The Mate of my Dreams (Editin...

By scrapinbug05

303K 2.4K 141

Chelsee is a werewolf. A year ago her dad died and since then she has been dreaming about this guy. One day a... More

The Mate of my Dreams
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 part 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Part 2
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 10

8K 54 0
By scrapinbug05

Chelsee's POV

"Not." I ran out of the room leaving him there dazed. I ran down the hallway to the top of the stairs and started to go down them. All of the sudden he was infront of me. He had jumped the banister.

"Thought you would get away did you?" He started to walk towards me with a hungry look in his eye. So thinking I would be able to jump the banister I leaped off. Snap. There was a way bad pain in my ankle and I collapsed.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. My ankle." I laid on the floor holding my ankle. Laughing and shouting in pain at the same time.

"Oh my gosh, Chelsee what happened?" Rob jumped and was at my side.

"I hurt my ankle." He picked me up off the floor and started carrying me.

"So you hurt your ankle and your laughing about it." He looked down and smiled at me. We got into the kitchen and he sat me on top of the counter.

"Umm this is where food is made. I'm pretty sure people don't want my butt on it." I went to get off but, he stopped me.

"I'm pretty sure no one will mind. You're hurt, you don't need to worry about it." He turned and went into the pantry and got an ice pack. As he filled it with ice his mom came into the kitchen.

"Hey you two what's going on?" She was looking at me obviously wondering why I was sprawled out on the counter.

"Oh Chelsee hurt her ankle." He took off my shoe and it was already starting to get purple. "Oooo that doesn't look to good." And he put the ice on it.

"How are you not crying, that looks like it hurts." She came and rubbed my arm.

"Oh it really doesn't hurt that bad. I'll be ok." Now it started to throb.

"Are you gonna be able to go to the party tonight? Cause dancing is out of the question." He gave a look trying to put out his authority  on me.

"Ok I have danced on broken feet before I'm pretty sure I could walk into a party." I got up and stood on my foot. A sharp pain went up but I toughed it out and started to walk.

"Ha I knew it would hurt. Your fake it face is worse than your limp." He came behind me ready to pick me up again.

"Well this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't chased me down the stairs." I gave him a dirty look.

"Excuse me, But no one made you jump the banister." He picked me up again and sat me on the edge of the counter.

"Rob, Why on earth were you chasing her down the stairs." She had one raised eyebrow.

"Ummmm we were playing tag." I busted out laughing.

"Yeah, Right. I really believe that one Rob. I'm sorry Chelsee. My son isn't always like this." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh it's alright. I think I can handle him." I gave him a little punch on his arm.

"I hope so. Please be careful with that foot. I don't want your mother thinking we beat you over here." She said as she walked out of the kitchen. He grabbed my hips and slid me off the counter and wrapped my legs around him.

"Where are we going now?" I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm gonna show you the movie room." He carried me down a bright white hallway and passed through a doorway. Which led into a dark red and black room with two giant couches and two huge love seats.

"I don't think I ever have to go to a movie theatre ever again." I looked around as he put me down in the middle of one of the couches.

"Ha you can be here when ever you want. I'm gonna go get the remotes." He put a pillow under my foot and put the ice on it. He went back to this little room in the back and the screen went on.

"You can actually watch tv on this. Oh my gosh I love this house." He came and sat next to me and I leaned into his side.

"You're very easily amused. What do you wanna watch?" He wrapped his arm around me.

"What ever, I don't care. As long as it isn't a sports channel I'm good." I looked up at him and he smiled.

"Alright so no sports." He started to flip through the channels and he went past Pride and Prejudice. My favorite movie.

"Oh my gosh go back to that." I grabbed his leg.

"Oh come on not a chick flick." He looked down at me and I gave him a puppy face. "Alright, But you owe me something sporty after this.

"As long as we watch this you can watch what ever you want after." I gave him a kiss and turned back around.

"Well I do have the remote so I think I could just change it to something more interesting." He went to turn the channel and I grabbed his hand.

"You love me to much to do that." He smiled at me and lifted me up to put me on his lap. "Ow injured here."

"If I have to watch this I at least want to get something out of it so your sitting here." He brought the pillow closer and put it back under my foot. "See now this is a lot better."

"Well I guess this is better." I pressed my forhead to his. And he gave me a kiss. We just sat there for a sec staring at each other.

"Could you guys cool it with that lovey dovey stuff." I know that voice. It's Trish. They had Kortnie with them.

"Hey guys how was the shopping." They had like ten bags in all their hands.

"Nikki totally hooked us up with stuff. She is like freaking rich." I shook my head at them. Kinda disappointed that they went and had fun without me.

"I'll take you shopping." He whispered into my ear. I smiled at him.

"It's ok. I'd rather just be with you." He smiled and started playing with my hair.

"Oh my gosh Chelsee what happened to your foot.?" Kortnie came to the end of the couch to look at my ankle.

"Oh I was walking down the stairs and rolled it. I'll be ok." Rob started laughing. "Shut up." I whispered to him poked him in his side.

"Ow ok sorry." He just kept laughing.

"Are you still going to come to the party?" Trish came and sat at the other end of the couch.

"I don't know. I'll try but, If I can't make it, I'll probably just stay here with Rob." He was all to happy about that. A huge smile came to his face.

"Oh man, It's not going to be the same without you." Kortnie rubbed my leg.

"Well, If she feels a bit better I can carry her into the party. So she can be with you guys." Awww he is so sweet.

"Awww your so nice Rob. I hope I can find someone like you." Trish made a sad face.

"Ha thank you Trish. You will find him one day. I can feel it." He gave her one of his big smiles and she lit up.

"Oh you are so sweet." She started to look around the room. "Ok your house is like freaking amazing."

"Tell me about it. Ask Nikki if she'll show you her half of the house." Nikki smiled

"Whoa you have halves." Rob laughed a bit. Trish had her jaw dropped.

"Yeah I'll show you mine. Robs is boring you don't have to worry about that." She started to walk out.

"Chelsee didn't think so." Rob started to laugh.

"Shut up you idiot." I punched him in his side and he laughed.

"Ok ok I'm sorry." I tried to move but he wouldn't let me. " I'm sorry don't go. Come here."

"Well since I can't go really far with my ankle I have to." I folded my arms and looked at the screen.

"So do you think your gonna be able to go to the party." He tried to change the subject.

"I don't know. I really don't want to go now. But they want me to go for a bit." I turned towards him cause how could you stay mad at that face. Or those muscular arms and abs. Whoa zoned out there.

"I will help you if you want to go. Even if your hurt I still want to dance with you." He smiled and leaned his forhead against mine.

"Hmmm Well we don't have to go to a party for me to dance with you." He leaned in and kissed. "But I guess I'll go for a bit. Only if we can come back here." His eyebrows raised.

"It's a deal." I layed back on his shoulder and he leaned on my forehead. "When did you want to go to your house to get ready?"

"Well, I just need a different shirt. So it doesn't matter." He rubbed my shoulder.

"Chelsee you can just use one of my shirts. You don't need to worry about going back home." Nikki, Kortnie and Trish came back in.

"Oh Nikki you don't need to worry about that." Wow they are like way to freaking nice.

"Nonsense, I bought like eight new shirts today. You can just take one." I don't think I have ever met a family that was as nice as they were.

"Thank you so much. That's really nice of you." They all took a seat to watch the show with us.

"Oh it's no problem. I'll just put one in Rob's room for you to change into." What do I have "I live in Rob's room" Tattoed on my forehead. "So how did you get Rob to watch this? I can never get him to watch anything like this."

"He just did it cause I hurt my foot." I gave him a smile and laid my head back on his shoulder.

Before we knew it the movie ended and it was about time to go to the party. Rob swung me up and carried me.

"I put that shirt in Rob's room Chels." As all three of them walked down the stairs.

"You have a really nice room Rob. Your ceiling is freaking awesome." What the crap were they doing in his room. That really kind of pisses me of.

"Thank you." He passed them and we went up the stairs. My foot throbbed as he carried me through the hallway and into his room. He sat me on the bed next to the shirt that Nikki gave to me. "Do you need my help?" He gave me a giant grin.

"No I think I can do this by myself." He turned around and opened his closet and took off his shirt. Oh my goodness. That man should never wear a shirt. He turned around and caught me staring at him.

"Like what ya see?" I turned bright red. And hid my face in my hands. I felt him right next to me. "You can look any time you want." He gave me a kiss on the cheek. And started going toward his bathroom.

"Watch out it, I might take you up on that." He turned around with his eyes wide with a big smile." Alright Alright, Go in the bathroom. You can't see me without my shirt."

"I will one of these days." He smiled again at me and shut the door. I quickly took my shirt off and switched it with the other one.

"Ok I'm ready. You can come out now." He opened the door and came out.

"Alright, Let's go get you into the car." He picked me up and started walking.

"Wait. I need to get my shirt." I looked over his shoulder.

"We're coming back here later. So I'll just get it for you then." He continued down the hallway and to the stairs.

"We will see you guys there." Nikki said as we came down the stairs and they went out the door.

"Alright wait here and I'll get my keys." He sat me on a chair and went into the hallway. I sat there looking around at the statues. They were really really detailed. I've never seen statues that looked so life like. If they were actually a different color you would think they were real. " Alright let's go." He picked me up and we went to the car.

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