Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to...

By StarCrossed81

48.1K 857 161

Things had changed drastically since Wayne showed up at my door.. It has been six months since Fallon and I... More

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving Tunechi
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 9

1.5K 32 14
By StarCrossed81

It had been a month since our trip to La. Wayne had been busy in the studio working on a track with Mack Maine, so I wasn't surprised when I woke up and he was gone. I felt like crap. I pulled myslef up out of bed reaching for my phone. Ugh it was already 12, I had missed several text from Wayne. I stood up to text him but went running to the bathroom. Ugh I hated being freaking sick. I made a note to not eat sushi anymore every time I ate that crap I ended up sick. I jumped in the shower and got dressed before I text Wayne back. I roll my eyes as my phone chimed. "You just now getting up." I sit back in the bed. "Yeah, mind your own business." I fixed the pillows seating back. "Lazy ass." I laughed to myself. "No that stupid sushi has me sick." I started flipping through the channels stopping on some show on HBO that sounded interesting. "That's what you get for talking crap last night, I was goign to ask if you wanted lunch but I guess not." I text him back telling him I was good and he told me he would be home in a couple of hours.

I was in and out of sleep until Wayne made it home. He came in the bedroom sitting on the edge of the bed. "You ok baby." I shook my head, "yeah, I feel better now I just don't feel like doing anything I am super tired." Wayne leaned in giving me a kiss, "come downstairs with me." I shook my head ok and headed downstairs with him. Wayne had picked up some hot wings and started eating on them as he flipped through the channels. He held the box out to me and I made a face pushing them away. "NO, I don't even want to hear the word food right now." Wayne shrugged. "Your lose." I rolled my eyes laying my head down on the arm of the couch. Wayne glanced at me for a minute before he started watching tv again. After he had ate enough to get full Wayne got up walking in the kitchen. "You want a soda." I look up at him. "Bring me some water with some flavor in it." He came back putting my water on the coffee table. "Come here." I sit up and lean on him, "What you want." Wayne looks down at me. "Do I have to want something to want to hold you." I sigh. "Ok, what have you done." Wayne gives me a look and I grin up at him.

That night Wayne got a call that had him running back to the studio. I groaned he was starting to get back into the habit of being gone all damn night not coming home till the sun was rising. As he leaned down to kiss me I turned my head so he ended up hitting my check. "You mad?" I shrug. "Its whatever, you stayed out last night but its business right." Wayne gave me a look, "bye Maci." I pulled him back down giving him a proper kiss goodbye." That better." Wayne smirked at me. "You knew better huh." I rolled my eyes at him. "Bye, don't wake me up when you get home." Wayne glanced back at me over his shoulder. "O don't worry I will." I make a face at him and he shot me a wink walking out.

I groan getting up trying to find something to do. I was tired of playing on the computer, tired of reading, tired of tv. I was so grateful Fallon would be home in the next two weeks. I gave up and called Adrianna about jumping up and down when she answered. "I swear I'm thinking of firing you as my best friend." Adrianna made a sound like I had deeply offended her. "Excuse me Ms. I made a stop in Texas but couldnt even tell my bestie I was in the same zip code as her." I laughed. "That was Fallon's time, maybe when we come down to get her we can meet up." Adrianna sighed. "I guess, if I have time." I make a pshh sound with my mouth. "Fine Bitch, I see how you are." Adrianna busted out laughing. "Hell I'm down here overworked and need a vacation, I might need to come up there." I shrugged, "whatever, you know your always welcome here." We talked for over an hour before I started yawing and told her I was about to go to bed. "Ugh you are so freaking boring Maci, go hit a club up or something, your child is with her daddy, your man is in the studio, go have fun." I rolled my eyes. "I am going to club bed, dj pillow is there featuring my blanket." Adrianna busted out laughing. "Where the fuck you get that from Fallon." I laughed back at her as we said our goodbyes hanging up.

I text Wayne letting him know I was going to bed. I waited a minute and when he didnt text back I shrugged going upstairs and changing into some pjs. The minute my head hit the pillow I swear I fell asleep. I was awoken to the sound of Wayne yelling at somebody downstairs. I groan, getting up and walking down the stairs. He was in the kitchen going completely off on somebody. "Can you cut that shit down." Wayne glanced up at me and I immediately shut up. I had never seen him so pissed off. Wayne hit the end button on his phone and slammed it down. I eyed the phone on the counter surprised he didn't' crack the screen. "I didn't mean to wake you up." Wayne said in a pissed off attitude. I just nodded ok and turned around. I heard him sigh, "Maci come here damn." I slowly turn around eyeing him. "What was that about." Wayne shook his head. "Nothing, nothing that you should worry about anyways." I give him a look but wasn't about to push the subject with him. Wayne had a temper and I tried to stay on the opposite side of it as much as possible. I walked up to him letting him pull me into his arms. "You feeling better." I shrugged. "Yeah I don't feel sick anymore, just tired as hell." Wayne leaned in kissing my jaw line. "Guess I been keeping you up to late at night. I smirk at him. "You wish." Wayne pushed me back some. "Some other Nigga keeping you occupied while I'm out." I glanced up at him like he was crazy but saw the smirk on his face. "Please like I would bring a dude here." Wayne busted out laughing. "Ok, I got ya."

Wayne pulled me into the living room with him. "Sit down here while I smoke." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah." Wayne gave me a look. "What the fucks with the attitude." I shake my head. "Why you coming home at 4am." Wayne let out a breath as he st up rolling his gar. "Maci, where I been." I shrug. "You tell me."Wayne laughed to himself. "Your really going to start on that old bullshit tonight of all nights." I look down. "I just don't see why you got to stay out all night, you have one fucking verse, and you been staying out all day and night all fucking week." Wayne shook his head at me. "Maybe you should have went back to bed cause your starting to piss me off." I give him a look and stand up more than ready to get him out of my eyesight. "Sit ya ass down hell." I look down at him as he lite up. "I thought I was pissing you off." Wayne closed his eyes taking a hit. "Maci you just heard the shit I just been dealing with, I don't feel like arguing with you, you want to fight fine, we can do it in the morning." I cut my eyes back at him but he surprised me by pulling me down beside him. "What if I don't wanna sit beside you." Wayne looked over at me blowing smoke at my face. "Go then, but I'm asking you to stay down here with me." I sighed. "Fine, ass." Wayne chuckled leaning back pulling me back with him. We didn't talk the rest of the time. He just ran his hands threw my hair as he smoked looking out the window in his own little world.

We went upstairs and I laid back in bed watching Wayne grab some clothes heading off to the shower. I just laid there sleepy but not tired. Wayne walked out the bathroom hitting the lights. He pulled the covers back sliding in the bed. I was facing the wall and he slid closer to me wrapping me in his arms. His hands started roaming and I hit at them. "You going to deny me." I shrugged as his lips hit my neck. "You know you can't tell me no." I turned my head to glance at him. "That's what you think." Wayne pushed me so I was laying flat on my back. "NO, that's what i know." I rolled my eyes at him but wasn't' about to stop him.

I awoke the next morning surprised to find him still in bed with me. I wiggled out from his arms and ran to the bathroom. I threw some clothes on walking downstairs for some coffee. While I waited on it I pulled up my calender on my phone. I needed to get things ready for Fallon to come home. After I drank my coffee I went to walk upstairs but met Wayne at the foot of the stairs. "You still want to argue." I punched Wayne in his arm. "Your an ass you know that." Wayne smirked at me. "Where's my coffee your sposta be trained better than that." I laughed up at him. "You better go pour that shit yourself. You are spoiled enough." Wayne pulled me into him. "Who's spoiled?" I reach up giving him a kiss. "You gotta run to the studio today." Wayne shook his head no. "I got no plans, just you," I roll my eyes. "Well you better make some more plans." Wayne grabbed my shoulders, "don't give it to me and I will take it." I shoved him. "You had enough last night hell, go on somewhere with that shit." Wayne busted out laughing walking in the kitchen. I followed behind him. "You want me to fix breakfast." Wayne poured his coffee. "I'd rather eat something else." I give him a look. "Am I going to have to put up with this all day?" Wayne grinned walking into the living room. "Yep, I'm yours all day." I watched him walk out. "DO you want breakfast or not little boy."

We ended up skipping breakfast. Wayne stayed true to his promise and stayed home with me all day. We ended up spending time by the pool, I wanted to swim, Wayne spent most of his time in the shade smoking, but he did get in to play a bit. After I got out the pool Wayne said we was going out so I went upstairs and showered changing into a white cotton dress with a sleeveless blue-jean jacket. I had just strapped on some sandals when Wayne came upstairs looking for me. "Let me put my makeup on real quick." Wayne sat down on the edge of the bed. "No rush baby." I threw my makeup on and ran some mouse threw my hair scrunching it up. "Look ok." Wayne looked me up and down. "You look beautiful." I sighed. "Like I should listen to your fashion advice." Wayne laughed as he stood up walking up to me. "Whats wrong with me today. I look him up and down this time. "Lets see hot pink and black shorts..." Wayne silenced me with a kiss. I laughed at him as we walked downstairs.

We met up with Brooklynne and Malachi at a popular sports bar we frequented. Brooklynne grinned up at me as me and Wayne sat down. "Bout time, gah I'm starving." I rolled my eyes at her. "Well sorry I didn't know we were meeting ya'll until we pulled up and homebody's like o yeah were meeting Brooklynne and Malachi." I roll my eyes as everyone but me laughs. "At least your dressed cute." I laugh at Brooklynne. "Yeah well I have to make up for this one." I pointed at Wayne. Wayne shoved me and Malachi busted out laughing. "You going to let your girl burn you like that." Wayne shrugged. "She will make up for it tonight." Brooklynne groaned. "Ugh can we eat first." We all laugh as the waitress comes taking out drink order. The guys ordered beer, but Brooklynne and I ordered Vanilla Dr Pepper. "Why ya'll drinking coke when we at bar." Malachi asked. Brooklynne gave him a look. "Boy shut up." Wayne gave Malachi a look. "Looks like your going to have to handle her later too." Brooklynne gave Wayne a go to hell look and I busted out laughing at them.

Brooklynne and I walked out of the bar together with Wayne and Malachi walking behind us. We said our goodbyes and I told her I would call her in the morning. Wayne grabbed my hand walking me to the car. It was already late and I was ready to crawl up in bed. "You need to stop anywhere." I nodded, "Yeah I need to run into Wal Mart." Wayne shot me a look. "Wal Mart really." I sighed, he hated Wal Mart. Fine CVS, Walgreens, wherever." Wayne shrugged and took off toward the house. There was a CVS close so I ran in and got what I needed hurrying back out. When we made it back to the house Wayne walked up to his office returning a call from Baby he had missed. I sighed running upstairs to the bathroom. I walked out the bathroom looking at my phone. It had been on vibrate and I had missed a text from a unknown number. I opened it up and it read thought you might want to see this, under it was a picture of Wayne and Dhea at some cafe sitting side by side . I could feel my eyes widen. I recognized the clothes he was wearing, the same shit he was wearing a couple days ago. I was furious I walked back in the bathroom walking back out with tears streaming down my face.

This was not possible, I didn't know what to do, go throw my phone at him, ignore him, fucking leave him. I felt completely alone. I pulled the picture back up saving it and sent it to Wayne in a text. I sat on the edge of the bed already bracing for a fight to start. I heard him open the door but wouldn't look up at him. My mind was still figuring out what to do. I was so tempted to just pack up and leave, but I had no idea if I was strong enough to leave him or not. Wayne gave up and walked up to me stopping in front of me and kneeling down. "Maci, baby you know that aint shit." I shook my head glancing down at him just to look right back down because the tears started flowing again. Wayne sighed. "DOn't shut down on me Maci." I jerked my head up. "Explain it then, go ahead." Wayne closed his eyes standing up moving to sit beside me. "I met her for lunch yesterday, no big deal. She got up and went to the bathroom and when she came back she sat beside me. I left right after." I sat there shaking my head. "Ok, how bout why the fuck you was with her." Wayne was quite for a minute. "She showed up at the studio and I didn't want her to cause a scene so we met there to talk." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever Wayne I'm done." Wayne jerked his head at me. "What?" I stood up storming in the bathroom. "I said I'm fucking done." I walked back threw the bathroom throwing a pregnancy test at him. "Congrats Wayne, lost your girl, and find out your going to be a daddy again on the same day." I grabbed my purse slamming the door behind me. I had glimpsed Wayne sitting on the edge of the bed in complet shock just looking at the stick in his hand.

I grabbed my keys off the bar leaving. Wayne immediately started calling and texting but I just turned my phone off. I drove straight to the airport and found the first flight to Texas. The only seat available was in coach but it would leave in an hour so it would be more than I could have ever wished for. I found a pay phone and called Adrianna. "Hey honey bunches." I sighed. "Cut the shit, I left Wayne, Im pregnant , and I'm on my way home, I need you to pick me up in Dallas." Adrianna was silent for probably the first time in her life. "Does he know." He knows everything but I'm catching a flight, I'll call him and tell him to come get his damn car." I could hear Adrianna let out a deep breath. "Ok, I'm there." I hung up with here and ran to the bathroom. I glanced down at the dress I was wearing. I wish I had at least packed a bag. O well too late now, I knew if I went back he wouldn't let me go. I sat at the gate until they announced they were starting to load passengers. I ignored all the text I had from Wayne and sent him one saying your car is at the airport. Keys are under the floorboard." I quickly turned my phone off before he could send a response. I immediately started crying when I took my seat. The guy beside me looked at me crazy. I just shook my head and ignored the world around me. This might possibly be the longest flight of my life.

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