Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to...

By StarCrossed81

48.1K 857 161

Things had changed drastically since Wayne showed up at my door.. It has been six months since Fallon and I... More

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving Tunechi
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

1.4K 38 15
By StarCrossed81

The sun streaming through the window woke me up. I stretched out and snuggled closer to Wayne. I laid my head on his chest and couldn't help but stare at my ring sparkling in the morning light. I felt like I was dreaming, I was engaged to Lil Wayne. I looked up at Wayne and saw him watching me. He grinned as our eyes met. "I never asked you, do you like your ring?" I nodded leaning up to kiss him. "It's beautiful, how did you know what size." Wayne shrugged grinning. "My little secret." I rolled my eyes, "Its freaking huge, I have feeling you spent way too much money on this thing." Wayne rolled over putting me under him. "You can work it off." I laughed. "Do we have time for all this." Wayne gave me a look, "girl I decide when my plane leaves." I made a face. "Uh ok Mr. Carter." I wrapped my arms around his neck wishing we could spend the entire day in bed.

It was 2 before we boarded the jet. Wayne and I talked the entire way home about when he would have to leave in the morning and what I would do while he was gone. He promised it would go by faster than what i thought, but I doubted that. The only real plans I had was hanging with Reginae, and going to my first two doctor appointments without Wayne. I couldn't wait to tell Adrianna that Wayne had proposed. "So does anyone know you had this planned." Wayne shrugged. "A few people. Momma, of course. Baby, and Cortez." I eyed him. "So are we telling people or is this low key." Wayne bit his lip. "Well we ain't going around yelling it, but its no secret. I have a interview in a couple of weeks and I'm thinking of announcing it then." I grinned at him. "I so want to hear that." Wayne made a face. "I bet you do." I couldn't help but laugh. "I would have never thought that first day we met that I would end up engaged and pregnant with your baby." Wayne looked at me grinning. "O I knew from day one." I rolled my eyes at him. "I guess lil boy." Wayne busted out laughing. "You doubting me?" I shrugged winking at him.

Brooklynne and Malachi was waiting for us at the airport when we landed. Fallon ran up to us and I picked her up giving her kisses. Wayne and Malachi started talking and I let Fallon down so she could run up to Wayne. Brooklynne walked up on me. "Girl I can see that thing blinging from here, let me see." I felt myself blush. "Is it that noticeable." She shook her head no as she grabbed my hand. "No, its freaking gorgeous, I'm so jealous. Actually me and Malachi had a bet if you'd come back engaged or not." I laughed. "Ok so who one." Brooklyne made a face. "Uh me of course." We busted out laughing causing the guys to glance at us. We shrugged our shoulders. Brooklynne and I hugged bye and I waved bye to Malachi thanking them for watching Fallon for us.

The whole ride home Fallon talked about Brooklynne and Malachi's puppy Taz. "I wanna puppy momma." I shook my head no. "Not right now baby." Wayne looked over at me. "Why not?" I glanced at him like he was crazy. "Cause for one, we don't have a spot for the dog and two its not going to be an inside dog unless it comes trained." Fallon started pouting in the back seat. "Wayne momma say no, I wanna puppy." Wayne bit his lip looking at me, and I knew if it was up to him she would have one before nightfall. "We will see." I sighed. Wayne reached out for my hand. "We do have the side yard fenced in, I used to have a...." He stopped talking when he saw my face. "What?" I shook my head. "She does not want a big dog she wants a little one. We can get one after the baby is born, well after the baby is a couple of months old." Fallon picked up on our conversation quickly. "What baby?" Wayne and I looked at each other and I closed my eyes. Wayne squeezed my hand and I looked over at him.

Wayne changed the subject and I spent the rest of the ride in silence. It was after six by the time we arrived at the house. Wayne and Fallon snuggled up on the couch watching a movie while I went in the kitchen and started making dinner. Fallon wanted tacos and Wayne had told her she could have whatever she wanted. I knew he was trying to show her extra attention since he would be leaving in the morning. While I was cooking I could hear Wayne talking to her about having to leave. "Fallon I want you to be a big girl for your momma ok." I stood at the edge of the kitchen listening. Fallon looked up at him. "I a big girl." Wayne leaned down kissing her forehead. "You are a big girl. I have to leave for a bit and Momma is gong to need your help." Fallon frowned. "I don't want you to go." Wayne gave her a hug. "I know baby girl but Wayne has to go sing and make you some money." Fallon was quiet and I knew she was upset. Wayne looked up and caught me watching them. I made a pouty face at him and he shrugged. "Ya'll ready to eat." Fallon ran in the kitchen jumping in her seat and I grabbed Wayne as he walked by me. "She is gong to miss you." Wayne leaned in kissing me. "I'm going to miss both my girls."

After everyone was done eating. I cleaned the kitchen and Wayne and Fallon went back to watching their movie. I grabbed my phone and sent Wayne a text asking him if he thought we should go ahead and tell Fallon about the baby. I saw him grab his phone and look in the kitchen at me nodding. I gulped, I wasn't sure how she would take this. I walked in the living room sitting down beside Wayne. Fallon was in his lap all into the tv. "Fallon baby Momma and Wayne have something to tell you." Fallon sighed. "I know momma, I know Wayne going bye bye and I mad." I made a face at Wayne and he grinned at me. "Yeah Wayne is going bye bye, but he will be back soon. We have something else to tell you." Fallon looked up at me." Wayne pushed a strand of Fallon's hair out of her face. I glanced up at him and he nodded at me encouraging me to keep talking. "Well baby, Momma and Wayne are going to have a baby, so that means your going to have a little brother or sister." I bit my lip waiting on her reaction. She looked at me then at Wayne. "I be a big sissy." Wayne nodded his head at her. "Yep, your going to be a big sissy." Fallon looked and me and I nodded at her, she started clapping then made up a song about "I'm going to be a big sister, I'm going to be a big sister." Wayne glanced at me, "and you was worried how she would take it." I shrugged. "Baby's not here yet."

We let Fallon stay up to spend as much time possible with Wayne. She fell asleep a little after 10. I took her upstairs tucking her into her bed. Walking back downstairs Wayne had lit up a blunt and was stretched out with his feet propped up on the coffee table. "I can't believe your leaving me tomorrow." I sat down at the far end of the couch, Wayne glanced over at me. "I know you going to miss daddy huh." I made a face and threw one of the throw pillows at him. Keep on and I won't answer none of your calls." Wayne took a hit of his blunt. "Please you going to have that phone glued to you while I'm gone." I laughed. I couldn't argue with him because he was right, I would have my phone on me at all times.

Wayne had to make a few calls before we went to bed so I text Adrianna asking her if she was awake. She immediately text me back saying yes, whats up. I hit her name calling her and she answered on the first ring. "Hey honey, how are you." I rolled my eyes. "Good, what are you up to." Adrianna sighed. "Not much just got home, so I'm dying to know what you and Wayne did for your birthday." I laughed. "Well we flew on his private jet to New York." Adrianna butt in, "and." I let out a breath. "If you will let me talk." Adrianna laughed. "Ok, ok talk." I waited a minute to make sure she was done. "Ok we stayed at the most gorgeous hotel I have ever seen, it had a huge private terrace." I could tell Adrianna was getting impatient because I could hear her tapping on something. "He took me out to eat at Woolfgang Steakhouse, it was delish. Then we came back to the hotel and Wayne had the room decorated in rose petals and candles." Adrianna laughed. "We talking about the same Wayne I know." I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I was shocked too, didn't see him as the rose and candle type guy." Adrianna busted out laughing. "Ok so tell me he got you something besides sex, cause you can skip that part." I busted out laughing about choking on the water I had just took a sip of. "Well he actually did get me something awesome for my birthday. I'll send you a picture." She said ok and we hung up. I sent her a picture of my ring and waited about 5 seconds before my phone started ringing again. I answered the phone not even able to speak before she was screaming in my ear, "OMG is that and engagement ring, that bitch is huge!" I laughed at her. "Yeah he proposed, isn't' it gorgeous, I'm like in love with it." Adrianna let out a breath. "O my sweet baby Jesus, I'm over here grinning like an idiot, like wow." I grinned to myself. "Yeah I know I feel the exact same way." Adrianna was quiet for a minute. "So have ya'll talked about a date." I sighed. "Not really, I know we are going to wait until after the baby is here, there is no reason to rush ya know." I could imagine Adrianna's expression when she said "I guess."

After we got off the phone I walked upstairs in Wayne's office, he was sitting at his desk talking on his phone. I walked up to him sitting in his lap as he scooted back. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Wayne leaned his head against mine as he said his goodbyes. He sat his phone down leaning in kissing on my neck. "I'm going to miss you." I arched my neck. "I know I'm going to cry tomorrow when you leave." Wayne laughed in my neck. "I'm going to wear your ass out tonight, so you don't know when I leave." I leaned back. "You would leave without telling me bye." Wayne laughed at me. "Girl I'm going to be telling you bye all night." I bit my lip as Wayne stood up picking me up with him.

Wayne shut the door with his foot as we entered our bedroom. He laid me down on the bed crawling over me. "You'd be mad if I didn't wake you in the morning." I shrugged. "I don't intend on going to sleep till you leave." Wayne laughed kissing my throat. "That's my girl." I grinned up at him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you Wayne." Wayne pushed himself back up looking at me. "You know I love you right." I nodded my head as Wayne leaned down giving me a kiss. "You better." I closed my eyes as his kisses started wondering. Wayne was true to his word and kept me up until the early hours of morning. I feel asleep exhausted after he promised to wake me up before he left.

I never heard his alarm go off in the morning, when Wayne woke me up he was already dressed and ready to go. I of course started crying, Wayne sat on the edge of the bed wiping my tears away leaning in to give me a kiss. "Baby please don't cry, this is going to be hard enough. I need you to be strong for me and the baby ok." I nodded, I knew he was right, stress wasn't good for the baby and it was still way to early in my pregnancy to feel comfortable. I quickly got up and pulled on some panties and a tshirt walking with Wayne downstairs. "This is why I didn't want you awake when I left," Wayne said as he pulled me into his arms. I laid my head on his chest. "I would have been devastated to wake up without the chance to tell you bye." Wayne pulled my chin up kissing me. "I know baby, I hope I've made up for all the shit I've put you through." I nodded wipping my eyes. "I'm surprised you put up with my train wreck of a life." Wayne laughed as he brushed my hair out of my face. "Your life is not a train wreck Maci, you've been through a lot, but I promise you, as long as your by my side I will protect you." I leaned up wrapping my arms around his neck."Love you baby, promise to call me." Wayne leaned in -kissing me. "Love you too Maci, take that ass back to bed. I'll call you tonight." Wayne kissed me by one last time and I watched him back out of the garage wiping tears out of my eyes.

I walked back up and crawled in the bed. It felt so lonely without Wayne in it. I tossed and turned unable to fall back asleep. I felt like crying, damn hormones, Wayne hadn't even been gone an hour. I grabbed my phone wanting to text Wayne, but I knew he was already on the jet. I sighed and gave up getting up and heading in the bathroom to run a hot bath. I turned the jets on and put my iphone in the ihome letting the music play. I pull my clothes off sinking in the tub leaning my head back closing my eyes. Pink's song "Just give me a reason", played in the background. I sighed, I had no idea what I was going to do all morning. It was only 7 and Fallon wouldn't get up till 9.

I dressed casually in a black and white tyedie dress that went to my ankles. I didn't feel like putting any effort in dressing for the day. I glanced at myself in the mirror running the brush through my hair. I would be just fine with no makeup. I stopped in checking on Fallon as I headed downstairs. She was knocked out laying all crooked in the bed. I shrugged heading to her to pull the cover around her closer before I walked to the kitchen to put my coffee on. I leaned on the counter watching the coffee pot like it would hurry and finish if I stared at it hard enough. I gave up and went to put the sugar and Almond Joy coffee creamer in my coffee cup, by the time I made it back the coffee was ready. I poured myself a cup and headed back upstairs and sat out on the balcony. I had been without Wayne before, but never this long. I closed my eyes letting the early morning light shine down on me.

I was still sitting outside when Fallon came in the bedroom looking for me. I stood up walking to the door leaning down to pick her up. "Look at your head." I swear her hair was standing straight up. Fallon laid her head on my chest. "Momma where Wayne." I frowned. "He has left baby, he will call tonight. You hungry." Fallon shook her head yes so we walked downstairs. I pulled out a breakfast pizza and preheated the oven. After the oven was ready I put the pizza in setting the timer and took Fallon back upstairs to get her dressed. She insisted on wearing a dress too so I put a cute hello kitty with a tutu type skirt and some tights. She let me fix her hair in two pigtails before we headed back downstairs. I turned on Nick Jr and pulled her table in front of the tv. She wanted chocolate milk so I mixed her up some and put it in her cup. When the timer beeped I took the pizza out and cut it up. I fixed us both a plate and sat hers on her table where she was waiting and I sat on the couch.

Things seemed so boring with Wayne gone. I was ready for Friday so Reginae could keep me entertained. Fallon loved Reginae and last time she was down followed her everywhere so I was sure she was ready to see her too. We spent the remainder of the day outside playing in the pool and just playing outside in general. She didn't go down for her nap until 2. I was in my room on the computer when my phone rang. I about fell out the bed trying to grab my phone off the charge. "Hey," I said grinning as I heard Wayne's voice on the other end. "Hey baby what's up." I stood up going to sit outside on the balcony. "Not much Fallon just laid down for her nap and I was in our bed looking up different stuff for the baby." Wayne started yelling at somebody to shut up cause he was on the phone, I sat there quiet waiting on him to return his attention back to me. "I'm sorry baby these loud ass nigga's in here act like they don't' see me on the damn phone." I laughed. "It's cool baby." Wayne sighed. "Did you go back to sleep when I left." I wanted to lie and say yes but I told him no I ended up staying up and taking a shower. " Wayne let out a breath. "I fucking knew it, your so damn hardheaded." I laughed. "Hey I tried it just didn't work out the way I planed." Wayne let out a little laugh. "I guess girl, look baby I just wanted to call and check in. I'll call you back tonight, ok." I frowned but said "Ok baby I love you, miss you already." I closed my eyes as Wayne said. "Love you more baby, I'll be home before you know."

I walked back in groaning. Ugh today was only day one, I had yet to even spend a night without him and I was missing him so much. We had went a couple of weeks apart when I had left but that was nothing compared to this. I went in Fallon's room and laid beside her wrapping her tight in my arms. I soon found myself drifting off to sleep.


I know it's way to early but I wanted to give my readers a chance to voice their opinions! Please comment or inbox me what you think the baby should be Boy or Girl!!!

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