Love Lost

By MzKnowitAll

24.2K 1K 114

Caroline was there in 1922 when Klaus and Rebekah met Stefan. She fell in love with Klaus and he with her. Re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 12

903 37 2
By MzKnowitAll

Klaus POV

"Hello sweetheart." I said to her. She glared at me, "Leave me alone Nik." I smirked, "Now come on, no love for you big brother?" She scoffed, "My love for you died at least ninety years ago when you killed me and carried me around in a box like luggage." She turned around and flashed away from me. I shook my head, siblings, before following her.

"Go away Nik! I'm running away from you for a reason!" Right when she was about to step out the door I said, "I can give you Stefan." This caused her to stop walking and slowly turn around toward me. She shook her head, "I'm not in the mood for your games." I walked up to her and grabbed her hand, "I can assure you that this is no game sister. Both of the people we love are here and I need your help to get them back." She thought it over for a moment before she went and sat in the living room. "Alright, I'll listen."

"Okay so..." I told her the story of everything that has happened since I arrived in Mystic Falls. By the end of it I could see the little wheels turning in her head. I grabbed a bottle of bourbon and poured myself a class before sitting on the couch opposite Rebekah. "So basically you want my help with getting Caroline back and in return you'll give me Stefan?" she asked, trying to clarify the situation. I nodded to her.

"Well it's a good thing I actually considered Caroline a friend. So how are we going to go about doing this?" I shrugged, "That's why you're here sister." She nodded, "So far I've seen several errors in what you've been doing. The biggest one however is that you let that doppelganger bitch dagger our brother and you let them keep his body. Now why is that?" I shrugged, "It's simple really. Elijah was only going to interfere with my original plans."

"Well I'm not going to do anything until he is standing right infront of me." I gritted my teeth, "And how do you propose I accomplish that?! I can't pull the man out of thin air Rebekah!" She smirked, "That is for you to figure out. As for me I'm going to go get a bite to eat and change out of this out-of-date dress. Don't want the locals to get suspicious now do we?" She got up and exited the house, leaving me to figure out how to handle this.

I sat there for a minute before I dug my phone out of my pocket and called Tanisha. She answered on the second ring, "Klaus?" she asked hesitantly. I smirked, thinking about how she must still be shaken up over my outburst. "Tanisha I need you to go get my brother from the Salvatore residence. Use any means necessary. However the Forbes girl and doppelgänger are not to be touched. I will deal with them in my own way." I hang up before she has the chance to speak. Now all there was left to do was wait.

Caroline POV

I was currently starring off into space while Bonnie was talking about something. I felt a little bad that I wasn't listening but I couldn't help it. She was probably talking about killing Klaus anyway, that's all anyone has been doing. Thinking of him got me thinking about my dream again. It felt so real. I was loving every moment of it right up until the end. It was almost like the perfect fantasy. But life isn't a fantasy and we don't always get what we want.

"Caroline!" I snapped my head to look over towards Bonnie. "Yeah?" She shook her head, "What's going on Care? You seem to be here physically but not mentally." I sighed. Should I tell her? Would she even understand? I debated with myself for a little while longer. She's my best friend, of course I can tell her. "What are the purpose or meanings of our dreams?" I asked her. She looked at me perplexed by the random question before she started thinking about it.

It took a minute but she finally answered me, "Well in my opinion our dreams are a way for our subconscious to communicate with us. So it could be a suppressed memory that's all of a sudden important. Or it could be our subconscious telling us what we refuse to admit to ourselves. Dreams however can be manipulated. For example an extremely powerful witch needs to tell you something important but she's dead, if she was powerful enough she could communicate with you through your dreams."

I nodded as she spoke, letting her know I was absorbing the information. Is it possible that Klaus has a witch messing with me? Or are my feelings really that strong? I shook my head, it had to be the first one. Klaus was bad for me, end of story. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. However, if he did have a witch cast a spell to interfere with my dreams, why? What would he achieve? I looked over at Bonnie, "Bonnie, I want to tell you something but you have to promise you won't tell anyone else, deal?"

She looked confused by my statement but nodded her head anyway. I smiled, letting out a relieved breath, "Okay so last night I had a dream where I was in this really old club. I believe it was around the twenties or thirties based on how everyone was dressed. All of a sudden Klaus appeared. We talked and danced all night long. We got pretty close, and I...I sort of...fell head over heals for him. Everything seemed to happen so fast, but right before the dream ended, he left me.

"When I woke up I knew it was a dream but it just felt so real. Every word and every touch. It was like I was living the moment. But of course I wasn't. But your answer to my question earlier had me thinking, maybe he had some manipulate my dreams. But what I don't understand is why would Klaus have a witch give me that dream? How would he benefit?"

Bonnie looked a bit shocked at first, but she started to think again. "Are you sure that's what happened Caroline? If you have feelings for him then it's okay to say it. Having feelings is one thing, but acting on those feelings is a completely different topic. We all know that we can't help who our hearts cling to." I shook my head immediately, "No! The only feelings I have for that beast is hatred and anger." The words sounded so true, but they were far from it. I couldn't admit my feelings to her though, saying them aloud would make them real and unavoidable. I can't handle that, and neither could my friends.

"Well then maybe he sees this as a game. Or he wants you to come crawling back to him begging for answers. I feel as if it is a game though. He is sick that way." Her words angered something inside me. My fangs wanted to come out. The urge to let them was deeper than any hunger I've ever felt. I wanted to throw her across the room and make her apologize. I wanted to make her take it all back. I wanted to hurt her. These sudden feelings shocked me silent.

I wanted to hurt my best friend.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Bonnie's phone ringing. "Hey. What! How?! When?! We're on our way!" Her responses are all I could hear. She hung up and got up off the couch, stuffing things into her purse frantically. "We've gotta go. Now." Before she could rush out of the house I grabbed her wrist and forced her to look at me. Fearing the worst I asked her, "What's wrong Bon? What happened?" She didn't hesitate to answer me, "Elijah's been taken."

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