My Destiny (Jealousy Book 2)

Von PaintMeImperfect

34.6K 1.3K 586

This is the Sequel to JEALOUSY. read Jealousy first before reading this book. Brandon, after Destiny's unexpe... Mehr

Chapter 1 :Why?
Chapter 2 : 1 Step back
Vex-Authors Note
Chapter 3 :Strong minds get over Anything...hopefully.
Chapter 4 : Well needed offdays
Chapter 5 : Testing of Faith.
Chapter 6 : Lego house
Chapter 7: lego house continued
Chapter 8 : Silence...
Chapter 9: Choices
Chapter 10 : Steps
Chapter 11: Reciprocated.
Chapter 12 : Nice to meet you
Chapter 13 : Separate lives
Chapter 14- Through Jealous eyes
Chapter 15: Similar plights..different attitudes.
Chapter 16 :She Rhymes With Beige
Chapter 17 : Happy efforts
Chapter 18:Therapeutic Family time
Chapter 19 : Disturbed Family efforts
Authors Note
Chapter 20 :Faith
Chapter 21 :Momentary Solitude
Chapter 22 :Because Nyjah says
Chapter 23 : The view from where I stand.
Chapter 24-The titanic effect
Chapter 26 -Explosive by nature
Chapter 27 : What am I without U?
Chapter 28 : My DESTINY
Epilogue Announcement
Chapter 29 : Lifeline (Epilogue)
book 3
PIERCE YOUR HEART (jealousy book 3)

Chapter 25 - The Titanic effect part 2

613 31 16
Von PaintMeImperfect


My hands are shaking. The gun feels like ice in my hand, burning my skin, itching my fingers to press the trigger in his head. KILL HIM! Kill my problems.
But I can't...
I can't...
She'll die.

I have never wanted to do something so bad in my life, with the restriction being the only thing that would kill me in every aspect.
If I shoot him, she dies, I die.
Simply put.

And here and now, looking at this lunatic warrants nothing but images of what today will end like. Somebody has to die, and the odds of it being Des are high as fuck.

I cringe at the thought, a nauseous feeling taking over my stomach. My head and heart race like horses and every piece of sanity I have leaks with each exhale.

I am close to madness.

I can't think straight.

He leans on the last of the stair handle, arms folded and smirk wide, the opposite of me entirely.

"Making life decisions over there I see."He mocks.

My eyes don't leave his and neither does my gun. This cocky son of a bitch had me, and he knew it.

"You wanna win so badly, dontcha?"I shake my head. The realization that death is somewhere around the corner for me or baby girl has me ready to delve in some feelings. "But what will you win?-This all started because Des left, now you want her dead, so it can't be her that you'll win. If I die, that warrants you nothing but a funeral on your newspaper's front page, and if you die, I'll see that shit on the five o'clock news. So please, tell me, what is it that you are hoping for?"

"I don't owe you or anybody an explanation."He grits."But, in short, killing you and her, warrants me nothing, to be honest. True. She's already dead to me, and you're a walking bullet holder, bleeding from head to toe. Wanting to kill both of you initially was because I was entirely jealous and caught up on narcotics."He shrugs nonchalantly. "But the older this situation got, the more shit happened, me getting shot, my friends having to die for being accomplices, new friends suffering the same faith at my wrath...there became so much more reason to wipe yall selfish mo'fuckers out nigguh"

So this wasn't about Des?

"So you're telling me you don't wanna kill Des cause she left, or me cause I have her?"
I'm finding that hard to believe.

"Of course that's my reason, I'm just saying more got added to my reasoning over time nigguh."

This conversation wasn't without reason, and I hope he hadn't caught on.

"So why come down here without a gun...I mean, you could be dead already. A dead man can't set off a bomb."I smirk.

He smiles.

"Yea, but the sound of a bullet can."

His reasoning hit me like a ton of bricks. Someone is up there with Des, waiting for the signal of a gun going off. Nyjah wants us to fight. Man to man...his intentions were clear. But in my state?

"I wanna know if you really wanna die today? -are you ready,to die? -for her?"He asks, studying me keenly. Taunting me.

"ALWAYS"I throw my gun across the room.

The pain wrenches through my shoulder, collar bone and leg in that instant.Like a warning not to get in a fistfight while I'm in this state. But no excuse is good enough to let her go.

"Ha! Haaa!"He grins. "Gimme watchu got banker"

My hands ball up in tight fists as rage runs through me.I am as ready as I will every be to fight for whats mine.


Aw! Shit!
Fuck,my head !

Reaching up to touch the spot that was burning, I realize my hands my bound together behind me.
Images of the moment before I blacked out swarm my mind and I remember that I was hit in the head with a full champagne bottle.

Now I'm bound on a bed.

I hear footsteps around me.

I try to open my eyes, but the light in the room and the ache of my face was making it hard.

Eventually, I get them open to a dim, and I notice a body standing by the Window of the room-my old room. I look closer to the person to see that it was no stranger.

I gasp and she turns to me.

It was fucking Sage!

For a moment I feel betrayed. Foolish. Blinded.

But then I remembered that I ain't trust the bitch in the first place. She won't ever be good. She won't ever be sane. She won't ever be shit.
So in a way I shoulda expected that she would be all in Nyjahs shit. Just as I suspected she was up to something when I almost beat her ass at Dad's house.

"You don't look surprised."She whispers without looking from the window. The wind slowly blew her curls behind her. She was dressed in black leggings, boots and a blue crop top. CASUAL?

Is this occasion, casual?

It felt Impossible to speak. But this bitch deserves the slur of my tongue!

"I will never understand you."I croak.

She breathes deeply.

"What's new?"She shrugs. "If you did you would not have stolen my son."

My heart and head burned with fury as I hear her statement.

"HE IS MY CHILD!"I grit.

Finally, she turns from the window to face me.

"Oh? -didn't realize both our pussies split wide open to give birth to him?-didn't know you named him, fed him-"

"You used him..used him for money, and you really wanna list shit?- okay, well you may have birthed him, but you were no mother to him."I croak, the spot in my head creating volts through my face.

"Bitch bye with that mess."

"Bye?- shit I been forgot about it. Cause I aint debating with you.He is my son, I have had the chance to love, care and nurture him for almost three years. I was there for his first steps, his first sentence, his first swimming lesson."The tears came without my will. "I was there!- and he cries for me at nights, he calls me mama, and I dont care what you say, or how you feel, cause you never really loved him, and that made me hate you! -it was never about Brandon, it was always about that sweet boy you saw as a mofuckin lottery ticket!"I yell.

Her face got red and she looks down at me with disgust in her eye.

"Just remember, he's my child, adopted and literally, MY CHILD, and don't you ever get it twisted boo!"

"I wouldn't say too much shit, if I were you . Remember I'm not the one with a bomb attached to my chest."She smiles, showing my a remote like instrument with a botton in the middle.

A bomb?

Suddenly I realize I do have a device attached to me, like a belt across my chest.The realization charged up a panic inside of me and my breathing quickened with my thoughts.

Nyjah can't be serious!
He can't be!

Sage smiles evilly as she sees my reactions.

"Amazing huh? -how you could be married to your own death for seven years?" She says sarcastically.

The feeling or rather, need to puke wasn't absent.As a matter of fact it was dominating all other feelings.

"Of course when Nyjah calls me a few days ago and asks me to be on his team again for a fair price. HOW could I say no?"


"I mean, I hate you, you stole my child and my life."

"No, you walked away from your life-"

"With intent to come back"

"It wasn't to be that way.If thats how it was to be it would have been.I wouldn't be here."

"You shoulda stayed yo ass with Nyjah and"

I was growing irritated, and the nauseous feeling wasn't wading.

I wriggle from the middle of the bed, hunching over the edge, spilling my guts.I threw up all over the floor.

"The fuck is wrong with you? "Sage mumbles in disgust.

It wasnt any of her business, but I figure I pull out all the stops to save my life.I came here to die for my family, but I'm more and more feeling like Life is a better option for my family.

"I'm pregnant" I croak.

I look over to her, my head still over the bed, she pales in disbelief.

"What?" She breaths.

"I said im pregnant. And as much as we hate each other, this child is Kyles brother or sister and-"

She raises her hand to shush me.

"I know how biology works."

I see like she's suffering from a headache or a rude awakening. I NEED this information to work in my favour.Have a fucking heart sage!

"Why would you come here if you knew you were with child?"She grits at me, pacing in front of the bed. "YOU stupid bitch! " least I see some speck of conscience.

"I came here to protect my kids, my family.Nyjah said he wanted me dead, me or Brandon. BUT, we all knew even if he killed Bran, he would still come after me.So I came here to try and save em.If anyone of us gets left behind, I knew Brandon would be the better protector.He could keep them safe.Plus all this, Nyjah, are my issues.So I wanted to deal with em."

She laughs,


I look at her with nil emotion on my face.Did this girl just laugh?

"Okay, I missed the joke."

"The joke is im going to pretend I ain't just heard you were pregnant, and ammo listen out for the sound of a gun going off or a phone call, to say get out the room and bomb up the bitch...and her kid."

My jaw tensed.

I don't know why I find it hard to swallow the pill of total inhumanity. Especially from Sage.
I roll over on the bed feeling defeated.
I cant win today.I never did come with the intention to win anyway.

But I do feel a little selfish, in my pursuit to be selfless.I didnt tell Brandon I was pregnant. I had two days with him, with this knowledge and I said nothing.Then I came here to die.

Who does that?

I do love this baby, so much so, In many ways, im also doing this so he or she can have a better life. IF I SURVIVE THIS.
I had hoped I would have.
But, I have to do this for bran and the kids we do have here.

The guilt wrung at my chest, squeezing it intensely.

Brandon baby...I'm so sorry...

God I wish I could tell him that to his face!

Sage's phone rings and I immediately look over at her with fright in my eyes.


I stand over him like I thought I would.
Who the fuck did he think he was? -Sampson in the bible?

You got bullet wounds up to your neck and you come here to kill me?

Nigguh either slow or stupid.

Or in love... My subconscious reminds me.

I scuff at the thought.Love? SHIIT FUCK THAT.

He looks up at me, blood running from his nose mouth and his bullet wounds.

I wipe the blood running from my lips and the side of my face.
Lil nigguh put up such a fight though in his state.I can respect that.

"You suicidal too I see-You and her both came here to die today."I grin.


I look up at him, pain in my eyes, but no fear.
I keep thinking of my kids, my Destiny and the love I have for them.And how this was all worth it...this was more than worth it.I see what Des felt, what drove her here to die for us.I feel it.
Death aint nothing that could scare me right now. ..
Unless it's my baby girl who dies.

She came here to die for us,
I'll die for her.

Im soaked up in blood,my blood.And by the second I feel weaker and weaker.

I realize I been avoiding his question.

"Suicidal? -nahh, this right here is something you dont know about.This right here is Love." I croak.

Before I could blink another time, he kicks me in my side sending blood clots through my mouth. I cough and spit up blood beside the spot I laid.

"You feel you love her more than I did? -HUH? -You think so?"He grits. "Destiny got all the love in the motherfucking world from me and she chose you. Why cause I sniff a lil coke?- cause I'm a jealous fuckhead? -because I yell and throw her shit?- cause she can't have any nigguh as friends?-can't go out without my say so-can't do nothing without my say so?"

As he lists, I wonder if he doesn't see that he's crazy as fuck, and she had all right!

"Sounds like a fuckin penitentiary to me and not a relationship based on love. "I choke up more blood. Using the back of my hand, I wipe away the excess blood from my lips. "God wasn't anywhere in what y'all had, so it didn't work. Quit blaming Des for leaving that mess--"

Before I could finish my sentence he kicks me again in my side, sending more blood through my mouth.
He was dripping rage and anger, pacing in front of me, his teeth gritted and his breathing loud.

I know I'm about to die...
And I know baby girl is upstairs.
And I know...I didn't get the chance to tell her I love her today.

I'm on the brink of closing my eyes and let Nyjah win. But I can't. She has to hear me first.
I ball up all the strength I have left.

"Destiny!" I shout as loud as I can. Baby, I hope you can hear me!

Nyjah kicks me hard in my rib cage. I cry out, holding my side, the pain of my bones breaking enough to send me to my death.

"Shut the fuck up!" he grits.


"I LOVE YOU DESTINY!" I shout even louder this time.

He doesn't kick me this time, but he walks over to the side of the hallway and scrapes everything off a glass table that housed a lamp and house phone.
Lifting the glass from its structure, he raises it over his head, walking back over to me.
His intentions were clear as the glass he held.

Was this it? Was this how I die?
Is this my fate?

In an instant I start thinking about Rizz and ky..images of the days they were born flood my mind...and the night I met their mom too, and I feel no fear right now.

A smile flood my stiff with wounds cheeks and I feel relief.
If this is how I die,
If this is how I leave this earth,
fo them.
I am happy.
I see what Des saw when she drove away from everything she loves today. I feel it.
But I will never allow her to leave our kids, risking her life...

He stands over me with rage magnified and mischief piqued like a kid .I finally see the psycho behind the name. I have lossed this man to man fight...I stood no damn chance to begin with.But im glad I came. ..

"You need help Remmings"I cough.

He smirks.

"Im not the one in distress" He smiles looking at my condition.

I sigh.

"Sure 'bout that?"I say

He smiles, unphased.

"Lights out Pierce."



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