In My Dark Times - The Deal W...

By Rose-Lyn28

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The idea for this story came from "Kill Your Darlings," but in a more modern world way. Louis Tomlinson begi... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Eight

316 12 0
By Rose-Lyn28

Louis Tomlinson

I packed up my small backpack while Harry opted for his duffel as he was taking 3 different pair of boots, wasn't sure why. He looked completely happy while he folded shirts and stuck them in. I could understand why he would want to get away after all... not having to deal with the bastard.

He texted Zayn, telling him we were leaving for Donny and about 1 that afternoon, we headed out of the house taking his car to the airport.

When we pulled out of the gate, Harry looked closely at a car parked not too far away. He shook his head, threw up his hand and flipped them off.

"Was that..."

"Yeah," he replied lowly.

"Fucking pathetic," I sighed. He didn't say anything... just lit a cigarette and kept driving. I was sure he was going to follow us. I just had a feeling he would.

After arriving and checking in, we waited to board the plane to Doncaster. I had already texted my mum and told her Harry was coming with me. I knew she was going to think he was my boyfriend, even though in my text I told her he was just a friend.

Harry was looking around the airport, like he was expecting to see someone.

"He isn't here," I whispered.

"He followed us," he mumbled, "he followed us the whole way."

"I didn't see him."

He showed me Darren's text messages, "'please tell me where you're going. Why are you at the airport?'"

"Are you fucking serious?" I raised my voice before noticing a young woman with her child looking over at us, "sorry."

Harry chuckled a little and put his phone back up.

"He has no idea where we're going," I said quieter, "don't worry with it, alright?"

He nodded a little, but looked really nervous as he leaned back chewing his gum.

"Look, Zayn or anyone else won't tell him. You know they won't," I tried to reassure him, "so, stop. You're getting a well deserved break."

He smiled a little, "I think I'm more nervous over meeting your mum."

"What?" I laughed, "why?"

"I haven't...," he started with a small smile as he stared down at his hands, "I've never met anyone's parents before. Besides the guys of course. It's just different."

I grinned a little at him, "different? I thought we were going to pretend like I was one of the lads?"

He smirked, "yeah, I'm not... I'm not sure I can actually."

He glanced back at me and I honestly couldn't help but smile, "yeah, me neither."

Just then, they made the announcement for boarding. Harry and I both grabbed our bags and made our way to the gate. He was biting his lip and grinning while staring at me out of the corner of his eye. I couldn't stop smiling myself.

"How many times you flown?" I asked him after we had taken our seats.

Harry was staring at the window, "uh, a few. I've been to a lot of different places. You?"

"4 times," I replied and sat back in the seat, "it's kinda boring."

"I enjoy it," he grinned, "being thousands of feet up in the air away from everything... it's amazing."

"How did I know you'd say that?" I asked smiling back at him.

"Cause I'm a hippie, remember?" He winked at me.

I chuckled a little and sat studying him while he stared out the window still chewing his gum. I wondered what thoughts were going on in his head. I wondered what kind of battle he was having in there with how he felt. Not just for me, but with everything he was going through.

He was a lot different than I had imagined he would be when he opened up to me. He was so sensitive, gracious, and gentle. That was the real Harry Styles; a boy who had been hurt by people, but hadn't allowed those people to crush his spirit.

He caught me looking and smiled, "yes?"

"Nothing," I replied shrugging, "you're just beautiful."

He smiled, "are you gonna say that every day?"

"Most likely," I nodded, "someone needs to remind you that every day."

His dimples shown as he placed his hand over mine, "you're amazing."

"So are you," I whispered, "you're... you're so different than I expected."

"How so?" He asked.

"I... I didn't expect you to be so sensitive," I admitted, "you have such a gentle soul."

He smiled a little and looked away, "remember when I said feelings ruin everything?"

I nodded and listened.

"Yeah, well, that's what I meant," he said softly, "I'm... I'm too passionate about things sometimes. I let things hurt me when I shouldn't."

"I like you how you are," I whispered to him, "because you have a huge heart in there. And you truly care."

He turned back to me, "I do, yeah. I care about a lot of things."

I nodded as the pilot came over the speaker to announce our departure. Harry broke out his phone and headphones, putting one in my ear and one in his smiling at me. I gripped his hand a little and sat back.

We were over the clouds several minutes later, headed to my hometown. And I was sharing this experience with him; the boy with the curls dangling on his shoulders as he sat chewing his gum and staring out the window smiling the entire time. He was so happy.

When we landed, Harry rented a car for us, though I tried to allow him to let me pay. He insisted though so I agreed.

He stayed quiet for most of the drive, until he asked for the right directions.

"You were supposed to turn there," I laughed pointing to the street behind us.

"Why didn't you say so?" He asked, sounding frustrated.

"I did, but you thought it was the next one," I replied.

"Fuck," he mumbled and turned around.

"I told you, curly," I grinned.

"Oh, fuck off," he sighed.

"We sound like a married couple," I laughed out.

He finally smiled, "we do actually."

I couldn't stop thinking about how easy this was; it seemed like we just clicked, just like that. He was still a bit of a mystery to me but now that I had gotten to know the real him, I felt like our connection was just natural.

We finally turned down my old street and Harry pulled out some pills and swallowed them.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine," he stuttered, "I'm just... nervous."

I smiled and pointed to my drive, "here, love."

He pulled in slowly looking up at the house.

"Hey," I started, "she's great. I swear she'll love you."

"Ok," he nodded a little, "I'm sorry. I'm not usually like this."

"I know, love," I smiled and touched his leg gently his eyes meeting mine, "you'll do fine."

He smiled and put his hand on mine and as soon as he did I leaned over and kissed him. He immediately pulled me in and our kissed deepened for several seconds before I realized we were making out in front of my house.

I pulled away and smiled, "well, I told her you were a friend. Maybe she didn't see that."

He laughed a little while he stepped out of the car, pushing his hair back and adjusting his pants. Apparently, he was quite bothered.

I smiled and grabbed our bags from the back. I was doing my best not to snicker at him.

"Shut it," he pointed, "you're not so innocent yourself, Boobear."

I laughed a little when he called me that. And he was right; I could feel myself in my sweats. But at least I had chosen baggy pants, unlike curly.

We walked up to the door and knocked, Harry towering behind me, shifting uncomfortably. He was so nervous.

My mum opened the door, a huge smile on her face, "my baby."

She hugged me tight and I smiled, "good to see you, mum."

We walked in as she hugged Harry quickly, "so nice to meet you, Harry."

"You as well," he grinned as she let him go, "your hair looks really lovely, by the way."

"Thank you," she smiled, "you're too kind. Louis, you didn't tell me what a lovely lad he was."

I smiled and bit my lip as Harry looked to be blushing again, "well, he is quite the charmer, mum. So, uh, can we take our things up?"

"Of course. The girls will be back soon. They'll be happy to see you," mum smiled at us.

"Great, can't wait to see them," I said and motioned for Harry to follow me upstairs. We stopped at the last room down the hall, "this was my room."

I opened the door and Harry looked around, "this is sick. Green Day, The Beatles, The Script..."

"Yeah," I smiled and sat our bags down while he looked at my posters, "I was a huge fan."

"I am, too, which you already knew," he said, "I seen them in London."

He took a seat on my bed still looking around as I asked, "when?"

"Uh, I was 15." He replied, "it was in June."

"The June 25th show," I nodded and he looked confused, "I was there, too."

"Are you serious?" He grinned, "you were there?"

"I was," I nodded and sat down next to him, "that's a bit insane."

"It is," he laughed, "wow. So, you went to London to see them?"

"Yeah, me and a few friends," I smiled, "I'm guessing you travelled from Holmes Chapel?"

"I did," he replied, "went with Gemma and her friend."

"That's crazy," I laughed, "so, we've sorta crossed paths before. Just didn't realize it."

"Yeah, most likely," he nodded and looked at my Rovers posters, "football fanatic."

"Yeah, I told you I was obsessed."

"Let's see those 10 balls that wouldn't come out of the closet then," he joked and got up to open my closet. I think he must've thought I was exaggerating when I said I had that many, but I really did, as he discovered. "Damn."

"Yeah, I wasn't playing," I smiled and got up grabbing one, feeling it between my hands again. Had been a long time since I had held one.

"Ready to start training me, coach?" He smirked at me raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, sure, yeah, why not?" I laughed.

I had given him some of my old shorts and a white tee to wear outside in the back garden. He met my sisters first, then we took to kicking the ball around. It was odd seeing him dressed this way for the first time. He was barefoot, his hair pulled up again as he smiled and played.

He was pretty shitty at it, but the happiness that was inevitably visible on his face told me he didn't care. He genuinely enjoyed having a good time goofing off.

"You're supposed to kick it between the trees," I laughed at him as the ball rolled up the patio.

"I can't kick," he shouted smiling while running after the ball. He threw it back and ran to the other end of the garden.

"What are you 2 doing?" My sister Lottie spoke up from the patio.

"Trying to teach me how to play," Harry responded laughing, "I'm shit at this."

Lottie sat down and watched us, laughing at Harry who was doing his best to catch the ball before it rolled into the goal I had.

"I need shoes," he shouted laughing.

"Your foot is too big," I laughed back while he got the ball and brought it back out to kick, "just don't stub your toe, love."

He grinned up at me as he finally kicked it in a straight line to me.

"That's better," I called to him.

"I'm too gay to even kick straight!" He yelled back, Lottie completely losing it and bursting out in laughter. Harry just smiled at me and I felt so much pride when I stared back at him.

"Think straight for a minute," I laughed and threw it back.

He caught it mid air and placed it on the ground, "doubtful. I can't think straight for 2 seconds, fuck a whole minute!"

I bit my lip as I chuckled at this crazy, beautiful human being.

"At least he's honest," Lottie smiled at me.

Harry giggled and kicked the ball towards me, finally getting it through the trees before I could stop it.

"Is that a point? What is that?" He called smiling.

"It's a point," I laughed, "you don't know anything about football, do you?"

"I really don't," he shrugged, "I know American football well."

"Fuck American football," I chuckled, "alright, it's 6 to 1 now."

"You haven't gotten 6," he laughed at me, "no fucking way!"

"I've got it through that goal 6 times, yes," I called back, "you cannot count."

"You two sound like mum and dad," Lottie laughed over at me.

He placed his hands on his hips and smiled over at me, his dimples deepening.

"Dinner will be done soon," I heard my mum call.

"Alright, we'll wrap it up," I called back and picked up the ball while Harry came over to me.

"You're loads better," he smiled at me.

"Yeah, you're quite shit at it," I grinned and pinched his cheek gently, "would you like to go out tonight? I mean, after dinner?"

"Uh, sure, where to?" He asked.

"I don't know, a pub or something?"

"I'm not... I'm not really in a mood for that," he said slowly, "maybe we could just walk the streets of your stomping grounds and you can tell me about growing up here?"

"I'd love that actually," I nodded.

He smiled and took a seat at the patio table, picking up his cigarettes and lighting one, "your home is really beautiful. And your sisters are actually delightful."

"They have their moments," I smiled and took a seat, "Lottie, I think, has the hots for you."

"What?" He laughed, "isn't she like 17?"

"She's 18," I replied and took the cigarette from him, talking a long hit. "Come on, girls have to find you attractive, Harry."

"I've never really taken much notice," he shrugged, "I'm too gay, remember?"

I laughed, "you never had girls interested in you in school?"

"I probably did," he grinned at me, "I didn't really pay attention to girls. Never."

"You are too gay, then," I smirked and patted his shoulder.

He smiled and put out the cigarette, "I need a shower."

"Yeah, me as well, love," I laughed and got up to go inside, Harry behind me.

"Smells amazing in here, Mrs Deakin," Harry said immediately.

"Thank you," she smiled at him, "but call me Jay, honey."

"Alright," he smiled warmly, "Lou's quite the football player."

I snickered and took out 2 waters from the fridge, handing Harry 1 of them.

"Thank you," he smiled at me, "I'm gonna go clean up."

I nodded and watched him head upstairs, my mum turning around and smiling at me, "he's definitely a keeper."

"Mum," I laughed, "he's just... we're friends."

"You're not just friends," she said quietly, "it's all over him, and you. I can see what you feel for him. And I can see what he feels for you. You love him, don't you?"

"Uh, I kinda do," I admitted with a sigh, "he knows I do. But we haven't known each other long and it's complicated."

"Maybe it is, but when he smiles at you, I can see what he is feeling for you. And I know you can, too," she smiled and patted my shoulder.

I nodded, "I can, yeah. I don't know how it even happened. I met him my first day and it's changed everything, mum. He's amazing. He's probably the best person I've ever met. Sounds completely insane, doesn't it?"

"No," she smiled, "sounds like love. Dinner is almost done, so why don't you go clean up, too?"

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