
By Mariska98

403K 13.6K 3.4K

Keeping cool during the heat of the summer, Jack Frost is content "chilling out" in the constantly snowy Ice... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Defrosted Video Contest!
Chapter 29
Video Contest Results!
Chapter 30
Trailer Contest News
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Defrosted Contest
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
The End
Authors special announcement!

Chapter 49

1.7K 114 23
By Mariska98


There was no time for explaining, I would hear my sisters strange tale, and she would hear mine, but at this moment, we still had a frozen enemy crew slowly thawing in the summer sun to deal with.

"General." I turned and addressed the commanding officer. "Take a squadron of men below deck, release the captives and fetch the irons."
"The irons, your highness?" He asks respectfully, but slightly confused. I stand up straight, wiping Han's blood off my hands and onto my skirt. "These are slave ships, are they not?"

"Yes, your grace." He answers, at first I'd never thought I'd get used to my father's oldest friend addressing me so formally after I wad coranated, but by now the thought didn't even occur to me. "Then they will be suitable to contain the remaining horde until my sister and I decide what to do with them. Now please, go free our people."

"Yes my queen." He gives a curtly nod and signals a few men to follow him. "The rest of you, if you are well enough, please help move our injured and fallen back to The Gaurdian." I instructed, noticing the ships name that was carved into its side.

The men scurry off to do my bidding and I am left with my sister giving me an odd sort of smile. "What?" I ask walking towards the nearest human icicle. "Nothing." She says softly. "You just look so much like father right now."

For the next hour, I watch as my sister thaws one by one, these cretins. Still alive and with only minor frostbite, they are locked in irons and led into the slave quarters below the deck of the Blood Hound. Irony in itself. The deck cleared and I walked up to the body of the Viking who had shot Prince Hans, it was Lord Dregg, my "husband". I walked till his body was at my feet, crossbow still in hand, his head was severed from his body. I didn't know which soldier had executed him after he shot Hans, and I wasn't going to ask, it all happened so fast and I was to preoccupied to notice. My 'sister wives' watched from the deck of the other ship as I yanked the crude symbol of our union off my finger and toss it onto his body. "Till death do us part." I spat through gritted teeth, the ring bounced off of him and rolled across the deck, falling off the side of the ship and hitting the ocean water with a delicate splash.

Once the decks and compartments of both The Gaurdian and The Blood Hound had been cleared, one by one we sailed to the three remaining ships of the fleet, 4 altogether, all that remained afloat, thanks to the powerful cannons aboard Han's ship. Hulls frozen in place by Elsa's ice magic, most of the crew had abandoned ship, swimming or rowing to the nearby island, we easily cleared those vessels before turning our attention to the island itself. With the cannons of 6 ships aimed at the marooned warriors, it was an easy surrender, we filled their own brigs with them.

Just as the sun was starting to rise, we lifted the sails and headed for home. After the non stop insisting by the Commodore, Kristof led Elsa and I into Han's sleeping quarters, the finest room on the ship, and begged us to get some sleep. I agreed but not before going to check on the princesses and their children. They were settling into the Commadores cabin
Calisto shot me a small smile as she lifted a small blonde boy onto a bed. There was something in her eyes that looked like it had been missing for a long time, hope.

I returned to find Elsa had changed out of her bloodstained dress and into a standard issue men's sleeper, and that one was laid out for me on the bed. I practically off that horrid thing that I had been forced to wear, for me it felt like by removing that hideous dress, I was removing the last bit of power the enemy had possessed over me, the last element of the war. As soon as I slipped the sturdy white night shift over my head, I knew it was Han's. Even though it had been washed, beneath the lilac scented soap, I could still smell the faint traces of him.

Elsa and I climbed into the bed. Instinctively grabbing hands and curving towards each other. Memories flooding back of the night after out parents died. I had gone to her door, broken and in tears, wanting to do this, but being pushed away.
Elsa reached down and pulled the covers tightly over us. What a nice gesture, considering cold had never bothered her.

She lay back down and our foreheads touched lightly. I heard her let out a long sigh of relief. "Oh Anna, I missed you so much." She squeezes my hands with her own cold ones, but I'm to happy to have her back to care.
"So tell me about the year 2014?"



The darkness mellowed, and was filled with the soothing humming of a woman's voice. "Anna?" I called out hoarsly. The humming stopped and a cool rag was pressed against my head. "Sorry honey, the names Delilah." The warm, melodic voice replies.

I struggle to lift my eyes, they feel weighted. "Where... where am i?" I question, the emerald eyes of a tall, tanned, well built but pretty girl being the first thing I see. "Back in the capitol. You lost a lot of blood, thankfully the ice wizard brought you to me just in time." She explains, spooning a vile tasting orange paste into my mouth. I do my best not to spit it out. "There, that should help with the pain and give you a little energy."

I look down at my chest, the last time I saw it, it had a viking arrow sticking out of it. But it was expertly cleaned, immaculately stiched and she was grabbing rolls of bandage to wrap it.

"Who are you? I do not recognize you from the refuge camp, and you are too tanned to be a local." I inquire, voice gaining it's strength back, leaning foward so she could wrap the gauze. "I'm not from around here." She starts, callused hands beginning to round the bandage across my neck and shoulder. "I'm a logger from the west."
"A logger?" I almost laugh, that tan, those muscles peeping out from beneath the thin sleeves of her dress, it makes sense. "What's a logger doing in a war zone?"

"I was a guide to the Snow Queen and her Ice Wizard. I led them back to Arendale." She answered. "A guide? I thought you said you were a logger. What's a logger doing guiding royalty across nations during peak lumber season?"

"I'm no guide. I was just guiding them." The woman replies. There was something else to this story, I could tell.
"What could a logger get out of this? Searching for something perhaps?" A sad sort of smile crossed her lips. "More like chasing after someone I can never have." Eyes never leaving her work as she work, An ironic sort of pain in them.
"Join the club..." I chuckled under my breath.

Soon she was finishing up and there was a knock at the door. It was the ice wizard, a thin, lanky young man with the hair of grandfather, and strange, snow glistened garb. "So you are the arse that my Elsa was all worked up about." He greets me with the friendliest delivered insult in the history of insults. "My Elsa?" I smirk. "So the ice queen can be courted. Miracles do happen." I greet the lad, straining myself to sit up further.

His face gains seriousness. "She told me what you did. What you tried to do to her and her sister..." He hesitates. "But I saw with my own eyes the sacrifice you made for her. Now I've been around for a long time, so I know a thing or two about change." He leans onto the crook of his shepherds cane. "The man I saw yesterday is no longer the man in the stories I heard. From this point, I hold nothing against you." He holds out his hand, I stare at it in disbelief for a second before taking it and giving it a firm shake with my own. "The Name is Jack Frost." He introduces himself. "Prince Hans of Westergaard."

"Now, there is somebody who wants to see you." He looks back at the door and I notice a pair of blue eyes and golden blonde curls peaking around the edge.
It was that little girl... "You can come in now Lily." Calls Jack.

"Mister Prince!" She calls out with excitement, running up onto the bed and crashing into my lap, little arms wrapping around my neck and hugging me with all the strength a small child could muster.
At the sight of this sweet little child all my pain just faded from my mind. "You did it. You made all the bad men go away!" She beams proudly.

"I didn't do it by myself." I tell her. "I just helped a little." She placed her little hands on the side of my face. "But you saved Queen Elsa. You got shot for her." She points to my bandage. "You are a hero."
I smile down at this little girl, my physical and mental pain temporarily washed away by this little ray of sunshine.

"Wait.. " I start. "How do you know about what I did for the Queen?"
Her little eyebrows furrowed, she jumps of the bed and tugs me toward the balcony. I grab the bed post and struggle to my feet. "What do you mean? Everybody knows." She pulls me with her little hand. I look out the window and see the village down below. The Villagers below were sweeping, moving and starting to rebuild. A man in the gardens caches sight of me. "Its the prince!" He cries to the villagers outside the palace walls. "He's alive!" All immediately stop what they are doing and all eyes fly to me. A mighty "HUZAH!" Echos throughout the village.

I am at a loss for words.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Can't wait to heat what you think.
Stay frosted my friend's. ;)

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