Chapter 20

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Hello everyone, Thank you so much for reading. I hope you like the way this is going.

I know there has been a lot of Chelsee's view but, Robs will be coming soon don't worry.

Please leave me comments and votes would be awesome.


Chelsee's POV

I put on a dress shirt and a pair of jeans then decided on my flats. I didn't want to be to dressed up but, I did want to make a good impression. I loosely curled my hair, then put a bit of makeup and decided I looked pretty good.

"You look very beautiful." Rob said as he finnished putting his shoes on.

"Thank you, You're not so bad yourself." He had a long sleeved sweater on and khaki pants with dress shoes. So pretty much looked like a freaking Greek master piece.

"Why thank you. So..... Are you ready? Cause the Greek master piece is." He chuckled to himself.

"Very funny. Just don't let that go to your head." I walked passed him and he grabbed my hand and pulled me into him.

"Well, It doesn't matter what I look like. Just as long as my greek goddess of a fiance is next to me. I'm the happiest man in the world." He brushed a hair from my face and gave me a kiss.

"Hmmm keep sayin stuff like that and I just might stay with you." I teased him and rubbed our noses together. "Let's get going." He pulled me through the door and we went across the hall to their door. We stood there for a second. I nervously stared at the door and Rob squeezed my hand.

"Just breath babe. I'm right here if you need me." I shook my head and he knocked on the door. The door swung open and Claire came out and pulled both of us in.

"Oh I am so glad you came. Your uncle and aunt came to see you and they are so excited." I pulled my hand out of hers. I looked over at Rob to see if he knew but, he shook his head. "What's the matter?"

"I-I-I can't do this. Why am I meeting the whole freaking family. I thought it was just going to be you two. I do not want this!" My body was beginning to shake and Rob wrapped his arms around my waist and started to pull me back.

"Shhh sweetheart you need to calm down." He turned me around and tightened his grip around me. He looked over my shoulder.

"What's going on here?" Liam came in to the front part of their suite. Robs eyes went back to mine and he grabbed my face with both his hands.

"We're going to need a minute." He started to rub my cheeks with his thumbs.

"What happened?" I heard Liam talking to Claire.

"We probably should have waited to invite the others. She wasn't ready." Claire said worriedly .

"Well, she needs to meet her family. There's no better time than now." What a freaking jerk. He didn't even care about the way I would feel about this. Rob looked over my shoulder again.

"You should have asked her before you did any of this. She wasn't ready to meet the rest of them. How many exactly are here?" He looked back into my eyes with pity. I couldn't calm myself anymore.

"Well our son brought his wife and kids and our daughter came with her kids as well. Oh Chelsee I am so sorry we shouldn't have done this." Claire is the only one that understood along with Rob.

"Look, I'm gonna see if I can get her to calm down and try to get her to go in there. But I can't make any promises. If she doesn't want to, I'm not going to make her." Rob continued to rub my cheeks.

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