It's Just Me and You (Princet...

By ForeverHeartsx

97.3K 2.1K 182

Audrey Andrew is new to her school and she only has her best friend Angie to fill her in on whats going on. B... More

It's Just Me and You (Princeton Mindless Behavior)
So Not True
Fight's And Messages
Stalker Much
Stares and Glares
Can We Start A Fresh
Friday Night
We are Done
The party
Day 1 until Princeton goes
Maybe It Was Time I Let Her Go (Leo's POV)
Day 2 until Princeton goes
Why do I not like Princeton (Angie's POV)
Princeton's Last School Day
Bye Audrey :(
I'm Gonna Help Audrey Through It (Audrey and Angie's POV)
Shopping With MY Gals
Does It Hurt
I still think I may still love her.
10,000 READS!!!

Princeton Leaves Tomorrow

3.5K 87 9
By ForeverHeartsx

For Audreys Look go to  

For Angie's Look go to


Audrey's POV

I walked into school and went straight to Brooke, Charlotte, Drew and Prince who were sitting at some tables.

"Hey Drey!" Drew said cheerfully. Did he just call me Drey? I gave Princeton a questioning look.

"I honestly don't know," he whisper gesturing me to sit next to him, and I did so. Afew minutes later I noticed Angie was death staring me. I looked in her direction and she immediately continued her conversation with Yazmine. I turned back around to face everyone. Was Angie okay? I brushed away the subject and joined the conversation about science class yesterday. 

"The bell's gonna ring soon and we should go get our things." Charlotte notified us. Everyone stood up and headed towards their lockers exept for Prince and I, we had the same class as usual.

"Bye guys," I said to Drew, Charlotte and Brooke. They all had a different class. Princeton took hold of my bag and handed it to me. "Thanks."

"I'm just going to my locker and I'll walk with you." He began heading towards the area where his locker was and I started to walk to  mine when I bumped in to someone.

"Oh sorry Angie I didn't see you there," I appologised when I recognised her red jacket which she loves to wear.

She mumbled something to herself which I didn't quite heard. We stood up from the dirty green grass. 

"Audrey, you know how you said we would hang out today?" Angie spoke reminding me that I needed to tell her something about that.

"Oh yeah about that Angie I can't-" I started but she groaned loudly. "What is it?" I asked suprised at her reaction.

"You can't hang out with me today can't you?" she said with a bit of attitude which surprised me.

"Well Brooke and Charlotte wanted-"

"Oh my gosh!" she interrupted rudely. "Of couse it's Brooke and Charlotte!" 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked not intirely sure on what she was trying ti imply. "Brooke and Charlotte are my friends!" I said making it clear that I was starting to get angry at her.

"Audrey this is the third time you've ditched me to hang out with those-"

"THOSE WHAT!" I interrupted "Angie just leave them alone!" I was now very offened. "They have done nothing to you!"

"Yeah but you're the one who keeps leaving their bestfriend!" She exclaimed.

"Yesterday I invited you to come with us to the mall!" I pointed out trying to calm myself down. "But YOU didn't want to come!"

"I had stuff to do!" I could tell she was lying. She wasn't looking at me anymore which was a sign that she  didn't mean what she said.

"Yeah right!" I smirked "you probably slept the whole time!" I assumed.

"Whatever." she rolled her eyes. "You honestly don't care about your bestfriend do you!"

"I care about my bestfriend!" I shouted in her face. "I just don't care about you!" I hissed angryly.

Silence hit the two of us. Neither one of us moved.I saw the hurt in her eyes but she covered it up with glare directed at me. I couldn't help but feel guilty. What had I just done? I may have just ended the longest friendship I'd ever had.

The bell suddenly rang and people rushed to where ever the had to go. Angie and I remained still. I wanted to see her reaction. I hoped I hadn't made things to bad.

"Well then," she said in a hushed tone "I'll find better friends than you who do care!!" she shouted and she stormed off to her class. As she left I noticed Princeton was now about to come back. I took the opportunity to run to my locker and get my stuff. I got my maths out and I ran back to the spot I was supposed to meet Prince. As I ran I wasn't watching where I was going and I ran into someone's arms.

"You okay babe?" I heard a soothing voice chuckle. "You seem a little un-easy."

"Yeah..." I said taking myself out of his arms as he took my hand and we walked.

"By that was babe," Princeton spoke with a smirk on his face.

"You are so hot when your pissed." He laughed.

"Shut up!" I tried to hide my smile. "Angie and I are no longer friends, I think she hates me."


"I'll tell you later."

"No tell me now!" He said attempting to sound like me. He was doing it because of yesterday and how I begged everyone to tell me why they were laughing.

I punched his arm playfully and he laughed. After a short while of him laughing and me telling him to shut up silence came upton us.

"You know I'm leaving tomorrow." He said bringing up the subject I was hoping would come up.

"Yeah, I know." I replied frowning. "I was trying to forget that."

"It's just going to be me and you all day tomorrow before I go."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Just you and me?" I asked happily.

"All day."

"I would love that." I placed my head on his shoulder and we finally got to maths class. We weren't late enough to get the teacher angry we had just missed the first minute of his class. When we walked in I had remembered, Angie and I both have maths together. I cussed under my breath which made Princeton smile annoyingly. We walked to the back and I felt Angie glaring at me. I took a seat on the opposite side of the room to her and Prince sat next to me. This was going to be a very long maths class.

The teacher started talking about something I wasn't listening to because I'd heard it all before. 6 squared equals 36 and all that stuff. Even though I wasn't paying much attention Prince kept on distracting me for no reason.

He was staring at me with his head on the desk. I ignored him at first. After a while it started getting annoying. I looked at him but he turned to face the teacher. I returned my gaze to my pencilcase and he retuned looking at me. I faced him again but he looked away. I did the same thing and when I looked he looked away. I knew he was enjoying this. 

"What!" I hissed at Princeton which made him smirk. "Why do you keep looking at me?"

"Because I'm bored." he answered plainly. I raised an eyebrow at his response "And because your beautiful." 

"Whatever." I scoffed and folded my arms across my chest. "Just stop, Im trying to pay attention." I started fidling with my pencil case again.

"No, you're not." He chuckled watching me play with my pencil case. "You're doin' that."

I rollled my eyes at him and continued what I was doing.

He began tapping his pencil on his desk. I think he was trying to piss me off.

"Can you stop." I said nicely, well attempt.

"Stop what?" He smirked and continued tapping his pencil on his desk. "Oh you mean this?" He said refering to his pencil tapping. I nodded. "Nope, it's kind of fun!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I was now certain he was trying to piss me off. But I ignored him.

"Mr. Perez can you stop your exccesive tapping!" The teacher comanded which made me smirk.

"Haha," I teased "see I'm not the only one who finds you annoying."

"But you are still my girlfriend." He smirked.

"And you're still my boyfriend." I faced him and I noticed Angie was rolling her eyes at me and she was glaring at me.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. Princeton who seemed pretty confused turned around to see Angie doing exactly what I was and he realised what was happening.

"I just don't get what I did wrong." I said to Princeton as we left the maths room after the bell.

"Maybe you just pissed her off." Princeton suggested.

"Thanks Prince." I said sarcastically which made him laugh. "I'm serious."

"Maybe you two need a break from each other," I assumed he wasn't the best at giving advice. "You know to think things through and see each others point of view." That part made a little bit more sense, but I still didn't know why she got so worked up over me having my own friends. I am allowed to have friends of my own. I'm not always going to be with her all the time. I need space and Prince was right Angie and I do need a break.

Later that day after school Prince and I went to the park near by.  

"Tomorrow," I wondered "what time are you going?"

"Um....." He thought "Mum said we have to leave before 7pm. So about 6:30."


"But until then I will see you every second I can." 

I was really going to miss my Prince. Even though he could be annoying, self obsesed, annoying inconsiderate, annoying, inapropriate, annoying! etc I was sure going to miss him lots. It was strange because when we had first met he seemed so rude and full of himself and now we became the best of friends and then we started dating. I wouldn't have thought I Audrey Danielle Andrew would ever date Jacob Perez also known as Princeton. I sure was going to miss him.

 I smiled but I soon felt tears comimg to my eyes. I tried to brush them away before he could notice but too late.

"What's wrong?" He asked in concern. He took me in for a hug. "I won't be gone forever I will come back Audrey." he reassured me.

"I know," I said wipping my tears from my face. "I'm just going to really miss you." He smiled and took my hands.

"I'm going to miss you too babe." He kissed my head and we went and bought some smoothies from the cafe they had at the park.

As we walked out I saw Angie with her friends. She glanced at me.

I turned to Princeton. "Is she stalking me or something?"

He laughed at me question. "Let's go ask them." He took a step towards them before I stopped him.

"Noo." I said as if he was crazy. I saw by the look on his face he found this amussing. I realised he was just messing around with me. "Stop it's not funny." It seemed like everytime I said that I was trying not to laugh. He gave me look and raised his eyebrows and I burst into laughter. "You are so wierd!"

"Is that why you like me?" He joked. I hit his arm. "Why are you so violent?"

"Why are you so wierd?" I started to walk away from him.

"Because I was born that way!" He shouted after me. 

"Well then I was born violent!" 

"No you were born hot!" He caught up with me and took hold of his hand. I could still feel Angie's glares but I ignored her. I had my boyfriend was leaving tomorrow and he was all I wanted to care about at the moment.

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