Contemporary Royals

By parksong94

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Sulli is known as the perfect daughter of the Choi family. She is elegant, she is smart and kind, and most im... More

Her Hidden Thoughts
The Said Prince
Their Photoshoot
The Master of the House
The Princess in the Ivory Tower
The Engagement a.k.a Bomb Detonation Day
Sulli, Hang in There
Living with the Kims and Two Kais
The Boy with Pink Hair
The Boy with White Hair
In the Dungeon
Fixing Sulli
Meeting the Bargain
Their First Business Deal
Real or Not, It's Still a Date!
Judgement Night
Queen K is Back
Unlikely Partners
What happened in the AVR?
The Calm Before the Storm
Hurricane Krystal
Princess Ivory VS Queen Krystal
The Queen's Downfall
Finding Sulli
Chaebol Couples List
Ziyu's Day with Noona
Kai's Studio
Prettier than the Twilight
Weird Feelings
Her Visitors
What is Sehun up to?
The Exhange Student
V, Taehyung and Their Story
The Princess's Only Flaw
Noona's Handsome Crutches
Kai's Warning
The Reinforcements

Mission Impossible: Bring back Taehyung

775 40 5
By parksong94

Chapter 35


V stopped on his tracks and snapped his head towards the two girls who chorused his name the moment he passed by them along the school corridor. Well, not his name but some kind of a pet name that they came up for him.

"What did you two bitches call me?" He questioned, with a string of hostility in his already rough voice.

Krystal's smile falters at what the boy called them and she was trying her hard not to whoop his ass then and there, This punk. If only not for Luhan, she wouldn't even spare a glimpse of this rude brat.

While Krystal was busy trying to calm herself down, her bestfriend, on the other hand, didn't seem affected by what the boy said. She even brightly replied to him, "Taehyungie! We called you Taehyungie. Isn't it cute? I think it suits you."

"And I don't think a black eye will suit you, girls. So, if you don't want to have some. STOP calling me that shit." He seethed.

"Yeah, I'm not really the gentleman type." He explained when he heard Krystal gasped at his threatening remark. "Just know that I can beat your ass, so don't push me." He added before he turned his back and walked away from them.

But V wasn't even able to get too far when Sulli bravely called out again. "Taehyungie! We'll see you at lunch!"

This time, with a glint on his eyes, the boy walked back to where Sulli was standing. He then harshly grabbed her wrist and glared at her. His grip tightened as he pulled her closer to him. "Do you have a death wish?"

Sulli can feel his anger just from his heavy breathing since their faces were only inches away from each other. She was scared. But she has no intention of folding just because of his threats. She has her conviction, and she wanted to know the old V and bring him back, not just for Luhan but for Taehyung himself.

"My patience is short, woman. And you don't know what I can do to you. I don't care if you're Luhan hyung's girlfriend-"

"I'm not." Sulli cut him off and uttered casually, as if they were just chatting rather than receiving death threats from the boy.

But V pulled his brows irritatingly. He didn't get what she meant. "Bwo?"

"I told you, I'm not his girlfriend." Sulli cleared as he wriggled out from his grasp like it was nothing. "Well then, see you later... Taehyungie!" And with that, the two girls left him rooted on his spot.

The young lad ran his tongue to his lips and tilted his head to the side, muttering to himself. "Did she even understand what I'm saying?" He mumbles as he watched the girls' retreating backs. "That dumb girl didn't even flinch at my threats."

≽≽≽ ≼≼≼

"Yah! Is this your idea of suicide?" Krystal told her friend the moment they were on safe distant away from V. The two may look like they were just casually walking away from the boy but they were really escaping from his claws, trying to save their asses.

Both of them were so scared out of their wits especially Sulli who received the full impact of the boy's deathly glare. She thought she was going to crumble in front of him.

"Check if I got myself pierced with that dagger look he gave me." Sulli absentmindedly asked the blonde, still shaking from fright. She has no idea how she managed not to run away as far as possible from V. "His gaze was even sharper than that of Sehun."

"This plan of yours will only get both of us killed."

"HSSSSSH!" Sulli hushed her friend up. "He might hear you."

Before the blonde could answer, she noticed Kai popped up behind Sulli, wearing a blank expression on his face.

"Let me see your hand." He suddenly ordered which startled Sulli, who didn't even notice him.

"Omo!" The girl almost jumped from surprise. "You scared me. What are you still doing here? I thought you'll go meet Woori before coming to class."

"I stayed." Kai replied with a still stoic face. "Since I knew you'd do something stupid like this, again." He continued before snatching his fiancee's hand which V grabbed earlier and found the boy's grip mark still red on the girl's wrist.

"See? Look at this." He pointed out the mark on her wrist. "Haven't you learn your lesson from Sehun yet? Now, you want V to give you another one? Why do you always act brave to only get yourself in trouble?"

The other students started to gather as Kai continued to scold his fiancee in the corridor. Most of them sensing the situation between the arranged couple, kicked off whispering to each other.

"Kaiiii..." Sulli complained, embarrassed about the other students' stares. "Do you really have to do this now?"

Her fiancé looked around them and finally notices a bunch of students staring at them before he looked back at the embarrassed Sulli. "Arrasseo. But are you okay? Does this hurt?" He pointed out the bruise on her wrist.

"I'm okay." She assured him with a smile.

Kai nodded, "Good. But this talk ain't over yet."

≽≽≽ ≼≼≼

During lunch time, Sulli and Krystal almost spend half of their break looking for V. They asked a lot of girls who was keeping an eye for him before, but he managed to scare most of them.

"Ah, chincha?!!! Where could that boy go?" Sulli mumbled after they asked yet another group of girls about Taehyung's whereabouts only to receive a simultaneous shrug.

But before they left, one of the girls spoke again. "You should try checking the rooftop though, if you haven't yet." She said sheepishly. "He's usually there, sleeping at this hour."

"Oh. Keure. Gomawo!"

The girls quickly went to the rooftop, clutching a bag full of sandwiches and a few boxes of juice. The reason why they were so keen on looking for V was because they wanted to eat with him. They thought that if they offer him food, the monster would be less hostile towards them and would eventually learn how to socialize with girls again without killing them.

When they arrive at the rooftop, they noticed him lying in one of the benches with his arm covering his eyes. Like what the girl said, he was there and looked like he was fast asleep.

Krystal went gingerly near him to see if he was really sleeping. "How can he sleep in this place?" She whispered to Sulli after a while. "And the sun was directly hitting him on the face."

"I'll give you bitches 5 seconds to leave the hell out of here."

Without warning, V spoke with his eyes still closed; and the two girls stood there, frozen on their ground. Krystal mechanically turned her head towards the sleeping lad and found him still motionless on the bench.

"Otteoke?" The blonde whispered, deliberating if she's going to run for her life or stay with her best friend who looked determined to finish their mission.

Sulli gave her a datermined look before she went straight to V. She then squat beside him so they can be leveled before she speaks. "We brought sandwiches. Have you had lunch yet?"

Taehyung just calmly removed his arms from covering his eyes and turned his head to looked at Sulli, only to reveal a pair of eyes as sharp as a samurai. "You're really testing my patience, don't you?"

But she only smiled nonchalantly despite the sharp gaze that V was giving her. "So... What flavour do you want?"

V rolled to his side and stood up to leave, but Sulli was able to get hold of his arm before he could escape. "Taehyung-ah..."

The name that she called him ticked V off again. He stared at the hand that was holding him before he looked up to see the owner of it. "Didn't I tell you not to call me that?" He breathed dangerously. His intense gaze boring into Sulli and the girl bravely held it. He then forcefully grabbed her thin wrist and harshly pry it from him. "If you're not scared of me... you should be. 'Cause you have no fcking idea what I can do to you." He warned before he left them in the rooftop, slamming the door on his way out.

The boy was still cursing under his breath as he walked down the flight of stairs when he once again heard his name.

"V..." A voice called out.

He looked around to see Kai standing at the bottom of the stairs. It seems like he was waiting for someone. Waiting for him, perhaps?

"Can we talked for a moment?" He asked but it was more of a command rather than a question for permission. He didn't wait for the younger boy to reply and promptly lead the way to an empty room.

Kai maintained his usual stoic expression as he waited for V to enter the room before he spoke. "You do know that your hyung, Luhan, likes Sulli, right?"

"Yeah, so?" The boy obnoxiously answered.

Kai held his patience, since he knows that Luhan will get mad at him if he give this brat a piece of him. "And you do know that she's my fiancee, right?"

"Yeah, so?" V repeated.

"And that you will answer to me if you ever lay a finger on her again."

Unknown to V, Kai actually followed the two girls to the roof top without them knowing. And had witnessed the way the boy talked to his fiancee again. After he saw the way V held Sulli's wrist earlier that day, he decided to follow her around just in case the brat go wild at her. He knows V's temper, and he is not going to take any chances when it comes to his fiancee's safety. He already failed her two times or maybe three; he was determined to never do that again.

"Do you seriously think that I'm afraid of you?" V answered bravely, not even slightly affected by Kai's threat. "If you're that worried that I might hurt your fiancee, tell her to stop following me." He barked before he left arrogantly out of the room, but not after kicking an innocent chair on his way.

≽≽≽ ≼≼≼

"I think we need to step up our game plan." Sulli announced as she and Krystal ate their sandwiches on the roof top. They decided to just stay and eat their lunch there after V ditched them.

Krystal looked at her friend, horrified and put down her sandwich. "After what happen earlier you still want to step up your game? Are you sure we won't get ourselves killed in here? 'Cause I'm pretty sure earlier you're this closed in getting your ass haul and throw off this roof top." She proceeded and showed her the top of her pinky finger, indicating how close she was getting herself murdered.

But the girl won't hear any of it as she kept talking. "Should we keep following him around? May be he'll get less hostile the more we hang around him?"

"How sure are you that it's not gonna be the other way around?"

"Why are you so negative?" Sulli pouted. "I'm sure if we followed him, he'll get used to us and he'll get friendlier to girls."

"I highly doubt that." The blonde frankly respond before she continued eating her sandwich.

The next days was a living hell for Krystal. She felt that her one feet was already buried deep under the ground as they tag along to V, who, as expected, continued to give them death glares. Surprisingly though, that's the only thing that he's been giving them. He hadn't touch them again or anything after that painful wrist-grabbing incident in the hallway. May be Sulli's right. May be he's gotten a bit less vicious as they continued to pester-ehem-hang out-as Sulli wanted to call it-with him all the time.

"Hey, do you have plans tomorrow?"

Kai asked Sulli all of a sudden while they were having snacks in Baekhyun's favourite noodle restaurant. The squad decided to grabbed something to eat again before they go home which was kinda became a routine for them.

The girl slurped her noodles up before she answered. "No. Why?"

"Err. Can you do me a favor?"

Sulli stared at him warily and sarcastically uttered, "It depends."

"Uhm." Her fiancé bashfully started, which Sulli found a little cute. "I was planning to ask Woo Ri if... if we could go out tomorrow. Err. Can you... you know, cover us? Again?"

But once she heard his request her smile stiffened. She doesn't know why, but lately, she's been very sensitive about the topic of Kai and his girlfriend. A mere mention of her name makes her heart beats heavily. What the hell is happening with her? Fortunately, it seems like Kai didn't notice it.

The girl composed herself as she was caught off guard a while ago and curved her lips into a sweet smile again. Good thing her skills of hiding her emotions and faking a smile is still sharp.

"Oh, you mean faking a date like last time?" She answered casually.

They weren't really trying to fake it last time since they decided to meet in a concert later that night but Kai didn't showed up because he got stuck with Woo Ri's relatives. She's not saying that it was really a date either, as she only asked him a favour to accompany her, which, as it turned out to be, he couldn't even do. Okay, she sounds too bitter now.

Kai rubbed the back of his neck. He was a bit shy because he felt like he was imploring on her too much but it was the only available time as of then for him to have a proper date with Woo Ri after a long time. Besides, he felt like they really need to spend a time together since their relationship has been on the rocks lately.

"Uhmm.. Yeah.."

Sulli thought about it for a while. She doesn't really want to do it but it might look like she was being jealous if she said no without a good reason. Besides, it was what they have agreed upon in the beginning, right?

"Okay." She said curtly, as if it was nothing to her as she put her drink down.

Kai's face lit up as he excitedly responds, "Chincha?!" which her fiancee now found a bit irritating but it didn't register on her face.

But the girl's blonde friend who was listening to the two, protested for her. "Yah, you're going on a date with your girlfriend? And where do you think you're gonna leave Sulli while you're on a sweet time with your bae? Are you going to let her wait somewhere for you? AGAAIINNN?!!" She actually started playfully but quickly escalated to irritation in the end when she remembered how pitiful her best friend might have looked if her cousin didn't arrive the last time.

"Oh, anyway, I think that's fine. Just let Sehun find her again or something." Krystal, acting nonchalantly, continued, which earned a glare from the boys, Kai and Luhan.

"What?" She acts innocently as she looked up from her bowl of ramen, taunting her best friend's fiancé even more.

On the other hand, Baekhyun, who was secretly enjoying his two friends' grim expression, suggested a solution for all of them after he was satisfied with their little torture. "You know what? We can go with Sulli while you're on a date." He then averted his gaze to Sulli and asked, "You said you wanted to go to Everland, right?"

The girl excitedly bobbed her head in confirmation.

"So we can go with Sulli and then you can just come pick her up after."

Thank you! THANK YOU!

Kai mentally thanked his friend for supporting him. He was literally fighting the urge to hug Baekhyun there for being considerate and using his brain.

"Yeah, that would be great!" Luhan seconds the motion. He was just glad thinking that Sehun or anyone will never has to rescue Sulli again since he will going to keep her by his side.

"But I have to fly to Jeju tomorrow!" Protested by the blonde. "My mom wanted me to come to see her manage the company concert. UGH!"

"Then it'll be only me and Luhan to accompany Sulli." Baekhyun uttered, unconcerned. Irritating the blonde more.

Seeing Krystal pouting, Luhan squeezes her shoulder to comfort her. "Don't worry, we'll make sure to go there with you next time."

"I'm actually worried about Sulli with no one but you guys. It's gonna be hard babysitting you two."

The Queen Bee, still sassy as ever, won't let them commoners forget who were they talking to as she retorted and rolled her eyes to Baekhyun, in particular.

And Baekhyun is not the one who backed down so easily, either. "Don't worry darlin'. We'll make sure Sulli will enjoy it even without you."

Meanwhile, Luhan who was not interested at the two's bickering, asked out of the blue. "Should I invite Taehyung?"

"NOOOO~!" Kai and Krystal chorused violently.

"YES!" Sulli enthusiastically agreed.

Krystal promptly swatted her best friend who was happily clapping at her side. "Sulli~!"

"Whut? It'll be fun."

"You mean dangerous." She whispered at her ear so that Luhan wouldn't hear it.

Sulli whispered back, reassuring her friend. "Krystal, I'll be fine. Baekhyun and Luhan are gonna be with me."

Krystal thought of it for a while before she sighed, "That's the other thing I'm worried about." But she was actually speaking more to herself than Sulli.

After their snacks and just as everyone was getting ready to go home, Baekhyun excused himself so he can go to the washroom. And in a moment, Krystal followed, but with a different purpose. She actually excused herself so she can talk to Baekhyun privately.

"Hey." The blonde called out and almost scared Baekhyun since he just came out of the restroom.

"Can you do me a favour?"

Baekhyun was immobilized at the girl's question. He blinked a few times at her before he found his voice and stupidly uttered. "P-ppardon me?"

Krystal rolled her eyes as the dumb guy gawked at her. Why is he so retarded? How can I trust him to protect Sulli?

Does she has a choice? None. So she closes her eyes and breathed deeply before she started again. "Can you watch Sulli for me?"

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Holy fcking tolitto! Is the Queen Bee actually speaking properly with me? And on top of that... asking me a favor? To what do I owe this honour?" He spoke the last word sarcastically while grinning at the blonde.

Krystal glared at him. "Yes, you peasant. You want the rude talk? Okay, whatever. I just want you to watch Sulli for me and better make sure that she won't slip out of your sight 'cause if I find out that she got bullied by V or if anything happens to her, you and your unused brain will be floating on the school pond by Monday!"

Baekhyun can't help but chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?"

She was really asking him why? Pfft. Actually, Baekhyun was quite amazed by Krystal's request. He never thought of Krystal being worried about anyone but herself and on top of that... being worried about a girl. If she'll ever get worried about someone, it'll definitely be Luhan. So he found it amusing that she was asking him this favor when a month ago she was bullying Sulli herself.

"Arrasseo." Baekhyun smiled sincerely. "You don't have to tell me, you know. I won't let anyone hurt Sulli, too."

≽≽≽ ≼≼≼

Luhan and Baekhyun picked up Sulli and Kai that morning to show the Kim household that they were all going to Everland together. They all rode in Baekhyun's big black van together with his cool and loyal driver that is everyone's friend.

"Ahjusshi, annyeong! When did you get back?" Kai greeted as he walked towards the parked van in front of their mansion.

The man held up his hand, smiling to greet Kai before he get Sulli's bag that the young lad was holding to place in the back of the car.

"Just yesterday." He answered.

"Thought you'll return next week. Vacation cut short?"

"Yeah. I'm worried about you three getting in trouble when I'm away." The driver ahjusshi playfully squeezed Kai's shoulders as the boy grin at him.

"So what are you up to today?" He then teasingly whispered to Kai as they put everyone's bag in order at the van.

A sly smile crept up from the boy's lips. "Haven't you been brief already?" Kai replied.

"Is it the usual place?"

The boy nodded. "Yeah, the usual place."

Baekhyun's middle aged driver is actually so close to the three boys being the Byuns's driver since Baekhyun was 7. He treated them as his own kids and he witnessed how these boys grew up from being spoiled brats to rebelled teenagers. He knew all the troubles that the trio entered to, their sadness, their pain, their longings to their own families. He understood them all, so most of the time he was there, not just for Baekhyun, but for all three of them. He covered them up from their parents, helped them escape their fathers's watch, talk to them about girls and just like now, helped Kai hide his date.

The two's little chat was cut short when Sulli finally comes out of the mansion with the other two boys beside her, laughing merrily.

"Oh! I'll introduce you to my fiancee." Kai abruptly grabbed the ahjusshi's shoulder and dragged him towards Sulli.

"Sulli-yah! Meet Baek's driver, Mr. Cho. He's been away on a vacation for a while but now he's back." Kai excitedly introduced the poor ahjusshi to his fiancee like he is his own driver.

Sulli bowed to the old man as she greeted him politely, "Annyeonghaseyo." She then smiled sweetly at him and introduced herself. "Naneun Sulli imnida. Nice to meet you, ahjusshi!"

The driver found Sulli adoring even though they have just been introduced. He never met a kid of a rich family to be this polite to a mere driver like him, and he knows that her smile was innocent and sincere. When he looked back to Kai, the boy was smiling fondly as he watched the girl and he can see the same smile plastered on Luhan's face. For the longest time of being around the kids, it was only the second time that he felt something that doesn't feel right again. He knows that trouble is coming. Not like the usual trouble that the three boys normally went through, but the kind of trouble that will once again, test the boys's friendship. But this time, it's gonna be worse... and a whole lot messier.

They dropped off Kai at Xiumin's coffee shop where he usually get off whenever he meet with Woo Ri before they went straight to Everland. And when they finally arrived to the theme park, there was Taehyung, waiting for them in front of his white GMC Tahoe.

Baek was the one who get off the van first from the passenger side before Luhan and Sulli. "Hey!" The boy greeted. "Look whos' excited?" He teases as he placed his arm around V's shoulders.

But V who was wearing a sulking expression didn't even smile. "I'm not excited. You guys are just late." He then saw Luhan helping Sulli get off the van and his already bad mood turned even sour. "Well, there's no surprise there since you're probably waiting for the girl."

"Hey, don't get so jealous first thing in the morning." Baekhyun uttered teasingly. 
"It's not Sulli who held us up... It's actually Luhan; he's getting all worked up wanting to get everything prepared for Ssul."

"So basically, it's still because of her. Why didn't you tell me she's coming?" V spat as he glared at Sulli who was now greeting him cheerfully.

"Taehyungie, annyeong!" The girl happily bounced towards the two boys as V welcomed her with a scowl. But that didn't crash her good mood as she continued, "I didn't thought that you'll come."

V, now with a stoic expression answered, "I wouldn't, if I know you're here."

Sulli wouldn't allow her good spirit to get ruin by the brat's response as she retorted. "Well then, good thing you didn't know!" She then giggled as she lead the way to the entrance with V glaring behind her.

The only girl in the group can't contain her amazement as they entered the theme park. Because she's never been to any amusement park before except Lotte world, which she only visited because of Kai, she was still stunned by the numbers of awesome rides that was in front of her. And this time, there's just not only those rides, there was also a huge water park and variety of colourful and mesmerizing flowers. Everything was just so breath taking for Sulli, it's just a shame that Krystal couldn't accompany them, even Kai. But she'll make sure that she'll asked them to go with her sometime.

The group agreed that before they tried any of the rides they should go and play in the Carribean Bay first since it was starting to get so hot and Baekhyun was so excited to play in the pool. And because Baek couldn't wait any longer, he decided that they'll just meet with Luhan and Sulli in the pool and dragged the still sour V with him.

The maknae of the group was trying to nap his annoyance in one of the pool lounger as Baekhyun played with himself in the huge pool, waiting for Luhan and Sulli to arrived so they can all play together on the slides. But when the two finally turn up, V's sunglasses almost fell off the bridge of his nose, his mouth hanging, as he gape at Sulli.

The girl was wearing a floral one piece with a bright orange sweater that goes just below her waist to cover up her upper body. Sexy but demure at the same time. For a moment, he forgot his irritation with her and was just mesmerize by her beauty. He watched her bounced while holding her sandals on one of her hand. She then excitedly waved her free hand to them, her smile more dazzling than the bright sun. But it was like he was knocked back to his consciousness as he saw Luhan finally entered the picture, his loving gaze on Sulli. And he realized that he must be looking at her like how his hyung was currently gawking at her, stupid. He shouldn't forget why he hated all the girls, especially her kind of girls who tried to act nice and bright on the outside but still the same as every other mean girls on the inside. He might not have witness her nasty side yet, but he will bring it out and he will prove that to Luhan. And that loving stare that his hyung was giving to Sulli will fade...

"Taehyung-ah!" Luhan called him out. "Why are you spacing out? Let's go to the slides!"

The group enjoyed the slides so much, or at least most of them. Since Luhan was scared of heights, he was not able to try most of the slides and let the two other boys; technically only Baekhyun though, to watch over Sulli as she went through all of them. The girl was having the time of her life, and Luhan was glad just by watching her enjoyed the day.

On the other hand, Sulli couldn't believe how much she's missing by trying to skip all those field trips when she was still on middle high. She felt so stupid that she's only enjoying these things now when she's almost sure that these boys accompanying her were all tired of them. Well, may be except Baekhyun. He looks as thrilled as she is as they both go back and fort to every slides. Earlier, V was still with them but when they both wanted to go back to different slides again and again, he finally stormed off and chose the peaceful life with Luhan on the pool loungers.

It was already lunch time when the two kids, namely, Sulli and Baekhyun finally had enough of the slides that they went out of the pool and run towards Luhan and V. All of them felt their stomach rumbling so they decided to eat first before they went back to the hostel and change.

They went to eat at the nearest restaurant in the Caribbean Bay and decided to dine on the patio since they were all wet. But it was proven a bad idea since every single man who happened to pass by was eyeing Sulli, so much to Luhan's distress. Sulli doesn't seem to notice though, since she was so focused on devouring her pasta. She was just having a little problem with her wet hair that keeps slipping out of her ear and into her food. And Luhan who was just sitting beside her found her mini frustration amusing. He watched her, laughing to himself for a while, before he gently held her hair with the other hand to keep it in place while he planted his other arm on the table and propped his head up on it so he can comfortably helped Sulli and watched her eat.

"Gomawo." The girl thanked as she looked up to Luhan but frowned when she saw him just watching her eat and abandoned his own food. "Aren't you going to eat? I'm fine, I can hold my hair."

"Ani, it's okay. I'm already full." Luhan assured her with a smile. "Finish your meal, there's still a lot of rides and attractions waiting for us.


And while all these lovable scenes were happening, there was one boy who have lost count of how many times he had rolled his eyes because of them. If this continues he was sure that his eyeballs would get stuck in the back of his head.

≽≽≽ ≼≼≼

After eating and finished changing to their hostel, they came back to finally try the attractions that Everland has to offer.

Being all pumped up after eating and resting for a while they opted to try the scariest ride first, the Rolling X-Train on which Luhan automatically gulped at the sight.

Sensing Luhan's nervousness, Sulli tried to console him, "It's okay. You don't have to try it if you don't want to."

But the girl has been trying a lot of things already without him, when he planned this day to be with Sulli. So even though he doesn't want to get near the stupid train, his conviction to be with Sulli was too strong that he's ready to ride everything for the girl. Bring it on!

"You know, you don't have to force yourself..." Sulli, still worried about Luhan, uttered.

"Who said that I'm forcing myself?" The pink-haired boy suddenly replied with a much hype tone before he grabbed Sulli's wrist and run towards the ride with her, leading their group. "KAJA!"

After the ride has ended, Luhan made up his mind that he will never force himself EVER again to ride any of those dumb rides just to impress a girl. Besides, what really important is how you treat her, right?

Baekhyun could swear that Luhan's face was a nasty shade of blue when he got off the ride and it looks like he was ready to throw up anytime. When he looked at V, he knows that the boy were thinking the same thing and they couldn't help themselves but bursted out laughing. "Oh man! You should see yourself now, you looked like a blue-faced character straight out from an anime!"

But his remark didn't please Sulli as she pouted at him before she went to comfort Luhan, who was bent down, with his hands on his knees. "Gwenchana? Do you wanna go to the washroom?"

Luhan nodded before Sulli reached for his arm to guide him to the nearest washroom with Baek and V guiltily following behind them.

When the pink haired boy finally comes out of the washroom he just saw Sulli outside, waiting for him. The other two boys were nowhere in sight.

"Hey." Sulli greeted him with a smile. "You look better now. Do you want anything?"

Luhan shook his head. "Where's Baek and Tae?"

"Oh, I told them that they could go ahead and play with the rides and I'll stay with you."

"What?" Luhan felt guilty that Sulli wouldn't be able to enjoy the rides because of him and he felt more down. Nothing was going right. "I'm sorry."

Sulli hopped towards the sulking boy and slid her arm to his. "What are you apologizing for? I don't really mind not trying those rides." She assured him. "Besides, I really liked to visit those flower gardens. It looks amazing! Can we go there?" She then asked pleadingly to Luhan as she tugged on his arm. "Pretty please?"

A smile finally crept up from Luhan's lips as he stared at Sulli who was cutely clinging to him. "Of course." He mumbled before he messed up her bangs. "Let's go grab something to drinks first though. I'm thirsty."


≽≽≽ ≼≼≼

The two wander around the rose garden after grabbing smoothies.

Sulli was really fascinated with the beautiful line of colourful flowers, that Luhan almost worry that she might get her jaw locked from smiling so long.

"This place looks like it will never get old." The girl said out of the blue as she twirl around the stunning garden."You know what, I could live here... forever."

The way she said forever tugged something on the boy's heart. Forever-Yeah, that sounds nice. He would love to live here with her.

"Then... can I be your Peter Pan?"

Sulli stopped on her tracks and looked at him questioningly. "What?"

A blush threatened to creep on Luhan's cheek, embarrassed about what he just said but he still continue anyway, unable to meet the girl's eyes. "You know... Peter Pan-Wendy-Neverland-Well, in our case, Everland-Never grow old."

Finally understanding what the boy meant, Sulli's lips curved into a charming smile. Funny that she has no clue what that smile can do to Luhan.

The boy's heart beat louder as he waited for her reply and wondered if Sulli could hear it.

"Everland." She breathed. "Yeah, this could be our Neverland. I'll be your Wendy. And you'll be my Peter Pan." She spoked as she turned around, her back facing him and gracefully lifted her arms slowly. She then closes her eyes to feel the cool breeze on her face.

Although he wasn't sure if Sulli was joking with her tone, it still made his heart beat stopped. In a fleeting moment, he felt like there's only him and Sulli in this entire world. And only him and this beautiful girl in front of him matters.

At that moment, Luhan knew that he has really fallen in love with her and he was determined to make her realize his feelings. He grabbed the girl's hand as they run towards the sunset, both smiling at each other. "Well then let's fly!" and he lifted his free hand, as if a wing as Sulli was already doing the same. Hand in hand, they imagined that they were flying.

≽≽≽ ≼≼≼

"Why do I have to wait for Kai to arrive? I want to go home!"

V was starting to throw tantrums after being exhausted by Baekhyun. The stupid hyung dragged him all around the freaking Everland, riding stupid childish rides and endure his girlish scream. What a wimp! At some point, he had thought that may be it's a conspiracy to get him away from Luhan and Sulli, who after they came back from their small adventure, were obviously looked overjoyed. Especially his Luhan hyung. He can't even do his plan of exposing Sulli's mean side to his hyung because that.

Well, that could wait, but he was still pissed. Baekhyun's been singing his tonsil out since they arrived in the noraebang where, he has been told, they have to wait for Kai, so it would looked like they have been together all day. Damn lover boy.

After what seems like a life long torture of Baekhyun's singing. He then gave the mic to Sulli, who was a bit surprised and embarrassed.

"Ani. I can't sing." Explained the girl.

"Come on." The annoying hyung insists. "I'll sing with you if you want!"

"Ahhhh, Shiro!" She bawled cutely but still laughing as Baekhyun continued to pull her to her feet while Luhan urged her in the background.

And at that moment, Kai finally arrived, witnessing the situation. "Hey, what's going on here?"

"Sulli won't sing!" Baekhyun cried out, asking for help.

After knowing what's going on between the two, Kai's face lit up again. "Yeah, I haven't heard you sing before!" And joined the commotion. "Come on, we're not gonna laugh!"

Sulli scowled at his remark, "Did I tell you that I hate you?"

"Yeah, many times." Her fiancé responds, smirking.

"Good." She uttered sarcastically before she finally stood up. She knows that these boys would never gonna stop anyway.

Baekhyun was grinning at her as he picked their song, satisfied. But on the other hand, one boy was not amused at all. V snorted before he rolled his eyes. Tch, playing hard to get... He knew she's going to sing anyway.

Kireotttdeong kyeounae julgod pumi jom namneun pam saek kodeu

Keu sone nareul sseug kamchugo keoreumeun jaelchoghae keoreosseo...

V was looking away when the intro of the song played and automatically whipped his head towards the girl's direction when he heard an angelic voice coming from there. Is it her? It seems like all of them was thinking the same thing as they all wear this fascinated look on their faces.

The maknae's was just momentary though. His surprised was easily replaced by a definite scowl. So what if she could sing?

But apparently the boys thought differently as they started to enjoy the song together with Sulli's sweet voice. Baekhyun started to get serious singing as well. And nobody knew, even his closest friends that he was hiding a great singing voice too.

Bom sarang beotggom malgo

Bom sarang beotggom malgo

Bom sarang beotggom malgo

Bom sarang beotggom malgo...

The song ended but V's irritation was still lingering and it was intensified when Sulli, giggling, thrusted the mic to him.

"What?!" He asked irritatingly.

"It's your turn." She urged.

"I don't sing." V uttered coldy but Sulli doesn't seem to get the situation as she continued to urge him to sing. She even used Kai's words to him. "Come on, we won't laugh."


The boy suddenly thundered that it shocked everyone before he stormed out of the room.

Baekhyun and Luhan worriedly looked at Sulli who got frozen on her spot.

"What happened to him?" Kai asked, breaking the silence that surrounds them.

"I think I went overboard with it." Sulli professed. "He's already been enduring me all day."

Luhan walked towards Sulli and placed his hand on the small of her back to console her. "Don't worry, I'll talk to him."

"No." The girl stopped him. "Let me. I want to talk to him."

Kai with his arms crossed over his chest was the one who tried to stop her. "You can't."

"Why not?"

"Who knows what he'll do to you when you talk to him?" Her fiancé explained. "I don't want to break it up to you, but that brat hates you... like so much."

Sulli though, as stubborn as she is, only smiled at him sarcastically. "I will talk to him and no one will follow me." She declared as she walked towards the door.

Her fiancé held her arm to stopped her before she can stepped out of the threshold. "You'll only hurt yourself if you follow him. Besides, he won't talk to you. He's irritated."

"That's why I have to talk to him. I wanted to say sorry. I know I went overboard with what I did."

"It's not your fault." Luhan assured her.

But the girl just won't listen to it. "It is." She said before she walked out of the room.

"Should we follow her?" Baekhyun looked at the other two who can only watched Sulli run before V.

"I think we need to let her be." Luhan said after a while.

Sulli closed in a bit on V before he crossed the pedestrian just outside the building.

"Taehyung, wait!" She called out but V was still ignoring him.

"V! Hold on. Can't we just talk for a minute?"

He then looked over his shoulder, "You don't really get it do you? I don't want to talk to you. I don't even want to be in the same room as you. So just leave me alone!" He barked before he hurriedly crossed the road.


When he heard Sulli screamed his name once again, he snapped. He looked back to her looking annoyed as ever, ready to give the girl a piece of himself when suddenly, a loud honk was all that he could hear before he felt a strong force just below his chest, as someone collided to him. His arm automatically held her in the back before they both crash down the curb.

May be he lose consciousness or may be not, he was not sure but when he fluttered his eyes open, he found himself sprawled on the side of the road, with a girl lying on top of him.

The girl's head lolled on the side, and that's when he realized that that girl was Sulli, lying unconscious on his arms. In panicked, he rolled on his side supporting Sulli's head and shake her a little. "Yah! Wake up! HEY!" He shook her once more, a bit harder this time but the girl was still unconscious. He looked up and saw a lot of people watching them in astonishment but no one's really helping. "HELP US!" He choked a sob. "SULLI-YAH!!!!"

★ ★ ★

Annyeong yeorobun! I just want to thank everyone who left comments and loves for this story. I really really, chongmal chongmal appreciate it so much! Thank you for supporting this fanfic! And I'm sorry for keeping you wait for soooo long. I hope this chapter would suffice. Please continue to support me and gave me comments and stars! And I hope that no one abandoned this fanfic because of my unannounced hiatus. I'll try to update fast. I promise! Please don't leave me!!!! T . T

If it's not too much of a favor, errmm, can someone please make me a good banner? 'Cause you know, my banner for this fanfic sucks and I'm a complete retard on making those things, so... PLEASE? I'll be really grateful! Thank you in advance!


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