Chapter 19

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Hey everyone. Thank you all so much for reading. I hope you guys are liking it so far.

Please leave me some comments and votes would be awesome to. Thanks.

Well here's the new Chapter.


Chelsee's POV

I was siting in a giant chair next to Claire. My grandma. We have been in this meeting for an hour already talking about the same freaking subject. They have been fighting back and forth on which persons plan would be better. Personally from what I gather none of them are good ideas. I laughed to myself cause to me it seemed simple. I didn't even realize that I snorted and everyone's eyes were on me. Liam looked at me with a smirk on his face and Rob's eyes were wide.

"Would you like to tell us what is so funny Chelsee?" Everyone eyes were still locked on me. Some men were shaking their heads and others looked pissed and a few people were trying to hold back smiles. I looked back at Liam with the same look on his face.

"Yes as a matter of fact I would like to tell you what is so funny." I crossed my arms and I saw my grandma smile at the corner of my eye.

"Well please, Inlighten us." He crossed his arms on the table and Rob put his head down in his hands.

"Well personally I think all of you are going about this problem all wrong." Some of there mouths dropped and others eyes went wide. Rob just shook his head and Liams grin grew bigger.

"Then what do you suppose we do then." Liam stared at me.

"Rob can you tell your mate to mind her own buisness." Rob looked up and glared at him.

"Nate! I suggest you shut your mouth. You're addressing a higher ranking alpha." Liam glared at the end of the other end of the table.

"He is the exact same Rank as I am." This Nate guy sat back in his chair thinking he was all high and mighty. A growl ripped from my chest.

"The higher rank I was referring to was hers." Liam pointed to me and everyone started breaking into whispers.

"No woman has a higher rank than I do." He stood up challenging Liam. A growl ripped through my throat again and I stood up looking at Nate in the eye. Whoa am I actually defending him.

"That woman right there." He paused and then pointed over to you. "That actually does have higher status than you do, is my grandchild." The room gasped and Nate just stood there with a shocked look on his face. A guy next to Nate stood up and tried to push him down. He kept trying to resist and the guy was now angry.

"Nate if you do not stand down you will be removed now sit." They glared at eachother and then he slowly started to sit. The man turned and looked at Liam. "I'm sorry about my son sir it won't happen again." He looked down at his son and then at me. "I am very sorry for my sons actions." and he sat down.

"I wasn't to worried about it. I knew I could have taken him." What the crap am I saying. My freaking wolf won't shut up now. Nate stood up and ran over to me and got in my face. Rob came over quickly but, I waved my hand for him to stop.

"Say that again. Cause I'd like to see you try to take me little girl." He kept inching closer to me and Rob was about to snap.

"First of all, you're probably the same age as me so don't call me little girl." I paused a second. "And secondly, yeah I think I can take you." Oh my gosh I just totally got myself into a lot of trouble. I couldn't even control what was coming out of my mouth now. His arm swung up to hit me. I didn't even realize that my hand had lifted and had caught his hand in mid swing. I smiled and his face became angrier. His other hand came and I caught it again. I looked over at Rob and his mouth was open and his eyes were wide. Since I was holding both this guys hands I decided to see just how far I could take this. I pulled him by his arms and swung him over my head and on to the ground. I could not believe what my body was doing. I'm stronger than a freaking male wolf right now and that is not normal. The kid looked up at me with horrified eyes. I bent down and looked into his eyes. "I suggest you stand up and go sit in your chair. And don't say a word to me for the rest of this meeting." I stood up and walked back over to my grandma. Who by the way had the biggest grin on her face. I heard Nate quickly stand up and sit down. I turned around to see everyone looking at me wide eyed. I looked over at Liam and he was trying to hold in his laughter.

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