Together at Last (Elijah Mika...

By MCLuna92

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Together at Last (Elijah Mikaelson love story)
Chapter 3: Arriving back to Mystic Falls (Present Day)
At the Mikaelson's
Getting Ditched
Evil Klaus
Sweet Nightmare
Going out for coffee
The News
The Planning
The Plan Part 1
The Plan Part 2
The Beakup
Klaus's Party
Victorious Klaus
Leaked Part 1
Leaked part 2
Turning her back
Back to Normal
Remembering Everything

Chapter 2: Turned (still 1842)

3.7K 55 5
By MCLuna92

I woke up in a room I recognized. I know exactly where I was, I was at the Mikaelson’s mansion and I was in one of the guest rooms. I touched my shoulder where the werewolf bit me and saw it was completely healed.  I sat up straight still trying to adjust everything that happened last night. I started getting these flashbacks playing over and over again in my head. From when the whole town turned against my family, destroying my home and murdering my parents, burning them alive, to when the wolf attacked me and a vampire I’m guessing saved my life.

Tears started streaming down my cheeks still not believing my parents are dead, I’m on my own now and I can’t go back in public because if anyone sees me that I’m alive, they’ll go after me and kill me because now the whole town knows that I’m a witch. I wish I could have gone back in time and stop everything that happened. The only problem is that I can’t change the past, everything happens for a reason whether it’s the good or the bad. Either way, I washed I was the one dead and not my parents.

I started to hear footsteps coming my way and I quickly wiped my tears away. I saw him walking in. “I heard you crying, are you alright?” Elijah sat at the corner of the bed.

“I’m, fine.” I lied holding my tears.

“Your no fine and I could tell. Was it from what happened last night?” I nodded in response as my eyes started to get more watery than they already were.

He wrapped his arms around me and gently rubbed my back. “I’m so sorry from what happened; my brother’s such a fool.” He whispered softly in my ear.

“What? What do you mean?” I pushed away and looked into his eyes.

“It’s Nick’s fault your parents are dead, you see your father refused to do a spell for Nick. So Nick compelled him to do so and that’s when Sr. Salvatore walked in. Nick played stupid and told Sr. Salvatore what was happening and told him that your father’s a witch.”

“What!!!” Rage of fury came running though my blood streams. “I’m going to kill him.” I grind my teeth. “Is he home?” I took deep breaths.

“Yes, he’s downstairs with Rebekah.”

‘I’m going to kill him.” I got out of the covers and was about to walk to the door when Elijah stopped me.

“Killing Nick won’t help your parents come back from the dead.”

He’s right, I can’t bring them back from the dead, even if I wanted to I can’t, it’s unnatural and breaks the rule from the cycle of life, so I just can’t. Then if I tried killing Klaus, then from what good would that bring.

I shrugged him off of me and sat on the bed, with tears drooling out of my eyes. I miss my parents. I miss the spell castings my father and I done for fun out in the woods and making it rain, or when we lifted drops of water on the plants. Then with my mother, I miss her so much I was so close to her just like I was so close with my father. I used to tell them everything, but if I had any problems with my magic, I just asked my father.

Elijah took a seat right next to me and wrapped his arms around me. “It’s ok; everything’s going to be okay.” He whispered sweetly.

“”Elijah, can I ask you something?” I wiped my tears.

“Yes, what is it?”

“Were you the one who saved me last night from the werewolf?”

“Yes, that was me.”

“Thank you Elijah.” I smiled then gave him a hug.

“It’s my pleasure saving those I care.” He smiled.

If only he liked me instead of Katherine, everyone loves Katherine and I’m so sick and tired of all the guys talk about her saying that Stefan’s a lucky man to have Katherine. If only they knew that she’s cheating on Stefan. I am her friend and everything but she’s just complicated and selfish. I guess I’m just jealous that I can’t have Elijah because of Katherine.

“I’m glad to see you smiling.” He his smile grew wider.

Klaus and Rebekah barged into the room before I was even about to say anything “Well. Well. Well seems our brother’s witch is up.”

“Shut up Klaus, it’s your fault their dead, all because of you I’m going to have to leave town. You have no idea how badly I want to till you.”

“Then do so witchy. Come on give it your big shot. You can’t kill me, I’m an original remember.” Klaus shot me an evil smile.

“It’s always possible to kill any living thing, Klaus it’s either one way or another and when I find out how, I’m going to hunt you down.” I gave him a dirty look.

“You’ll never know Love. Now let’s just stop chit chatting and make a deal. You work for me and you’ll live.”

“Why would I want to work with the man that killed my parents?”

“Well you seemed to get along quite well with the murderer’s brother. I’d say you have a little something going on with him.”

“Don’t be silly Klaus our brother will never go out with someone like her.” Rebekah crossed her arms as she stood right by Klaus’s side.

“You two just leave her alone.” Elijah felt as if he was as offended as me.

“Not until she works for me.”

“That’s it.” I broke a leg from a wooden wardrobe and charged it straight at Klaus, but he quickly got out of the way, I couldn’t see where he go.

“Are you sure you want to do that love?” I turned around finding Klaus behind Elijah.

“No, you’re right; I forgot I could do this.” I used my power and started making his head burn, making him cry out in pain.

“Stop it! He had his hands on his head and fell to the ground.”

“Kendra, I think that’s enough.” I heard Elijah but I just ignored him and kept on going.

“Stop it!” He struggled to say.

“Klaus!” I heard Rebekah cry out. “Let him go now.” I heard Rebecca say angrily.” She charged right at me and felt a touch of a blade sinking deep in my skin.

“NO!!!” I heard Elijah call out.

I dropped down to the floor and blacked out again.

I woke up once again in the same place, but this time Elijah sat on the side holding my hand. “I’m so sorry.” Elijah shook his head in shame.

“Sorry for what?” I wondered sitting up straight, but for some reason I felt different I’m not sure what it is but I am, I’m also so hungry, probably because I haven’t eaten all day.

“Well, when Rebecca tabbed you, you died…” He trailed off and faced down.

“And then you fed me your blood again, right?” I said thinking that’s what probably happened, but he didn’t say anything; he just looked down in shame. “Elijah, tell me that’s what exactly what happened.” I saw him getting up and stood with his back facing me. “Elijah, you’re starting to scare me.” I got up and stood by him.

“No, you died still having my blood in your system.” He finally spoke.

“What!” I started freaking out.

“I didn’t want this to happen to you.” Tears started to escape down his eyes.

I never have seen him like this before, He never seen to show his humanity like Rebekah and that ass of a Klaus. I reach out to give him a hug and let him cry on my shoulder.

I know why it hurts him so much, He’s afraid of losing me. I know that I can’t be both a witch and a Vampire at the same time, I have to choose. I have to pick whether I want to be a vampire or let myself die. It’s a pretty tough decision.  I want to die because it’s unnatural and I want to see my parents in the afterlife, but then again I don’t want to leave Elijah and maybe I won’t have to if I let myself die, I’ll always be there for him and somehow let him know that I’m there.

“It’s okay; everything’s going to be okay.” I calmed him down a little as I wiped his tears gently off his cheeks. He slightly smiled without saying a word.

Rebekah walked in to the room and coked her head. “Brother, I want you to come with me to see somebody.”


“Who you think, it’s Katherine.”

“Katrina.” He whispered her name.  “Excuse me Kendra but is it alright if I quickly go see Katherine? I give you my word it’s only going to take just a few.” He said as he stood up.

“No, go ahead.” I sighed as I frowned. Go ahead and go see Katherine as I lay here dying. Time is ticking for my death.

I saw Elijah walking away and Rebekah turned to face me, giving me a dirty look. “Serves you right, I could tell you decided to let yourself die like you deserve to be, though I think that’s not quite enough.” I saw her walking away.

I laid in the bed just thinking on what’s going to happen. I fear for my future and I fear of dying. I don’t know exactly how the afterlife is like. I have communicated with ghosts before and felt their energy at times but never have I ever asked them how it was like.

Klaus came barging into the room and had a peasant eighteen year old girl to his left and a young good looking man around my age seeming mutual. The both of them stood quiet seeming mutual; I’m guessing Klaus compelled them. “Take you pick love, I brought you food.” He gave me an evil grin.

“Nice try Klaus, but I decided to let myself die.”

“I know you don’t really want to, I know you have feelings for my brother.”

“Stay away from my head Klaus. Whatever I think and whatever I dream stays in my head unless I say otherwise.”

“I’m giving you a good deal love. I’m letting you live and forgive you from what you did earlier. Plus you may never know what might happen between you two.”

“Oh please, I know you’re up to something, like you stole Katherine from him, leaving him hurt.”

“It’s a favor for the both of you. He’ll get her out of his mind and have you.”

“Did you know Katherine already has a boyfriend?”

“Do I care? Now eat.” He brought the guy forward seeming as if he was hypnotized which he basically was.

I could feel the hunger gaining on me but I decided to ignore it. “No.” I crossed my arms and cocked my head.

“Very well then love.” He smiled and bit the guy’s writs making him bleed. Then he started to feed on the girl.

The smell of the blood sank in to my nostrils and into my lungs. My hunger became stronger giving me strong urges on wanting to feed. I was incapable on wanting to keep calm. With a fast reaction I started feeding on the guy. “That’s right feed on him feed.” Klaus did a sinister laugh.

The taste of the blood was too salty with a funky taste, but then again for some reason, I liked it. I just started craving for more, making me suck out his blood even harder.  I started feeling as if I had a painful ache on my teeth; I didn’t know what was happening. I cried out in pain as I felt my fangs coming out. I put my hands over my cheeks and felt my veins popping out. The pain stopped and sank my teeth in the guy’s neck and continued to feed on him.

I turn to Klaus kissing the girl’s hand and then he looked at her straight in the eyes. “You may leave now and remember nothing. If they ask what happened, you were attacked by a wild animal.”

“I remember nothing.” She said like a zombie and walked away.

“Now you try.” Klaus smiled.

“I don’t know what if I’m not strong enough, what if he remembers something?”

“If you’re worried about that then do this.” Klaus walked to the guys and ripped his heart out, killing him.

“You killed him?” I gasped.

“Don’t be surprise love; now go dig him up somewhere.” He smirked and walked out of the room leaving me with a dead body and giant puddles of bright red blood.

What have I done? I never wanted any of this to happen. I didn’t want to be like this. I didn’t want to feed on an innocent being and kill him. I wanted to die, I deserved to die and now I’m going to have to live my eternal life as a blood sucking monster/ killing machine. I can’t sense nature anymore or feel any magic in me, I feel dead.

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