?" He answers, evilly.

"Shouldn't it be Sherlock Holmes and Watson, not James Bond an...." Interrupted Skye.

"Who gives a damn? I wanna be Bond," Matt sounds like a child.

So let me explain to you.

Mr. Kenam, gives us a part two of the assignment with two groups put together. This assignment was to film a few exciting episodes of a series that could be made up and it has to have good shots from different angles, panning, drama and a cliff hanger at the end to make the viewers want to watch the next episode.

The project sounded pretty damn good, but then again Matt was involved in it.

I was literally about to jump off a cliff from joy, when he put Skye's group with us too, but then again Emm was her partner, and from memory, she never wanted to do any work and would just sit down and boss everyone around.

I was so not looking forward to this.

And now back to the argument...

"Shut up!" Angry Emm yelled, "I'm in the middle of a phone call here."

"This is lesson time not, lets call a boy time." Answered back Skye.

Oh such courage.

"Love you too babe. I'll be waiting for you at seven." She talked to the phone and put it down giving us all a death glare. No wait the glare was heading more for behind us to the right.

Mr. Kenam.

"I'll have that phone thank you very much," he smirked.

"Bbbut," she tried to reason with Mr. Kenam, him cutting Emm off short.

"You know the rules, Emily Mc Pherson, no phones at school whatsoever."

Emm flinched at hearing her full name and I tried my best not to laugh, letting some giggles escape my mouth.

Flashback ))))))

"Hello, I'm Mr. Nelson." Said one of my favorite primary school teachers.

"Now I'm going to be your history teacher this year, and I'll start off by calling out the role."

So he called out the role and when it got to Emm's name he said;

"Emily Mc Pherson, ooh looks like we've got a Scott in here you might be able to help us with this terms study on Scottish history."

And off course everyone giggled.

"What good luck! I'm sure you've watched the cartoon about Emily Mc Pherson." He went on.

Emm shook her head.

She wasn't happy at all.

All the kids were laughing as he held the DVD out for everyone to see which was a picture of a girl with plaited hair, freckles on her face with the biggest cartoon eyes ever drawn, wearing a nice green and red Scottish kilt and clutching a broken teddy bear in her hands.

"Actually, I'm not Scottish." She said bitterly.

Oh how I never forgot that picture.

Everyone teased Emm about it for the next few weeks as we learnt about Scottish history and watched the cartoon of Emily Mc Pherson.

She got so sick of people teasing her name, that she made everyone call her Emm.

Then from about year seven her popularity rose and she soon became the boy magnet.

Actually who is she even popular amongst? What herself and a few other flirting loosers. That girl was nothing great in my eyes and she never would be.

Once a bitch. Always a bitch.

Well at least in my opinion.


"Uh, earth the Beaver!" Matt snaps me out of day dreaming or remembering.

"Yeah Bat," I say flicking up my head.

"So finally everyone's happy with their roles," says Skye.

"What?" I ask.

"Matt will be Bond and you'll be Watson and I'll be the..."

"Wait a second," I interrupt Skye, "who said I'm happy with being the side kick?"

"Hey Watsons cool too you know." He says and quietly adds, "but not as cool as James Bond."

"Ugh, I will show you, you bat." I say edging closer to my pencil case and slowly lifting it few inches off the table.

That'll show him.

"Calm down both of you!" Emm yells. "Why don't you be bat man and you be cat woman?"

"There's no way I'm acting as a lady with a stupid cat ears mask who ends up falling in love with batman. No way."

"Same." Agrees Matt.

We've already wasted half the lesson arguing on who's going to act who.

Emm is going to the cameraman, Skye will act as many random people in the episodes and Matt and I.. Well what do I say?

Skye has finally had it with our arguing and she goes off to Mr. Kenam.

He shortly comes back giving us a weird glare.

"Cut it! Will ya." He shouts.

"You be Bond and you be Watson." He points at each of us. "And no buts."

"Why should I be the sidekick?" I argue like a kid.

"Fine then. Call it Watson and Bond and you can both be partners in spy work and detective work." He orders us and leaves.

Well then, I suppose that's sorted.


The creeper has been in my room.

The creeper has been in my room.

Those panicked thoughts run through my mind.

Who the hell was this person?

He knew Kat, knew a lot of info about me, some how got into my room and was literally texting me every day and sometimes without exaggerating, every few hours.

Does this guy even have a life?

'What ya doing babe? I bet you look smokin hot right now in your pajamas.'

He texts.

Weirdo. It's eleven o'clock at night and I'm trying to get an early night of sleep if you even call eleven early.

'Do you even have a life?' I text.

Surprisingly I actually texted the creeper back and forth last night....

'Yes, you are my life.'

'What if I'm dead.'

'Id be dead. But your not babe. Your texting your hot admirer.'

'Leave me alone, I'm trying to get an early nights sleep.'

'Thats surprising you call eleven early.'

'Well twelve to one is the usual.'

'Interesting. How's school.'

'None of your business. I bet you don't even know what school I go to.'

'Duh, love you live in Aldinga, off course you go to Aldinga High.'

'Wrong. I'm a primary student at Aldinga Primary.'

'Babe, I know you way better than you think. So how was school?'

'Marvelous, if you like listening to your friends blab on about their boyfriends, like spending a lesson arguing with an annoying person about who your going to act as in your projects and having to answer three units of Maths questions.'

'Date me then.'

'Nice try but I don't even know who the eff you are.'

'You can find out if you want.'

Tempting but no. For all I know he could be a serial killer, rapist or kid at school trying to prank me.

'Go to your front door and I'll send you something through the letter flap.'

Don't ask me why I did it.

And there cam through the door a nice, single red rose.

I pick it up and whiff in the beautiful aroma of a rose.

'Sweet babe, but you've gotta try harder than that.' I text back.

And with that I rub my eyes and dose of to sleep.


My open was left open in shock as I took in the state of Kat's beaten up face.

"Holy." Was all I managed to blurt out.

"Thanks for making me feel much better," he comments.

"You look like you've been struck by the old lady who protects her handbag in madagascar."

"More like struck by an overprotective brother."

Well that explains it.

Then Christie walks in the room with tears in her eyes and I suppose both of them had a hectic night, so I leave them alone and head to look for one of my friends.

May bumps right into my chest.

"Eva I've been looking for you everywhere." She says quickly.

"We'll I'm here." I say and pull down my shirt that got a little tangled after the bump.

"Love your fashion," she comments.

Today I was wearing a cream colored shirt with my favourite, colored jeans which this time was light green and also wore my ankle length, stud boots to top the look off.

I was usually into a casual look but when I stopped the shirt at valleygirl the other day, it was simply a must have.

Emm walked passed me in catwalk manner in her short skirt and show offy top with her black hair cut short.

At least I didn't dress like that.


"Oh by the way Eva, Will is coming today. Can you please not mention to him that you know about the earthquake incident. He told me he doesn't want people feeling sorry for him."

Oops, well I must've forgot to tell you that a few months ago there was a huge earthquake in Germany and Will's parents were killed by a building which toppled over them. He was now orphaned and came back to live here with his grandma.

That poor boy had been through a lot in the past months and the last thing he wanted was for people to look at him in a different way because of what had happened.

We'd all known Will for pretty much all our lives so he'd problerby find it easy to mingle with us Aldinga kids.

I can tell I've been spaced out for a while because May is staring out into the corridor, her brown chocolate eyes melting at the sight.

"Babe!" Calls out the familiar voice, I haven't heard in years, as he comes towards us.

There stands a tall, muscular boy with soot black hair.

He hasn't changed one bit, Except for the muscles.

May looks like the happiest person alive.


I really felt like a mix between a spy and detective as I ran across field, my back touching the wall and my head looking around to see if anyone was following me, tightly holding a black plastic pistol in my hands.

Matt was doing the same on the other side of the building and Emm was sitting down filming.

I felt so cool as if we're actually Watson and not a high school teenager who has the luck and popularity of an ant.

I ran and continued my mission, banging straight into a hard figure.

Oh man, that hurt.

The next thing I knew I was on my poor butt on the rough bitumen.

Emm swore at me.

No wait she swearing at Matt too.

But where was he.

Oh okay, I get it now I had bumped into him.

"Would you both look out." She shouts.

So at lest in wasn't just my fault.

At that instant Tyler and his group show up and they burst into giggles. Skye's laughing too. Whaaat?

Tyler and Skye are side by side giggling. Wow not a good look Skye.

"You guys bumped into each other and it turned into a kiss," I remind them as they look at each other and blush.

Skye's face is bright red, just like a tomato.

Tyler goes off to Emm to discuss when he's going to go over to her house for tutoring.

When Ms Hewlett threatened Emm shed get a D for Maths, good old Tyler, offered to tutor her. He was another idiot who was love struck with Emm.

I laughed at the thought of him tutoring Emm and picked up my fake pistol.

Back to work Watson.

You need to find out who the mole in the agency is.

And Eva, you need to find out who the creeper is.


Do not ask me why it's recess and I'm sitting with my friends along with some of my favorite people (cough, cough.)

Well yeah ask me, coz I do know why.

Everyone was over the moon because Will was black.

He's a good guy but the thing about him is that he happens to be friend with Kat and Matt. Wow those names rhyme!

So Kat, Matt and May all wanted to hang around with him, but since he's only one person and can't be split into threes, we're all hanging around together laughing and eating remembering the times.

Emm walks passed us and her eyes looked sort of jealous.

We looked like a big group of popular teens who were having fun.

This should be interesting.

Ahaa Emm.

Skye was beside me on the right with Jazz on my left and May across from me sitting next to Will. Then next to Will was Kat who was sitting next to Christie. Tyler was sitting next to Skye on one side with Matt on his other side and on the other end, Ted was closest to Jazz with a couple of his mates and a couple of Will' s other mates from year eleven.

We were quite a big group.

Then out of no where, Mitch comes running to us at a speed of lightning. It looks he's an agent running for his life.

"Come on Eva, quickly pack your things." He pants.


"Quickly, mum's having the baby, we gotta quickly get to the hospital."

I nod.

Wow, so mum must be having a few weeks early labour.

"I'll be in the car." He says running off.

"Good luck," called out my friends.

And with that I darted off, scooping random textbooks out of my locker and shoving it into my bag and quickly jumped into Mitch's VW.

He puts his leg on the exhilarator and the car zooms onto the road.

We're coming mum, I think as Mitch pulls to a stop on an annoying red traffic light.


Author's Note:

Hey guys!

It's been nice to be getting some support from you wattpadians!

Please VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW ME and I'd really appreciate it!

I'll even do the same for you.

You can even have some input on what happens in the book by commenting.



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