Waves of Life

By melted_chocolate

57.1K 2K 603

Eva, a funny, witty, sarcastic 15 year old Australian girl has a whole hell of a hectic life with three aweso... More

Waves of Life
Chapter One- The door to my life
Chapter Two - The Unlucky Life
Chapter three- The foolish days of life
Chapter Four - The Detention Life
Chapter Six- The Helpful Life
Chapter Seven- The coincidental life
Chapter Eight- The Dodging Life
Chapter Nine- The horrifying Life
Chapter Ten- The Criminal Life
Chapter Eleven- The gossip life
Chapter Twelve- The West free life
Chapter Thirteen-The Mothers, cats and tears life
Chapter Fourteen- The Advising Life
Chapter Fifteen- The kilogram Chocolate life
Chapter Sixteen- The Troublesome Life
Chapter Seventeen- The James Bond and Watson life
Chapter Eighteen- The Baby Richards Life
Chapter Nineteen- The sticky situation life
Chapter Twenty - The Party Life
Chapter Twenty One- The Beach Life
Chapter Twenty Two - The Dancing Beach Chair Life
Chapter Twenty Three- The shocking revelations life
Chapter Twenty Four - The Hospital Life
Chapter Twenty Five- The Kit-Kat life
Chapter Twenty Six - The Super Hero Life
Chapter Twenty Seven- The school and military school life
Chapter Twenty Eight - The Lost Life
Chapter Twenty Nine- The found life
Chapter Thirty - The Love Life
Chapter Thirty One- The Crazy Exchange Life
Chapter Thirty Two - The Awkward Life
Chapter Thirty Three- The boy life
Chapter Thirty four - the art life
Chapter Thirty Five- The abusive life
Chapter Thirty Six - The Vengeful Prank Life
Chapter Thirty Seven- The millionaire life
Chapter Thirty Eight - The Camping Life
Chapter Thirty Nine- The False Life
Chapter Fourty - The Library Life
Epilogue- Waves of Life

Chapter Five- The Scheming life

1.2K 62 12
By melted_chocolate

Well what is a scheming life you ask? And how much of a schemer can a fifteen year old girl be? Well I'd like to say this is when connections come in handy. So what are you waiting for? Dig your noses into this.....


"Mitchell!" I gasped in horror.

What was he doing here? He never seemed to me like the detention type. Well then again he was problerby wondering the same thing about me.

"Eva." He said. Poor brother. It seemed like he was in a state of shock.

"What are you doing here?" I asked again.

" Mitchell here, has earned himself a month of detention," explained the teacher. "Now get into your seats!" She yelled at the top of her voice.

Well that explained him coming home late for the past few weeks.

"And what got you into here sister?"

"Him" I said, pointing at Tyler.

He seemed to ignore me and went off to sit with the gang I asked to join, after shaking hands with Tyler on the way.


"Is that your sister?" One of the gang members asked my brother.

"Yup." He answered.

I knew they had told Mitchell about me asking to join the gang when they all burst out laughing.

Life was so unfair.


Well here I am at home with my pen and paper. Unfortunately my iPad is out of charge, so HayDay'll have to wait.

Detention wasn't so bad after all. I had made a deal with my bro that we both wouldn't tell mum about our detention. He also kindly offered to help me in getting back both Matt and Tyler.

So this is where the scheming and connections come in.

So here I am typing a wonderful, fake letter to Matt about him being chosen to be on a new show. Yeah right!

I wrote:

Dear Mathew West,

The Australian Broadcasting corporation (ABC) is pleased to announce to you, that you have been nominated to take part in our brand new show, Talent Teens, that will be aired on television in the next few months.

We are taking a tour around Australia and choosing random students from public schools all around Australia. You are one in five other students who have been nominated from your school for our show. The teachers who nominated you cannot be mentioned for legal purposes, but they mentioned a few interesting talents that you could perform on the show.

We hope you can turn up for this talent show on this Saturday the 17th of May at 1pm in Aldinga National Park.

We wish you the best of luck and if you cannot make it for our talent show please phone Melissa Beggins our receptionist on: 0419542890


ABC Director for Talent Teens

Mark Henkins.

Reading it made me snicker badly. I licked a stamp and stuck it on the envelope and sealed it. Mum always has stamps around because of her news agency job. I know it's a bit old fashion but letters seem more official, right?


Meanwhile, my week passed on. I still had another lesson of working with Rosemary, but I always kept in mind that I was going to get him back.

"Favorite colour?" he asked.



"Work at a cafe"

"Which Cafe?"

"You don't need to know stalker."

"It says is here." He said which a smirk. Later on I found out he was lying.

"Blue Whispers"

"What, I go there a lot and I've never seen you there. They do have the best milkshakes."

"I only make the best"


"Swimming, um..." And off course the nut case had to interrupt.

"Annoying me, stalking and pranking people."

"I think we could add that to your list, Rosemary." I said trying not to laugh.

"Favorite celebrity, Christopher?" Ugh he had to say my middle name, didn't he.

"Nina Debrov."

"Wow, Beaver I didn't think you were into celebrities and that sort of stuff." He said itching his head.

Eew! does he have head lice or something?

"You know nothing about me Rosemary." I spat. "Just keep going."

"It's your turn now" he said," unless you want me to start off the personal questions section." He blabbed.

"Favorite food" I asked. This guy was seriously putting me to sleep.


"That explains James Bond's midnight call to dominos, but doesn't explain why your thin as a


"Look at yourself Beaver, your..." He looked at me trying to think of what to say.

No one can say anything about my weight because I'm in between. Not thin, not fat! Yay you scored yourself another point! Not that I'm counting. That would be a bit childish!

"I don't know?" He mumbled giving up.

And with that, the bell rang.


"So how are you coping with Kat around?" asked Jazz whilst accidentally spilling the sugar for her coffee everywhere.

We were sitting at Blue Whispers Cafe, after school on Friday feeling as bored and exhausted as ever. I just couldn't wait for my scheme tommorrow. The number I had put on the letter was Mitchell's girl friend's number and she said Matt called to ask some questions and to say he was coming. Oh yeah I couldn't wait.

"He's ok" I said staring at the ground.

"Was that a blush?" asked Skye.

"Oooh." They all cooed.

Tonight was going to be a long night.



sounded my alarm.

Today was my big day and even sleep wasn't going to tempt me. Snoozing my alarm, I got up and slipped on some coloured jeans and my white and red 'keep calm and carry on' tank. I had a few hours of work in the cafe before I was going to meet up with girls at Skye's place so we could carry out my plan.


"One chocolate milkshake at table seven, please Eva," said Trisha as she frantically called out the orders.

Putting the milk in a long glass and squirting the chocolate liquid in it, I began to make yet another milkshake. Once all the shaking and ice cream was added, I took it out to look for table seven.

Sitting there was my dearest friend Matt, or who I like to call rosemary with the biggest smirk playing on his lips as I put down the milkshake.

"Stalker" I whispered to him, so it wasn't loud enough for anyone to hear.

"My dearest Beaver, what a coincidence" he uttered with such sarcasm.

"What a pleasant surprise rosemary. If it wasn't for the cafe's reputation and my job, this would be all over your head by now."

And with that, I walked off leaving him with the milkshake, secretly wishing it had some sort of poison in it, keeping my pleasant surprise for him in mind at the back of my head.


It was finally scheming hour. Not rush hour!

My friends and I had all dressed up in wigs, different clothes, layers and layers of make up along with glasses and fake beauty spots to make us look different. How I hated the makeup, I'm not sure how all those celebrities cope. I'm sure all the fame and wealth makes up for it! Funny joke, Make up, make up for it! Got it! Wow, Eva keep it cool what's up with the lame jokes?

"You owe us big time" whined Jazz.

"Thank you so much guys, I'll return the favor, I've just got to get him back."

"Last time," said May "I think It would be better for all of us if you would just get along together."

"I agree." They all chimed in at the same time. They really had that triplet vibe going these days. I suppose it was because we've known each other for ever, literally.

The scheme ))))

"Hello, Matt" I said trying to change my voice as much as I could.

"Hey," he said seeming quite relaxed.

"I'm Victoria and I'm the host for talent teens." I went on.

He put his hand out for me to shake and ugh it was slimy, sweaty and somewhat manly. Remind me never to shake it again.

I went on with explaining how he must answers the questions I asked him and try to perform certain talents that he is asked to do. Then I told him we would be filming in 3,2,1 and 0.

I started off by getting his name wrong and calling him West. Then I said oops and apologized and asked him if he was a nerd, geek or popular kid. He said he was average and fairly popular. (What a lie.)

I asked of he had a job and he said he is a pizza delivery boy at Dominos.


Then I asked him if he was a ladies boy, and he said that girls liked him but don't know how to deal with him. He said they tease him instead. (Seriously, what a looser.)

Then it got to the good part.

"So, Matt can you roll your tongue?"

"Yup," he answered rolling his tongue.

I was seriously trying not to giggle.

Then I asked if he could do the same with his ear, like silly old Tyler could. It was such a shame he couldn't. I would've paid to see it.

"What about a handstand with your tongue poking out?"

He was doing it. I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

The best bit was asking him if he could sing.

"I'm Matt west. I'm proud best. Give me a five. If you love me drop by. This is Matt west..."

And It went on. I swear what a bad song writer.

By the time I had got him to do gangnam style, I had nearly wet my pants.

Now it was time to get him big time. He still hadn't suffered enough. I signaled to May to call my brother.

"So now," I said to him, "I want you to guess what is in this bucket. If you guess it you'll be going home with it tonight."

It took him a while, then he said "um, is it a talent teen t-shirt?"

"No, but I'll let you take a look." And with that, I chucked the bucket of beautiful, green slime on his face and shouted out "got you rosemary!"

My friends an I took off to my brother's car. Thank God he had made it in time. My wig fell off on the way and whilst picking it up I could see his mortified face.

The look on his face gave me satisfaction and comfort. The best bit was that we had it all on camera. And Tyler had a locker full of slime waiting for him on Monday.

Maybe it was a little mean. Did I go too far? But he did deserve it. Why am I suddenly feeling sorry for him?

Mum told me not to be late. My cousins Ash and Ted are coming over later in the avo.

So what should I do?

Help him or leave him?


Author's Note:

Hey Guys!!!!

Today was more of a comedy revenge chapter. So I hope you laughed your heads off!

Sorry to leave it on another cliff hanger, but don't worry, will be uploaded soon.

Please take just a couple of seconds to vote and comment.

Lol 😃

Ed ⭐

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