The illegal One

By Staceylove21

10.5K 424 66

My name is Anastasia Light and I haven't been outside in sixteen years. I've never felt the sun on my face or... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine

Chapter twenty three

265 12 0
By Staceylove21

We all walked out of the cell and headed straight towards the courtroom. I avoided Nate and Jasper's eyes. I was trembling like crazy, I knew this day would come. I always knew. And I always knew it was going to be my fault. I'm so stupid, they are going to kill me because I'm illegal, they shouldn't even have to have a debate about these. My mother broke the law and died because of me, my father died in the war and didn't even knew I existed, my brother is alive but never truly lived, Jasper is going to die because he knew me. Everything was always my fault. I deserve to die. We made it to the courtroom and the officer opened the door for us, I walked in first and I had to sit in the guilty side along side Nate and Jasper.

"Is everyone here?," The judge asked as he looked around. Once he realized it was just the three of us, he spoke. "All rise."

We all rose from our seats. Do we even have a lawyer? Nate told me about them when something really happens and they need one. I searched and I realized we did have a lawyer, a man stood in front of us. There were other people on the opposite side also.

"State your names and reasons to be here," He said looking up from his paper works. The judge wore a black robe, was dark skinned, wore glasses, gray hair, also had wrinkles. I couldn't tell if it was because he was old or his job stresses him out. Probably both. Nate walked by a table and a chair beside the judge and spoke.

"My name is Nathaniel Grayson Light and the reason why I'm here today is because I kept an illegal child for seventeen years," He said calmly. The judge looked at him and recognition filled his eyes.

"Nathaniel Light, the boy whose parents died at such a young age,"'He said softly while looking at him with tenderness. I had forgotten that everyone knew and loved Nate because he was so likable.

"That's right your honor, my parents as you know, died when I was very young but before they died, they created a child which resulted to my little sister; Anastasia Grace Light," He said turning his head to look towards me. At the corner of my eye, I saw him smiling at me but I didn't look at him.

"And if you knew she was illegal, why didn't you tell anyone?," He said glancing at me. The judge held no emotion, I guess he had to be professional. Nate had a serious look on his face and I just knew he was going to give the judge a lecture as he always does to people when it's something important. He always did it to me every single day of my life. But this was probably my last day of life.

"Because even if she was illegal, she was a minor, and everyone knows it's against the law to kill minors. But because she is illegal, people don't care if she's a minor or not, I promised myself I was going to protect her from people who wanted to kill her," He said looking at everyone in the room. I started to fidget when the judge looked at me. The lawyer (who was a woman) from the opposite side who wasn't going to help us, spoke.

"Your honor if I may interject," She said. The judge nodded his head. The woman looked at my brother with a serious face and he too stared at her with a serious face. She glanced at me and then turned back to him. "Nathaniel Light, you kept your sister alive for seventeen years but at what cost? Your life. You were unable to have an actual life because of her. Weren't you angry? Weren't you angry at your mother for not thinking of the consequences? Didn't you ever wish your sister was never alive? Aren't you tired of always putting your sister's needs before you?"

"Objection your honor," Our lawyer said. The judge slammed his gavel down and looked at him. He glared at him and spoke.

"Overruled, you may proceed," The judge said. The woman smiled at the judge. Her red hair was in a bun and she wore a business suit and wore glasses. I glanced at our lawyer, he was man in his late forties, wore a business suit and had a serious face.

"Thank you, your honor, as I was saying," She continued as she walked over to Nate. She glared at me while walking over to him. "Didn't you always wish your sister was never born? So that you could have the life that you always wanted?"

Nate glared at the woman who was smiling at him as if he was her best friend.

"As I said before, I promised to protect her and I love my sister, nothing will ever change that," He said. The woman clenched her jaw and crossed her arms.

"That doesn't answer my question. I asked you if you ever wished your sister was never born? Haven't you ever wished you told the police? Didn't you wish you could ended your misery?," She sneered as she crossed her arms at him. He growled at her and glanced at her up and down. "Answer the question."

"I'm not as vile as you are," He said and she frowned at him and got into his face.

"Answer. The. Question." She seethed out. Nate slammed his hands against the wooden table and looked at the judge.

"Your honor, is this necessary!?," He yelled turning towards him. But before the judge could say anything, the woman spoke.

"Answer the damn question," She yelled. Nate stood up with a furious look.

"Yes damn it! I have wished that my sister wasn't born! I have wished I had told the police! I was always angry at my mother for making that damn decision! My life ended the day she was born!," He yelled. Silence filled the room. Nate realized what he had said and his eyes widened, he looked towards me. The woman had a satisfied smirk on her face.

I heard Nate apologizing profusely towards me and that he didn't mean it. But I didn't listen to him. I didn't cry, I wasn't in shock, I wasn't angry. I had no emotion whatsoever because I knew. I always knew he felt this way even before he confessed. I knew I ruined his life. He must have been happy that he finally confessed.

And that made me cry the most.

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