Queen of the Swords & Lord of...

By OBrien_has_Stiles

64.1K 1.9K 308

Secrets are secrets, and Esmeralda's path is unknown to her. But walls start breaking down, and she finds out... More

Queen of Swords & Lord of the Rings (a LOTR fanfic)
Part 1 - To Know Chapter 1: The Fellowship
To Know - Chapter 2 - The Fellowship is off
To Know - Chapter 3 - And so it begins
To Know - Chapter 4 - Lifes shall be shaken
To Know - Chapter 5 - Walls of Moria
To Know - Chapter 6 - Darkness surrounds us
To Know - Chapter 7 - We need a break
To Know - Chapter 8 - They are coming
To Know - Chapter 9 - Even the strongest fall
To Know - Chapter 10 - Please come back
To Know - Chapter 11 - I'm fine
To Know - Chapter 12 - The Past comes back to me
To Know - Chapter 13 - Gently down the stream
Part 2 - To Feel - Chapter 1 - A long run
To Feel - Chapter 2 - I'm glad to have our wizard back
To Feel - Chapter 3 - Time alone
To Feel - Chapter 4 - Off to Helms Deep
To Feel - Chapter 5 - Over the edge
To Feel - Chapter 6 - Seeking answers and purpose
To Feel - Chapter 7 - Dangerous obstacles
To Feel - Chapter 8 - Victories in Wars
Part 3 - To Love - Chapter 1 - Victorious Feast
To Love - Chapter 3 - Star Gazing
To Love - Chap 4

To Love - Chapter 2 - Captive

921 36 9
By OBrien_has_Stiles

To Love - Chapter 2 - Captive

When Esme came to, she was first aware of the arm around her waist and the feel of a body against her back. Faintly, she could feel his breaths as well as the rocking movement of a horse's back. Fear struck her at the unknown presence. Someone is taking me somewhere hostage. I need to get out of here!

Esme ripped herself from her captors hands, throwing herself to the side with a loud thud. Pain flooded through her as the breath was knocked out of her. As much pain as she was in as she laid there, she knew that she had to get up and away. Gasping and fighting through the pain, Esme sprung onto her feet and drew her sword. These scoundrels are really idiotic for not taking away my sword.

Standing now, Esme saw how many men on horses around her, all of them in shock at her abrupt movements. The horse she was just on was rearing on its back legs, frightened from her fall. All this she took in under a second of observation, but her adrenaline-filled body wouldn't allow her any longer to access her situation. Taking their shock to her advantage, she made for a gap between two horses. Behind her she could their shouts and exclamations but she didn't stop and ran faster through the trees. I need to get away.

And then she could hear someone running after her. Fear was eminent as she did her best to loose her chaser. But he still kept running after her. An outbreak through some trees to her right caught Esm's attention and with a quick side-step, she ran through them into an open field. There was nowhere to hide now and Esme could only hope that she would be able to outrun him.

Esme never looked back to see f he was still chasing her, she knew that he was right behind her. But after a minute of dead sprinting through the grass, her chaser tackled her. His arms went around her, twisting their bodies so that he landed on his back, Esme on top of him, before rolling so that he was on top of her.

Esme was pressed against the ground, her face smothered in the dirt, her attacker pressed against her back. For a few seconds, they lied there like that when he started to turn her around.

"No," Esme growled, flailing her arms and legs to get him off of her. Esme opened her eyes to see who her attacker was for the first time but she immediately froze when she caught sight of him.

"Legolas?" Above her, Legolas moved his lips to talk to her, but Esme didn't hear a sound.


Legolas frowned before talking again. Esme's eyes grew wide in fear.

"Legolas. I can't hear you." At this, Legolas quieted and raised his eyebrows. "Oh, Legolas. I can't hear anything!" Esme cried, a new kind of fear overtaking her.

Legolas' arms wrapped around her in a soothing embrace. "I can't remember what happened," Esme muttered. "I remember you entering Isengard but after that... nothing. I think Saruman did something to me."

Legolas leaned away from her and helped her sit up. With a finger, he drew some words in the dirt.


Esme nodded her head at the information. "Please don't let anyone know of my condition."

Looking in her eyes, Legolas nodded his head after a few seconds. He tilted his head back in a 'let's go' gesture before standing and helping Esme from the ground. Standing, they both took in each other's rugged and dirty appearances. "Sorry," Legolas mouthed which she just smiled at.

When they reached the others again, they were all standing confused and at the situation.

"Everything is fine, gentlemen." Esme said, pretending that everything was well as she had said. She could feel a heavy gaze on the back of her head and Esme knew that Gandalf was looking at her with scrutinizing eyes.

She saw Theoden say something to the men around her and Esme had to hide her frustration at being unable to hear hme. She saw men around her start gathering supplies from their packs atop their horses and spreading themselves throughout the clearing they were in. Esme realised that they were starting to make camp for the night. Having nothing but the clothes on her back and the weapons at her side, Esme didn't need to retrieve anything and just made her way to a secluded spot under some trees. Leaning against one of the tree's trunk, Esme watched the men as they ran around with supplies. After a few minutes, Legolas came and sat next to her, carrying two sleeping mats with him.

"Thank you," Esme said when Legolas offered her one. Esme fiddled with some grass as the two sat in silence, considering they couldn't talk under some circumstances.

Gandalf came to sit next her and Esme filled with fear and worry. She watched him in the corner of her eye as he made himself comfortable, retrieving his wind pipe from his coat and started to smoke. Esme was tense for the next few minutes as she waited for Gandalf to start speaking.

"Esme, my dear," She heard Gandalf's voice but she didn't see his lips move. "What has become of you?" Esme realised that he was speaking to her in her mind.

"And to what do you mean of that?" She thought back, not sure if he heard her.

"I mean, my dear, is what is the cause of the change in you since we had last seen each other. Don't think I haven't noticed."

Esme shook her head. "No, well I didn't doubt that you would have noticed a change about me. I thought it was about what Saruman did to me."

"And what did he do to you?"

"I thought you already knew because you're talking to me through our thoughts."

"I did do for privacy reasons. What has he done to you to cause you to expect this."

"Not expect. But I can't hear anything. Absolutely nothing."

Gandalf looked slightly taken aback. "I think it is an after effect of when Saruman tried to take over your mind earlier. No worries, you will be able to hear in few hours soon enough."

Esme shook her head. "No Gandalf, if you can, please help me. I need my hearing back, I need to hear." Gandalf looked hesitant. "Please Gandalf."

"I may be able to do something, but I think it may be a painful experience." Gandalf admitted.

"I'll be fine. I have experienced much pain in my lifetime, I can handle this." Esme stared deep in Gandalf's eyes, not breaking away to show that she really meant what she said.

"Alright, close your eyes." Esme's eyes closed and she felt his fingers on her temples. Nothing happened for seconds, until Gandalf muttered a few words that Esme couldn't hear, and a sudden pain filled her head. It felt like being struck by an axe in the head and Esme couldn't help but gasp in pain and clench her hair between her fingers. She felt arms wrap around her, but she barely noticed compared to the thumping against her skull. And as quick as it came, it was gone.

Esme opened her eyes and waited for her sight to clear. She could see Gandalf leaning over her, and Legolas' face from behind her. It was his arms around her.

"Thank you, Gandalf."

"You're welcome, my dear." Esme smiled when she could actually hear his voice, and lent away from Legolas' hold.

"What happened?" Legolas asked, when she faced him.

"Don't worry," Esme assured him. "Gandalf helped me to get my hearing back." Esme saw Merry and Pippin coming towards them, and she smiled at her companions.

"Esme," Pippin started. "Are you alright, you seemed to be in pain only a few seconds ago."

Esme smiled at their concern. "Don't worry you two, I'm quite alright. Gandalf just helped me with something."

"But you were hurting!" Merry said.

"I was," Esme nodded her head in confirmation. "But I am perfectly fine now, don't stress over me." Esme looked back at Legolas. "And that includes you too."

The two hobbits joined the two elves on the ground and they were quick to tell Esme what happened after she fainted. They told her about Saruman's death, the blue ball he had known as a Palantir, and of their ride home which included them telling the other men of their adventures. Esme smiled at their enthusiasm as they spoke, both completing sentences for each other.

"Now," Esme said, once they quieted. "What happened to you after I decided to go cliff jumping?" She asked Legolas. He gave her and the hobbits a quick run through of the preparations of the battle and the battle itself.

"Gimli and I decided to have a little competition," Legolas told them. "We had to count our kills, and who ever had the most in the end won."

"And you came up with this idea?" Esme asked, teasingly.

Legolas scoffed. "Of course not. It was all the dwarf's idea."

"So who won?" Pippin asked eagerly.

"It was a draw in the end."

Gimli, who was walking past, scoffed. "The elf lies, it is I who truly won."

"And we believe you, Master Gimli." Esme said, looking completely honest, but Legolas knew she was being playful. Gimli smiled widely, before walking on.

"So, carry on!" Merry urged Legolas. So Legolas finished off his tale of the battle, telling them of how Gandalf and the Rohirrim saved them, and led them to victory. Once he finished, the two hobbits were delighted to know that dinner was ready and rushed off to a steaming pot of broth.

"Those two are always hungry." Esme commented as Legolas helped her stand up.

"That is true. They may have little bodies, but they have an endless stomach to make up for it." Esme snickered in agreement, smiling with joy. They joined the others around the fire, eager for a hot meal.


She was running. She knew she had to make it somewhere. Get there fast.

Hard ragged breaths. And deep panting.

She needed to get help. Help someone. She was help.

Sweat was rolling from all over. Legs gliding across dark, uneven ground.

But they were also coming for her. Closing in. Chasing.

No looking back. Only forward into the distant unknown.

She couldn't stop. Wouldn't. She was help.

She heard deep, haunting laughter. It spiked further fear in her. She ran faster.

She needs to get away. Be free of them. Of Him.

A hand reached behind. An ankle was grabbed. She fell.

A scream tore from her throat as she went down. A boom was heard.

More hands grabbed. She fought but to no avail.

'You're with me now.' Screeching. 'You will never be free again.'

Esme screamed. Something lunged at her. Eyes turned black.


Esme's eyes flew opened and she sat up as she woke from her nightmare. She was left breathless and gasping as she pondered what her dream meant. All she knew was that someone was after her and she needed to help someone.

She looked to her left and saw Legolas' sleeping body next to her. Relief and safety enveloped her and she knew that as long as she stayed by Legolas' side, she will be safe. No one will take her captive.


He stood. Watching the she-elf fall back asleep. Knowing she felt safe in false protection. He looked on with curiosity as she settled next to the elf, his arms wrapping around her.

He smiled in a sinister way. For now, he will let her be. But soon. He will take what's his.

Those she loves will die and he will take her. And she will never be free of him. 


Another update. Sorry, I know it is shorter than previous chapter had been, but I wanted to end it the way it had. And I hope the content of this chapter makes up for it! 

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. I will hopefully get another chapter up soon in a few weeks. 

Until then ;)

I also just want to add a huge thanks to those who've been voting and commenting or following me. It means a lot and if I could dedicate this chapter to all of you, I would. 

I honestly and truly mean it. 

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