Ever After |all human| COMPLE...

By lordsasskins

53.6K 2K 567

| edwardxbella | A broken boy in Florida. A lonely girl in Washington. An anonymous chat room, where two lost... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Please read, friends๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
| Epilogue |


3.6K 118 75
By lordsasskins

A.N ; This chapter seems to drag a little, as I wanted to explain everything, this seemed like the best way. Read it, and let me know what you think! Every opinion matters.

Bella's POV. ~

'I want to meet you' This was my favourite. One hundred percent, absolutely. I pondered this message countless times over the days. Such a simple thing to say, yet it burned in my brain. It was the start of it. I'm no idiot, I know that there are disgusting pigs out there, but when my father suggested that I meet new people, well, stumbling across the site, it just happened.

There were no photos of him, I don't think I had once seen his face - but he hadn't seen mine either. I remember the day, specifically, several months ago. It was supposed to be a beautiful day, which is rare where I live, but to no avail, it started to rain. Therefore my plans of sitting on the porch reading quickly faded. I had been avoiding my father, as we had gotten into an argument a few days prior, he yelled, saying I needed to make friends, I countered telling him I had friends. Well, he wasn't having it.

I had spent the day in my room, reading, and listening to music, before I finally opened up my laptop. I spent a while scrolling through my Facebook feed, playing some random videos that came up - some were funny. Not laugh out loud funny, but, made me smile funny. However, I wasn't into those videos much, they were stupid, and a lot of the same thing. That's when it happened, I stumbled across a site, and decided to go for it.

I signed up, and when it came to the point it asked me for a photo, I hit skip, I didn't want some creep to reverse search me, but I got away with explaining if you're talking to people cause of their looks, you should keep going, because I wasn't into shallow pigs.

It was a few hours after I joined, I had gotten about thirty-five messages, most of them from douche-bags, asking me for pictures. Unflattering pictures, I felt most unladylike. My inbox dinged again, and this time, when I opened the profile, I wasn't completely disgusted. His various likes and dislikes intrigued me, he to, had skipped adding a photo, for seemingly the same reason I had. His first message made me smile oddly.

'shallow graves for shallow hearts, for pick-me-ups and fall aparts.' He quoted my favourite band, so nonchalantly. I hadn't mentioned this in my profile. We talked for hours on end that first night, we went days spending every moment chatting, and then it began to slow down. I message him early on in the morning, before I start my day, and lunch breaks and after school, we'd talk again.

I don't know his name, I don't know what he looks like. He told me once that his eyes were green. Other than that, we keep it all under wraps. But he was amazing - and after months of speaking to him, I didn't feel ashamed to say that I felt as though I was falling in love with him. I should, I know, who falls in-love with someone they'd never seen? or heard? worse again, who falls in love with people without knowing their name?

It all seemed right though. So very right. The day he told me he wanted to meet me, I had come home, and curled under my covers, I had been sad, I was tearing up, and I messaged him. I didn't even have to tell him that I was upset, he sensed it, and soothed me. I smiled when he'd said that to me. Of course, I wanted to meet him to, but I had no idea where he even lived, nor did he know where he could find me.

"Bella?" Alice caught my attention, shaking my arm. "whoa, distracted much?" Her grin was both worried and playful, and I shot her a look back.

"What are you thinking about right now? Is it him?" She pushed, leaning over the picnic table, her eyebrow arched.

"Yeah," I answered, catching my lip between my teeth, "It's him, he told me he wanted to meet me."

She stared at me for a moment, her gaze unreadable, before she finally shrugged, popping another forkful of her salad into her mouth. My eyebrow arched in response, she so clearly wanted to say something, but instead she kept it quiet. I loved my best friend, but sometimes she annoyed me.

"What?" I asked finally, trying to get some kind of response from her. "What are you thinking?"

"I just -" she paused, scanning our surroundings before continuing, "I want you to be careful, Bella."

"I know," I answered, my voice soft. "it doesn't hurt to be curious, that's all."

She offered me a smile, and glanced up as her boyfriend, Jasper, came jogging towards us. His hair flew back as he ran, and his cheeks were a shade of red, he grinned as he made his way toward us, before he plopped down at the table.

"Hey, pretty lady," he said to me before turning to Alice, "hey, my beautiful lady," He gave her a soft kiss on the lips, and I watched. Shamelessly wishing that was me - not with Jasper, of course, he's always been like a brother to me, but I wanted to be cared for, like Jasper cared for Alice.

"I have work," I said aloud, standing up from my spot and picking up my garbage. "call me later Al, okay?" she murmured a yes without even looking at me, and I made my way off the lot. I wondered around the parking lot until I came across my truck.

The drive to work was boring, but of course, driving alone usually is. It's okay when there's someone here, but being alone, trying to focus on the road, in all actuality, was very tiresome. I wound up being a few minutes early, which was always nice, so I parked, and turned on my radio, tucking my legs underneath myself to check my messages.

Of course, I was looking for one in particular. I got it, and my heart sunk.

'I won't be around for a few days, I'll message you as soon as I get the chance.'

Why it upset me, I don't know. I spent seventeen years of my life not talking to him, I'm sure I could last a few days. I typed a quick reply and headed into Brown's, the local restaurant and inn that I worked at. Part-time and some weekends, I wasn't hauling in the big bucks, but for now, it was good, and the tips are fantastic.

"Bonjour, Bella," Steven, a regular customer said to me as I pulled my apron around my hips, tying it securely and tucking the notepad inside the little pocket. I smiled at him, he was an older man, wrinkles covered his face, and he had years of wisdom dancing in his eyes, his head was balding, and what little he had left was pure white.

"Bonjour, Steve." I replied, leaning over the counter, grinning widely, "are you enjoying your coffee?"

He shrugged once, leaning forward a little bit, and speaking loud enough for my boss, and co-worker, to hear ; "It tastes better when you make it."

My boss, Kyra, a girl only a handful of years older than I am, laughed. "That's why we keep her around, Steven, as long as you're alive, we got great business coming in."

He grinned and winked her way, while his son, Derek, a man in his early thirty's, came up behind him and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Translation ; thanks for not dying today." Derek smirked at his elderly father.

"Well, if it's okay with you lot," Steven murmured, a sly smile appearing on his face, "I'll try not to die tomorrow, to."

"If you didn't come in, I'd have no reason to come back to work," I told him, sliding a cup of coffee his way, "you're the best part of working here."

He blushed softly, and took a sip, moaning slightly in appreciation, he turned to talk to his son, and I got to work. Three and a half hours later and I was headed home, 48 dollars in tips and completely satisfied. I was tired enough to pass out at the red light. But I made it home, and surprisingly up the stairs and into my bed.

However, I don't remember a moment of it.


I woke up feeling really well rested, still fully dressed, I stretched, a long breath escaped my lips, and I rolled over onto my stomach. I curled into my pillow, unlocking my phone quickly to see if I'd gotten a message from him.

Nothing. Of course, I expected that. He'd told me he wouldn't be around. I glanced at the clock, nine on a Saturday. It was times like this I wish I had the ability to fall back asleep, but I didn't. Since I was a little girl I couldn't sleep in, no matter how late I went to bed, no matter how tired I felt, and as long as the sun was shining, I couldn't sleep.

I rolled back over onto my back, before pushing myself onto my feet - might as well get a start on the day, I suppose. I took my clothes off, standing in just my bra and underwear, I picked up my bathrobe and wrapped it around myself. I walked to the bathroom and started the water for the shower, making it as hot as I could handle. I needed to relax.

I hung my robe on the hook, and stripped before climbing inside the shower. Resting my hand on the wall, I lingered under the hot water for a while before I actually started to wash.

The water just felt amazing on my skin. I washed my hair and body thoroughly, but by the time I'd gotten out, the water had started to turn cold. I dried quickly and got dressed ; I'd picked up an extra shift at Brown's.

I had a few hours to get there, but I'd like to be able to relax for a while before I had to go. The earlier I was ready the longer I'd have to relax, in my opinion.

So, once dried and dressed, I grabbed my favourite book, wuthering heights and my phone, and walked downstairs, I sat back in the recliner in the living room, and began reading.

I could get lost in this book, time and time again. It never failed. This time, however, I'm not sure I actually did. I turned the page, my eyes scanned the words - but I'm not sure anything processed with me.

I gave up, laying the book aside, I curled my fingers around my phone, lifting it to my chest as I stretched out in the recliner and unlocked it. I had a text, from Rosalie.

"Bell, u free today?"

"Working in a few hours, why?"

"I need to speak w u."

"Talk later?"

She didn't answer me after that, I sighed. Flicking on my TV, and scrolling through the channels.


The hours passed quickly once I got interested in a show, and now I was on my way to work. My bag in the front seat next to me, and the radio blaring. I drummed my fingers along the steering wheel, and sang along with the words.

Coming down the street, I stopped at the redlight, and glanced to the side, there was a car next to me, I'd never seen before, it was a small town, usually everyone knew everyone. I pursed my lips, pondering it for a moment.

Someone blowing through town, perhaps? Whatever. The light turned green, and I proceeded, arriving at work a few moments early, as I always did. I pulled down the visor in my car, using the small mirror as I put my hair up into a tall ponytail, before I opened my door and headed inside.

The moment I walked in, I knew it was going to be a busy day. The place was packed. I quickly tied my apron around my hips and grabbed my pad.

"Oh, Bella, I'm glad you're here." Kyra said, coming from the back, looking completely clustered, "if you wouldn't mind, tables 2, 5, 8, and 9 haven't been seen to yet."

"Sure thing," I murmured, taking a deep breath, and mentally preparing myself before quickly getting to work.


Three hours in and I was exhausted, I'd gotten some pretty great tips, and business was starting to slow down - and by slow down, I meant there were two tables still occupied, and a handful of people sitting at the counter.

I was gathering up dirty dishes from the tables, and chatting up a friend from school, when I heard the phone ring.

"Uhm, sorry, Mike, I have to get that." I murmured, pulling the wireless phone out of my apron pouch. "Brown's restaurant, Bella speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hello, Bella," a velvety soft voice replied, "I was wondering if I could place an order?"

"Sure thing," I murmured, pulling out my notepad and my pen, "Go ahead,"

"Can I get a large pizza, extra sauce, with everything on it, please?" He asked,

"That's pick up?" I wondered aloud as I wrote down his order.

"Indeed," he answered simply. I walked back to the back of the dinner, into the kitchen, and pinning up the paper on the clip, pointing to it for the chef.

"Your name?"

"Cullen." He answered.

"Okay, that'll be twenty minutes." I told him, moving back to the tables and picking up the tray of dishes, carrying it back.

"Sounds good, see you soon, Bella." click. He was gone. I slipped the phone back into my pocket, and placed the dishes by the sink in the kitchen, then went to tend on the rest of the customers.

"I'll take a tea, three sugar, three milk, please." I heard a familiar voice say, I spun and grinned at one of my best friends - Rosalie.

"You didn't answer my message earlier," I told her as I poured her tea, and mixing it how she liked.

"Yeah, well, I figured this is a smarter idea than asking you in private." She murmured, taking the tea from my hands and taking a small sip.

"Asking me what?" I murmured, narrowing my eyes in suspicion.

"Alice and I have decided we were going to throw a party," she told me, tipping her head to the side. "We of course want our favourite Bella to come."

"I'm sorry, do you know any more Bella's?" I questioned, leaning against the counter.

"Nah, we don't need any more Bella's. We got a pretty great one." She teased. "Are you coming?"

"You know I hate party's." I reminded her, shaking my head, "why are you doing this to me?"

"Please?" She asked softly.

"Ugh, fine, but don't think I won't -" I paused, glancing up as something caught my attention. I looked out the window, seeing the same thing I did earlier. The car from the red light.

The silver Volvo. It parked out across from the door, and I licked my lips out of curiosity as I watched to see who'd get out.

The door opened, and a man got out. He was wearing black jeans, and a blue v-neck shirt, with a leather jacket over that. His skin was pale, and his hair was a bronze colour.

He looked up, meeting my gaze, and grinning, before he made his way inside the restaurant. He came right up to the counter, and placed his hands on the wood.

Gosh, he was cute. He smiled at me once again, his teeth showing this time.

"Are you Bella?" He questioned.

"I am," I murmured, moving away from Rosalie to stand in front of him. " and I'm assuming you're Cullen?"

He laughed and shook his head. "Edward, Edward Cullen."

"Right," I mumbled, turning around to get his order off the back counter, when I turned back, he was staring at his phone, his lips pursed. "What's up, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I, uh," he chuckled, "I've been messaging this girl, I just moved here, and I messaged her earlier when I had the chance but she hasn't replied, she's usually pretty quick."

"Sorry to hear that," I told him, kindly. Of course a man like that would have a girl, I shook my head. "So you're new in town, will you be attending forks high?"

"Looks that way, yeah." He murmured, slipping his phone into his pocket. "How much do I owe you?"

"Oh, uhm," I paused, "that's $23.50"

He pulled out his wallet and opened it up, pulling out a 50 and handing it to me.

"Keep the change," he told me, taking the pizza and winking at me before heading out.

"Funny," I said, turning back to Rosalie, "dad never said anything about a new family moving into town."

"I don't know," she bit her lip softly, "I never heard anything."

"Whatever," I shrugged, getting back to work. I still had a few hours to go, and the day seemed to begin to drag.

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