Discontinued: To Be A Queen (...

By senddowntheangels

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Squeal to The Time I Became Queen. (Please read that first or you'll be lost the entire story) Sayuri Mika M... More

Prologue: One year Later
To Be A Hated Kingdom
To Be Changed
To Be A Son
To Be A Secret
To Be A King: The Last Cigarette
To Be A...
To Be Helpless: Cold
To Be Apart Of Kage
Preview: To Be An Alliance Leader
For To Be A Bachelor
To Be An Alliance Leader And A Truth Is Revealed!
Bachelors Part One
Bachelors Part Two
Bachelor Part Three
Bachelor Part Four
To Be A Must Read!
To Be A Prince: The Beginning of the Cursed Eye
To Be A Prince's Light
To Be Invited
To Be An Update
On Hold
To Be A Princess: The Nightmare
To Be Exhausted: Preview
Not a Promise
To Be Exhausted: The Kiss With A Cut
To Be A Flower
To Be Haji
To Be Haji: Fail
To Be Caught-To Be Betrayed
To Be Rin Images
To Be A Knight:Preview
To Be A Knight: Unwanted Hero
Introduction: Enter Haru Bert'Haven !
To Be A Watcher
To Be Revealed: The Betrayer
To Be Ill
To Be The New
The Time I Became Queen

To Be The Light

1.6K 70 13
By senddowntheangels

Chapter dedicated to Smile_More_I_Like_It for editing a picture for the story! It's on the side.

When they got back to the village everyone was shocked and over joyed and amazed. Asuma died and is now back, alive, walking, smiling, breathing. Kurenai had rushed over to him the moment she saw him, in tears, happy that he was alright than she glomped onto Haji who Kakashi now carried, as well as lectured him. Lets just say Haji had gotten many lectures on his way back to the village and he'll receive more that is certain.

"I'm tired," Haji mumbled into Kakashi's shoulder as they walked to their home. Haji glanced at Kakashi when he didn't respond, a slight glare was in his eye, "Are you mad at me for bringing him back..."

Kakashi sighed, "No...and yes. I'm happy that my friend and fellow ninja is back, but I'm not happy that to bring him back had to potentially coast my child's life."

Haji looked away, "...I see..."

Sensing the era from Haji, "But,... no I'm not made... just sad."

Haji tilted his head, "Sad?"

He nodded, "It saddens me that I wont be able to stop you from saving others. You care deeply for everyone else's emotions and physical health that you forget to, on purpose or not, care about yourself. I can't protect as much as I'd like to think I can, especially when you leave the village to go to Hideyoshi. Who knows what could happen to you, you may one day bring back a life resulting in the end of your own and... I wouldn't know until days after.... That's what saddens me..."

A few days later

Saskue had defeated Orochimaru consuming his chakra and suppressing it into his body. Now he traveled with a swords man named Suigetsu, a girl named Karin and another man named Jugo.

"From now on we four travel as one," Sasuke announces, "And our group will be known as "Snake". Snake only has one purpose, Itachi Uchiha."

They four started traveling when Sasuke changed directions remembering something, "Why did we change directions, Sasuke?" Karin took notice.

"I have something to take care of and this will also be a pit stop for now..." After a few hours they came in front large blue and white gates with guards posted on each side of the gate doors, hundreds of civilians walking around, happy, inside.

"Whoa, this place is huge!" Suigetsu said glancing in his eyes widening, "Is that a castle!"

"Halt! State your name and purpose," one of the guards pointed his sword at them the other merely glancing up when he caught Sasuke's eye.

"Go on in Uchiha, but you might have to wait awhile she left a few days ago," the second guard ushered them in.

Sasuke nodded and walked through the gates the other three confused.

Sakura and Naruto were in the Hokage's office with Jiraiya and Kakashi when Naruto noticed someone missing, "Hey, where's Haji? Shouldn't he be here to?"

Kakashi side glanced at them when they stared at him, "He was called back to Hideyoshi by the Queen so..."

Naruto growled and crossed his arms, "That isn't fair! Haji is part of the Leaf Village and should be here not with some half-ass 'family' members!" he air quoted.

Haji was now in King Hiroko's old study standing on top of a large transportation scroll he had set up before he left to bring Asuma back to life. Haji transformed back into Sayuri wearing a long gray laced dress, Kakashi's words never leaving her thoughts.

'Who knows what could happen to you, you may one day bring back a life resulting in the end of your own and... I wouldn't know until days after...'

Sayuri sighed walking toward the door and up to the throne room when she sensed one familiar chakra signature and three she didn't recognize in a conference room. She made her way to that room saying her greetings to anyone who she had seen in the halls before getting to the door that lead to where they were at. Osuma, Riko, Mamoru Akio and Batya with them as well.

"I see you brought friends this time, Sasuke," Sayuri shut the door behind her and analyzed the group before making eye contact with Sasuke, "What can I do for you today?"

"Who's she Sasuke?!" Karin asked pointing at the confused Sayuri with jealousy, Suigetsu had a slight blush on his face while Jugo stared in amazement.

"This is Queen Sayuri, she is a friend of mine. Sayuri this Karin, Suigetsu and Jugo they are my comrades," Sasuke gestured to them each.

Sayuri smiled, "Well, I am happy to meet you all and hope you are comfortable with your stay while in my home," she thought for a moment, "We have plenty of room for each of you here, oh! I should tell the cooks that we are having guest to night, do any of you prefer-"

"Sayuri," Sasuke interrupted with a serious tone.

"Hey don't think you can interrupt the Queen you brat!" Riko yelled glaring at Sasuke.

She stared at him confused and waited for him to go on, "Orochimaru is dead and I killed him."

The Hoshi's eyes widened in shock snapping their heads to Sayuri, her eyes were covered by her hair as she stared wide eyed at the floor.

"I-I see..." her right arm ached and her left hand shook, she turned to the door, "Well, I'm afraid I have a handful of things to do and I wont be able to make it to dinner. So if you'd excuse me..." she gripped onto the handle to leave. This was also part of the agreement between Sasuke and Sayuri being spy's, all fighting and killing would be left to the person who seeked the revenge. For instants: Sasuke kills Itachi and Sayuri kills Orochimaru.

"Sayuri-" Sasuke stood.

"My compassionate offer still stands, you will always find open arms here in Hideyoshi," everyone's eyes were now on her, concerned and weary. "But our deal has shattered-"

"Sayuri if you'd let me-" Sasuke made his way over to her.

Her grip on the door knob tightened breaking it, she tossed it harshly to the side it snagged it's self deep into the wall making everyone stiffen she still faced away from them. "The deal was severed the moment you attempted to kill that bastard," Sasukes eyes widened him being the only one to see Sayuri's eyes and at her words, "When you lose control of his chakra and he begins to take over while I am in your presence," she walked out of the door, " I will not hesitate in killing him even if you're soul is still there," she slammed the door, the windows and walls cracking.

"We sure got stuck with some lousy weather, eh?" Kakashi remarked to the rain.

Naruto shouts, "Everyone move out!"

"Actually, I think the rain might help our resident hot head cool off," Kiba laughed.

Kakashi, Captain Yamato, Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Shino, Hinata, Kiba and Akamaru stood in the rain in front of the Leaf gates.

Sayuri stood in front of the window of her bedroom holding her arms as she shook, Sasuke and his team were heading out of Hideyoshi stopping to pick some food and other things up before they were out of the Kingdom. She stared out of her window until she could no longer feel their chakra signatures. She gritted her teeth as tears left her eyes uncontrollably.

Knocks on her door echoed through the room and signs that the people on the other side tried to get in but the door was locked.

"Queen Sayuri, please let me in," Batya's voice was muffled through the door.

"What happened? Did those dumb asses make her upset of something?!" Mari yelled outside the door as she started to pound on the door, "Hey! Tell me where thy went, I'll kick their asses!..." Sayuri blocked out their voices her tears drying automatically when they started knocking.

She dropped her arms to her side before she walked over to her bathroom and showered with them still trying to get in her room. Once she had finished her shower an hour later, she came out with a robe on, her hair in a dripping mess in her arms, Ko, Nori and Lady Ume bowed to her, them having a key to her room. Batya and the others in her room as well. Nobuo blushed seeing her in just a robe turning away quickly as did Osamu, Akio and Mamoru.

"Let me dry your hair for you M'lady," Lady Ume gave her a kind smile.

"It's fine..." Sayuri twisted her hair using a wind and fire justu it became intently dry. She looked to Osuma's back, "Lord Osamu, we will speak in a few minutes about what you called me here for so you all will...." she trailed off.

"Certainly, M'lady," he bowed to her with his eyes closed as the group, excluding the maids and Batya, left.

Batya stared at Sayuri with worried eyes but Sayuri dismissed it grabbing her clothes and changing in her bathroom.

Just like she had promised she was done changing and in the library with paintings with Osamu and the others within a few minutes.

"What is it that you needed to discuss? I have several other things I must do before I go back to the Leaf that I'd like to get done," Sayuri asked crossing her legs staring at the paintings of her mother and grandfather.

Osamu cleared his throat, " Yes, well I know you wouldn't want to hear this after the news you just received but," she spared him a glance, " we have a few things to discuss about your marriage...."

(Lets just pretend that while looking for Sasuke and the Akatsuki a few days had past)

Haji transported himself back to the Leaf two days after he had gotten to Hideyoshi. He went back to Kakashi's house and re-packed his things with clean clothes and such than went to go find Tsunade who wasn't in the Hokage's office.

Once there he saw Jiraiya there as well, he was getting ready to leave on mission that involved the Akatsuki and his potential death.

"Lady Tsunade," Haji interrupted Jiraiya before he could say his good byes.

"Haji, I wasn't expecting you back for a few more days."

Haji nodded, "And I'll be leaving again as well..."

"What? Why'd you come here only to go back to Hideyoshi again," the two questioned.

"I'm not going back there yet, I'm going to train else where for a bit on a new justu," Haji looked to the ground, "When I get back and everything is settled we must go over some issues with The Third as well."

"Why has something come up?"

"Yes, but it'll wait." He looked at Jiraiya, "I'll walk with you until we met our separate ways if you wouldn't mind..."

"Not at all kid, lets go!" he waved him over saying good bye to Tsunade.

Jiraiya and Haji walked out of the village when they came to two seperate paths, "Alright, kid I'll see you around," the older man waved turning to head down the left path.

"Hold on, a second Jiraiya," Haji instructed.

"Hm?" he looked at him curious.

Haji gazed at him with a serious look, "When your heart no longer beats and your eyes begin to close and your lungs stop...." Haji coal eyes flashed violet, "Look for the light..." as did Jiraiya's.

Their eyes turned back to normal Jiraiya eyes shut as he sneezed, rubbing his nose, "Eh, what were you gonna say k-" he looked to the spot where Haji was but the boy was gone.

"Hm..." Jiraiya sighed before turning back to his mission, "Good, but a strange kid..."

Sayuri sat in a field of grass meditating the only sounds were the small breeze and chirps from birds and her shallow breathes. A squirrel inched it's way towards her sniffing her leg, she opened her eyes slightly staring sadly at the creature. Please work... Her eye twitched slightly as she threw a kunai at the squirrel. It was to slow to move , but once the knife hit the squirrel it bounced off only leaving a stinging sensation and small wound on the animal.

Sayuri sighed crawling to the hurt creature healing it, It needs a lot of work, but.... she watched the squirrel scramble away once healed, it'll work....

That's it I've figured out who Pain is! Jiraiya laid on the ground covered in scratches and blood, black poles sticking from his back, I must relay... this news... to boss! He tried to speak, Shoot, my throat's been destroyed... At this rate...! Not enough... fading... Am I going to die...Have I failed? His thoughts echoed away being replaced with memories.

Soon enough Jiraiya staggered up some, burning a message into the elder toads back. I'm not going to give up that was the true choice I was supposed to make! Naruto you are the child of prophecy, I'm sure of it right now!... And the rest, I leave in your hands!

"A death message..." one of the Pains said staring at the back of the toad.

"He wrote it in code, eh," another spoke going in to punch the frog but was to late as he disappeared and crumbling the small area of ground the two were on push Jiraiya into the water.

"The frog got away..." Pain spoke.

The tale of Jiraiya the Gallant... now it'll end a bit better I hope. The final chapter... A story of "The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean"... Eh. Hoho... just barely glorious, but glorious indeed... Now it's about time I put down my pen, Ahh... that's right! What should I name the sequel? Yeah, let's see... "The Tale of Uzumaki Naruto"... Yes... That has a nice ring to it...

Look for the light...

Huh, what was that?

Within Jiraiya's thoughts and mind a small light showed up, but disappeared as a forgotten memormy came into play. Haji stood in front of his eyes a strange light purple color, "When your heart no longer beats and your eyes begin to close and your lungs stop....Look for the light..."

The light?

The memory vanished the strange white light returning, Look for the light... Look for the light...The light....

The light grew brighter than it was gone.

This chapter is a little choppy, I apologize.

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