Shadow Thief

By Qthehunt

230K 11.1K 1K

Shadow is a mystery to the city of Lament. A thief by night and an average bystander by day. With no family t... More

1 - The Thief
3 - Captured
4 - Squadron Five
5- Plans
6 - Outside this Damn Building
7 - Missions
8 - Weaknesses
9 - Seriously?
10- A Little Bit of Trust
11- Outside
12 - Decades Away
13 - Blood
14 - Attack
15 - If You Need Me
16 - It's Personal
17 - Free Day
18 - Practice, Practice, Practice!
19 - Night Before
20 - Competition
21 - A Shoulder to Lean On
22 - Thinkers and Fighters
23 - Time to Shine
24 - It's the Final...Fight
25 - Radicals and Suicides
26 - Outside Maple
27 - Changing Tides
28 - Stitches
29 - The Girl Called Lena
30 - Another World
31 - No Time
32 - The Beans be Spillin'
33 - Hallelujah
34 - Breaking and Entering
35 - How to: Armies
36 - I Want To
37 - We Cling and Clutch
38 - Selfish Me
39- Light it Up, Take it Down
40 - Got You
41- We are the Stupid
42- Kind of a Hero (End)

2 - Nothing

9.5K 378 75
By Qthehunt

The next morning, as I woke to the stale air of a regular morning in Orchid, I decided to go out again tonight. I got so lucky last night that, maybe, I'd end up just as rich. I'd have to wait for night though, when rich men got drunk and when I could cling to my darkness. I'd need a new dress too. Even a drunk man would be wary of a women with a bloody dress, especially in a place like Pacific Rose.

With a sigh, I pushed myself up. I tied on my converse, raided my safe, and made my way out for the day. My trusty bag hung loosely at my side, filled with pages. My hand hung protectively over it.

Durning the day, Orchid was much more peaceful. Crimes were much easier to commit in the dark. Before I could commit any crimes, I'd have to go get a new dress from a better district. Maybe Rosemary, they were doing pretty good. When my mind was set on Rosemary, I began my journey north.

I got glares from a lot of the wealthier folk, but I easily ignored them. Rosemary was a decently nice district. They had wooden and brick houses, better than my aluminum can. Their streets were made of sturdy rock, unlike the slippery mud of Orchid.

The rocks on the streets weren't great footholds, but I managed with cat like grace. I didn't give the rocks a chance to trip me as I gingerly stepped over them.

A tap on my shoulder made me turn around. My eyes caught on the strange face of a man with light brown hair. He looked at me with smiling brown eyes and what looked like a permeant smile.

"Can I help you, sir?" I let my voice slip into a sweet yet slightly flirty tone, as if it was unintentional. Now add in a little head tilt, look up with big puppy eyes and that's the perfect sweet girl disguise.

It took them a second to regain their composure.

"Right, miss would you mind telling us what you're doing here?" The officer was suspicious of me? It was strange for this time of day. "You're obviously not from Rosemary so why don't you state your business."

My mind quickly came up with a lie and then I said, "Well, you see I'm here to buy a new dress. I'm from Evergreen but I have a job in Maple so I finally saved up enough money to buy one for my little sister. See, she's been sick for a while and the doctors can't find out what's wrong so I figured if I got a real pretty dress for her she'd cheer up a little." I let a fake tear slide down my cheek. If we still had T.V. I could've been an amazing actor. I mean, one of those drop dead gorgeous actors that you always felt so connected to.

"I see," the man my age said. "Alright, you can go. Just be careful, there's been an increase of crimes in the area."

"Really? Hm, I don't know what to do then. If I don't get home no one'll be able to pay for food." Might as well make use of the man. "I'm sorry, I know you're busy, but would you mind escorting me to the nearest tailor? I'd understand if you couldn't, but..."

"I don't see why not," the man said. He waved the officer off with his hand. Was he with the police? Probably just a recruit but still, I had to be careful.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't know what I could've done without you..."

"Collin. And what, may I ask is your name?"

"Ren." The fake name easily slid off my tongue. I'd never used the name before, but I liked the way it felt when I said it. Smooth yet unique.

"Ren, what a beautiful name." He was making this easy for me. I just needed to get the dress and, if I got lucky, he'd ask to take me out later tonight, and I'd get the chance to pickpocket and kill him.

I led him down a few streets until we reached a tailor I'd never been too. If I went to one I was a regular at, one of the employees might try to make conversation with me and blow my cover.

When I went into the tailors, I was welcomed by a nice young lady who looked to be in her teens. She escorted us to the back of the store. With my trained eye, I could see her glance continually shifting to Collin who was completely oblivious of her.

Now that I looked closely, he wasn't that bad looking. His light brown was gently greased back and combed around his face which pointed out his sharp yet gently placed features. His eyes were a sweet chocolate color and his lips seemed pressed in a permanent half smile. At a height of about six foot, he looked down at most girls. His muscles were clearly defined through his long sleeves. If he wasn't my current target, I might've actually considered going steady with him. Too bad.

"Miss?" Apparently the tailor had been talking to me. "Do you have the sizes of the dress you wish for?"

"Ah, actually it's the same as my own."

"You and your little sister are the same size?" Collin, God knows why, seemed intrigued in this.

"What can I say? No matter what, I wanted my sister to eat. Admittedly, I may have spoiled her a bit."

I let the lady measure me. I was glad that I'd chosen not to take my daggers with me. When she was done measuring me, she showed us to a section with a few beautiful dresses hanging on hooks.

"These are all the dresses that fit your sizes and are within your budget. Please, take your time."

I strolled, looking at the dresses. A light blue one caught my attention. It was a slim fit, silk, and a little less expensive than I was planning, so I liked it even more.

"What do you think?" I asked Collin. "I want it to be perfect for Lyra," just came up with the name, "do you think she'll like it?"

"I think it's beautiful."

I gave him a gentle smile. It was nice having company once and a while. Too bad he'd have to die after I pick pocketed him. My own personal rule. I couldn't live a peaceful life if someone knew my face and then went to tell the officials so they could make wanted posters that actually looked like me.

After paying, I let him escort me to the edge of Maple, where I'd said I had a job.

"Hey," he called out to me as I walked further into Maple. When I turned around I did a little victory dance in my mind. "Would, if you have time I mean, would you consider going on a date with me?" He rubbed the back of his neck shyly, looking at the ground.

"Sure, I'd love too."

"How about tonight?"

I looked up at the sky. If I had to guess, I'd say it was about three o'clock.

"That'd be perfect. So, I'll meet you here around...sevenish?"

"Yeah. See you then."

As he turned and ran the other way, I let a snake like smile cross my lips. He was already falling into my trap.


Later that night, I met him at the same spot, wearing a nicer shirt, nice as in it wasn't muddied, and the same jean pants. He didn't know that, of course, because I cleaned them up a little.

When I saw him, he was wearing a nice shirt and jeans. Good, I didn't underdress.

"Collin!" I jumped, waving my hands to get his attention. When he came over to me, he wore a smile on his face, showing off a pearly white grin. Wow, he was even rich enough for dental care.

"Ren, you look beautiful."

"Why thank you." I let out a girly giggle.

"What did your sister think of the dress?"

"She loved it. It's all thanks to you. I don't know how to thank you."

"Well, you're letting me take you out on a date."

"I guess, but you'll have to let me do something for you. I'll feel bad if you don't. So, what do you have planned for tonight?"

"I know a nice restaurant in the area. Well, I wouldn't call it nice, but the foods really good."

"Alright, let's go."

I held onto his arm as he led me down the concrete streets of Maple. We passed people on horses and carriages but didn't really pay attention to them. The whole time we continued on in our own little world.

Some of you may think I'm falling in love with him. Trust me, I'm not. It's just nice to feel normal every once and a while. After tonight, he'd be dead anyways. So, why not have a little fun.

The restaurant he took me to was a nice little sit down. I let myself relax into the cushions of the seat.

"What can I get for you?" The waiter asked.

I looked to Collin, giving him the 'you decide' look.

"Two waters and one pizza, please."

With a nod, the waiter went back into the kitchen and came back a few seconds later with cold water. Running water wasn't so rare in any of the other districts, just Orchid.

"Pizza?" I questioned.

"What? It's good here." He gave me a childish grin and I couldn't help but smile.

The waiter came back with our water which I slowly enjoyed. I savored the cold flavorlessness of the drink while listening to Collin talk. A while later, the waiter came back with out pizza. It was thin crust with pepperoni and plenty of sauce and cheese.

I had to give it to him, he was right. This was some of the best food I've had in this run down city. Afterwards, he'd asked me if I wanted to come to his house. I agreed, of course. I may actually regret killing Collin. He was...nice. Too bad I had to survive and all. If I was a zombie or something I'd marry the guy.

His house was a nice second story apartment in Rosemary. Even for Rosemary, it was on the nicer side. The walls were made of pure brick and didn't bend or creak under the wind like most houses would.

After lighting a candle in the kitchen, he seemed set on something in his hands. I moved closer to him, preparing to make my move.

My arms wrapped around his stomach, making him jump. I rested my forehead on his back.


He turned around to face me. Perfect. His arms slid around my waist, supporting me as I stood on my toes and wrapped my hands around the back of his neck. I slid a dagger our from under my sleeve.

A sharp pain at the base of my spine startled me and I backed away. I let out a startled cry of pain.

"Collin?" My vision was swaying. The sharp pain turned into a dull biting such only worsened.

"How's it feel to be on the other end of the food chain, Shadow?"


In his hand, he held an empty syringe with a speck of blood at the top. My hand flew to my back to feel a warm droplet of blood forming. I didn't let panic control me and thoroughly thought through the situation I was. 

Well, I'm not going down without a fight. There were three Collin's but one of them had to be real...right? Focus Shadow, focus. Which one was the most solid?

The one on the right! I lunged, attacking the Collin with my dagger. I heard the satisfying splash of blood and the grunt that came from his throat...wherever that was.

I didn't have time to stick around, I had to run. I made for he door but there were three. Now four, now five, now six.

Now nothing. I hit the ground but felt no pain. Was I dying? Is this what I felt like to die? No way, I'm not dying. I can't die yet! I'm not ready!

Looks like my body didn't agree with my mind. The world went dark and my body went completely numb.

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