Exo's secret bodyguard [Disco...

بواسطة ExoxoBts

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They were completely surrounded... by the saesangs.. That's right, Exo somehow got found out and they were su... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3~
Chapter 4
A favour? sorry not an update
Chapter 5
Chapter 6~
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9~
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 -Sehun's birthday Pt. 1!
Chapter 12 ~ Sehun's birthday Pt. 2!
Chapter 13- Truth or Dare
Chapter 14
Chapter 15~
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18~
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21~
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24~
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27~
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30~
Chapter 32
Chapter 33~
Chapter 34
Another Favour :(
Chapter 35
Chapter 36~
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39~
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Official Announcement

Chapter 31

952 52 33
بواسطة ExoxoBts

Luhan POV

This... is beyond amusing.

First Sehun dropped his baozi in front of Minseok then Minseok dropped his bubble tea in front of Sehun and now this.
I see Sulli beating the crap out of her younger brother.

Though honestly, I have no idea why that younger brother of hers is pointing his finger at me accusingly.

Did I do something?

"Why did you just walk away when you saw me? Did I do something wrong?" He looked hurt.

Yeah...about that.

"Don't take it personally." I said gruffly, turning away from him so I didn't see his hurt filled face.
" It's your name that's all. Sorry about that. It's nothing to do with you really."

Sulli gently pushed his arm down and told him to 'be polite to your hyung!'

"It's ok Sulli. It's my fault in the first place. I just overreacted. Sorry buddy. Can we start over?"
I asked him hopefully.

He nodded slowly but still suspiciously and I stuck out a hand, mentally cringing when he flinched.

" I'm Luhan. Second oldest of the boy band call Exo. Nice to meet you."

He took my hand.
" I'm Choi Jiyong. Choi Jin Ri is my Noona. And I also have a twin noona, Bommie...noona. Unfortunately I'm the youngest of my sisters."

We shook hands and just like that, we made up.

" But Luhan oppa. .."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jiyong clench his fists but I ignored it.

" Yes Sulli?"

"Why do you have so many pictures of yourself?"

" Because..I just do..?" I replied awkwardly.

* Silence *

" Ok then. We should get going. The others would probably start to wonder where we are." Jiyong said, breaking the silence.

" Sure." I agreed.
" But how come you guys came in here in the first place?"

Sulli froze and Jiyong smirked.

" Because I asked the hyungs-"

Sulli tried to grab him and cover his mouth but he twisted away at the last second, all the while continuing what he was saying.

"- Which one of them like Noona."

Sulli buried her red face in her hands in embarrassment and I laughed.

" That's easy. It's Sehun and Chanyeol. "

"THEY DO NOT LIKE ME!!" Sulli groaned furiously.

Jiyong and I both teased her until my bedroom door opened and Chanyeol came in with a worried look on his face.

" Oh umm. .. I came get you guys cause I was uh.. told to because umm.. I was- I mean we're all worried."
Chanyeol stuttered, losing every ounce of confidence he ever had. I have no idea why.

I looked at him a little closer and realised that the tip of his big ears were tinted a slight pinky colour.

" OK Chanyeol oppa. We will be out soon." She said , her voice quivering.

" This is Chanyeol hyung?" Jiyong whispered to me.

I nodded and his eyebrows furrowed on thought. What is that kid up to?

He walked up to Chanyeol and glared at him.

It was a funny sight seeing someone glare at the giant.

" Do you like my Noona?!"

Blunt too.

Chanyeol put a full on red face now
"I.. uh.. I do! I..I  mean like a friend uh... yeah! I do like her as a friend. That's my story and I'm sticking to it."

He seemed to gain a little more confidence at the end and I siftled a laugh.

The idiot is so obvious.

Fortunately for him, Jiyong let it go when Sulli slapped him again.
It was a little funny to see Chanyeol's shocked face.

We all kind of awkwardly shuffled out of my room with me being last and closing the door. No one else needs to see all the posters of myself.

In my defense, it was a very long ago dare but the effort of taking it down after was just too much. Besides, I look beautiful.

Sulli POV

Oh my gosh.

This day cannot get anymore embarrassing.

I am never ever ever bringing Jiyong here again. NO MATTER HOW GOOD HIS INTENTIONS ARE.

At least Bom is sensible enough to not make a comment or embarrass me further.

We waked into the kitchen where we saw Victoria and Amber getting drinks for everyone.

" So Unnie. Do you remember what I said awhile ago? Well. You agreed but you're breaking the agreement."

I looked at Bom.
" What agreement? "

"You remember," She said casually,
"The one about not falling for Chanyeol? "

I spoke too soon about Bom being sensible.

Chanyeol blushed and bolted out a door I never noticed that was there.
Luhan chuckled and followed him.

I can't let my annoying sibings get to me. Though it's kinda late for Jiyong. I smirked as a really good comeback came to me.

" Victoria unnie, do want to invite Seung-hyun over? And Amber, you want to call Dara over?"

This'll keep them quiet.

The girls smirked at me, knowing my evil revenge plan.

"Why not."

Bom pales and looked at me.
" Unnie. Please. I'm..I'm sorry! Please forgive me?!"
She whimpered clinging to my arm.

I grinned at her evilly and shook my head. Then I looked for Jiyong.

I spotted him on the couch using a pillow to cover his head.
I could hear him muttering to himself.
" I'm screwed. I'm so screwed." Over and over and over again.

*Cackles evilly*

It got7 quiet after I internally cackled and I realised why.

"Bom, where is everyone?"

Krystal POV

After Sulli stormed into one of the boys room with Jiyong, all of us decided to go outside.

Surprisingly, the boys have a back garden and let me just say, it is huge!

There was a two big picnic tables and of course, lots of chairs. You know, those kinds where you can lie down on and tan.

" I never knew you had a back garden!" Exclaimed Krystal.

Oh wait, that's me.

" I never knew you had a back garden!" I exclaimed.

(No I did not say that out loud twice.)

"Yup. We don't use it as often as we used to though. As you can see, the grass has grown quite long now."
D.O oppa said.

"Aaahh." Krystal said. I mean me. Why do I keep speaking in third person?

Meh. I've been told I do that when I'm distracted.

"Let's go sit down!" Grinned Baekhyun happily.

We all nodded and ran.

Suho POV

After everybody rushed to get a seat on the chairs and/or next to the girls, we all comfortable real quick.

"It's really nice to be back here!"
Baekhyun screamed as he stretched.

Baekhyun loves to come here and he isn't the only one.

We used to come here all the time until we got7 a lot more famous and a lot more busy.

"It sure is."
Chanyeol agreed and the rest of us hummed.

" I can see why."
Angel said as she Lay down fully on one of the chairs, sighing in happiness as she stretched her muscles.
" I am sooo tired."

"Do you want a massage unnie?" Asked Luna, looking eager to be of help.

Awww she is so cute. No wonder Luhan likes her.

Angel looked a bit surprised but nodded gratefully.

Luna set out to help her and it looked like she's a professional seeing as  Angel looked very relaxed.

" Angel looks so pretty when she's relaxed." I sighed appily

Everything went quiet.
Luna stopped massaging Angel.
Everybody stared at me.

" What?" I asked them.

None replied for a moment. Then Kris smirked and said

"Judging by your reaction, you are either going out with Victoria noona and and kept it asked secret from us or you just spoke your thoughts out loud by mistake."

I thought back for a second and -
Oh crap.

I screeched.

Everybody burst into laughter except Angel - Victoria and I looked down embarrassed.

"I wasn't talking about Victoria Noona!!" I protested loudly which was quite hard since they laugh like hyenas except much worse.

And it seems, that with my unnecessary and likely stupid blurted out sentence, they just laughed at me even more.

"Hyung, we.. never. .said...anything!"
Chen gasped, barely able to take a breath.

" I'm glad you found all of this hilarious." I muttered under my breath. Gosh, this was so embarrassing!

" Stop it Krystal!" I could hear Angel say.

I looked up and saw that she was covering her very red face.

Awww my Angel looks so cut-


" Guys. Stop it." I said with my Leader voice, sure that it will make then stop. I am the leader after all.

" OK! Ok, I'm calm!"
Krystal slowly reduced herself to giggles, breathing in and out deeply.

Psshh, drama queen.

The all calmed down after a minute or two and finally silence reigned again for a few minutes.

Then of course, my dongsaengs started  being really noisy again and I couldn't help but smile. It's been a while since we laughed so much.

But they were all laughing at me so, JERKS! YOU HEAR ME? YOU JERKS ARE JERKS!

" Chanyeol oppa, can you please go get Sulli unnie? They're missing out."
Krystal asked Chanyeol sweetly.

" I'll do it! " D.O and Sehun said, looking rather eager.

Krystal shushed D.O.
" No, you stay here with me."

D.O blushed and nodded and sat back down.

" And Sehun, I need to talk to you so Chanyeol can do it."

Sehun looked devastated but nodded anyways.

I smirked to myself as I realised what I can do to get back at at least one of the members.

" Chanyeol, you like Sulli don't you? Why don't you ask her out??"

He choked and Sehun patted his back. It... didn't seem like he was patting gently either.

" I'll go make sure she's alright." He basically ran when we all started laughing at him.

It feels good to be the one laughing *smirks*

Angel and Amber went in to get some drinks for us (we did insist to get it ourselves) and Bom followed a few minutes later to help them.

We started conversing in groups and sometimes a fond memory is brought up and we all laugh.

A long time later ( though it was probably actually just 15 minutes), Chanyeol comes running back with a laughing, smirking, walking - casually  Luhan behind him.

Chanyeol was still a lovely shade of pink and Luhan was kind enough to tell us why.

That earned him another laugh.

" Guess who's back back back, back again gain gain!!"
Bom sang, waltzing back in with Jiyong.

[Idk if that's correct or not so....* rubs hands*  sorry sorry sorry sorry]

" Good one "
Baekhyun grinned at her making her blush.

" Seung-hyun is on his wayyy!!"
Sulli sang as well.

Sehun and Chanyeol's ears instantly perk up at the mention of another boy's name and failed to see that it was Bom who blushed.

" Unnie ~ Hajima~"
She hid her face.

Sulli grinned making a lot of us confused.

" Wae, do you not want him to come?"

Bom shrieked and started to sing 'No no no' by APink and then 'No' by Bts.

" Well that answered the question." Said Amber rolling her eyes.

The scene was funny even though we had no idea what was going on and we ended up laughing again before Tao started to whine.

" Hyungs ~ I'm going to get nightmares from all this laughing! !"

[My parents have always told me that if a child/toddler/baby cries or laugh too much they'll get nightmares. Idk if other parents do it, or if other Asian parents do it but that was what I was told.]

" Awww you poor baby!!"
Krystal cooed, pinching his cheeks.

" Noonaaaa! "He playfully swiped her hands away.

" You do realise that she is younger than you right Tao?"
Asked Kris amused.

Tao just nodded and sighed in Happiness.(RV)

Luhan stood up.
"I'm going to get my Rubiks Cube. Be right back."

We all nodded and started asking about this Seung-hyun boy.

" I'm going to go to the bathroom."
Luna said softly. I was the only one who heard, being the closest to her, so I just smiled briefly to show I heard and she walked into the dorm.

" Hey, where's Luhan oppa and Luna unnie?"
Krystal asked breathlessly.

She was just chased by Minseok when she said bubble tea is better than baozis then by Sehun when she took it back to escape Minseok's wrath.

Hey! That rhymed!

... I am so pathetic.

" Well Luhan said he went to get his Rubiks Cube but I don't know where Luna is." Angel said, furrowing her cute little eyebrows in deep thought.

" Oh, Luna said she needed the bathroom like...a minute after Luhan left." I gladly shared the information.

"Don't you think that's a little suspicious? " Kai asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

I don't know where it came from, but Sulli threw a piece of bread at him.

" We should go check just in case." Suggested Amber worriedly.

Kris instantly agreed and Amber got7 up. Angel also got7 up so I of course got7 up too.

We walked into the dorm with the rest of them following curiously.

Chen shushed the giggling Bom and we could hear faint squeals coming from one of our rooms.

" Do I hear....?"  Lay trailed off uncertainly and the rest of us nodded equally as uncertain.

I walked over to the closest room (Luhan's) and the squeal got7 louder and I could make out some words.

" Come... jagiya.... playing...quiet.."


Did I just hear jagiya?!?

" Guys, did you hear that?" I asked Chen and Sulli who also had their ears pressed to the door.

They slowly nodded, looking shocked.

I motioned for them to move back and as I was about to open the door, I could see everyone questioning what Chen and Sulli heard while watching me at the same.

I looked at them and they nodded.

So I opened the door.

My jaw dropped and upon hearing the door open, the two people froze.

Upon hearing my silence, everybody else decided to crowd around and become very shocked too.

" What's. .."

HanNa stood up awkwardly and brushed their clothes unnecessarily.

" We were just... messing..?"
Luhan said it as more of a question than a statement.

" With Luna?" Asked Angel.

Luna took a deep breath.
" Yeoreobun. ..The truth is..."

"We're dating "
Luhan blurted out.

- End of chapter -
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

It was about time I updated so so I decided to give you good news!! It's about damn time!!

And about the media, it doesn't really have anything to do with the chapter, it was just stuck in my head so I thought, why the heck not and put it in. Plus there has not been any media for a while. It's basically a peace offering.

Hope you enjoyed! ♡~


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