The Mate of my Dreams (Editin...

Por scrapinbug05

303K 2.4K 141

Chelsee is a werewolf. A year ago her dad died and since then she has been dreaming about this guy. One day a... Más

The Mate of my Dreams
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 part 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 5 Part 2

8.7K 66 3
Por scrapinbug05

Thanks for reading. Tell me if your liking it so far.

Rob's POV

I watched her mom pull away and I pulled up closer to the house. I saw her in the kitchen so I got out to wait for her to come out. As I waited I kept thinking of how weird this probably looks. She is probably going to freak to find out that I was waiting for her. I then saw her coming out her door I walked around her truck as she opened the door and I slammed it back shut. She slowly looked up at me. At least I didn't scare her it just really freaked her out that I came out of the dark.

"Ummm can I help you?" I didn't say anything to her I just walked toward her so I had her up against the truck. I could tell I was making her nervous cause she had dropped her purse and her jacket.

"I told you I need to talk to you." I got close to her face so she would get nervous again. I know I like to make her nervous it's just she looks so cute. It's pretty funny to hear her heart go a hundred miles an hour also. Just to make her heart go a little faster I started bringing my hand up her arm slowly and ended with my hand holding her face.

"H-H-How do you know where I live." She looked up at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Well when I drove home today I saw you get out here when I went passed so I figured it was your house." I said it like that so I wouldn't sound like a creep. It was the truth though. I leaned forward and kissed her neck and felt a shiver go down her body. I then felt her start to push me back so I lifted my head up to look at her. She took a deep breath probably trying to calm herself down.

"Well, you wanted to talk to me. What is it you wanted to talk about?" She looked at me with a smile starting to appear on her face.

I felt my face start going hard. "Alright, Well I'm pretty sure you already know that your my mate." I didn't want to say what was coming next but my wolf made me I couldn't stop myself. "You need to decide if you want me. If you do your gonna have to end it with Jason." I wasn't sure about that relationship. It looked like they were dating but, they were trying to hide it or something. She looked at me with disgust.

"End it with Jason." Anger was building up. "Do you actually think that I am dating that idiot? Where were you today?" She then pushed me further away from her.

"Well you got pretty friendly with him today at the diner." I crossed my arms thinking I had came up with a good excuse for that. Her eyes got huge.

"Oh my Rob, First of all we have known eachother since we were little and second he's had a crush on me for a long time now. After what he said to me a few years ago I told him that there was no way in hell anything would happen between us." She was way pissed now. She bent down and picked up her purse and jacket. She opened the truck door and started getting in as she went to shut the door I stopped her. I leaned forward and grabbed her legs and flipped her around so she was facing me. Probably not the best position to have her in but, it got her attention.

I grabbed her face so she listened to me. "Look, I was just saying what it looked like. I'll admit it pissed me off when you actually hugged him." I rembered him grabbing her arm today and I looked down to look at her arm and saw a bruise where his hand was. It was a perfect hand print in her arm. The anger started pumping through my veins. "Oh my hell, look what he did to your arm." I grabbed her arm. When I did she winced it must of hurt her.

"Ow, be careful." Shit I hurt her. I never wanted to do that.

"How could you forgive him after he did this to you." I looked at her in disbelief.

"Look Rob, I had to. You wouldn't understand." I could tell she wanted to drop it but, I wasn't anytime soon.

"You did not have to forgive him. I don't care if he is your damn alpha. He should learn how to control himself around you and not act like an asshole." I could she knew I had a point.

"Alright you have a point it's just that." She put her head down and slowly looked up meeting my eyes. "My dad and Jason's dad were best friends. Well, actually my dad was his beta but, I didn't want there to be bad feelings between my family and his. His dad is like another dad to me. He promised my dad that he would take care of me and my family before he died. I've known him for a long time I can't just end something like that, that's gone on so long." She knew she had me. I couldn't argue with her on that.

"Ok, I still don't understand it but, I will leave it alone." I then looked deep in her eyes so the next sentence I was about to say sunk in. "Just know that if he ever touches you again. I'll kill him. I'm not kidding either I would do it."

She kinda smiled. "I believe you would. I don't think he would have a chance against you anyways." She leaned forward and whispered into my ear. "Your a lot stronger than he is." She started to lean back and I stopped her. I leaned in to give her a kiss but, before our lips met she pulled back. "Whoa, wait I don't even know you that well." She was smiling so I know she wanted me to kiss her she just didn't want to seem easy.

"So." I just wanted to mess with her a bit.

"So, I'm not that kind of girl sir." She leaned back.

"You were in my dreams." Oh my heck I can't believe I just said that. Why does she always get me to say things I'm thinking. She started to laugh at me.

"Did you just say that you dream about me?" She laughed at me. Oh I look like an idiot. I tried to move back but, then her legs wrapped around me to stop me. "Umm I don't think so mister. We're going to talk about this." She pulled me closer with her arms so my body was touching hers.

"You heard me right." She caught me. I looked into her eyes. "I can not believe I said that out loud." I tried to move but she wouldn't let me budge.

"Why are you embarrassed now? Cause I think it's actually kinda cute." I started to smile and she bit her lip. I loved it when she did that.

"Are you serious? I thought you would think it was creepy." I was surprized she thought that it was cute. It looked like she was holding something back from me though.

"Well, I would if I hadn't done. Well never mind." My mouth dropped. She was holding something back and I knew it was going to be good.

"Hey Hey what were you going to say?" She tried to pull away but I wouldn't let her. "You better tell me what you were about to say or your not moving from this spot till you do." I wouldn't let her move until I got an answer.

"Well, I may have." She paused again. Come on girl.

"You may have what?" Get cracken tell me what it is.

"Alright, I've dreamt about you. Happy now?" A smile flashed across my face.

"And you laughed at me when I said it." I shook my head at her.

"Only because you blurted it out. It was to funny." She gave me a nervous smile.

"Don't you think it's weird that we both dreamt about eachother. And then we find out that we are mate's" She was thinking about something.

"Oh my gosh I just remembered something." I looked at her waiting for her to finnish. "My dad told me a story about alpha's and beta's with their mate's. My dad told me that they could dream about their mates before even meeting them. That's what happened between my dad and my mom." She smiled. She obviously like that she had the same thing happen that her parents did.

"Really I have never heard of that." I started moving closer to her. That's when her phone rang.

"Oh crap I am way late." She picked her phone up and I heard Trish's voice. "Hello Trish sorry I'm running a little late. I'm coming right now."

"Hurry up girl!" Then the phone went silent.

"Ok I have to go." I started to back away, but she stopped me again. I don't think I have ever had a girl control my movements more than she did. I don't know if I just let her or if she was actually strong enough to hold me there. "Don't you want to come with me?" She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I don't know where it is." I started leaning in closer to her.

"Just get in with me and I'll take you." I just remembered that when she was talking about Jason she said he said something to her that made her feel differently about him.

"I'll go if you tell me what it was that Jason said to you a couple of years ago." Her eyes went wide. Then I new that it wasn't good.

"I don't think I'm going to tell you that." It made me mad that she wouldn't tell me so an uncontrolable growl came from my chest. "That's over now. You don't have to worry about it. And don't be growling at me you big jerk."

"Tell me what he said." I paused. When she didn't answer I shook my head. "Fine I won't go then." I knew she would tell me if I threatened that. I started moving away and then she grabbed my face and pulled it closer.

"Ok, I'll tell you.You have to promise you won't say anything though." She obviously knew it was going to piss me off. I wish she would just tell me already.

"Ok I'll try." I wasn't going to promise anything until I knew what it was.

"Well he said he.... well if I didn't." I couldn't hold it in anymore. My wolf was getting furious.

"Just spit it out Chelsee!" She moved back. I had scared her and I never wanted to do that. "I'm sorry Please just tell me." I had to calm down a bit so I would scare her even more. It almost hurt her to tell me. Then she just said it.

"He said if I kept saying no that he would force himself on me." The words rang in my ears. The thoughts of him touching her like that and him hurting her were unbarable. Now I was shaking.

"I'm gonna rip his head off." I tried to get her to let me go so I wouldn't hurt her but, she would not let me go.

"Look at me." I looked up into her eyes. She looked kind of sad but, she wanted to make it so I wasn't mad anymore. "Please it's over he's not going to come anywhere near me. I have you now." A soft smile started to appear on her face. I couldn't control myself now.I could feel a smile come over my face.

I started moving my hands up her legs making her shiver and I grabbed her hips. I pulled her closer to me so our body's were closer than ever. Her heart was going crazy. I then moved one of my hands up to her face and pulled her closer to kiss her. As soon as are lips touched a shock went through my body. I then felt her arms wrap around my neck. This just made me lose even more control. My kisses started getting rougher and so were hers. I opened her mouth so my tongue could enter and explore her mouth. I bit her lip as I started to pull away. And a moan escaped her lips. This girl was going to get me into trouble. I leaned forward again and kissed her again. Her lips started moving down my jaw and my neck. Slowly returning upward, as soon as she got to my lips her tongue began to trace the outside of them. When she did that a giant sigh came from my chest. She leaned back biting her lip trying to hide a smile.

"Oooo you don't play fair at all do you." I pulled her closer to me.

"Ha neither do you." She smiled as her grip tightened around me.

"Hey you were the one who provoked me." I gave her another smile. I didn't want to move from her hold.

"What I did not provoke you.You just can't control yourself. By the way you have to come with me now. You promised me." I was going to let her beg me a bit so I wanted to draw this out.

"Hmm I just don't think I can go. I'm just to tired." I stepped back and faked a yawn.

"Get. In. The. Truck. Now." Ooo she's starting to get fisty. My eyes got bigger.

"Or What?" I could tell she was building up something in her mind that was going to make me crazy.

"Ok I guess I could just go hang out with Jason then." Low blow. She went to turn to start her truck but, I grabbed her so she couldn't. A low growl came from my chest.

"You wouldn't dare." I glared into her eyes.

She just smiled at me. "Oh I think I might." She leaned back and started the truck and looked back at me to see what my face was like. Ha I don't think so young lady.

"I don't think so. I'm coming to make sure that he doesn't touch you. If he does he'll regret it." I turned her forward and moved her over and got in. She looked up at me with surprize.

"Ummm excuse me. This is my truck and you are not driving it." She tried to push me over but couldn't so she gave up.

"Either I drive or there is no deal." I wasn't ready to tell her about Lexi. I thought she might be mad at me for being inlove with someone else. It just wasn't the right time.

"Ok just this once. I don't let anyone drive my truck not even my mother. So don't hurt my baby." She looked forward and patted the dash board. She was way to attached to this truck. But I was to my camaro so I couldn't say anything.

So I was just going to joke with her about it. "Your baby. Are you serious." I smiled at her.

"Hey have respect for the truck or your getting out." I laughed at her. I could tell she thought this was no laughing matter. I laughed and held my hands up insurrender.

"Fine. Your babies my baby. Wow that sounded weird. Scratch that." Oh my cause I sounded like a freaking idiot. She looked at me a little weird. I pulled out of her drive way. I didn't know where I was going so I went the way my house was.

"Just keep going straight and I will tell you when to turn. You can't miss it, it's the biggest house in town." Ha has she seen my. It looks like a freaking museum. My mom always love big houses.  I looked over at her and I could tell she was thinking about something. I knew she was going to ask me something.

"So don't think I didn't see that kiss Olivia gave you today." Crap she saw that. Obviously it bothered her. I'll just try to get her to laugh at it.

"Believe me it took everything I had not to cringe away from her and run away." She bursted out laughing. Score I got her to laugh.

"I think you are the only boy in the whole world that has ever said that about Olivia. I don't think I have ever seen her try this hard for a guy ever." I raised my eyebrows. I just thought to myself. Yeah she was pretty but, she didn't compare to Chelsee. There was no way I would ever want her like that.

"What, she hasn't had a guy actually turn her down." I looked down at her. She stared at me for a second and then looked forward.

"She usually just sleeps with them and leaves them. She's almost slept with every guy in school." She was actually worried that I would want Olivia compared to her. I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.

"You don't have to worry about that. I only want you. For the rest of my life." I hope from the last sentence she would understand that I love her. She laid her head on my shoulder. It made me relax. When ever she was around me I felt relaxed. I saw her lift her hand and point at a big house on the right. We pulled in and we saw everyone inside. I looked at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead and got out. I grabbed her hand and helped her out.

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