My Destiny (Jealousy Book 2)

By PaintMeImperfect

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This is the Sequel to JEALOUSY. read Jealousy first before reading this book. Brandon, after Destiny's unexpe... More

Chapter 1 :Why?
Chapter 2 : 1 Step back
Vex-Authors Note
Chapter 3 :Strong minds get over Anything...hopefully.
Chapter 4 : Well needed offdays
Chapter 5 : Testing of Faith.
Chapter 6 : Lego house
Chapter 7: lego house continued
Chapter 8 : Silence...
Chapter 9: Choices
Chapter 10 : Steps
Chapter 11: Reciprocated.
Chapter 12 : Nice to meet you
Chapter 13 : Separate lives
Chapter 14- Through Jealous eyes
Chapter 15: Similar plights..different attitudes.
Chapter 16 :She Rhymes With Beige
Chapter 17 : Happy efforts
Chapter 18:Therapeutic Family time
Chapter 19 : Disturbed Family efforts
Authors Note
Chapter 20 :Faith
Chapter 22 :Because Nyjah says
Chapter 23 : The view from where I stand.
Chapter 24-The titanic effect
Chapter 25 - The Titanic effect part 2
Chapter 26 -Explosive by nature
Chapter 27 : What am I without U?
Chapter 28 : My DESTINY
Epilogue Announcement
Chapter 29 : Lifeline (Epilogue)
book 3
PIERCE YOUR HEART (jealousy book 3)

Chapter 21 :Momentary Solitude

1K 38 19
By PaintMeImperfect


So the man ain't my dad after all.
Why mama had to be a hoe?

Got me fawkk up over here chillin with a family I don't like, to chill with a nigguh I thought I was related to.

I sulk.

I did like the guy though....actually I love him...
But not in the way daughters love fathers....
I mean I think I might be in love with Joe.

"UGH! Shut that down Sage, a week ago you thought the man was your father, tha fuck?"kris says.Kris my main bitch who came down from Cali to see how I was doin', she been crashing with me at this fully furnished apartment I rented in Atlanta for my stay.For Joe.

I roll my eyes at her strapping my heels on.

"I just have really strong feelings for him, even though its weird that my mom use to fuck him. And FYI, he aint my dad so?"

Kris looked at me with her wild,mixed eyes. She is half indian, half Indonesian.

"Girl, okay, but what about this Destiny chick, didn't she like look past the fact you plotted with her ex to kill her, not to mention hold her son at knife point to give you a chance with Joe? "

"MY SON bitch, Mine! - he'll never be hers" I hiss.Kris holds her hand up defensively.

"Aight, aight, it"She says calmly.

I sigh.

"I didn't want to have feelings for Joe, I just do.And ion give a shit about Destiny's feelings either . She aint give a fuck about mine when she stole my son from me!-end of discussion."I grab my hand bag and Kris rolls her eyes at me.

Whatever maan.

"And Brandon? -You know he aint a softy no more right? -you do realize that the man is like a lion protecting whats his or whatever, so you having these feelings for his girls dad-"

"Could you shut the fuck up? -I aint about to act on my at least not tomorrow or the next day, I'll figure it out. AND YO ASS on my case ain't helping"I grit.

Kris sucks her teeth.

"Yo mama rollin in her grave bitch"

"Let's just go to this damn club"I grit.

"You need to calm tha fuck down, cause I aint driving with you under no temper child, I got kids."

"Oh and I don't? "I roll my neck.

She rolls her eyes and steps pass me to the door.

Damn Kris be putting her foot in her mouth too much tonight.

Closing the door behind me, a new thought opens in my mind.

What if he and I do end up together, I'd have to fight off Des and her mom....oh and her brother, that asshole.

Sounds tough.

But...shit, I always find a way to get what I want.


"Gretty, bae whatchu say you needed from the store again mamita?"I call out from the kitchen.

Gret was in the room putting Meadow to sleep and I was about to head to the store.

We had a huge argument last night....
About nothing...
The smallest things set us off, and I think it's stress, the baby, having to be prisoners in our own home because of my ex brother in law...its all a bit much.For her especially.

And since our argument lastnight,she's been locked in the room, using Meadow as an excuse to not come out.

I sigh.

I don't wanna go another day being upset with my Chica.
Shit don't sit right with me.

"Diapers and a few Gerber meals, no peach, she hates peach."She answers.

"Mamita, come out here for a second, please"

"Meadows not asleep yet"She says.

"Yea, it don't matter, will just be a sec"

I stand drumming my fingers on the counter, thinking on what to say to her.
She walks out, Meadow on her shoulder.Her hair up in a messy bun, and wearing my old white t shirt and some kaki shorts.

Her face was nil of emotions, but ampt up on attitude.

Ai yiy yiy!

She stands infront of me, waiting, and I just stare down at her, studying her.
She looks away from me and scoffs.

"Can we stop this?" I whisper, stroking her neck. "Not necessary mamita"

She sighs.

"Yea, well, you make me mad sometimes-"

"And I could say the same about you, but I wont throw that out there, cause I aint playing that blame game."I cut her off.

She sighs rollin her eyes at me.

"You love me?"I ask on impulse.

"Of course" She answers in the same second.

A smile itches the sides of my mouth.

"Good, cause im crazy about you Gretchen, and I want nobody else but you. So if we wanna stay together, no more yelling, okay...Im done with that, are you ?"

"I am Miguel, but it's just so hard sometimes, being a new mom, hard" She starts to cry and my eyes glossed just looking at her.

I hold her to me and hug her, repeatedly kissing the top of her head.

"It gets easier Gretty, just allow it to..stop tryna do everything perfect, your allowed to fuck up, that's cool, your a mom, not a doctor. "

Gretty let's out a heavy chuckle, against my chest.

"Why thank you...ass!"

I smile at her.

"Your welcome" I slap her ass and she jumps with a grin. "ASS"

And I find myself admiring her beautiful smile.It makes me feel so lucky...all those years of being the bad boy with a girl on ever block, sometimes in the same familia.
Not knowing why none of them could make one,
She on the other,
Some would put it...
'My other half'...I say she's my whole, cause I swear without Gretty im just that guy who served his country and has nothing much to show for it.Not even a peace of mind, given what I had to see with the experience.

I kiss her forehead and Meadow's.

"Ahh, okay mamita going to the store, we'll talk more when I get in"I say breaking the mood.

"Yes, okay Mig, be careful"

And as easy as that we were good again.


"Well Joe, I'm thinking its a good damn thing she aint your child.Des was putting your heart first, by letting Sage even be around us for a whole week, and that alone had me on edge the entire time-"

"Yea, I see you on that. Just that. ."He shrugs, seemingly disappointed. "Kinda wish she were my kid, after all that time talking to her, getting to know her, we kinda got close, do I trust her? A rough fifty percent I guess. BUT, like you said, I guess its a good thing shes not my kid."

We are in my in-house theatre watching Gridiron Gang. Joe wanted to chill, which I wasnt going to say nay to.
To chill is what we all need right now, plus I value the father in law, son in law talks.Easier to talk to Joe than Cornwell...or mother.
I haven't spoken to Mable since our trip, but with the two guards I have at their house working shifts, I keep steady contact.
I have guards at every ones house.
I feel like it's my responsibility to protect them.

Its been a week, and I'm starting to think Adonyjah has finally found something to do with his time.

"You hearin me?" Joe says breaking me from my own thoughts.

"Yea, yea..I'm here, I'm hearin you , I heard you" I ramble, caught off guard. WHAT WAS BE SAYIN AGAIN? OH YEA, SAGE."Just know its better for everybody that she ain't yours, Grace, Des, the kids, Miguel, dammit even me..."

Joe chuckles.

"Yow, yo ass be dodging alotta bullets this year."He laughs.''Would have been weird as hell for your kids to be cousins and brother and sister."

I smile, shaking my head....he sounding like Des now.

"I just hope I keep dodging em bullets this year Joe...And I hope I can protect you all...I need that to be possible-"I say, the seriousness in my voice, sending goosebumps on my own skin.

"You're doing the best you can son.If anythin happens, its no fault or yours.."He says squeezing my shoulder comfortingly.

I hear Joe, but im not sure i agree.
Sometimes I look back on the night we cornered Nyjah, and Miguel killed that girl Ray Ray...Nyjah should have died that night...
Would have saved us a lot of shit.

"By the way, how you and my daughter? -I dont ask much because I try not to get too involved with her person life, but yall been through it this year maan."Joe states concerned.

"Joe, all I gotta say is that even though we been through it, she hurt me, I hurt her, we been up and down and around.Alotta people and the media seem to like the drama in our lives and like talking bad mess about me and baby girl-but maan, at the end of the day we back together, and It's been great not having no more secrets, and it's great that we worked on us . Our kids needed that, we needed that."I take a breath, smiling to myself. "And to be honest, baby girl my rock maan, she...damn, she, she...she's just..."I chuckle at myself, lost for words.
Joe laughs, patting my back.

"Yea, I know, I know..don't bite yo tongue. "

"Damn, maan I'm so in love with your daughter, I'm bout to thank you for knocking Grace up twenty six years ago. " I laugh.

Joe was cracking up.

"Damn nigguh you should, shiiiiiit."

"Well then thank you." I smile.

"Yous somethin else kid. " He smiles, patting my back. "Im glad she ended up with the right man for her though. Im glad."

I smile to myself.Its good to hear that.

By the end of the movie Joe was snoring, loud as hell beside me, and I aint about to wake him.Letting him rest.

I hear my phone sound off.I got a message. Retreiving it from my pocket, I see that its Des.

MyReason *Baby, I dont know if your all done having weird guy time with my dad, but...I'm horny ;), get up here....orrrrr, you can stay with pops, its all goodie, I'll just fuck myself and go to bed*

My mouth is wide open after reading, and I can feel the pulse in my dick, drumming against the front of my jeans.

Damn Des!

I look from Joe to the text.

Oh hell no, Joe knows his way out here! He good!

I storm a text back to her.

*If you let those fingers anywhere near that cat while I'm seconds away from you under the same roof, aint no explaining with words the things ammo make you feel when I get up there :) *

I race from my seat to the elevator. Pressing the entry button it opens immediately and I make my way inside, and press the up button like it did something to me . The anxiety is real as hell right now.

The elevator finally close.

In a matter of seconds I was on our floor and I rush to our room, taking the steps two at a time.
Before I even get to the door I see Destiny, naked as the day, in a pair of red bottom heels.Her plump, round, stiff tits both pointing at me.I skim her body, already sexin her with my eyes.
Goddamn, her wide hips, fat cat and those legs....That body!
And it's been a week and some since I been inside baby girl too, this kinda stuff right here gonna give me a pre-cum issue in these boxers.
She smiles, flipping her waist length curls behind her.

"Come over here papi"She smiles, running her hands down the curves in her sides.

I think I was frozen in place, but then I realized my naked girlfriend just told me to get next to her. I start towards her and she stops me.I look at her confused and stop in my tracks.

"No, no, papi."She grins.

"Com'on now baby dont make me wait, I'm burstin through my jeans angel." I groan, pointing at my erected penis at the side of my jeans.

Her eyes meet my erection and I see her lick her lips. ..slowly.
Oh damn...shit that's sexy!..not helpin

"Get on your knees please" She smiles. "And crawl to me, slowly"

My eyes widen with excited and wonder and she looks from me to the floor with a smirk on her face.

Okay mam...

I drop to my knees, but I don't get on my hands.

"Uhm...get over here" She smirks.

" Nah, I think ammo challenge you a bit."I grin.

"Uh uh, this my game." She folds her arms, looking at me like she the boss.

She kinda was...but...

"I will, crawl to you...and do whatever you want me to."Her smile widens." But, I want us to be as nasty as possible once I take your fat ass into the room"

Des' s eyes catch fire as she processes my words....the operative word being NASTY.
I lick my lips, looking her up and down.

"So...start on them knees then" She calls me with her finger.

I was only just three arm lengths away from her, but I start crawling, looking up at her as I do. THE VIEW FROM THIS ANGLE AINT BAD AT ALL!

As I get to her, my face is inches below her fat, juicy cat and I'm feelings hungry....but this is her game, so I'll let her lead.

"I love it when your on them knees."She smiles, rubbing the top of my head slowly.

"Damn I love that shit too, and I'm feelin hella hungry too" I grin, grabbing her hips, sinking my face into her warmth.
I inhale, taking in her mouth watering scent.
The desire to stick my tongue deep inside of her was overwhelming was like putting cake Infront of a fat was like the thirst you feel after being stuck in the desert for month.

I was growing anxious waiting for her next move, her next order, but I think she's enjoying this...watching me pine over her cat.

My tongue was feeling caged behind my teeth, crying FREEDOM! FREEDOM!

Screw this.

Sinking my face between her legs, I trap her clit inbetween my lips and she gasps, balancing herself with hands on both my shoulders.

"Oh shit." She breaths, tilting her head back as I suck and lick on her.
Damn she tastes good

I want to feel her around my tongue.

I get both her legs over my shoulder and brace get back on the stair case handles, getting her cat directly over my lips, I stick my tongue in and out of her.

She gasps and moans loudly....too loud.
I can't give it to ner how she need to get it out here.

I stand with her on my face, walking us both back into our bed room.

God damn i was starving!

The dresser is the first thing I spot when I enter the room, and with one swift move on my hand, half the stuff on it were on the floor.Des prolly gon' kill me after she's sobered up and realizes I might have broken something really expensive. BUT whats not expensive on here?
Who cares, I have to get as much of her juices as I possibly can tonight!

Sitting her down on the dresser,she grabs my head and shoves her tongue down my throat, sucking on my tongue as it dances in her mouth.

"I taste good" She grins.

"Damn good." I whisper.

Her eyes were burning through me right now, making me hot.
I really wanna do some nasty, messy things with her tonight, but im running on limited time here, I mean, If Joe wakes up, I'll have to stop and go to him, we have business.
But...shit if all is is a half hour Im good, either way Des wont be walkin straight tomorrow.

I kissing her neck, slow and gently, sucking on her skin as I go. My finger making its way to her cat, rubbing against her yummy clit, whilst I have a finger deep inside her,.

She bites into my shoulder , sending signals all over my body.

I didn't fail to notice she had a pod of ice with a bottle of pink moscato in it over by the bed.

I leave her for just a second, taking four cubes of ice, putting one in my mouth, I walk back over to her with a smirk on my face as I see her writhing with need on the dresser.

I stoop infront of her, blowing the cool air from the ice in my mouth on her cat. Her moaning, accompanied by a flow of juices, oozing from her fat cake.

"This will be a little cold, but I promise it won't last long. "I say to her, kissing her thighs.

She looks down at me and nods, panting.

I spread her cheeks, exposing her pretty, pink, yummy cat.Finding her entrance, I force a cube of ice in.

She flinches, and my eyes shoot up to meet hers.

"Hurt? "I ask.

"No, no, its fine"She smiles.

"Don't lie if its not baby. "I kiss her thigh.

"Really, its fine, just cold. "

"Okay good, cause I got two more to go." I grin, forcing another one inside of her, she tenses.I kiss her thigh apologetically, and force in the last one.

"What now? " She asks curiously.

"Well, it's summer, and I'm hot...and it would be ludicrous to have a drink without ice." I grin up at her, her when widened with excitement.

I flick my tongue back and forth on her clit, fast, sucking and nibbling on it, occasionally sticking my tongue in and out of her.
She moans, grinding on my face, on to my head, sinking it down on her. Her loud moans make me know she ain't far from cumming.

"Oh sh-sh-shi-shit, oh Je-jeezus!" She stammers.

The more I suck, the warmer Inside her gets. ..and oh,
Here it comes...
Her cool juices oozing from her cat.

I open my mouth as wide as possible over her fatness, catching as much of it as I can.Des vibrates on my face as she cums and i drink up like a camel.

Kissing her stomach, her pants were all I could hear.I make my way up in between her breasts with a stupid grin on my face. As I get to her lips , I peck them, looking her in her tired eyes.

"Beat that."

"I don't think I can" She pants. "That was amazing"

I chuckle.

"Thank you" I smile, kissing her lips, making her taste how damn good she tastes. She captures me between her legs, pressing her cat on my steel hard dick printing out my pants.

"Damn..''She gasp, biting into my neck as we break our kiss."Why don't you give it what it what it wants? "

"I will...when you do me the honours of freeing it."I whisper.

"Well don't mind if I do"She grins, yanking at my belt and my pants in split second. Im impressed.

She reaches into my boxers and as soon as her soft hands meet my meat, I almost explode.

Shit...the anxiety.

I tense, taking off my shirt and stepping out of boxers and jeans.
Now we are both all skin.
I get my body back in between her legs, my dick resting on the crease between her leg and her hip. She grates her fingers down my abs.I love it when she does that.

"What do you WANT me to do to you?"

Her eyes meet mine and she smiles.

"If I may use this one cuss word ...I would like you to FUCK ME till i'm nauseous. "She says without blinking. She was serious, and so was I.

She wants to be FUCKED? I can do that...and she'll either love it or regret that she asked for it.

Without saying another word, I dress back and go forward, sinking all off my dick inside her with one plunge.
Flicking her head back,she gasps.
I raise both her legs up on tne dresser, spreading her wide, pressing her knees back as I force my hammer inside her, slamming hard, our skins slapping against each other as the dresssr hits against the wall.

She screams and into my sides, her breast moving up and down her chest, calling me to suck them til they are red.
I take one in my mouth.

"Oh damn, oh shit! -yes baby! Yes !" Des screams, this only feeds my energy to go harder.

"Like that?" I pant.

"Yes, daddy, like that papi aii!!"

The dresser is slamming so hard on the wall, i swear it breaking is a possibility, but right now this too good to stop.

Her warm, tight cat was blistering me, but I aint about to slow up. Nauseous she wants...

Lifting her off the dresser, i spin her around, grabbing both her hands behind her back and sinking into her again, digging inside her as I go.

For the first time since we've been on the dresser , I glimpse in the mirror to beautiful breast, pressed on the surface, and her red face, knitted up in unexplainable expressions.She was sexy, red and loud.

And me behind her, a Monstrous villain to her cat.

"Rrr ahh!!" I grunt as she pushes it back on me.

I can't hold out no longer.

"Cum for me baby, cum!" I grit, digging my fingers Into her ass cheeks.

"Ahh shit, right there, right there!" She pants.

"Gahh!! "I breath cumming all over her back.

Shit that was good!

Spinning around and dropping to her knees she takes my dick in her mouth.

I look down at her shocked and in a state of euphoria, as her warm tongue glides around the tip of my dick, cleanin my milk off.

Damm, Des gon' mess around and get my dick up again!

She stops, and looks up at me with a grin on her face, My nasty woman! -God, I loves her!

I smile down at her, pulling her up by her hands.

"Nauseous any?" I smirk.

Des drops in the bed and I drop beside her, using her ass cheeks as pillows.

"Well, ion know about that, but I do know you cant go back there for another few days, I think you sprained by coochie."

I bust out laughin.

"Spr- sprained? " I was dying with laughter.

"Shiit, its either its sprained or its pained, either way its out of use for now...damn, I think you even broke my body"She chuckles.

I kiss her ass.

"Well then, I wont even apologize, cause you asked for it. "I grin.

"True, and incase you were wondering, no...I don't regret it. "

I smile.

"Well didn't think you would. "

"Ice though?" She says reminiscent. "Lets keep it in our sex life for a few years" She grins, looking back at me.

I smile.

"Sure, Miss Destiny"

We lay there for a few minutes before Des is fast sleep.
I cover her naked body with the sheets and make my way to the bathroom for a quick shower...
Joe had to be up by now.


I'm woken by a cold splash of water to my face, and a piercing pain at the back of my head.

I jolt my hand up to touch where the pain was , but my hands are fuckin tied up behing the chair im on.

It doesnt take long for me to figure out who had done this, and the realization was burning a hole through me with anger.

"NYJAH!"I yell."Remmings get in here and face me like a man you pussy!"

What the fuck was this place? -the entire walling was wood and the floor was dirt.
Woods maybe? -an old shed?
The only light in this room was coming from a small window in the ceiling.

I hear chatter at the door and before I could inspect my scenery, I see hazel eyes peaking inside the room by the door.

"I heard my name...figured you needed company."He grins walking inside.

Seeing him, actually alive since the first plot to kill him,was surreal, and he's walking.....

"Why am I here Nyjah?" I grit. "WATCHU want fool?"

Pulling a chair up, he sits in font of me.

"Well that's easy brother." He smiles cheerfully, "I want them to come for you."

Fuck, I am bait!
And knowin , I familia, if they know where I am, then they will come for me...
They need not come here, near this psycho.

I need to divert him from that idea.

"Too bad Des and her boy and I dont speak-"

"Dont bullshit me, I've been watching yall for weeks, every house has one of my men there, just waiting for someone to slip up and leave their guards behind-thanks for being the idiot "He grins,

I shake my head.

"All this cause you lost my sister? -maan, love is a game, you win some, you lose some."

His smile melts off his face.

"I still love the bitch you know...and that's odd, after she chose lil nigguh over me-"

"You a crack head fool! -and even if she was ever gonna be back in your life it wasnt gonna be after you tried to kill her loco!"I rail in the chair.

"Guess we'll never know . And I guess since you basically live here now, I can let you in on a little secret." If my eyes could kill, he'd be in a body bag. "I dont plan on stopping until I kill someone for putting me through all this mess, losing my law firm, almost going cripple, had a hit man sent to kill me, so...whatever it takes, and I only have one compromise...if I kill one, then the other one gets to live..sounds fair?"

He was down right crazy....he don't even talk like he use to.
The nigguh coked out!

"Only problem with that is" He continues." If when I call them and tell em I want a trade, one of them for your life in one shows? -then you die. If one shows up, they die, you live. Simple...all they have to do is be good sports."

Suddenly I see him take his shirt off.

"Stupid fucker lay of the coke eh" I hiss."And stay away from mi familia!"

"Your family-i can remember when I was apart of that. .good times huh?"He grins."Damn fam, it's hot down here too and this where you staying."

I shake my head, this had to be a sick dream.

He takes his shirt off, throwing it over his shoulder.
I glimpse his tattoo on his chest that I hadn't noticed before.

Wait, shit I know that tat...he had Destiny on there he has a few lines going through her name.

"Leave em alone Nyjah, life goes on! -You win some and lose some, why you always gotta win? -is this a power trip for you?-fucking with peoples lives? -we all got kids, we all got lives away from YOUR issues bruh!" I GRIT.

"MAAN , fuck that, I ain't ask you shit.Shiitt ion give a fuck about em kids either."He hiss."Fuck em bastards."

Suddenly I see him take out a flip phone, and dial a number.

"Tell em who got you" He says seriously, resting his fun on his lap.

I spit on the floor, rage dripping off my face like sweat.
I hear Brandon answer.

"Hello ?" He says.

Nyjah cocks the gun and points it at my forehead.
I ain't saying shit!

"Talk mofucka!" Nyjah shouts at me,and if the look in my eyes didn't show him iont give a fuck, even with a gun pointed in my face, ion know what will.

"Nyjah?" Brandon says on the line.

"Mofucka I got Miguel over here, so if yall want him in a casket yall can go out about your day, But if you don't, ammo need either Des or yo ass to willing come get crucified or I kill everybody."

"Wait, what?-You have Miguel ?...shit!" He grits. "Nyjah leave him out of this!"

"Oh no, he got in this when he shot me in the leg...shit I should shoot his ass in the leg too! " He says, and without warning he shots me in my knee, my leg dislocates and bends back. The pain had me wailing.

"Nyjah you sick fuck -leave him!" Brandon grits on the phone.

"I will, after you give me your life, or hers...or you know what happens."Nyjah smiles hanging up.

The pain was too fucking real.

"Hurts like a bitch ain't it? " He laughs.

"Maan fuck you! "I spat.

He shakes his head grinning, and leaves the room.

Fuck, my knee!

Nyjah is crazy? -kill everyone? -if he doesn't get to kill Bran or Des....
If they come here to rescue me or attempt to, then they die anyway...and ion wanna lose them, but if they dont, me and everyone else Gretty..My daughter, mama and papa?!
How does anyone win here?

This is messed fucking messed up!


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