Angel (Larry Stylinson)

By amembroffandonms

3.6K 479 467

"Yeah everyone makes mistakes, and sure you've probably had your fair share of those. Yeah everyone gets hurt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 29
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 part 1
Chapter 28 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Epilogue part 1
Chapter 37 Epilogue part 2

Chapter 15

60 11 15
By amembroffandonms

(Louis' POV)
I skipped the rest of that day going straight home. My mum was there and she could tell by my awful mood that something was up.

"LouBear. Come take a seat." She said patting the spot next to her on the couch. I gulped sitting next to her.

"Now Louis I want you to tell me what's wrong, and I want the truth!" She said sternly, but gently. I nodded.

"Mum I fucked up bad. Really bad, but I mean I didn't mean to hurt him. I was trying to prevent him from getting hurt so I pushed him away. I was told he would get beat up badly if I hung out with him again mum. I didn't want to hurt him." I said tears spilling over my eyes.

"I really didn't." I whispered. My mum sighed looking at me. My anger got the best of me.

"Well what now then mum. You said if I hurt him it wouldn't be good or pretty, so what are you going to do?" I snapped. Her eyes softened.

"Lou I never said I would be the one that wouldn't make it pretty. I knew what was going to happen. You hate to admit it Louis, but you like this boy. A lot. And now that you hurt him it isn't good and it isn't pretty. Am I right?" My mum said smiling sympathetically.

I looked at her before nodding, because yeah. I like Harry. A lot.

///////Harry's POV\\\\\\\

I skipped the rest of that day, which I know isn't good. I ran home quickly unlocking the door with my key and running straight to the bathroom.

(could be triggering)

I grabbed a razor breaking it apart and getting the blades, my skin aching for it, but in a new place. My wrists. I sat down placing the blades to my wrist.

Don't do it there yet Harry. Not when your this sad.

The voice in my head said, while another one told me too. I sighed pulling off my pants, cutting my thighs.

13 slices on each leg sounds good today Harry.

The voice said. I nodded agreeing before doing it. I watched the crimson liquid spread all over the skin on my thighs. I sighed feeling the realease. I just relapsed. I dropped the blade staring down at my scarred legs.

It had been a while since I had cut, but now I had a reason too. I picked the razor up again going to my hips and cutting a few times there. I was dizzy and light headed, but I didn't care. The last thing I remember was dropping the blade and darkness.


I woke up my legs and hip stinging. I looked around seeing I was in Niall's room. When did I get in here? I sat up throwing my legs over the bed and standing up, I walked into the living room, seeing Liam and Niall there.

"Hey guys." I said sending them a smile. Niall looked up his eyes red a puffy.

"Why?" He whispered. My blood ran cold and I looked to the floor.

"What are you talking about Ni?" I asked playing stupid.

"Don't play dumb with me Harold. I was the one that found you covered in dry blood with a faint pulse. We almost lost you Harry. Why?" He asked again.

"Well lots of reasons really Niall. One is because I'm fucked up. Because I'm gay. Because I'm a disgrace. Because I'm fat. Because I'm ugly. Because I deserve the pain." I said looking into his eyes. He shook his head.

"Why did you do it today?" He whispered.

"Louis sa-" I started, but he cut me off jumping up.

"That's it! I have had enough of Louis Tomlinson. I have tried to put the past behind me and be his friend, but he keeps fucking up. I've had ENOUGH! Liam call Zayn. Now!" Niall said face turning red in anger.

I watched Liam call someone quickly and I sat there scared. I ran to Niall's room slipping on a pair of his sweat pants and a grey t-shirt. I walked back to the living room seeing some third guy.

He was buff and he looked scary. I gulped following them all out of the door and on the way to Louis' house. We arrived there, Zayn getting out and walking up to the door. I watched Louis open it his eyes growing wide before his eyes landed on me.

"No Harry. Let me expl-" He was cut off my Zayn hitting him. I gasped running forward and jerking him off of Louis.

"Explain what?" I asked holding Zayn back.

"I was protecting you I swear it Harry. I wasn't acting nice when you were here, I act at school not here. Luke threatened you, and Calum along with Michael that they would hurt you if they saw you hanging out with me." He said staring into my eyes.

"Whatever." I mumbled pushing him slightly I grabbed Zayn telling him to c'mon. Niall protested saying he's wanted to see Louis get his ass kicked, but we all ended up walking back anyways.

"We have to keep you safe Harry. Zayn, Liam and I." Niall said softly.

"But Zayn doesn't go to that school does he?" I asked. Niall laughed.

"Yeah, he just gets attendance and then ditches, the teachers say nothing about it. Everyone is scared of Zayn here. Even Louis." Niall says bumping my shoulder. I smiled and we all walked up the steps to our apartment.

This was going to be a long school year I mean I just started here freakin what 3 days ago. Already I'm in so much drama. I just want it to stop. And I thought Calum and Michael were Liam's friends? Guess not. I hate Louis. But I don't. I still have that connection to him. I don't think it will ever leave, but now I know he doesn't feel the same way. Obviously. Gosh, why couldn't I have a great life. A great family with a sibling. Why can't I get the guy (Louis) and just be happy. God I blame November for this.
(A.n) Guys I know there isn't much larry, but trust me loves there will be.
Anyways hope you ENJOYED xoxo
Vote? Comment? If ya want
~Caitlynn xx :)


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