You, Me & 'Charlie'

By EllieP13

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"You can tell things are bad when you're kinda in love with your best friend. Then you realise it's even wors... More

You, Me & 'Charlie'
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 2
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 3
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 4
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 5
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 6
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 7
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 8
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 9
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 10
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 11
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 12
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 13
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 14
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 15
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 16
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 17
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 18
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 19
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 21
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 22
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 23
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 24
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 25
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 26
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 27
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 28
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 29

You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 20

88 2 1
By EllieP13

Chapter 20

Well, so much for Paloma speaking to Max on Monday. It wasn’t until the Wednesday she actually plucked up the courage to even look at him.

I sighed loudly at her, as she idly picked at her food while staring at Max making his way to the canteen.

“Why don’t you go over?” I suggested casually.

She looked up and shook her head, her eyes full of fear.

I rolled my eyes. “Paloma, you promised me you’d speak to him on Monday. It’s Wednesday now, how long do you think he’ll wait?” I asked her.

She shrugged. “You’re right. Let’s go and see him.”

“He’ll be heading back to music. Want to go down?” I asked.

She nodded, throwing her sandwich box into the nearby bin. Bree wasn’t with us; she was currently at Spanish revision.

She held my arm for dear life all the way down. I didn’t know what she was so scared about, she’d already snogged him.

Jake was currently down there too. The band always practiced on Wednesday lunchtimes.

We got to the music rooms. The music block was only 6 rooms in total near the courts.

Paloma let go of me and went ahead confidently. She pulled on the door. It was locked. “Damn.” she muttered. She knocked loudly. There was a window open near the door.

“HELLO?” she called into it. I was glad the courts were empty; she was making an utter dick of herself.

Jake came to the door. He was laughing. “No need to shout Paloma.” he grinned at her, letting us inside.

“There was full reason to shout Jake. The door was locked, and we were freezing to death out there.” she told him, heading straight for room 3.

“Maybe you should invest in some trousers then?” he said, giving her bottom half a look.

Paloma lived in her skirt; she only wore trousers on rainy days. It was November, and she still wore the most outrageous things.

“Who are you trying to impress?” Jack said as me and Jake followed her in.

“No one.” Paloma replied bluntly, taking a seat on the desk near the guys’ stuff.

“Unlikely story.” Jack answered, tossing his guitar pick.

I had to laugh.

Paloma glared at him. “Can’t I just come and spontaneously watch my best friend’s band play on a Wednesday afternoon?” she asked.

“Not unless you’ve come to see someone in particular.” Jack grinned at her. See why I liked them so much?

“Just shut up.” Paloma said bluntly, folding her arms.

“Whatever you say.” Jack said, playing a few cords on his guitar.

I sat at the piano and watched Paloma. She seemed nervous. I could only imagine why.

“You took your time.” Matt said suddenly.

Max was coming through the door, munching on a bagel. He stopped dead when he saw Paloma. She’d just been under the table, searching for her phone which she’d dropped. And she was wearing a short skirt, which looked like a belt at the moment.

I tried desperately to stifle a laugh. I’ll have to admit, it was hard. I coughed to cover it up.

“Oh, hey Tabby, Paloma.” Max said. “Nice skirt.” he said.

Paloma looked down and tugged her skirt down self consciously. This was definitely the most awkward moment I’d had this week. Or maybe year.

“Where were you?” Jack asked.

“The canteen. I was hungry. Duh.” Max answered, as if it were obvious.

I could see why him and Paloma were a perfect match, both of them always thought about their stomachs, and had a first love of food, seconded to each other of course.

“Well stop eating and start drumming.” Jake ordered, plugging his mic into a jack.

He rolled his eyes and chucked the bagel to, you guessed it, Paloma.

She crinkled her nose. “Ew. Gross.”

“It’s free food. Enjoy.” he grinned at her.

She smiled slightly. I could tell she loved it really, even if it was a soggy bagel with his saliva all over it. Though that was the least of her worries, she’d already exchanged quite a bit of saliva with him anyway.

So we sat and watched the band. Correction, I watched, Paloma ate the bagel and wouldn’t stop gawping at Max. I could tell he could tell he was being watched, he mucked up enough times.

“Alright. Let’s wrap it up there. Seriously Max, go get focused.” Jake taunted.

“Yeah, well.” he coughed awkwardly, pocketing his sticks and getting his jacket on.

I nudged Paloma. This was her prize opportunity, and if she missed it, she’d never touch him again. And then she’d complain about it for the rest of our lives. Great.

“Hey, uh, Max?” she asked, swallowing the bagel nervously.

“Yeah?” Max answered even more nervously. God, this was like pulling bloody teeth.

“This bagel was good.” she mumbled.

He gave a short laugh. “Glad you liked it.” he said, beginning to leave.

I literally face palmed. What was she playing at?!

“I’ll catch you guys later.” Max said.

“WAIT!” Paloma suddenly shouted out.

Everyone looked up startled then. “Uh, what?” Max asked, confusion crossing his face.

“I really have to talk to you. Outside.” she said, going slightly red.

Poor Max, he was about to die. “Oh, alright then.” he tried to shrug it off casually, but I could tell he was nervous as hell.

“Tabby, I’ll see you later. See you guys.” Paloma said, getting off the desk.

“You’re really gonna take that long?” I asked.

She gave me a look which meant ‘Shut up!’ and left with Max.

“Max was never any good with girls.” Matt said.

“And Paloma was always very quiet.” Jake commented.

I laughed. Sarcasm; always helping you out of awkward situations.

Well, most of them anyway.


“Tell me.” I said.

It was Friday afternoon, and surprisingly, Paloma had kept her mouth shut all this time about her most recent chat with Max.

She giggled. “Well, we’re going out tonight. So I would guess it was in the bag.” she said.

“Seriously?” I asked. I was shocked, I had to admit.

“Yes. Why the tone of surprise?! He told me we should start it out casual and see where it goes, because he didn’t usually date and because of what happened.” a sly little grin played on her lips.

I laughed. “So, I take it he enjoyed that, and remembered it?” I asked.

“Duh. We weren’t necessarily drunk! God, you make me sound awful!” she said, writing down notes in her exercise book.

Last lesson of the day, French, was a total drag, but thankfully our teacher was off on a course, so we had a cover instead. And it was almost over, thank god.

I just tutted and shook my head. “Please Tabby, put a sock in it.” Paloma mumbled.

I laughed again. I was glad I was laughing more nowadays rather than sighing. Bree was alright at the moment, though she was looking kinda ill and pale again. It must’ve been the weather, lack of vitamin D and stuff.

“Right, you can pack away now.” the teacher said in a bored tone. She must really hate her job.

We willingly packed away though and threw the workbooks onto the front desk. The teacher didn’t care; she sat there filing her nails.

“Miss, can we go?” Paloma always asked this last thing on a Friday.

The teacher shrugged “Sure, whatever.” she replied.

“Thanks Miss, have a good weekend!” Paloma said brightly. The teacher cracked a smile.

“Wow, thank god. At least we can get on the bus early.” Paloma said, sliding down the stairwell banister.

I swear she was going to break her leg one day doing that.

“What about Bree?” I asked.

“We’ll catch her. Where is she?” Paloma asked.

“Maths, I think. Let’s wait by the lanes, yeah?” I said.

Paloma shrugged. “Yeah, ok.”

I hadn’t realised how early the teacher had actually let us go. I took my phone out, it was only just 3. Time passed slowly when you were standing looking at buses.

The bell finally went though and a slow trickle of students came out of the numerous entryways and subject blocks. Bree was frowning at her phone as she walked towards us. I grabbed her arm. “Hey, we’re getting on Paloma’s bus.” I said.

She looked up. “Sorry, miles away.” she smiled weakly. She looked even more sickly today, as if she hadn’t slept in days. She had a few stress spots and her hair was limp and scraggly. She looked more like a junkie than my best friend.

“You ok?” Paloma asked in an unsure tone.

Bree shook her head. “Not really. All this Calvin shit has made me ill. I need a holiday.” she sighed.

I laughed and took her arm. “Come on, let’s get you home.” I was worried, and I needed to talk to someone, but that would be to worry about later.

Paloma walked ahead, leading the way.

The bus was empty. “Can these guys come on too?” Paloma asked the driver.

He was old with wrinkles and a grey moustache, but he had kind brown eyes and he nodded and smiled at us. We all thanked him and took our seats at the back.

The bus slowly filled up. Jake was one of the last ones on. He stood talking to the driver for a while, and I wondered why. Max walked up the steps, following closely behind Jake. So that was why. Paloma, who was busily texting, was oblivious to the fact he was on the same public transport as her.

“Hey, budge up for Max Paloma.” Jake said playfully.

“Shut up Jake, stop having a dig about my date tonight. Just because he isn’t as cute as…” she’d looked up, obviously thinking Jake was poking fun at her. Her face burnt, hotter than the sun I was guessing.

Max gave a sheepish smile. I could hear Paloma cussing under her breath. She slid up all the same though, but looked out the window.

I laughed as Jake joined me and Bree on the three seater at the back.

“How was you day, and how’s old Paloma over there?” Jake grinned, squeezing my hand.

“Oh, she was great until you dragged poor Max onto the bus.” I said.

It was true though.

Jake said hi to Bree and went through the usual conversation topics. I could see Max awkwardly sitting in front of us. Paloma was back to her phone, pretending to text someone.

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate. Oh, so she really was texting someone, me, I thought as I opened the text.

It simply read; Help me?! >.<

I laughed. She turned and glared at me. I loved making her squirm almost as much as winding her up.

The bus was full and we were just waiting to pull out. As we got moving, I noticed how Max had struck up a conversation with Paloma.

Finally! I thought to myself. They seemed to get more comfortable as the journey went on. Bree got off first. We all said goodbye and she waved to us as she followed the others from her stop off the bus.

It was my stop next; I could bet anything Paloma wanted to get off with me.

My stop was only a few minutes away, and we were soon there.

“I’ll see you later Tabby.” Jake said, kissing me goodbye.

“Bye.” I said shyly.

I got up and looked down at Max and Paloma. Paloma gave me a pained look.

“Have a good weekend guys.” I winked. “Have fun Paloma.” I laughed.

“Shut up Tabby!” Paloma shouted as I walked down the aisle.

“Love you too!” I called as I walked off the bus, laughing to myself.

As the bus drove past, I saw Paloma give me the middle finger.

I laughed to myself again. She was always so mature.

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