He Changed My Life (One Direc...

By florhoran1d

9.1K 153 17

Anne is just a normal girl, she moves to London to be with her best friend and also to study. She's 18 and lo... More



1.6K 15 1
By florhoran1d


This is a really boring party, i've been by myself for an hour. I know i'm not very sociable,but this can't be any more awkward. I am in a little balcony at the front of this house. I'm a little mad at my friend Karla, because she said this would be an incredible party, and she would be with me all the time, but as soon as she found her old friends, she forgot about me.

As boriness is taking over me, i decide to play pacman on my iPhone. I could go to my house now, but i don't even know where we are and it's very late, so this means i'll be here for many more hours.

"pacman is a really good game" I almost fall off my chair, i was too focus on the game that i didn't notice someone is next to me.

"Sorry for scaring you, it wasn't my intension.... oh, i'm Harry" The stranger says.

"Hi...i'm Anne" I introduce myself.

"Anne, why are you here alone and playing on your phone? Why aren't you enjoying the party?"

"First: i don't know anybody in this house, only my friend Karla; and second: i don't really like parties, i prefer staying home, watching movies."

"Then why are you here?"

"Karla, my friend, said it was going to be a really cool party, but it's not my type of party, I guess..."

"You are just like Niall..." He says


"You haven't noticed who am I?"

"Hummmm..... Your face looks familiar to me, but I can't remember where I saw you.." I admit.


"...Humm are you an actor?"

"No, well I had to, once. But my main profession is singer. Haven't you heard about One Direction?"

"Oh yeah! You are from that band! I saw a video on Youtube the other day. I like your music."

"Thanks, and aren't you a Directioner?"

"What's that?"

"A fan of One Direction...."

"Oh no. I just like your music, but it doesn'y get to the point I die over you" He chuckles.

"That was funny"

"Is true! All your fans are like crazy about you and... They really crazy.... Aren't you afraid of what they might do?"

"Not really, they are just in love wih us, but I think they respect us."

"I would be that crazy if I ever go to an Ed Sheeran concert" I comment.

"So you are a fan of him?" He asks me.

"Totally, I love all his music... He is just perfect"

" I like his music too, actually he's a good friend of mine" He proudly says. ".... And where are you from? Let me guess... NYC?" He says.


"Hummmm.... How about Florida?"


".... Texas?"

"No, you'll never guess..."

"Are you from another country that is not US?"


"Hummm.... You're clearly not British.... oh, Canadian?"


"Ugh, I give up"

"I'm Mexican"

"I was about to say that!" I laugh.

"You were close"

"And why are you here in London?"

"It's a very long story"

"It's a very long night"

"Ok... As soon as I finished High School, I decided to study Comunication, I would be studying in Mexico, but my friend Karla was here working. As I mised her, I came here to study. It's been two years now."

"And do you like London?"

"Love it! It's been a very cool time." I admit, but i'm not really convinced if it.

"Don't you miss your family?"

"I do, a lot. I tallk with them by Skype, but is not the same as having them next to you"

"Happens the same while I'm on tour. But when I'm with them I spent as much time as I can"

"I wish they could come, but the tickets are very expensive and right now my parents are working. They might come in June, but I'm not sure"

"And how about school? When do you finish studying?"

"In like 14 months, and then face the real world"

"Have you thought about where are you gonna work?"

"Not really, but i'd love to work on the radio. I've always been so curious to see how it looks like inside. But i'm sure I won't work there 'cause is very difficult."

"I'm surre one day I'll be hearing at your radio station."

I didn't realize i've been talking with Harry for almost 2 hours. I look at my watch and it's almost 3 in the morning.

"You want to go?" He distracts me from my thoughts.

"Yes, but I'll have to wait for my friend 'cause she drove me here and it's very late and I don't even know where am I" I growl.

"I can take you home, if you want" He offers.

"Thanks, but I don't wanna bother"

"Don't worry, I wanna help you because I really like you. You are a fun girl"

As unexpected, I blush. It's definitely because of the compliment. I'm not used to this. Especially coming from a good looking guy like Harry.

He notices but he only smiles and we head to his car. I say goodbye to Karla who is totally wasted. Some girls take a photo with Harry.

Harry opens the door for me an then he walks to the drivers seat. I immediately recognize the song from the radio.

mamaaa, just killed the man, put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead....

I start singing quietly, Harry notices and he starts singing too. When the chorus comes, we both sing (screamed) at the lyrics.

I see a little silhouetto of a man, Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the Fandango....

We sing all the ride home, meanwhile I am thinking that I didn't realize I am friend of a super star now. I've always thought famous people was selfish, but Harry has been a really nice person so far.

We pull at my apartment and Harry walks with me to the front door.

"Thanks Harry. It's been a pleasure talking to you and meeting you. I thought you were selfish but you are really nice" I regret the last words.

"Thanks. I really like talking to you. Oh, can I have your number?" He asks me.


We exchange numbers and then I go inside. I am really tired so as soon as I change into my pajamas, I go to bed.

I wake up by my ringing phone. I have 3 messages and 2 missed phonecalls.

*hi Anne*

*Sorry if I wake you up*

*I was wondering if we can meet this afternoon*

The texts are from Harry, I text him back saying yes, and he sends me the address of the restaurant we are meeting.

The phone calls are from Karla. I know she would be sleeping, so I get a shower, put a pair of skinny jeans and my lakers t-shirt, and go to Karla's apartment, which is 2 blocks away.

Karla opens the door, I am impress because I thought she would be sleeping, but she is already dress.

"Hi! I thought you were sleeping, that's why I came" I say.

"I have a terrible hangover, let's go to Starbucks for some coffee" He drags me outside.

We walk to Starbucks, Karla orders two strong coffees and I order a Mocha, my favorite.

"Hey, I saw you yesterday with Harry.... You cheeky girl" She starts the conversation.

"We were just talking!"

"Whatever! At least, did you have his number?"

"Yes... He even texted me this morning asking if we can meet this afternoon" I say.

"He definitely likes you! You lucky girl!" Karla raises her voice.

"Shut up! He doesn't like me! We're just friends"

"We'll see"

We spend more time at Starbucks than i expected, and when i see my watch i see is time to go to meet Harry. Karla goes back to his house.

I head to the adress Harry sent me and it isn't a restaurant, it is actually a house, a really nice house. I ring the bell and Harry appears at the door.

"Hi Anne. Come in" He greets me.

"Hi Harry. Is this your house?" I ask, amazed.

"Yeah, do you like it?"

"It's really nice"

Then we walk to the living room and all the other members of One Direction are here. The blonde one catches my atention, he is devouring a pizza, and his blue eyes make contact with mine. It is hypnotizing.

"Guys, this is Anne, the girl I told you about" Harry introduces me.

"Hi" I say, shyly because all eyes are on me and I don't know what the boys think about me.

I take a seat in a single couch next to Harry.

"So... how old are you Anne?" The boy with lots of tattoos on his arm asked me. I really like them, they are random but they look good.

"I-i'm.... 19"

"I'm Zayn, by the way" He adds.

"Nice too meet you Zayn. I really like your tattoos."

"Oh thank you"

"I really like the microphone"

"I like that one too" The brown eyed guy says. He seems to be a really nice guy.

"I'm Liam"

"Nice to meet you Liam, oh you have a tatoo too"

"I actually have three" Liam shows me his tattoos, his are not really cool but I like them.

When the guy with red pants introduces himself, Louis, I realize the blonde one is still eating, and he is eating like he hasn't eaten in years. When he sees me staring at him, he blushes and eats all the food that is on his mouth.

"Sorry, but Niall loves to eat and he was starving" Harry tells me.

"I totally understand it, when you are hungry all you wanna do is eat an entire table with food. I remember one time, I spent all day doing some charity work and when I arrived home at night, I ate 2 big pizzas, like 4 hot dogs and lots of coke. But the next day I had to go to the gym for hours."

"Then you love food"

"I do, but I try not to eat much because I get fat. What amazes me is that if you Niall eat like this everyday, you must have a great metabolism or you go to the gym"

"Hummm.... I've tried to go to the gym but i guess that isn't for me. I just might have a good metabolism" He says with food on his mouth.

After a long conversation we eat at the table. It is a spaguetti and then pizza. To my right is Harry and in my left is Niall. I can't stop looking at him eating, he really enjoys his food, I've never seen someone enjoyin his food like Niall. He has catchup all around his face but I think it would look weird if I clean it. All the boys are already finished, it is only me and Niall at the table. When I take my plate to the kitchen and i go back to the table , Niall is still there but he has finished. He still has catchup all over his face, so I take a towel and I clean his little red cheeks. I think he blushes and backs off. I kind of blush too and go back to the kitchen, where the other boys are.

"Why are you so red Anne? Are you ok?" Harry comes closer to me. That makes me blush more.

"I-i... I just... I saw Niall's face with some catchup so i wanted to take it off, but as soon as the towel touched Niall's face.... He back off and... I think he is mad at me"

"Did he blushed?"


"Then he's not mad at you, he's a little bit shy with women"

Right after, Niall comes inside. He is looking down, and he just puts the plates on the table and goes back to the living room.

I help washing the dishes, and i go back to the living room to watch tv.

When I am on the couch, I feel my phone vibrating, Jason's name appears on the screen. I walk to the hallway to answer.

"Hi Jason, how are you?"

"Fine thanks... I was wondering if you want to go to the cinema tonight?" He offers.

"I'd love to, yes."

"Awsome, then I'll pick you up at 7:30 at your apartment,is that ok?"

"Yeah, see you then. Bye"


I go back to the living room and Zayn is already asleep on the couch I was sitting, so now I have to take a seat next to Niall and Liam. Niall is eating skittles, my favorite ones.

"Oh, I love skittles" I whisper to him.

"You want some?"

"Yeah, thanks"

As soon as Niall says that, all the boys look at us with open jaws.

"Is... something wrong guys?" I ask them.

"No...just... keep eating"

I eat my skittles while I watch futbol. Liam leans over to me to tell me a secret.

"Niall never shares his food" He whispers.

"Oh" I find myself speechless. I don't know what else to say, I'm confused.

"And sorry if I was rude with you" Niall whispers to my ear after some minutes.

"Don't worry, I understand it was weird for you, I won't do it again" I apologize.

"It's ok. You want more skittles?"


"I see you like basketball, I like lakers too" Zayn tells me. I didn't realize when he woke up.

"I'm a big fan of basketball. I dream of going to a Lakers game"

"Me too. One day we'll go..."

"And do you play basketball?"

"Of course! Well it's been a while I don't play it, but I was on the school's team"

"Wow! I suck at basketball"

"You suck at everything Zayn" Louis yells at him.

"Shut up Louis"

"Louis is wrong Zayn. You don't suck at singing... I mean you sing amazing" I say to make him feel better.


"Then who do you think has the best voice?" Louis is definitely asking me this because he wants to be the best.

"Well you all have beautiful voices..."

"You have to say just one" He pushes me.

"...I can't say one, because all you are talented boys"

Louis gives up on asking, I look over my phone and see it is almost 7 p.m.

"Well guys I have to go now because I have to see someone. It was a pleasure to meet you. I had an amazing time." I say as i stand up.

"We like you too, specially Zayn because you said he has an amazing voice" Louis comments.

"You have an incredible voice Louis"

"You think that?"

"Of course!"

"And... Did you bring your car or...?"

"I don't have a car, I'll take a taxi"

"No,no, no. I'll drive you back home" Harry suggests.

"Don't wory Harry, I can go in a taxi"

"No, i'll take you"

When I am at the door, Liam stops me.

"Anne... Can I have your number? Is not for me, it's for Niall but he's too shy to ask you"

"Oh, yeah...." He types my number in his phone.

"I'm gonna give you all of our numbers. You already have Harry's right?"


"Well so I'll give you Zayn's, Louis', Niall's and mine" I hand him my phone.


"You can text us any time, specially Niall" He gives me my phone back.

"... Okay"

Harry is already waiting for me in the car, it's so kind of him to drive me home.

"Sorry for taking a little bit, but now I have all of the boys numbers" I apologize.

"Even Niall's?"

"Why is everybody saying something related to Niall!?"

"You didn't notice?"

"Noticed what?"

"Humm.. nothing forget it"

"No, now you tell me"

"I think you're gonna be a good friend of him, once you get to know him better, you'll see"

All the rest of the ride, we don't say a word. I am kind of overwhelmed because I've never liked boys. I mean I'm not used to make friends this easy, but I guess the boys are different and that's why I like them.

We arrive at my apartment, I say good bye to Harry and i walk inside.I hurry to get ready to see Jason. Minutes later, the doorbell sounds and Jason is here. I go for my purse and get in Jason's car.

"How've you been Anne?" He asks me.

"Fine, I had a really good afternoon" I admit.

"And why's that. You sound really happy"

"I .. Had some new friends. They are really nice"

"So you spent your afternon with them?"

"Yes, just eating, talking and watching tv"

"Speaking of watching, what movie do you wanna watch?"

"I really want to see Skyfall"

"Are you sure? Don't you wanna watch Warm Bodies or The Vow?"

"No romantic movies today, I feel, like watching 007" I exclaim.

"Then Skyfall is the movie"

We buy the tickets and buy pop corn. Our seats are on top of the room. I have to admit I'm kind of nervous to be here alone with Jason. He has been acting a little bit weird towards me, right now he's in the position if I get distracted he holds my hand. But I choose this movie because in a romantic one he would've have kissed me!

I really appreciate Jason's friendship, because I remember my first day of school...

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