Love Lost

By MzKnowitAll

24.2K 1K 114

Caroline was there in 1922 when Klaus and Rebekah met Stefan. She fell in love with Klaus and he with her. Re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 11

856 45 6
By MzKnowitAll

Narrator POV

Caroline stood there staring at Klaus, anger, confusion, and disbelief coursing through her all at once. Elena stepped out of the car and went around to Caroline's side, wanting to protect her friend at all costs. Klaus was smiling at her, his eyes red from all the tears he had cried. When Elena moved in front of Caroline's frozen form he growled at her, "Leave doppelgänger. You have no business here."

Elena only scoffed at his comment, "I have every right to be here. Caroline is my best friend and I will not allow you to hurt her again. You are the one who should leave. You're sick, playing with a person's emotions so you can be that much closer to breaking your curse." She didn't know where this sudden confidence and strength came from, but she didn't question it.

Klaus' body shook with anger. She had no idea what she was talking about. He flashed in front of her, causing Elena to gasp in surprise, "I am tired of people getting into my business and assuming they know all of the facts. You know nothing of my feelings towards Caroline."

Hearing Klaus' words broke her from her trance. She put her hand on Elena's shoulder, telling her she could handle this. Elena looked back at her with worry clear on her face. Caroline only nodded toward the house, silently telling Elena to leave.

Elena stood there contemplating whether she should fulfill her friends wish. What if Klaus hurt her? But then what help would she be anyway? Elena decided that this moment was Caroline's battle to fight, alone. She knew the conversation would be heated. She nodded her consent before walking into the house.

Caroline scoffed, "Your feelings for me?! What feelings?! You tricked me into..." She stopped, not ready to admit her true feelings. But this would be the only time for her to get them out to the right person. She had to do this. Caroline pushed past the lump in her throat, "You tricked me into loving you. It's funny because that night I was just thinking to myself about how I just wanted to find him already. That one person made for me. Then you walked in the room and right up to me.

"You didn't stop to look or talk to anyone else. Not even when they tried to speak with you. As we got to know each other I thought, wow someone really chose me. They picked me over everyone else. But turns out you came here for Elena. You used me to get to Elena." Caroline let out a bitter laugh and shook her head, "I'm so stupid." she said to herself.

Klaus, however heard what she said. He was horrified. If only she knew, he thought. I have to fix this, I can't live without her anymore. He took a step closer to her, grabbing her hand. She didn't snatch it away or recoil from him, "I'll admit, I came for Elena, but I stayed for you Caroline. For you. I love you sweetheart, please don't do this." He poured everything he had into his words, begging, hoping, praying that she'd believe him.

Caroline shook her head again and took her hand away from where it was entwined with Klaus', "You're just trying to get into my head again. Stop lying to me!" She screeched, before she pushed him away from her. She flashed into her house, grabbed Elena, got in the car, and drove off. She asked Elena to call Elizabeth and tell her to stay away from the house for a while. They drove and drove. Eventually they stopped and switched spots. Elena could tell that Caroline was in no shape to be driving.

Caroline sat in the passenger seat as Elena started to drive again. She replayed the events in her head. She was so close to believing him. He had sounded so honest when he had said that he loved her. She wanted to believe him more than anything, but she couldn't. She would never believe him again.

Elena drove as fast as she could and soon they were at the Salvatore house. This was the safest place for Caroline if Klaus chose to come after her, since Elena would have to invite a vampire in. They both walked in and Elena announced, "We can't wait any longer, we have to kill Klaus."

Caroline's head snapped up to meet Elena's eyes. They couldn't kill him. But they needed to, to keep Elena safe. She had an internal battle over whether killing Nik was the best idea. No, not Nik. Klaus. As far as she was concerned Nik was dead. Or at least that was what she was telling herself.

Alaric stepped forward, "I know how we can kill him. Mikael, the vampire that hunts vampires." Damon looked over to him, "How do you know he can even kill Klaus?" Alaric answered while everyone else listened, "Mikael is as old as Klaus and he lives only to end Klaus' life. It is said that he has the only weapon that could kill him." Caroline's heartbeat sped up at hearing there was a weapon that could kill Klaus. She told herself that was because she was excited.

Damon glared at Alaric, "And why are you just telling us this now! Let's call the man." Alaric nodded and left the room to make a call. He didn't actually have Mikael's phone number, he doubted Mikeal even had a phone. But he did know people who knew people that could reach him.

Elena walked over to Caroline, "Are you okay?" Caroline nodded, "I'm perfect. I can't wait till we rid ourselves of that bastard." Elena smiled at her and made her way over to talk to Stefan. Caroline stood there, trying her hardest to convince herself that she hated him. She wanted to hate him, she needed to. What would that say about her if she felt otherwise? Wouldn't that make her an even worse monster than he is?

It would make you a better person. Not many people can look past the evil someone has done and see the good. You can, don't throw that away.

Caroline didn't listen to the voice, her conscious. "I hate him." she whispered to herself. She could say it all she wanted, but she would never feel it. Looking up she saw Tyler smiling at her. He still liked her, even though she had decided to have a relationship with someone else. Could I really use someone to get over him? Caroline shook her head, she would never stoop so low and use someone like that. That would make her like him. She refused to be like him.

Without saying goodbye she left the Salvatore house and made her way back home, on foot. Elizabeth told Elena that she would stay at the station and work an all night shift. Caroline was glad that she had just went along with everything without asking questions.

Getting to her house Caroline immediately went to her bed and fell asleep. That night Caroline had dreams about dancing in a bar with the most handsome man she had ever met. Some phrases in her dream stuck out more than others, as if they were in bold print begging for her attention.

"My name is Niklaus Mikaelson, but you can call me Klaus or Nik."

"Your laugh is beautiful."

"I thought you had run off on me love."

"I think I may be falling in love with you Mr. Niklaus Mikaelson."

"I think I have already fallen in love with you."

"What was that Nik? What did you do to Stefan? And what's going on?"

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