Angel (Larry Stylinson)

By amembroffandonms

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"Yeah everyone makes mistakes, and sure you've probably had your fair share of those. Yeah everyone gets hurt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 29
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 part 1
Chapter 28 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Epilogue part 1
Chapter 37 Epilogue part 2

Chapter 34

35 6 0
By amembroffandonms

(Harry's POV)

I can't do this. November is close and I just feel like I'm going to loose Louis. I feel like something very bad I going to happen. That's really not a feeling I like to have. On a good note, I've been clean for a month, thanks to Louis, and we'll that's it.


///////Liam's POV\\\\\\\

"Niall?" I said looking over at my boyfriend of 4 almost 5 months.

"Yeah?" He asked looking up at me, eyes wide.

"Don't you think that like Harry's a little oh I don't know, happier?" I asked. Niall smiled widely.

"Definately! He is definitely happier Liam. Honestly ever since we moved out he hasn't been staying at the apartment. He's been at Louis'. I'm actually so glad they went out and Louis isn't that bad, but he's definitely so much happier, but well we just have to watch him closely next month in November. That's the month he like dwells on everything and he's hard on himself, but Louis will be there to help and-" Niall said blabbing on and on and on.

"Liam? Liam?" Niall asked shaking my shoulder.

"Yeah babe?" I asked snapping my attention back to him.

"You weren't listening were you?" He asked shaking his head fondly. I sheppinshly nodded my head and he let out a chuckle before pulling my face near his, connecting our lips together.

These past few months have been great. Niall and I are happy together. Zayn's out of our hair since he started dating someone. I met Harry. Louis and I made up. Everything's great, but the most important thing to me right now is that if Niall doesn't stop kissing my neck soon something's going to be woken up and get the point.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

I pulled away from Niall shooting him an apologetic look before answering my phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Liam. I need your help with something. It's about Harry." Louis' voice rung out. I stiffened. Harry was like a brother, and he's been through so much so automatically when something "involves Harry" I think negatively.

"Is he ok? He's not hurt is he oh god-"I started, but Louis cut me off.

"No Liam. It's like important about our relationship and stuff." Louis mumbled. I let out a breath of relief.

"Ok. Shoot!" I said listening to what he said after.

"Just. Say what comes to mind." I suggested.

"Thanks Li!" Louis said before he hung up.

Harry's going to love it! Louis' so sweet and nice to Harry, but nothing replaces Niall so...

"Where were we?" I asked smirking and turning back to Niall. He giggled and I felt my heart swell.

Fuck that was cheesy...

///////Louis' POV\\\\\\\

"Harry?" I called out.

"Yeah?" He said walking out from the bathroom.

"I'm going out for a while ok? I won't be gone too long I promise and you-" I said, but Harry cut me off.

"And you cant lie to angels." He said letting out a giggle. I nodded.

"Love you." I said walking out of the door.



I came to this library to think of what I should say, but I just decided that I should just say what I feel at that moment instead of planning it.

I stood up leaving the library that smelled if cat pee and started my way to my car quickly.


"Haz!" I called out. He probably went home already. I pouted seeing a little slip of paper and I picked it up, reading it.

Lou I went home! Yeah...why didn't I text you? Well because I think leaving notes is just so much cheesier and I'm a cheesy guy. Anyways...Yeah.
-H x

I chuckled taking the paper and putty,h it in my drawer with the others before changing into my pj's.

1 day...

1 day until Harry's surprise

I hope I don't freak him out....

I laid down whipping out my phone.

Me: thank you!

Almost instantly I got a reply

Haz❤: for what?

Me: for being an Angel XD

Haz❤: *blushes and rolls eyes* Goodnight boo

Haz❤: LouBear*

Me: *scowls* don't call me LouBear...

Haz❤: nah I'm still gonna call you it! Night LouBear x

Me: Night baby

Haz❤: xx

Me: *kissy face* sleep well angel

Haz❤: :) night! XD

I turned off my phone smiling. Harry is the best and I love him with all my heart. He's so awkward and funny. I just, he's my little cupcake. He's literally just an adorable little piece of a fucking rainbow and everybody has to love him. I can't believe what his fucking dad and uncle did to him and all the shit he went through as a kid. Harry didn't deserve that, but one bit. No child should ever have to go through that. It had been a long while of just me thinking about Harry and I, and life and stuff.


I grabbed my phone

Haz❤: are you sleeping??

Me: no. What's wrong baby?! *worried face*

Haz❤: can't sleep *looks to the floor*

Me: just come over! Or imagine I'm with you.

Haz❤: Lou, it's a great thing you said come over.

Haz❤: Cause I'm outside your door....

I dropped my phone jumping up and running to my door, opening it and seeing Harry.

"Babe? Are you ok?" I asked checking him over.

"Yes. I just couldn't sleep." He said yawning. I smiled grabbing his arm and pulling him inside the apartment, walking to my room.

"Am I clingy?" Harry asked pulling the blanket over his body. I looked at him, wrapping myself up in the blanket as well.

"Yeah, but you aren't like too bad. I like how you're always around." I said smiling. Harry smiled a small smile as well.

"If you ever like don't want me around just tell me." He said yawning again. I nodded waiting until after he was done yawning before pressing our lips together in a short kiss.

"Love you." I whispered.


I don't have anything to say....

Love you guys so much

~Caitlynn xx :D

Dedicated to but_whylove because I'm her child and she wanted me to update XD

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