PokèDruids [PkmnWattys2016]

By HaterOfTheYear

2.7K 377 175

A young boy named Pepe lived a regrettable life, mainly because, heck, he didn't have a Pokemon. He couldn't... More

The Professor
No More
A Small Shrub
Out Of Body Experience
Fight of a Lifetime
Bell Tower
Winter Ghosts
Trials and Union
Summit and Repose
Contest Spectacular Pt 1
Contest Spectacular, Pt 2
Humanity Stones
Fort Alpine
Things of Three
Xerxes and Dusk, Pt 1
Xerxes and Dusk, Pt 2
Eros and Sicily, Pt 1
Eros and Sicily, pt 2
Eros and Sicily, Pt 3
Eros and Sicily, pt 4
Hank and Cerci, pt 1
Hank and Cerci, pt 2
Hank and Cerci, pt 3
The Ashen Badge
Siege on Fort Alpine
Journey to Utopia
... And Your Enemies Closer
Falling Skies
Home Again
Yay for Cerci!
The Rising Cult
Of All People!
Fine Dining
This Could Have Been It...
...But it Wasn't
A Pokemon Battle?
A Pokemon Battle. Two.
To Giratina!
False Idol
The Marquis
Island of the Mages
Friggin Bird...
What Now?
Spread Your Wings
Tournament Pt 1
Tournament, Pt 2
Tournament: Final part i promis
Unova-re's eventually going to be puns (Kalos can't make puns :( )
Ka-los call (As in, close call)
Another Chapter Where They Go Home
She Found It
Down to Hell
Plan B
The Chapter Things Started To Change
Deep, Meaningful Title
Do You Even Care What the Title Is?
Ambiguous Pun
A Single, Pessimistic Phrase
Needs Disambiguation
LOL, This Chapter
Liliac Maelstrom Doughnut
ch79/notes storyline:scarylands notes end above Lol what else me?
I'm Hugry Food Plz
Ch 81
I don't know what comes after 81
The Beginning of the End
The End of the Beginning of the End
Oh Boy, A Fight!
Boss Fight
The End

Keep Your Friends Close...

27 6 0
By HaterOfTheYear

As the trio sunk even deeper into the ocean, the incandescent orb below continued to enlarge itself. It was a peculiar sight, being the only source of anything besides pitch black for the three, shining its brilliant light onto the undersides of them. Even tinier, brighter lights could be seen dancing within this ball, illuminating what could possibly be a city, which could easily become much more immense as they approach.

Maybe a few minutes after that, it became clear that they were being sucked closer to the city, although not right over the center; In fact, it seemed as if they were headed towards the edge of the city instead, which seemed to be not as bright as the rest of the sphere- or half sphere, it appeared- and only revealed fine stone for flooring.

For about a minute, Eros thought they were going to completely miss the city, being so close to the edge; And they would have, if they were traveling straight down. However, a gentle current brought them inwards more, eventually landing them on the outskirts of what appeared to be a massive stone fortress. The architecture was exquisite, to say the least; None of the masonry in Ashport nor any of the rest of the world could compare to that of the castle but a mile out. Even the floors had the finest lines carved into them, showing just how precise and powerful such an underwater nation could be.

But, as the three would find out, they would have a less than warm welcome. Eros reached what seemed to be the barrier that protected this kingdom from the sea, an undulating layer of water before the air. As he touched this, he felt as if he were suddenly falling from the sky, his weight dragging him down into this new environment (or I could just say he fell. Huh. Maybe I can do more to reduce the space I'm using. God, I'm so wasteful sometimes).

(Do you think I should start recycling? Just asking.)

(I mean, I care about the environment and stuff, but... It's just so much work. I mean, do you recycle at home?)

(Don't answer that. Unless you don't. In which case, you make me feel just a tad less evil.)

(Oh, wait, I have a book to be writing. Gosh, I get so sidetracked nowadays.)

As Eros fell a few feet towards the ground, he heard two other, heavy thumps. Eros looked up and around, seeing beautiful stone walls supporting what seemed to be a floral garden, the beautiful barrier that stood between them and what appeared to be a residential area, similar in appearance to Barcelona. And an even more beautiful line of guards stood between them and the city. They stood iron clad, in heavy plate armor with steel spear in hand.

One of the more gorgeous, albino looking ones said, "Looke here, three Pokemon managed to find this place. That just won't do, will it boys?" The spears were now pointed at the three, who were dazed and confused at what was going on.

In an effort to avoid immediate execution, Eros reverted to his human form right in front of the soldiers, which had changed their demeanors from sly and angry to something along the lines of confused the fuck out.

Eros, spitting out a mouthful of water and dripping with sea water, managed to spit out, "Stop... We're... Not here... To... Uh... Where... Are we?" All this time, Eros was attempting to avoid having any salt water run down his throat.

One of the guards, confused at the Squirtle who turned into a human, noted to the other guards, "I do not believe this kind of jurisdiction is for us to make, seeing this... Creature, as it appears, is not completely human nor Pokemon. Boy, are these your Pokemon?"

Eros, at a loss as to what is happening, stated, "Uh, sure. I-is there a problem?"

"Do you know where you are?"

Surge and Xerxes seemed to be having a harder time recovering from the water, despite their abilities to breathe water. Eros continued, "Could you please tell me?"

"Humph. Welcome to a land we call Utopia."

Not long after their less than kind introduction with the local law enforcement, Eros, Surge and Xerxes were led with firm grips into the city of Utopia. While it was interesting to see flora planted in nearly every window, and to see such smooth walls and intricate engravings upon every surface, and to see what was likely a medieval lifestyle amongst so many people, it was definitely discomforting to find that not a single Pokemon, save the ones he brought with himself, inhabited the streets of this city. Even the sky was suspicious, as a dark cloud with a mingle bright point, the sun, gave to the atmosphere of this world.

As they drew closer to what Eros assumed was the center of the city, the looming fortress that was definitely the epicenter of Utopia and the pinnacle of its masonry grew larger and larger, until it competed with the size of Lumiose and Delta tower combined, to say the least. Intimidation crawled underneath the skin of the party, as orderly guards made scenery in the walls of beige and grey stone in the castle. Paths branched left and right, leading into what could be the largest city in the world, had Eros not known better.

After a few more minutes of walking, the three walked past a massive pair of doors, which led into the castle of Utopia. The lavish red carpets and chandeliers up above reminded them that only the highest royalty could own such a place, having to be a king of the greatest clout and power. And so the met, sitting upon a golden throne and surrounded by men in suits so large that one could pit against an entire army and walk away alive.

The king, formerly motionless and unfeeling, become nonplussed and confused at the sight of the two Pokemon and maturing boy in front of him. He had a golden crown, robes of silk that couldn't be felt should they be touched, as they were so soft. His scepter laid with jewels, his face in a trimmed grey beard, he spoke to the guards, "And what do we have here, fine gentlemen?"

One of the guards spoke, "'Tis a boy and his Pokemon, sir. But, and I must add, the boy seems to be able to change forms."

"Is that so?" The king changed positions in his seat; As some of his bones cracked, one could tell he does not move often. "Then transform for me, boy, so that I may see my guard speaks true."

Eros stared blankly, almost uncomprehending of what he had to do. "Uh... I can't."

The king raised an eyebrow, looking more untrusting than unsure. "So you say my guards speak not the truth?"

"Uh... No... I just can't do it now. I kinda need to rest first."

"Is this a farce? I command you, do it now."

"B-but... I can't... I'm not good enough..."

"Humph. So be it. Guards, execute these three."

"W-wait! I can do some other stuff, though!" Eros looked back to Surge and Xerxes, who wore only fear in their eyes.

The king motioned for Eros to proceed. In turn, Eros put out his hands, pulling his internal energy outwards towards his hands, releasing a stream of sparkles in the air. Although one would expect little reaction from the king, he suddenly sat forwards as he saw the sparks fly; To add to this, he raised his staff up and to the side, maintaining a cold, unfeeling expression that couldn't hide the slightest intrigue. "Guards. Get our guest. It seems as if we have another Mage."

One of the armor-clad guards ran into one of the side halls. Moments later, a man dressed in black vestments came out, face obscured by cowl and white mask visible to all. His silver staff had the tip of a mace, only smaller- decorative only. An odd power radiated from him, as if he had the power of one of the legends within himself. The moment Xerxes saw him, she started to panic; Even Eros, who only observed her peripherally, could see she wasn't too content on seeing this man.

As he stepped forwards, Xerxes started to quiver, much to the man's pleasure. The guards at the side of the room slightly changed positions as he passed, giving themselves a stiffer posture and standing even more upright than before. The man stopped just a stone's throw away from the party, looking over them again and again, inspecting them for every human detail that could tell him even more about their secrets. Then, out of nowhere, the man stumbled, only barely making himself stand back up again.

As he spoke, the ominous feeling in the room only grew, certainly due to the nature of this man. "If I heard you right, your majesty, this boy could transform or the like?"

The lord, wiping all emotion from his face, replied, "We haven't reason to believe so, except by word of mouth."

"Well, that's more than enough for suspicion, is it not? Tell me, boy, what is the nature of your magic?"

While the typical person wouldn't have the ability to come up with a lie AND pass it off as casual conversation, Eros was magnificent at this, mainly due to years of hanging around Hank and feigning understanding in school. But mostly hanging around Hank. "I practice light based magic."

"Oh?" The black-robed man was not appeased with this, although he couldn't seem to call him out. "T-then... *hic* Show me your capabilities, acolyte." The odd hiccup in his statement had immediately brought this man's sobriety into question.

Eros, thinking on his feet once more, created an incandescent ball of light from between his hands, illuminating the room only ever slightly more than the oil braziers around. The lord grew ever the more content with Eros, while the black-robed figure was seemingly assuaged. The guards stood still in awe, as the sorcerer before them spawned this beacon.

The robed figure tripped on the air, only to recover and say, "Oh. N... Never seen you before. Welcome to the club. *hic* Hey, you wanna-"

The king interjected, stating, "Although this may be your acolyte, Marquis- And I should have you know I'm very doubtful he is- he HAS violated the code of conduct."

Eros asked, "What did I do?"

To which the king responded, "You have transgressed, acolyte, by bringing that with the blood of malice into our abode." With this, the king raised his scepter towards Surge and Xerxes.

"B-but we-"

"Unfortunately, such a young man as you cannot be the recipient for exceptions to the law. I have no pleasure in sentencing you and your Pokemon to execution. Tomorrow, at noon, you and your pets shall be hung-"

"Father!" A young man, much like the lord in adornment and stature, as well as with a similar blonde shade of hair, ran into the room from one of the side corridors. "You cannot possibly execute such a noble guest, now can you? I mean, he's barely been here but an hour, if that."

"Son, you have no place to-"

Eros gave to the king's son, the prince, a look of confusion, which was greeted with a trustworthy wink. "Father, is this how we should run the kingdom? Executing people left and right?"

"There are no exceptions to the law, son. I must serve my people."

"And one must serve without mercy nor morals?"

"... ... Son. I do not approve of your disobedience. However, if you truly feel as if these transgressors should be pardoned... You have not told me wrong yet, son. ACOLYTE! You are pardoned for your infraction. You are to report to-"


The lord was quite perturbed by the prince's constant interruptions, and it was starting to show. "What is it, son?"

"You have just threatened to have the boy executed. Isn't it just to let him stay for the feast?"

"... I suppose. Acolyte, bow to me, your lord, and you shall be accepted to the gathering later this evening."

Eros responded, "Y-yes, my lord." And, along with Xerxes and Surge, he lowered his head and bowed to the king.

The prince, now with an artificial smile plastered to his face, raised one arm as to point it down the hall. "Great! Guards, prepare our special guests a temporary stay in one of the suites. We shall host a very special dinner tonight."

Surge, wincing at the sound of this, turned to Eros and whispered, "I have a bad feeling about this."

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