A Railgun In Fairy Tail, The...

By MisakaLovesYou

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It's been a year since Natsu and Happy went off on a one year training journey. Mikoto, now married to Touma... More

The Accelerator And The Desert King
And Once More We Meet.
Diablo's Audience
Espers V.S. Ninjas
Dragon Lord and Flame God.
The Eldest Mages.
Two Separate Paths
Girl of Light
Glacis Fullbuster
Silver Lightning
A Hero's Return.
Three Dragon Lords
It's time to DUEL!!!
V.S. Diablo, Part 1
VS Diablo Part 2: The Emperor's Rage
Clash of Lords.
Four Diablos
Epilogue: Diablo Ezra

Operation, Infiltrate Alvarez

837 37 16
By MisakaLovesYou

Short Info on the Espers of the Spriggan 12..

Bob Cartman. His ability name is known as Glutton. Bob Cartman has a simple ability upon first glance, eat and spit.. eat and spit... eat whatever, and spit it back out, sometimes in the form of pure energy. But it's more complex then that. His mouth is a gateway to his own portable pocket dimension, inside which, he is perfectly capable of altering the environment within the area.. and feeding off the energy of whatever is stored in himself.

Asura Liang. She is Bob's sister, and is constantly surrounded by an intense AIM diffusion field that manipulates light particles around her. Because of this, she is constantly having to don a special nanofiber clothing infused with magic to steady her power.. otherwise she risks blowing like a nuclear bomb. She can manipulate and solidify light particles to create devastating powerful constructs from pure light, and is also perfectly capable of creating plasma, flight, and in some cases (though she forgets to use it plenty of times) invisibility through bending light waves around her. Her real name was formerly Stephanie Cartman, but she changed it to Asura out of personal preference.

Hisako Sora. Her childhood was extremely rough and bitter. Her parents didn't want her.. and each of her birthdays, her parents would try to give her up for adoption. But were unable to, due to legal complications. This, and other events, resulted in Hisako developing an extreme mistrust for others, desiring to keep them out with impenetrable walls.. and to stop everything.. and just keep quiet for a moment. This resulted in her Road Block ability as a Level 4 gemstone, the strongest gemstone on record besides Gunha. Eventually she became a Level 5 around 2 years after all the major guild's disappearance into Soul Society, and would have been ranked the New Number 1 ranked Level 5, had it not been for Rhode Jarred's ability to bypass Accelerator's vector redirection. Otherwise, Hisako is probably the most powerful out of all the New Seven.

"You're.. kidding!" Mikoto stammered, standing up from her desk. "Your village.. SHRANK!?"

Naruto Uzumaki rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "Uhhhh.. yes?"

Sasuke had arrived with the ones who had survived Brandish's stealing of the Hidden Leaf Village only just an hour before.

As Sakura went into a separate room of the guild hall to check on Accelerator. Everyone else was gathered in the main guild room, surrounded by other shocked Fairy Tail members who were also hearing about the situation.

"It was.. rather shocking to say the least." said Kakashi. "I'm sorry for coming with such low reinforcements for your infiltration plan.. but this is all we have now.."

"Aw man.." Gray said. "It's going to be difficult to convince the Magic Council to allow us to mobilize now.. but.."

"But we're moving forward either way." said Mikoto. "Their village is just one more reason for us to continue on with the plan.."

Shikamaru raised a hand. "Not to be a drag about this.. but.. how do you plan to infiltrate them in the first place? I've taken a look at your forces, and no offense, but you're all a bunch of major oddballs who don't seem to have any knack for stealth.."

"Can't argue with him there." said Saten from somewhere in the crowd.

Mikoto grinned. "You're right.. we'll need a kind of edge won't we? That's why most of the guild is going to be on the outside of the main city, causing distractions, while a small number of us infiltrate directly into the capital."

"And.. THEN we blow stuff up?" Natsu asked.

"Yes Natsu." said Mikoto with a roll of her eyes. "Then we blow stuff up.."

"YEAH!!" Natsu cried out.

"And any other plans then that?" Shikamaru asked. "What's your strategy for meeting up if you're separated? How do you plan to take on unforeseen contingencies? Do you have any back up plans at all? And foremost, how do you intend to actually GET there?"

"Shikamaru's a stickler for stuff like that.." Naruto muttered to Mikoto.

"Hey! is that Kageyama from Eisenwald!?" said Natsu. "Hey Kage!"

"Ka-who?" said Shikamaru. "Anyways, my point is.. if what I've learned about Fairy Tail from the few weeks you stayed in the village is right, with exception of a few more level headed members, you all have a tendency to just try and bash your way through with brute force!"

"Yeah.. we do.." said Gajeel. "But that's what makes things fun."

"You're right Shikamaru." said Mikoto. "That's why this time, we're not going in half cocked. Not only do I have a plan, we also have our own little secret weapon for dealing with Alvarez's more troublesome forces."

"Secret weapon?" said Shikamaru.

"Yeah.. I'll surprise you when we get there.." said Mikoto. "In the meantime, Mom's out around the universe looking for the other scattered Numensapiens who've been injured by Diablo, so we won't be able to count on her for help.. same with my dragon mother.. she's taking care of my kids, and no way am I letting Miyoko or Mir get near this battle.."

Mikoto glared sternly into her group of guild members. "And that goes for future versions of them as well!"

Miyoko and Mir peeked out of the crowd and moaned. "But mama!!"

"NO!" Mikoto growled.

"We're members of Fairy Tail too!" Miyoko roared, hopping up and down angrily. "You can't stop us!! Even Index is going and she can't fight nearly as well as us!!"

The little nun, who was standing next to Stiyl at the moment, looked at the guild mark on her wrist. "Hmm.. looks stylish.."

"She has experience." said Mikoto. "You two don't. Little Lucy isn't going either, and I need somebody to look after her.. "

"Papa!!" Both Mir and Miyoko stared at Touma pleadingly.

"Sorry kids, I'm with your mother on this one." said Touma.

"Grrrr.." Miyoko clenched her fists. "Well, you can't make us say home.. we'll sneak out! We're Dragon Slayers!!"

"And I hired the ultimate baby sitter." said Mikoto "Shikamaru?"

"Wait.. Why me!?" Shikamaru stammered.

"You know the Shadow Possession jutsu right?" Mikoto said.

"Uhhh.. yeah..?"

Mikoto grabbed Shikamaru by the collar of his flack jacket, her eyes growing wide. "If they try to escape at all.. HOLD ON TO THEM WITH YOUR SHADOW LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!"

Shikamaru gulped. "Riiiiiight.." (man mothers are scary.)

"Alright." said Mikoto letting go of Shikamaru. "You can stay at my house for now.. I have instructions on the fridge.

As Shikamaru left the guild hall with the two grumpy sisters in tow, Naruto grinned at Mikoto slyly. "You were going to make him do it all along?"

"He's smart.. really smart." said Mikoto. "And those are the kids who spent plenty of time under the influence of future Natsu.... I think I'd rather not take the chance.."

"So.. back to Shikamaru's previous question." said Sasuke. "How exactly to do you plan on getting to Alvarez?"

"That.. is an easy one." said Mikoto. "Sorry Natsu.. you're about to get really motion sick.."

"Wait.. what!?" Natsu said.

"Elli!! Light her up!" Mikoto called.

"Aye aye captain!!" Elli said, winking before spreading her wings and flying over the ceiling where a lever could be seen.

Elli pulled the lever.. and immediately, the entire guildhall gave a massive rumble.

Outside, onlookers watched in amazement.. as the entire Fairy Tail guild hall rose into the air.. and beneath it.. was a giant.. sleek metal hull. With massive booster rockets attached to the back, and massive wings and jet turbines all along it's sides.. the front of the massive Guild Hall ship, had the Fairy Tail insignia on it, and the main guild hall seemed to act as it's cabin..

The ginormous ship rose higher and higher into the sky, before flying off into the horizon with a steady gaining speed.

Inside the hall.. Natsu was on the floor now, joined by Nicole, Gajeel, Glacis, and Saten.

"Wh-why me too?" Saten groaned. "Aren't I an esper?"

"L-level 0.." Gajeel groaned. "Probably doesn't count.. uggghh."

"WHOAH!!" Naruto stammered, running over to look out the window. "What is this!? What's even powering this thing!!?"

"I am." said Mikoto. Mikoto took off her jacket and raised the back of her shirt to show that on her shoulder blade were branded 3 magic circles with the Fairy Tail insignia in the center of each, glowing with electric energy. "These magic siphons, take energy directly from my powers and use my own electricity to power the entire ship. Over the year, see, I trained long and hard, so the total amount of power I'm able to generate is now capable of doing stuff like this. I can operate the ship remotely, land it, control it, turn it off... it took some help from Mayuri Kurotsuchi and Kisuke Urahara, but we managed to build this thing with a deep space travel capability too."

"That much power?" said Sakura. "You're one scary girl."

Mikoto winked. "Eh.. just part of being part dragon."

"I never thought I'd see the day when she got to fly." said Erza, smiling at the clouds rolling by the windows. "We should name her."

"I've already come up with one!" said Mikoto. "Teehee.. the... wait for it.. SKY GEKOTA!!!"

There was silence.

"Ummm...can we not?" said Lucy.

"How about Man Power!?" said Elfman.

"The Muffin Maker?" said Mira

"Ichiraku Ramen?" said Naruto.

"Motion Sickness Hell?" Natsu groaned from on the floor.

"The Wings of Ice!!" Gray exclaimed.

"Bill." said Sasuke.

Frieza Ship 211!!" a muffled shout came from the closet.

"Who was that!?" Mikoto said. "Hey Gray, is the pet fish still locked in the closet?"

"Yeah.. hold on.. I'll go feed him." said Gray.

"How about the Skybound Fairy?" said Misaki raised her hand from where she had been silently watching.

Everyone stared at each other. That was actually a good name.

"Still want to call it Frieza Ship 211!!" the muffled voice from the closet exclaimed.

"It's simple, easy to remember, and it says something about our guild." said Misaki with a wink as she twirled one of her remotes in her hand. "Interested?"

"I guess that's good." said Mikoto. "I christen this ship.. Skybound Fairy!! Anybody have a wine bottle?"

"I've got beer." said Cana, bringing out a bottle and smashing it against floor. "There.. ceremony, done."

"So we've got our transportation." said Gray with a chuckle. "But what are we going to do once we get there?"

"Well, to be honest, I'd rather not explain until we landed or something, so our motion sick passengers get the gist." said Mikoto. "But.. we won't have a chance to land, so I'm going to have to explain it on the fly.. Sorry Natsu, Gajeel..you too Nicole, Saten.. and Gacis.. just try and listen best you can.."

Azure Sapphire popped her head out cheerfully from the crowd of guild members, "Alright!! Here's how it's going to go."

Azure thrust out a hand, and a giant diamond tablet jutted out of the floor with drawings etched into it's surface, showing diagrams of the plan.

"First." said Azure. "We select a small group of our number to drop straight into the middle of the capital via the Skybound Fairy which will hide just above cloud cover, around 20 to 25 should do. To draw attention away from the mages in the center, the rest of us will start barraging the outside walls with random attacks strong enough to draw at least one of the Spriggan 12 out."

"That's just the initial plan." said Mikoto. "After you guys attack the outer walls, you pull back IMMEDIATELY, we only need them to start paying attention to the outer walls. Otherwise chances are most of us will be captured or worse."

"I see.. this is just the initial plan." said Kakashi. "But what do you plan to do after you're all safe and tucked away inside?"

"We will split into several groups." said Wendy. "With a designated group leader at the head of each, depending on the job at hand."

"Wendy will be leading Index and Saten through the main street. " said Mikoto. "They look innocent enough not to be suspect. Anyways.. the groups will consist of two or three.. Lucy will be with me, and so on and so forth."

"Each group's membership and assignments are here." said Azure pulling out a clipboard and flipping through it. "Laxus you're with me.." Azure began handing out lists with groups and target lists.

Romeo raised a hand as he looked at the clipboard over Azure's shoulder. "I'm not on this list."

"You'll be attacking the outer walls with your dad." said Mikoto. "Sorry, I know you wanted to go with Natsu.."

"Eh.." Romeo sighed. "It's fine."

"This is detailed." said Laxus. "How did you gather so much information on Alvarez's capital so quickly?"

"Captain Mayuri." said Mikoto. "He helped build the Skybound Fairy, so he felt that he wanted a reason to test it.. and by providing us this info he got his reason."

"He's precise, I'll give him that." said Erza. "Looks like I'm with you today Naruto.."

"Wait.. I'm on the list!?" said Naruto. "But you didn't even know we'd be with you guys on this trip till like.. an hour ago!!"

"We.. redid some stuff after the incident." said Mikoto. "Took only 30 minutes."

"HELLZ YEAH!!" Gunha Sogiita pumped his fist. "I'm with you Natsu bro!!"

"Whoooo!!" Natsu whooped weakly from the floor. "Guts.... "

"What about this secret weapon?" Nicole piped up. "You're talking about God Fusion aren't you?"

Mikoto took on a serious look. "Listen.. I know.. that in the past year, we've discovered that everyone I ever fused with, has gained the ability to fuse as well... but.. these are my old Numensapien genes.. they're highly unstable.. and it's not even certain why I still had them.. with me fusing alone.. it's safer.. but.. I'm not sure how continued fusing will affect you.. that's an ABSOLUTE last resort.. and ONLY if you run into a Numensapien."

Everyone nodded darkly. They all remembered that day.. the strange disaster that had occurred when Erza had somehow accidentally fused with Laxus..

Everyone except Natsu of course, who looked a little funny, combining a confused look with a motion sick one. And hadn't been present at the time, since he had been on his 1 year journey.

"Wait.. Mikoto's fused with me before.. " Natsu groaned. "I.. can God Fuse on my own too?"

"In any case, our actual secret weapon, is sitting on the top floor playing with a tea set." said Mikoto.

Gray grinned. "I get it.. Hoshimi.. not even all 10 wizard saints could ever stand to her level..."

"The ten wizard saints couldn't stand to Coluber's level, and he's a pacifist." said Cana. "I don't see how she'll be able to help against Diablo or any of his crew. She's an infant compared to the rest of her race."

"We're outmatched I know." said Mikoto. "But this is only if all our plans fail.. I don't like making Hoshimi fight, But besides Natsu when he's got Dragon Lord mode, she's basically the strongest in the entire guild when Mom's not around."

Mikoto now looked at Natsu. "Dragon Lord mode is our second last resort, before we ever resort to God Fusion.. Natsu.. you can control it right?"

Natsu grinned from where he laid, despite his motion sick agony. "Hell yeah I can control it.. that's what my journey's been all about right?"

"So.." said Mikoto. "With that out of the way.. you all know your groups and assignments?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Then Operation Infiltrate Alvarez is a go!!"

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