No Angel


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Mesmerizing. Hypnotizing. Enchanting. Those three words were the adjectives that were constantly listed off f... More



1.1K 67 12

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Demi, happy birthday to you!" The room full of her closest friends and some of the most popular people in the industry sang as Drake rolled a gigantic cake onto the stage. She clasped her hands together and smiled, closing her eyes to make a wish. She knew that it was cliché but she had everything that she could ever need right now and she didn't want anything else.

Demi opened her eyes and blew the candles out before throwing herself into Drake's arms because this had been his whole idea. He sent her out for the day with his Amex card to get pampered and then he met her for a quick dinner before taking her to her album release party where everyone surprised her. The album was still dropping tonight but now everyone was celebrating her birthday as well.

"Thank you. I don't think you know how happy you make me," Demi whispered into his ear before pecking his lips and then burying her face in the crook of his neck. Words couldn't even explain how happy she was at the moment. She was on a high that wasn't temporary. For once, it felt like this would last forever.

"Look at the screen baby, don't start crying on me now," he chuckled into her ear before she pulled away and looked at the screen where a video montage for her birthday was being projected. She didn't even know where Drake would get these videos and some of these pictures from the amount of work and thought he put into it almost brought her to tears.

"Drake, I lo-"

"Oh my God baby don't stop! Trey don't stop!"

Sean Anderson couldn't even recall when he had become such good friends with Demi. They had met in 2013 when she was on Glee with his ex-fiancée and all he could remember was getting a text from her everyday about what song she had listened to on his new album and why she liked it so much. She listened to a new song each day and sent an in depth summary of what she liked about the song. He found it weird and a little bit annoying but then he began to appreciate her little messages because she was talented and she knew good music when she heard it. And they had been friends ever since.

So watching the light drain from her eyes and the color drain from her face as she watched the video montage of her throughout the year transform into videos of her and Trey doing things that belonged on Pornhub made him want to kill whoever had ruined this day for her. Not only was it her birthday, but it was also her album release party. Who would wanna ruin that?

Demi watched in horror as all of her friends and her colleagues, people who respected her and held her in high regards, watched her get it on with someone else's boyfriend...with Trey. And what made it even worse was that he was there and Mila was standing right next to him with a smirk on her face, even though people's eyes were shifting between him and her, trying to decipher what was going on. Obviously they were both younger in the videos but it didn't matter because Mila and Trey had been together for a while and everyone knew that.

She opened her mouth to say something but what was there to say? She had denied her and Trey for so long...and now here was tangible proof that they did indeed have something going on and they weren't just close friends and she was a hoe for messing with a man with a girlfriend.

Her grip on Drake's arms began to loosen and she tried to wiggle out of his grip but he kept trying to hold onto her, reminding her of his promise to stay by her side but she didn't need that right now. Right now, she needed a first class airline ticket and a private island and some time to sort this mess out, time that she knew she didn't have.

"Let me go," she sobbed, finally pushing him off of her before running off of the stage and bolting to the back where she had dropped her things off. She haphazardly shoved the contents of her bag that had spilled all over the dressing room table back in there and threw it over her shoulder before picking a sleeping Lola up off of the couch and leaving the building through the back door. Max was already waiting for her so she got in and hugged Lola close to her chest before they zoomed away from the impending disaster. Worst birthday party ever.

When Drake finally managed to leave the party that had dissolved into a hundred celebrities gossiping and gasping and chastising the girl that they had come out to celebrate, the first place he went was Demi's house and luckily she was there, throwing clothes into a suitcase as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Baby, hey look at me, it's okay." Drake grabbed her hands to stop her from packing and then looked her in the eyes for a split second before she dipped her head and wiped her face with the back of her arm.

"It's not okay. It was supposed to be a good day, Drake. Everything is ruined. I can't stay here," Demi cried, walking into his arms as he rubbed her back and combed his fingers through her hair.

"Baby running away isn't the answer. I was joking about that whole Olivia Pope thing. You're just gonna come back to an even bigger mess," Drake reminded her as she released some heartbreaking sound between a giggle and a sob and he just held her even tighter than before.

"I can't stay here. No one is gonna respect me anymore. I'll be a joke, like the Monica Lewinsky of the 21st century," she replied, breaking free from his arms and continuing to pack her clothes up. She could move to a private island and dispose of her cell phone and live in peace for a little bit. How long would it take for this to all blow over? Three months? Six? Eight? She could stay away for that long.

"And you'll get ridiculed for staying with me, the stupid lying whore who was all up on her best friend's dick. I don't want your name to get dragged through the mud too." She slowed down her pace and slowly folded a shirt before placing it on top of the growing pile of clothes.

"What did I tell you before this all happened? I'm sticking by you no matter what, okay? I love you," he whispered against her forehead as she nodded. Earlier, before those stupid videos had started playing, she almost told him, almost spoke those three magic words against his lips but she was cut off. And now they were standing in the middle of her messy bedroom with no interruptions but the words were stuck in her throat.

"How about this? Instead of flying away to some private island like everyone will expect you to do, we'll stay locked in here. Just me, you, and Lola. And I won't make you leave or make you talk to anyone unless you absolutely want to. I know it's not a tropical island but you can't completely escape this baby," Drake compromised as Demi chewed on her thumb nail while nodding. A private island was pushing it but that was how desperate Demi was to leave. This was the last thing that she wanted to deal with.

There was no telling what time it was as Drake and Demi laid in her giant bed together, smoking the blunts that they had rolled but had never gotten to after their fourth round of sex. Both of their phones were off, all of the doors were locked and all of their blinds were closed...even the WiFi in the house was turned off but Demi was gonna turn it back on once Lola woke up.

"Do you think they let you smoke weed in heaven? Like does Jesus like to light one up while chilling at the right hand of God? Does that happen?" Demi questioned, fixing the satin sheets over her bare breasts as she rolled onto her side and looked over at Drake whose eyes were halfway closed and burning red.

"You're one of those deep high people," he said with a roll of his eyes as he playfully pushed her face away from him. The sexiest thing about them smoking together was the way that Drake's voice got all husky and raspy and deep. It was so sexy and Demi always wanted to keep him talking when he was high but he was never up for much conversation...just other things.

"What time do you think it is? I mean, we've been at this for a while now," Demi asked as she let the smoke roll out of her mouth and smiled at how it looked while it was in the air. It was like magic, beautiful in a way. She loved being high.

"Baby?" Demi gently nudged him but saw that he was out for the night, causing her to roll her eyes and put her blunt out. Drake told her not to but it had been a while since everything happened and she just wanted to know what was going on in the world. She could do that without WiFi.

She turned her phone on and as soon as that annoying black apple disappeared from the screen, a million notifications came in so she had to turn her phone off to not wake Drake up. Jhene had texted her about a million times and so had Sean and Chris and Trey but she didn't even open those messages. Her management and her publicist had been blowing up her phone but she didn't listen to those voicemails. She simply opened Twitter and typed her name in and what she found wasn't surprising at all.

@melaninhoe: Demi Lovato #1 thot in America rn

@ebonyluv: demi Lovato vs mila j. I've got $5 on Mila. 🙅🏾💀😂😂

@boxbraidgoddess: thought we had already established that Demi Lovato was a hoe?

@cthagod: that's some real thot shit, especially to be going around and lying about it for years.

@cthagod: gonna see if I can get her hoe ass on the show to clear this shit up...

@MilaJ: you wanna be BOLD af and be all up in my man's face anytime I'm around...

@MilaJ: but when the truth comes out you run and hide. Glad everyone finally sees your true colors.

@MilaJ: her pussy probably has more damn miles on it than a used car but that's none of my business. #whitetrash ☕️🐸

Demi exited out of Twitter and shut her phone off again, tossing it off the side of the bed before collapsing against her pillows and pushing her hair off of her forehead. So everyone on social media was calling her a hoe but wasn't saying a word about the part that Trey played in the situation. She hadn't expected anything else, which was why she wanted Trey to shut Mila up so bad before this could even get out but it was obviously too late for that. She was white trash but everyone would be looking at Trey as some type of God for keeping this a secret for so long and hitting two girls at once. She hated everything.

Later on in the morning while Drake was still sleeping, Demi was downstairs eating breakfast with Lola while exchanging emails with her team because she refused to come out for a meeting. She still wasn't leaving the house but completely ignoring everyone and pretending like this wasn't happening could only work for so long.

"I thought we weren't doing any of that stuff," Drake said as he came down the stairs rubbing his sore eyes. He kissed Demi's cheek before going to make some coffee as she shrugged and pulled one of her legs up against her chest.

"I can't just sit back and let my team handle all of this. On the bright side, my album went to #1 on iTunes...and so did the song that I did with Trey for it..." Demi said with a sad smile before focusing back on her computer. She and Trey had done a sexy love song together and of course after everyone finding out about their "affair" they just had to listen to it. Whatever. It was more money in her pocket.

"Glad you're seeing the bright side of things...what's been happening in the media so far?"

"Well Charlamagne is trying to get me to come in for an interview, people are betting on who would win in a fight: me or Mila, and Mila said that my pussy probably has more miles on it than a used car. If I was in high school I would use that as my senior quote," Demi joked with a snort as Drake tried to hide his chuckle because that was actually funny. But he wouldn't tell her that.

"Auntie Demi what's a pussy?"

"It's a cat sweetheart," Demi quickly answered as Lola cocked her eyebrow and dropped her spoon into her bowl.

"But you don't have a cat Auntie Demi."

"I know, she's so silly, isn't she?" Demi giggled as Lola nodded and continued eating her cereal. Demi didn't feel like cooking.

"We need to drag him through the dirt. That's the only way to get through this. We need to get him before he gets you," Phil, her manager, stated as her entire team sat in her living room debating how to handle this in the media. Some of the people on her team had quit but she didn't really care. That was less money she had to dish out on disloyal employees.

"We can say he drugged you, he seduced you, you weren't aware you were being recorded, he's been blackmailing you, SOMETHING. We have to pin this on him," Holly continued as Demi shook her head.

"Guys, we're not dragging Trey down. We're not playing dirty because he would never do that to me."

"Demi, have you ever thought about how his girlfriend got ahold of those videos in the first place?"

"Yes I've thought about it but it wasn't Trey. It's his reputation on the line too and I know he would never say anything that would make me look worse than I already do."

"And you know that because...?"

"He loves me," Demi quietly replied, which shut everybody up as they tried to come up with a new way to fix this mess. Frankly, all Demi wanted to do was go back to sleep but she couldn't do that because her career and reputation was on the line and everyone wanted answers that she didn't have.

I decided to just stop there bc there's more drama coming...believe or not. young and beautiful is next! leave me feedback pleeeaaassse

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