Heronstairs: A Fluff Collecti...

By Broadway_Bound_Baby

84.3K 3.3K 1.6K

Will and Jem are an undeniable truth no matter what world, what life, what scenario they find themselves in... More

The Tune Behind The Words
A Rather Surprising Discovery
A Lazy Sunday
A Bad Spell
A Battle Gone Wrong
Tied Together With A Smile Song Fic- Jem
Merry Christmas
Author's Note, Sorry
A Goodbye Song
Starting Again (Sequel to Goodbye Song)
Cute Little Prompt Things
Something To Believe In (Prompt 44)
The End Of The Day (Prompt 24)
"Don't You Two Have Rooms?" (Prompt 3)
The Fight (Prompt 13)
A/N: Quick Question
Just... Let it Go! (Prompt 35)
Procrastination at Its Finest (Prompt 34)
Making A Point (Prompt 46)
Author's Note
New Realizations
Blind Date Debacle (Prompt 19)
Results for May's Contest
For King and Country (Prompt 30)
Goodbye Love
Result's for June's Contest
Weddings and Vows
New Beginnings of Happy Endings (Prompt 15)
Author's Note
Day One
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6 (King and Country Part 2)
Day 7
Prompt 27- "Bad Timing and Good Coffee"
Love's Concerto
Good Cop, Bad Cop
What's In A Name? (Character Study)
Text Talk
"And They Were Roommates!"
The Eggplant Incident
Noise Complaints
The Turning of the Wheel

Love(rs) at First Sight (Prompt 5)

1.9K 88 83
By Broadway_Bound_Baby

Jem wasn't entirely sure why he was here. He didn't like to drink, and a loud bar overflowing with people was not exactly his scene. And yet here he was, regretting his decision to let Tessa drag him here.

Just as he thought this, a certain brunette appeared at his elbow.

"Jeeeeeem," she complained.

"Tessaaaa," he replied, giving her a bored look and raising an eyebrow.

"You came because you were supposed to get out of the house," she said, punching his arm lightly.

"Given that I am here instead of on my own couch playing my violin, I'd say that worked."

"You haven't been leaving the house or talking to anyone since you and what's-his-name... Sebastian broke it off," she plowed on, ignoring his flinch and obvious discomfort.

"We didn't 'break it off'. I got bad news from the doctor and that ass dumped me because it was too much for him to handle," Jem corrected bitterly.

"Exactly! He's a prick anyways. I never liked him. I knew you could do better. He drank too much and didn't say 'I love you' enough. Plus, he came to about two of your performances in two and a half years." Tessa was smiling brightly again, clearly pleased with herself for dragging him here.

"So what am I supposed to do here?"

"Buy someone a drink, or let someone buy you a drink. Flirt a little. Get a cute person's number."

Jem shivered. "I don't do... Flirting."

"You've had a long-term boyfriend and two summer flings over the course of your life, Jem, how are you still this awkward?"

"We've been friends for six years, why are you still surprised?"

She laughed. "No more moping, Carstairs. Time to get back out there." With that, she went back to wherever she'd been before, leaving Jem alone with his thoughts.

Just as he contemplated leaving and calling a cab home, a woman- a girl, really, she looked like she had to have used a fake I.D. to get in- leaned on the bar, directly beside him.

She was very lovely, with pale blonde hair she kept tossing over her shoulder and clear green eyes. The dress she had on was deep red, hugging every curve and stopping at mid-thigh. The neckline also left very little to the imagination, and she seemed to be pleased with the stares she was attracting from all over the room.

There was no denying that she was quite beautiful, but she was eyeing Jem as if she wanted to devour him, and Jem was not interested.

'Please don't say anything, please please don't say anything....'

"So," she drawled in a voice like velvet, "What's a guy like you doing here alone?"


Tessa owed him the biggest apology ever.

Jem turned slightly to face her. "Just enjoying a night out," Jem lied. "You?"

"Looking for someone to help make my night a little less lonely," she said, leaning a little closer and looking up at Jem through thick eyelashes. "A girl's got to have some company, you know."

Jem tried to lean backwards as subtly as possible. "I'm sure you'll have no problem finding said company." He was trying very hard to still be polite but convey his disinterest.

Apparently, she didn't get the hint, because she leaned in again, practically pressing herself against him as another song started to play. "My name's Camille. What's yours?" she asked, one hand wrapping around his wrist.

Jem peered at their now touching hands and raised an eyebrow. "James," he replied hesitantly, pulling his wrist away gently.

Camille made a humming noise at the back of her throat. "So, James, what do you say we ditch this place? Go somewhere you and I can get more... Well-acquainted?" A wicked grin turned up the edges of her ruby lips. "Or we could start with a couple drinks here..."

"Flattering, but I'm not interested," Jem said as gently as possible. She simpered, moving closer until she was directly in front of him, peering up into his eyes.

"I'm not proposing anything big," she whispered. "Just one night. Buying a girl a couple of drinks, honey, is that too much to ask?"

Jem, very out of his element, sputtered a non-answer just as a deep voice came from behind him, strong hands wrapping around his waist.

"It is when it's my boyfriend you're asking," the voice said, sounding a little jealous. Relieved and willing to play along, Jem tipped his head back to rest on this person's shoulder.

He had to fight back a gasp- this guy was gorgeous. Tall, with jet-black curls and startling blue eyes, subtle but defined cheekbones, and from what Jem could feel from where he'd been tugged flush against this guy's chest, he was strong.

"Been wondering where you got off to," Jem said, trying not to stare. "I was beginning to think you'd forgotten I was here."

"Me? It's you I've got to worry about. Can't leave for ten minutes without someone else noticing how damn beautiful you are," he said, shaking his head with a smile.

Jem flushed lightly, high on his cheeks, and the other guy chuckled.

"You're adorable, babe," he said, dropping a light kiss to the top of Jem's head. "Now, miss, I think you were just leaving?"

Camille crossed her arms, looking unimpressed. "Are you two really dating?"


"Prove it."

The other guy rolled his eyes and leaned down a little, kissing Jem softly. After an initial moment of shock, Jem wrapped his arms around his neck, trying to ignore the fact he was kissing a total stranger.

...But he couldn't deny it was a little nice. This guys lips were warm and soft, and he'd forgotten how much he liked being held in strong arms.

Camille threw her hands in the air and walked off. "Why are all the hot ones gay?" she muttered as she left.

As soon as she was gone, the two of them split apart, Jem stepping back slightly.

Rubbing a hand over the back of his neck, Jem awkwardly cleared his throat. "Um... Thanks for that. She didn't seem to be taking the hint."

"No problem. I've seen her do that to anyone she thinks is attractive." This mysterious stranger looked Jem up and down, then grinned. "At least she's got good taste."

Jem felt heat flood his cheeks again. "Well... Thank you anyways,...?" He trailed off, realizing he still didn't know this guy's name.

"Oh, my bad. Name's Will Herondale."

"Nice to meet you, Will, I'm James Carstairs, but everybody calls me Jem."

Will grinned. "I know. I think I've seen you play before."

"Really?" Jem couldn't help feeling a little proud.

"Yeah, my sister is crazy about classical music. I wasn't until I heard you," he said with a wink.

Jem rolled his eyes. "Saved me from a girl flirting with me only to take her place, hmm?" he teased.

Will laughed brightly. "Gotta make it look believable if I'm going to keep my title as your honorary boyfriend."

Jem's heart fluttered a little, giving him a rush he hadn't felt since the beginning of... Well, Sebastian.

Maybe it was the butterflies, maybe it was the drink, or maybe it was just months of wanting to be wanted that prompted the next thing out of his mouth.

"You seem to suit the title well, though I don't know if being my knight in shining armor one time qualifies you as a boyfriend." Jem purposely left it open for Will to give him the green light, or to go a different way entirely.

Will raised an eyebrow. "Was that a challenge, James?"

"More like an invitation."

"Oh? An invitation for me to... What?"

"Meet me for coffee sometime this week?"

Will broke out into another heart-melting smile. "Something tells me that's more your scene than a bar."

"See? You know me already," Jem smiled.

"I have a feeling there's a lot about you I don't know yet, James Carstairs," Will said slowly, after a moment's pause. "But I'd sure love to find out."

With that, Will very gently cupped his face in his hands and leaned down, kissing him once more. Jem's hands came to rest over Will's heart, kissing back slowly. 

When they broke apart again, Will rested his forehead against Jem's and sighed, eyes still closed. "Jem... Please don't tell me you're another drunk decision that we'll regret in the morning."

"No," Jem responded, "I don't make drunk decisions. I do, however, make very fast decisions, and I'm pretty hooked on the idea of you being my next one."

Will smiled and took Jem's hand, turning it so the palm faced him before stealing the bartender's pen off the counter. Jem quirked an eyebrow as Will scribbled something on his hand, then returned the pen.

"And I'd love to be your next decision," he said, "but over coffee next time?"

"Yeah... Yeah, that sounds perfect."

Will smiled and kissed the back of his hand before walking out the bar's door with a quiet 'goodnight, beautiful.'

Looking down at the phone number written across his palm, Jem smiled to himself.

He owed Tessa the biggest thank-you ever.

A/N: I'm sorry it's taking me so long to update! I really have no excuse other than being busy with school, theatre, and choir. I'll try to be better, because you all deserve better ^_^. Anyways, this one is dedicated to sofyy21 because a.) she's freaking awesome both online and irl, and b.) she basically threatened me until I was intimidated enough to finish the update. (We are actually friends though. it's all in good fun.)

Alrighty! I'll try to have another update for you before my birthday! (Sept. 16) Have a good day!

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