Angel (Larry Stylinson)

By amembroffandonms

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"Yeah everyone makes mistakes, and sure you've probably had your fair share of those. Yeah everyone gets hurt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 part 1
Chapter 28 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Epilogue part 1
Chapter 37 Epilogue part 2

Chapter 29

111 7 11
By amembroffandonms

(Louis' POV)
I was an idiot for not texting or calling Harry at all, but I did type a message every night thanking him for being an Angel. I watched him leave the cafeteria wondering what he was doing.

I just brushed it off, but now he's been out there for like 10 minutes and I was starting to worry. I jumped up rushing out of the cafeteria following the voices of some teens. I saw a swarm of teenagers chanting a little quietly and I knew it was a fight.

I rolled my eyes going to walk away when I saw a familiar head if curls. His eyes clenched tight and a fist coming towards his face. I felt my blood boil. I instantly spoke up, my voice coming out as a growl.

"What the fuck do you think your doing Will? Huh? Look you could mess with him and call him names, but I'll tell you right now Will if I ever catch you within 2 feet of my Harry I'll fucking bash your face in got it? And don't try shit with me. Same goes for Josh. If you lay another fucking finger on my Harry I swear to god you won't live to see another day, and that's not an empty threat." I growled glaring at Will. The color drained from his face and I mentally smiled when I realized I had said "my Harry' twice. I mentally face palmed looking over at Harry who was staring at me in shock and now I knew he knew I liked liked liked him.

"Fine I won't touch your precious little adorable Harry." Will said smirking.
I clenched my fists and stared at him.

"Don't you fucking call him adorable or precious. He's mine and only mine." I said my voice low. People were staring and I looked to Harry he looked at me perfect green eyes wide.

"Louis what are you talking about I mean we aren't like dating so like I'm not 'yours'" He said putting quotations around yours.

"But you are mine Harry. You always have been." I whispered stepping closer to him.

"Wha-" He started, but I shushed it.

"Right from the start Harry. I felt something. Something strong. The need to be around you, to protect you, to comfort you and to always, always be there for you all the time. It was a strong connection, keeping me up at night Harry. All I thought about was your curls and your gorgeous green eyes. Your full pink lips that I would love to have on my own. I still feel this connection Harry and it's been a while, but I still feel the same. I thought about the sadness in your eyes and how I could make you happy again. I don't care if people think your weird. I think your amazing and adorable and sweet. I think the world of you Harry and you deserve so much, but all I have to offer you is me, and I know I'm not good enough for you Harry, God I know I'm not. But your mine, always have been always will be. Your my angel Harry and I'm, I'm the wings you need to fly. To be free, to be happy. I'm your escape Harry. Your the angel, I'm the wings. Without you I'm useless, just a pile of silly feathers. Without me your just a person equally beautiful yet with no escape from this awful world. Your stuck and scarred. I'm your wings Harry. I'm your escape, and there's no way your escaping the fact that your mine, because I know you feel the same connection. I know you do." I whispered. The bell went off and people just stared at me and Harry. I turned glaring at them and they scurried to class I turned back to Harry, loving that we were alone now.

"Angels don't need wings to fly. They need hope and love." Harry whispered looking into my eyes.

"That's what you don't understand Harry. I am your hope, and I bring you Love. Without me you can't fly Angel. I'm your wings, your escape, and you know it." I whispered softly. He glanced down to the floor.

"This is all so fast." He said. I gave a small smile.

"Just think about it. But you are mine. You'll never stop being mine. Whether you come to that realization or not." I said walking down the hallway.
It's short, but hope you liked it!
~Caitlynn xx :)


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