Chapter 3

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Chelsee's POV

"BACK OFF!" His voice boomed. Everyone looked at us. I have never seen Jason like that. Obviously he was showing his dominants. But, Rob showed him who was higher up on the totem pole. Jason quickly sat down. I must of had shock written all over my face. Jason scared me a little. I have never seen him like that. And Rob standing up for me out of no where.

He turned and looked at me. "Are you okay?" His eyes were a little darker than usual. I could tell he was mad.

"Y-Y-Yeah I'm okay, thanks." I sat down and just looked down at my desk. I didn't know what to do. That's when I heard Mr. Farnsworth.

"Alright get started on your assignment." After he said that we all opened our books and began. As soon as I started I noticed that I had tears slowly running down my face. Ugh why was I crying there is no reason I should be. Well I guess Jason scared me pretty good. I always new one day I would push him over the edge and he would do what ever he wanted to me. I think that's what scared me. He once told me if I kept resisting him he would just force himself on me. Of course I went home crying and my dad took care of it. The next day Jason came to school with bruises all over him. I figured my dad called his dad and his dad wasn't to pleased about it.

Before I knew it the bell rang. I totally forgot today was a short day because of the Footballgame. We all stood up. I quickly walked passed Jason before he could stop me. I knew he wouldn't because of someone's eyes that were following me the whole way out of the room. I just didn't want to chance it. I hurried and walked to the bathroom I had to go check to see if I looked like I've bawled my eyes out.

"Oh my gosh Chelsee, are you okay?" Kortnie and Trish said at the exact same time.

"Yeah I'm okay, I just have to get to class." I didn't want to talk about it. I hurried in to Mrs. Lowes class with Kortnie and Trish behind me. Rob was in this class he was sitting in the back by a girl I have never seen before. It must have been his sister. Both of their eyes followed me to my seat. I sat in the back again in this class. I was glad cause everyone watched me when I walked in. Ugh why did I have to cry.

Before I knew it Mrs. Lowe walked in. She was one of the most sweetest almost sheltered women ever. It was so odd that she taught anatomy/ adult Roles. Cause to be honest she seems awkward talking about all of this stuff. She's a wolf. The only reason I know that is because she was in our pack.

"Hello class, has everyone welcomed the new students?" She said as she motioned to the back. "Well I hope everyone has given you a warm welcome. It so great to have you hear. Well class were just going to watch a video today." As soon as she turned all the lights off, everyone either started talking or just layed their heads down on their desks.

Both Kortnie and Trish turned around to talk to me. " Are you sure your ok? Cause I don't think I have ever seen Jason like that. He scared me a bit." Trish was just trying to figure out if I was going to be ok for the rest of the day.

"Yeah freaked me out pretty good. I almost cried for you." Kortnie face was worried. I could tell that it really freaked her out. All of the sudden I felt someone bend down to the side of me. It was Mrs. Lowe.

"Hey Chels, I noticed you looked sad today, is everything alright?" Before I could answer Kortnie and Trish both blurted out.

"Jason yelled at her and got in her face." Kortnie said

"Yeah he was way freaking scary. It was a good think the new kid was there because he got inbetween them and made Jason. He was so nice. He made him back off." I could tell Mrs. Lowe was getting pretty mad.

"Ugh that kid is going to kill us teachers. I swear that kid can be such a jerk. Don't worry I'll take care of it." She got up and walked away and out the door. I knew she was going to call Jason's dad. And of course he would be pissed. The only reason why his dad always got mad when Jason was rude to me is because of my dad. Him and my dad were best friends ever since they were in Kindergarten. He was almost like another dad to me. He promised my dad that he would watch over me and my family. I just don't understand how someone as nice as he was had such a dick for a son.

Rob's POV

I watched her as she walked in. Her eyes were slightly red on the bottom from crying. Gosh, I could really beat the crap out of that stupid idiot. "Is that her?" Nikki asked from the side of me. I nodded to her. "Why has she been crying? She looks really sad."

"Some idiot guy wouldn't leave her alone earlier and it scared her to death. If I weren't at school right now, I'd skin the kid." I looked back at my sister. To say she was surprised was an understatement.

"Umm does this mean what I think it means?" She said with a giant smile on her face. I nodded and turned away from her. I wasn't having this conversation right now.

"Hello class, has everyone welcomed the new students?" She said as she motioned to us in the back. "Well I hope everyone has given you a warm welcome. Its so great to have you hear. Well class were just going to watch a video today." As soon as she turned all the lights off, everyone either started talking or just layed their heads down on their desks.

I looked back at Chelsee and watched her. Her friends talked with her for a moment. I watched them both stare at her with worry as the teacher walked up to the side of her. She bent down and leaned in by Chelsee. "Hey Chels, I noticed you looked sad today, is everything alright?" She asked and gave her a tender look. Obviously she was one of those teachers that actually cares about how students are doing.

"Jason yelled at her and got in her face." Both her friends said before she could even answer. Mrs. Lowe seemed to get a frustrated look.

"Ugh that kid is going to kill us teachers. I swear that kid can be such a jerk. Don't worry I'll take care of it." I like the sound of that. She stood up and headed out of the classroom. I turned back to Chelsee and she leaned back in her chair and both her friends relaxed a bit by her.

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