In The Hands of a Stranger

By Spark187

16.8K 483 15


On Her Own: Part 1
On Her Own: Part 2
On Her Own: Part 3
On Her Own: Part 4
Road Trip: Part 1
Road Trip: Part 2
Road Trip: Part 3
Road Trip: Part 4
Road Trip: Part 5
Road Trip: Part 6
Road Trip: Part 7
Road Trip: Part 8
Road Trip: Part 9
Road Trip: Part 10
Road Trip: Part 11
Road Trip: Part 12
Nightmares & Realities Part 1
Nightmares & Realities: Part 2
Nightmares & Realities: Part 3
Nightmares & Realities: Part 4
Nightmares & Realities: Part 5
Nightmares & Realities: Part 6
Nightmares & Realities: Part 7
Nightmares & Realities: Part 8
The Choice: Part 2
The Choice: Part 3

The Choice: Part 1

608 15 0
By Spark187

Remy Lebeau paced the floor of the Med Bay at the Xaiver's School for the Gifted. The only reason he came to Westchester was for Rogue. She was the girl he loved, and she was in dire straights. It had been only a few hours, but Rogue had not awakened yet, and it was starting to make Remy nervous.

"Rogue, why you do dis t'Remy? Just wake up, dat's all I want. Can' ya do dat for Remy?" She didn't stir, and that made him more nervous than anything else did. "What ya be doin' up dere, aye?"

He held her hand, even through his gloves he could tell they were cold. He was so fixated on Rogue he didn't notice that Logan had walked in with a young woman. He only knew this when he heard the woman speak.

"Monsieur Labeau," said the young woman, holding out her hand. Remy looked up at the woman, who looked about the same age as Rogue. That's where the similarity ended. She had light auburn hair in a mass of curls that was tied back in a ponytail. She wore glasses and a white lab coat. "My name's Adrienne Foster."

"You here t'help Rogue?" he asked, turning his attention back to the woman he loved.

"I hope so," she said. "What Logan tells me is that Rogue has a foreign mind trapped inside her."

"Yeah, an' dat girl be tryin' t'take over. Logan brought her back."

Remy looked over at Logan who had stayed silent until now. "Adrienne knows what she's doin'."

"Logan, you give me too much credit." Adrienne put her hands on either side of Rogue head. She was careful not to touch her skin. Adrienne closed her eyes, concentrating hard. After about a minute of this Adrienne stopped. It was obvious that she was a little weak. Logan helped her into a chair.

"Ya alright, darling?"

"Yes," she said. "I just wasn't prepared for that."

"So, what's goin' on wit Rogue?" Remy asked.

"Simple," Adrienne said, after she regained her strength. "When her powers returned, they did so at an accelerated rate, and with Carol's unique DNA it made the transfer permanent."

"Can ya undo it?" Remy asked.

"No," Adrienne said, "not where the powers are concerned, but it is possible to return Carol to her own body, but..."

"But what?" Logan asked.

"One, it will take time, and two, it's no guarantee Carol will wake up, and even if she does her mind might be permanently damaged. So could Rogue's."

Adrienne remained seated since she was still weak. "How you know dis?"

"Because I'm an empath."

Another woman came into the Med Bay at that moment, a woman with long white hair and dark skin. "The highest level empath I have ever encountered," she said and smiled at Adrienne.

Adrienne finally felt strong enough to stand. "Storm, it's so good to see you again."

"So how's our patient?" Storm asked.

"Still unconscious, but I think I can help her. It's a good thing I contacted Logan a few weeks ago." She looked over to the burly man, who had nothing to say. "So when he asked me to come here and help Rogue, I couldn't say no."

"So how we gonna help Rogue?" Remy asked.

"With your help, we can help Rogue control Carol until we can find a way to return her to her body."

"How am I gonna do dat?" Remy asked.

"You're an empath too, Monsier Labeau, low level, but combined with my powers, strong enough. That's if you're willing to risk yourself."

"I do anyt'ing for Rogue."

"Alright. It involves going inside her mind. She's too weak to fight Carol alone, but with you I think she can. With my power I can get you in, then the rest in up to you."

"I'll do it," Remy said, not even having to think about it. "Just tell me when."

"Tomorrow morning," Adrienne said. Remy was about to protest when Adrienne interrupted him. "Hey, this is a difficult process, and you're going to need all the rest you can get."

"Mister Lebeau," Storm said. "I will show you to your room."

"I don't want to leave Rogue," Remy said.

"I think you should take Adrienne's advice," Storm said.

"Don't worry," Logan said. "I'll stay with her."

Storm escorted Remy out of the Med Bay, although he didn't really want to leave. She walked him up to the second floor and led him into one of the empty rooms. "Mister Labeau," Storm said, "I took the liberty of having your things brought up."

"My t'ings?" he questioned.

"There was two duffel bags. Logan brought them in." Storm smiled at him. "Get some rest."

He nodded to her after she took off down the hall. Remy walked into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed. His thoughts returned to Rogue. The funny way they had met, and how she trusted him so completely, and even after Bell and her brother was chasing after them. She never once lost her cool. He remembered the night they went dancing, and how beautiful she looked. He vowed he would get her through this even if was the last thing he did. He sat there, knowing he should really rest, but he couldn't. How could he, with her down in the Med Bay suffering.

The door to his room was opened which at first he didn't notice until a young man showed up in his doorway. "So, you're the one?" Remy looked up, confused by the young man's statement. He young walked into the room. "What did you do to her?" he asked

Still, Remy was still confused. "Ya gotta problem wit Remy?"

"Yea, I got a problem with a low-life piece of scum like you. So what did you do to Rogue? "

"What's it to ya?" Remy said, getting up off the bed.

"I'm Bobby," he announced. "Did she tell you about me?"

Remy's eyes flared. "You're Bobby," Remy said, laughing. "Yea, Rogue told me 'bout ya. Told me ya cheated on her. Dat's why she left here in da first place."

"That's between me a Rogue, so why don't you get out of here before you hurt her anymore."

"I ain't da one dat hurt Rogue. Dat be your doin'. Remy ain't gonna stand for it."

Bobby shot up his arm and out came a stream of ice. Remy easily dodged it. "Oh, little iceboy wanna play? Remy like t' play, too."

He reached into his pocket for a playing card. It was the Queen of Hearts. That reminded him of Rogue. He quickly charged the card and threw it, but Bobby's entire body transformed into ice. The blast hit the side of the doorway, crumbling the wood and plaster around the doorframe. He quickly reached for a few more cards and continued his attack. One card hit Bobby in the leg and made him tumble to the ground. He returned to his normal human form and whaled in pain from the blast.

Remy had taken it easy on him. He didn't want to permanently damage him, just teach him a lesson. Remy approached him and picked him up by his shirt collar and slammed him up against the wall on the undamaged side of the doorway.

With his hands free, Bobby put them around Remy's throat. His hands generated a cold frost that threw Remy off guard; Bobby broke free and kicked Remy in the groin. The impact sent him to the floor, but he still had a crumpled up playing card in his hand. He quickly charged it and tossed it towards Bobby. He barely dodged it before Remy came at him again. Bobby blocked his attack with some effort, finding Remy at a weak point.

"Does Rogue know how violent you really are? Remy, is it?" Bobby asked sarcastically, trying to regain his footing.

"It's Gambit to you," he said and lunged at him. He slammed him onto the floor and punched him squarely in the face.

Before long there were a crowd of spectators. Some of the younger students were watching the fight in anticipation, some chanting Bobby name and others encouraging Remy to kick his ass.

"Hey, hey, what's going on here?" Storm demanded. She had come back upstairs to bring Remy some blankets for the night. Logan came trailing behind.

He pushed his way through the crowd of kids in the efforts of breaking up the fight. He stepped in-between the two young men and unsheathed his craws. "Break it up," Logan growled.

Storm made her way into the room, observing the damage, not only to the room, but the damage the two men inflicted on each other. "What's going on in here?"

Remy wanted to go after Bobby in the worst way if it wasn't for Logan. He knew he could have held his own with Logan, but he greatly respected the man for what he did for Rogue. Bobby was another story. Given the chance he would have torn him apart.

"Ya both just cool down."

Storm approached Bobby. "Come with me. You need to get patched up."

"Not until I take care of this scum," Bobby shouted.

Remy's temper flared. "Bring it on, Icepick."

"Shut up, Gumbo," Logan demanded. "Get him out of here, Storm," Logan said, not taking his eyes off Remy.

Bobby protested at first until he saw the snarl in Logan's voice. He then cooperated and left with Storm. Most of the kids were still gathered around. Logan looked on at the crowd. "Show's over," he said, giving them all an intense look that most recognized as the 'don't mess with me' expression.

The kids dispersed within minutes, leaving Logan alone with Remy.

Logan looked intensely at Remy and said, "What the hell was that all about?"

"Not Remy's fault," he said, favoring his sore arm. "Iceboy attack Remy first."

"All I saw was you punchin' him in face," Logan accused.

"After he tried t' turn Remy into a ice sculpture. He t'ink Remy hurt Rogue. He be da one dat hurt her." There was a look of hurt and exhaustion on his face, but there was also an intensity that told Logan that this young man only wanted to protect Rogue.

"Hey," Logan started in a low voice. "I know that Iceman can be..."

"An ass," Remy finished.

"Yea," Logan said. "Hey, you know there's going to be hell to pay with Storm." Logan pointed at the door.

For the first time Remy saw just how much damage was done. He walked over to the door and a laugh came to him. "No worry, Mon ami, Remy fix it."

At that moment Storm walked into the demolished doorway. Logan saw the look on Storm's face. He knew just how livid she really was. "Mister Labeau," she said, a stern look coming to her face. "I just heard Mister Drake's version of events, now I would like to know yours."

Remy said nothing. He didn't feel he needed to explain himself.

"Better answer her, Gumbo," Logan said.

"Remy got not'in' t' say."

"Alright, but it's obvious you can't stay here tonight. There's another empty room down the wall. Try not to destroy that one, too." She started to walk away when she turned back and added, "And another thing, Mister Labeau, if Rogue didn't need you so badly I would throw you out of here right now." With that Storm walked swiftly down the hallway. He could hear the clack of her shoes. Each step sounding like a shot from a gun.

Remy grabbed the two duffel bags and took off down the hall unaware that Logan was following him. He didn't realize it until he reached the empty room.

"What was that about?" Logan asked standing in the doorway.

"Remy tol' why he beat up dat asshole."

"No," Logan said, growing impatient. "With Storm."

"Remy don't need t' explain himself."

"Maybe not to her, but ya do t'me." Remy stopped cold. "You and Rogue."

"I t'ought you be stayin' wit Rogue."

"Adrienne's with her, now don't change the subject," he said, pointing a finger at him. "You and Rogue. What's the deal?"

"Dat nobody's business," Remy snapped.

"So there's somethin' there, ain't it?" The look on Remy's face told Logan that he didn't deny it, but he wouldn't confirm it either. "That girl's important to me, and if you can save her..."

"Remy do anyt'in' for Rogue. Dat all ya need t'know."

"That's what I thought."

Logan left Remy's room closing the door behind him. Remy was left alone with his thoughts. All he could think about was Rogue lying unconscious in that bed in the Med Bay. He looked at the duffel bag, her bag. He opened it and found her black lace gloves, lying on top of the pile. He picked them up and noticed her scent still lingering in the fabric. He wondered if it was his imagination.

The exhaustion was hitting him hard. It just wasn't his fight with Bobby. A fight he could handle, but the thought of losing Rogue was more then he could bear. He knew he needed sleep. If he were to help Rogue he would need all the rest he could get.

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