Chapter 5 Part 2

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Rob's POV

I watched her mom pull away and I pulled up closer to the house. I saw her in the kitchen so I got out to wait for her to come out. As I waited I kept thinking of how weird this probably looks. She is probably going to freak to find out that I was waiting for her. I then saw her coming out her door I walked around her truck as she opened the door and I slammed it back shut. She slowly looked up at me. At least I didn't scare her it just really freaked her out that I came out of the dark.

"Ummm can I help you?" I didn't say anything to her I just walked toward her so I had her up against the truck. I could tell I was making her nervous cause she had dropped her purse and her jacket.

"I told you I need to talk to you." I got close to her face so she would get nervous again. I know I like to make her nervous it's just she looks so cute. It's pretty funny to hear her heart go a hundred miles an hour also. Just to make her heart go a little faster I started bringing my hand up her arm slowly and ended with my hand holding her face.

"H-H-How do you know where I live." She looked up at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Well when I drove home today I saw you get out here when I went passed so I figured it was your house." I said it like that so I wouldn't sound like a creep. It was the truth though. I leaned forward and kissed her neck and felt a shiver go down her body. I then felt her start to push me back so I lifted my head up to look at her. She took a deep breath probably trying to calm herself down.

"Well, you wanted to talk to me. What is it you wanted to talk about?" She looked at me with a smile starting to appear on her face.

I felt my face start going hard. "Alright, Well I'm pretty sure you already know that your my mate." I didn't want to say what was coming next but my wolf made me I couldn't stop myself. "You need to decide if you want me. If you do your gonna have to end it with Jason." I wasn't sure about that relationship. It looked like they were dating but, they were trying to hide it or something. She looked at me with disgust.

"End it with Jason." Anger was building up. "Do you actually think that I am dating that idiot? Where were you today?" She then pushed me further away from her.

"Well you got pretty friendly with him today at the diner." I crossed my arms thinking I had came up with a good excuse for that. Her eyes got huge.

"Oh my Rob, First of all we have known eachother since we were little and second he's had a crush on me for a long time now. After what he said to me a few years ago I told him that there was no way in hell anything would happen between us." She was way pissed now. She bent down and picked up her purse and jacket. She opened the truck door and started getting in as she went to shut the door I stopped her. I leaned forward and grabbed her legs and flipped her around so she was facing me. Probably not the best position to have her in but, it got her attention.

I grabbed her face so she listened to me. "Look, I was just saying what it looked like. I'll admit it pissed me off when you actually hugged him." I rembered him grabbing her arm today and I looked down to look at her arm and saw a bruise where his hand was. It was a perfect hand print in her arm. The anger started pumping through my veins. "Oh my hell, look what he did to your arm." I grabbed her arm. When I did she winced it must of hurt her.

"Ow, be careful." Shit I hurt her. I never wanted to do that.

"How could you forgive him after he did this to you." I looked at her in disbelief.

"Look Rob, I had to. You wouldn't understand." I could tell she wanted to drop it but, I wasn't anytime soon.

"You did not have to forgive him. I don't care if he is your damn alpha. He should learn how to control himself around you and not act like an asshole." I could she knew I had a point.

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