Chapter 36

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Hey everyone. I know I've been horrible in the update department. I'm going to try really hard to get this done. This will be the last chapter left then the epilogue. I'm sad this story is coming to an end but, I think it's time. Hopefully you all are still enjoying it.

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Rob's POV

"You will be on probation for a year. Your beta will take control while you are unable to attend your duties. You will help your pack in all that they need but, until the year is up you can't force your alpha authority on anyone." Liam said as he read Lester's sentence. I wanted more on his sentence but, Chelsee would have any of it. I don't understand how she can be so forgiving after what he did to her. "This meeting is at an end." He slammed that little hammer thing down and everyone stood up.

"Hey babe, if you stare any harder at that table your going to burn a hole through it." I looked up at her and she had her hands on her hips and was smirking at me. I took this moment for my eyes to travel up her body. She was wearing my sweatpants and a shirt of mine. She seriously couldn't have gotten sexier. "Why thank you." I looked up to her eyes and she gave me the biggest grin. I hid my face from her as I felt that stupid heat come to my cheeks. Ugh why does this girl get me to blush. Guys don't blush do they. No they don't. "I think its sexy." I heard a whisper in my ear." I looked up and she was already at the door and waving goodbye to me.

I quickly stood up and ran towards the door. I watched as she ran through the crowd of people that was trying to get up the stairs. All of them looking back at me waiting for me to follow her. I started to run as she made it to the stairs and people cleared the hall making it easier for me to catch her. That little minx thinks she can say something like that and run away. Oh I don't think so. I got to the top of the stairs and I could tell she had gone upstairs. I hurried up to the second floor and started my search through the bedrooms on my wing of the house.

"Chelsee, come out come out where ever you are. I looked in all of the rooms and she wasn't in either of them. So I started for my room and I heard my shower turn on. Hmm you really didn't make it hard to find you sweetheart. I opened the door and saw the bathroom door wide open. Doesn't she know if someone came in here they would see her naked. And no one is seeing my mate naked. I stomped towards the bathroom and looked into the shower. She wasn't in there. Where the heck did she go? I looked behind the door to see if she was hiding there but nothing. What, does she go invisible now too.

I was looking around in my room again and then went one more time to look at the bathroom. How did she disappear like that. I was about to give up when a sudden weight appeared on my back and a pair of arms wrapped around my neck along with a pair of legs around my waist.

"I gotcha." was what she whispered in my ear and a shiver went through my body. Ohhh what this girl does to me. She slowly slid down my back. She wrapped her arms under mine and pressed her forehead to my back. "I missed you." I loosened her arms and turned to face her.

"I missed you too." I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. "Can I ask you something?" She looked up into my eyes and smiled.

"Anything." I took a deep breath and looked deep into her eyes.

"How did you forgive him like that? I would never have been able to do that." She smiled and hugged me tighter.

"I had to put myself in his position. If I had a daughter and she died. How would I react? What would I do? You can't tell me if we had a baby girl you wouldn't feel like Lester did Rob." I frowned.

"There's no way I would ever do what that man did to me." She brought her hand to my lips and placed her finger over them.

"Rob, I know how possessive you are of me. I'm pretty sure it would be ten times more with a little girl of ours. You won't know until that little blessing comes into our life. So just forget about it." She brought her hand down my chest and went to the bottom of my shirt. "Now when I came up here. I had other plans in mind." She bit her lip as her eyes did a once over my body. Well she didn't have to tell me twice.

With every worry forgotten I helped her take my shirt off and I did the same to her. I pulled her into me and smashed my lips to her. I pushed her up against the wall of my bathroom and shut the door. My hands began to trace up and down her back. I brought my hands down to my sweats she was wearing and pushed them down. I parted my lips from hers and looked down at her as she stepped out of them.

"Your gorgeous you know that." Her cheeks went a deeper shade of pink and she brought her hands up to my jeans.

"Your not so bad yourself." She undid the button on them and pushed them down. I stepped out of them and looked back down at her. "Now come here and show me just how gorgeous you think I am." Wow she's getting bolder.

"Oh I plan on it." I quickly took off her underwear and lifted her up so she wrapped her legs around my waist. I shifted her in my arms and took my boxers off and stepped into the shower as our lips met again. I placed her against the cold tiles of the shower and let the water run down both of us. She gasped from the cold and I chose that moment to enter her sweet mouth. She tasted so good. I could never get sick of that. I pulled back and placed my forehead on hers and we stared at each other. "I plan on showing you that for eternity." She smiled at me and brought her lips back to mine.

Chelsee's POV

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. I reached over and slammed my hand on top of it to shut it up. I brought my hand back and returned it to its warm place on the bed. I felt a pair of arms tighten around me and a very naked body push up against me. My face heated as I thought about the very long night of love making we had. Oh it was wonderful. I am already loving this life with this man.

"That makes two of us." I heard his muffled gruffy voice behind me. He pulled me over on top of him so I was facing him. His eyes were still closed but, he had a smile on his face.

"You are just way to sexy in the mornings." He opened one of his eyes and let out a low throaty chuckle.

"No sweetheart you are way to sexy in the morning. If I wasn't so tired from our last nights fun I would be showing you just how sexy." I only then realised just how happy he was. I rolled over onto my back and looked over at him as he layed on his side.

"I'm way to tired for more of that at the moment. Maybe later. You know we have school in." I paused and looked at the alarm clock. "Two hours." He groaned and rolled onto his stomach.

"I can't wait to be done with that crap." He said into the pillow.

"Well neither can I. Cause After graduation is the wedding." He popped his head up and looked at me.

"Really? I didn't know you already picked a day." I nodded at him. "Wow, now I really can't wait. Cause once we're married. You'll be mine for the rest of your life."

"Oh you can't get rid of me that easy babe." He leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.

"I wouldn't dream of it." He leaned back and smiled at me.

"Good cause your telling Jason we're getting married." I smiled at him.

"Believe me, it would be my pleasure to tell him that I'm marrying you and that he can stop forcing himself on my mate." He got up and out of bed. I took this moment to check him out. Hey he's my mate I can ogle at him all I want.

"That's a pretty nice butt you got there." He whipped his head back to look at me and gave me a wicked grin.

"Why thank you. You can look at it as long as you'd like my dear." I laughed as he glided into his closet and went to get changed. I can not wait to spend the rest of my life with that man. It's going to be one hell of a good time.

Hey hope you liked it.

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