Dear Nobody

By NefariousKitty

3.1K 254 48

This is a story about a skeptical girl, Jade, who thought love was something hard to find; something so sacre... More

A Love Letter for Nobody
One : Rude Strangers, Ms. Earphones and Nobody
Two : Sketch Book, Doodles, and Kisses
Three : Falling at Rincon Park, and The Forgotten Date
Four : Chef Boyardee's Ravioli, Sister's Clothes, and Twenty One Pilots
Five : Jealousy, Accidental Bite and Getting Drunk
Six : Friends Again, Accidental Peeking and Upcoming Microbiology Test
Seven : Got Caught Red Handed
Nine : Her Biggest Regret
A Message from Aiden
Ten : The Truth and The Lie are Both Vile
A/N : A Little Reminder on How The Story Goes ...
A Final Letter for My Beautiful Family [the end.]
Dear Reader : Author's Note

Eight : It Leads to Her Biggest Regrets

137 14 3
By NefariousKitty

Chapter Eight

Al was still grinning at the time, but when she glanced over to Karen, she gave me a you're-screwed look. She coughed to break the uncomfortable silence. I quickly sit up and stand up from Aiden, and make my way awkwardly towards our shirts.

"Okay, um... you guys better get dress. Even if I am happy about your relationship, I'm not looking forward to see my br-," Karen cuts her off.

"This is disgusting, I'm outta here," she said before she stormed off towards her bedroom, locking her door in the process.

"Catch," I threw Aiden's shirt over to him, as he catches it swiftly. I slid my top on, and began to straigtened the wrinkles down when I realized Al was starring at us with a crooked grin.

"Okay sis, you're freaking me out," Aiden commented. She laughed it off before she wiped a fake tear.

"I'm so happy I enter the room waaay before the 'big' show," she said before she went over to me. She patted my shoulder while I stood there blushing uncomfortably. I mean, I just caught redhanded guys.

"She'll get around. I think she just missed the old you, the old Jade who didn't bring guys home," she said before she went over to her brother.

"Bro, If you ever think of using her, you will be castrated with a butter knife. I mean it, A." she warned him menacingly. He raised his hands.

"Got it sis," he said. She patted his head before she grab the bowl of popcorn, popping some into her mouth. She took a seat on the other couch, saying that she didn't want to touch the Couch of Misdeed. I rolled my eyes at her, slouching myself at the Couch of Misdeed as she call it.

I almost laugh when I saw Aiden looking uncomfortable since I accidentally woke his 'friend' up. "Take a cold shower in my room," I said pointing my room. Al laughed at what I said while Aiden rolled his eyes but mutters a really low thank you.

Now, I was left with Alleta. The TV is still playing Age of Adaline as Al stared at me weirdly.

"So, a hundred years old Blake Lively turns you on ?" I rolled my eyes.


"Bro, go home. This is a girl's night," Al pushed Aiden off the couch, making him fell onto his butt. He pouted and rubbed his butt in pain.

"No need to be so violent about it," he protested. Al rolled her eyes before lifting him up, and throwing his jacket onto his face. She threw his shoes at his face also.

"Ow, stop with the violence !" he said, sliding his arm inside his jacket before he tied his shoes. He stood up, looking presentable and hot as ever, but before I could say anything, Al pushed him down the hallway towards the door.

"Get out," she said opening the door, pushing him out. He seem reluctant, pushing her off. I laughed at the siblings infront of me as I stepped closer to gain a better look.

"Get off of me," he said pushing his sister away. "Go away !" he said but she ignored him.

"Hey, shush you two. We had neighbours," I said taking a step closer to them.

"Go away Aiden," Al said as she pushed the door close but he continue to struggle his way in. "Go away or I told father to cut your allowance," he groaned.

"Fine fine, but let me have a kiss," he said leaning his head towards me. I pecked him on the lips laughing at his sister who's rolling her eyes at us.

"Go away !" she said but Aiden pecked me again before he let his sister close the door shut. She locked the door, and turned around.

"You're making my whole life a lot more difficult," she said faking a frown. I raise my hand out in defeat.

"You can just tell him to go nicely, or tell me to tell him to go home. It'll be a lot easier," I replied. She rolled her eyes but smiled at me.

"Yup, maybe. He can do anything when he's smitten," she commented. I froze for a moment at the word she used. Smitten. That's a strong word.

"So, we need to talk to Karen," I said as I tossed the dirty bowl into the sink. She took a seat on one of the counter before taking a bag of bacon.

"Yup definitely," she said chewing the bacon. "You should apologize or do whatever to make her happier and less grumpy. I don't even know why she's so grumpy about it," I shrugged.

"I don't know either Al, I really want to know why," I said as I put the now cleaned dish into the rack.

"Do you like him ?" Al blurted out. I stiffened for a minute before I turned the tap off.

"Maybe," I muttered lowly. "I don't know," I added. She raised her eyebrow.

"How come you didn't know ?" she said taking another strip of bacon. I sighed. Do I need to tell her this ? I'm not even that close with her. But then again, Karen was not here and she's kind of related to this problem so, maybe I should tell her.

"Remember that night, when Karen was super mad for no specific reason ?" she nodded slowly. But before I could explain anything, she slapped her forehead.

"You're thinking about what she said, didn't you ?" she spoke out. I let out a heavy sigh before I nodded.

"Do you have any idea about ... him ? Does he really used me for ... sex, I guess ?" I asked Al groggily. I stare at her eyes, but she bite her lip.

"To be honest with you, I don't know" what she said didn't make me feel any better. "But I'm pretty sure he acted different around you than the other girls," I let out a laughless chuckle.

"Yeah right," I said, secretly hoping for her to say that he truly changed for me, that he truly car but she stayed silent.

Maybe I'm not the only person that's confused about his sincerity. Maybe we all did.


"Your lover's gone ?" I hear sarcasm at her tone. I turned around slowly and I saw Karen, crossing her hands over her chest in anger. I sighed.

"I'm sorry you need to saw that," I apologized. "Please, I promise I won't bring him home again if that's what you want, I'll-," she cuts me off.

"How many times did I tell you to stay away from that guy ? He's a player!" her tone terrified the hell out of me. I saw Al stepped closer, but Karen glared at her.

"Can you please go, I need to talk alone with my roommate," she asked her in a menacing tone. Al tried to say something but Karen didn't even spare her a glance.

"I need to have a tête-à-tête with my roommate, can you just fucking leave ?" she demanded. Al sighed before she grab her coat and bag, sparing an apologetic glance at me and she left me alone with Karen.

"Which part can't you understand about 'he's a fucking player' ?" she asked me rhetorically, but I replied her question.

"The part that you were acting strange is the one I didn't understand," I took a step closer to her. "What the hell is wrong with you ? You can just tell me and not shouting at me !" she laughed humourlessly.

"Stop with the bullshit ! I'm using my common sense, which is not what you and Alleta did for the past couple of weeks. He bullshits you for god's sake !" she stepped closer, gripping my shoulder tightly.

I was a little taken a back by what she said. Maybe she's right. Maybe he lied to me. Maybe everything was an act.
I tried to keep my tone menacing, trying to keep my tone straight. I'm not going to flinch on the last second.

"Even if he did lie to me, why can't you just leave me alone ? Why did you need to be so bitchy about it ? Why can't you just calm fucking down for a moment ?" I yelled at her. It was that moment when I realized I was on the ground, my whole body hitting the floor as my left cheek is burning. I rubbed my cheek, my mouth was agape at her reaction.

"How many times do I need to slap you to knock some sense on you ?" she asked. I stand up on my feet, raising my hand at her. I was a few second before slapping her back, but I just clenched my fist.

"If you ever slap me again, or even try to talk to me, I will fucking kill you. You're not that girl who astonished me anymore, you're just a bitch, a parasyte of my life," I growled.

"And I respect your thoughts on Aiden, but any choices I make on my life," I stepped closer poking her in a menacing way on her shoulder. "-is my decisions, not yours" I said before I turned my heels.

I walk over to the fridge, thumping my footsteps. I take a crate of beer and two bottles of vodka into my room.

Now, here I am. Laying on the floor, holding a half-emptied bottle of vodka, with four beer bottles around me, but I still feel sober as usual. I heard my phone rang, and I quickly pick it up when I saw the caller ID.

"Hey, I know you're not a sleep yet," Aiden's said in a hoarse voice making me smile. I love hearing his voice.

"Yeah, I'm just doing ...-," I look over to my surroundings "-things," my statement ended up in a questioning tone. He sighed audibly on the other side of the line.

"My sister said that you've gone into a fight with Karen," he said, while I took another gulp of vodka who's burning my throat now. "I did, but it doesn't matter," I replied shortly.

"Okay then, get some sleep. I don't want my girlfriend got tired in the morning, you still have school tomorrow," I stiffened at his mention of the word girlfriend. I think he notices my uncomfortable silent that he spoke out.

"Um...," he trailed of groggily but I laugh it off. I tried to keep my laughter real, but it's just so damn hard.

"Okay, bye boyfriend" I said before making a kissy voice over the phone. He groaned out before replying, "Bye babe, sweet dreams". I closed the line before I return into my deep thought.

He called me his girlfriend. He said that he don't want me to get tired in the morning. He wished me sweet dreams. He care for me. Was all of that just an act ? Or is it real ?

I emptied the vodka bottle before I drifted off, sleeping on the floor.


I was still thinking about what Karen said to me. Even I didn't care with the hangover I had, all I think was just; what's the best choice ? Leaving Aiden and trusting Karen, or continued whatever I had with Aiden and ignore what Karen's said. It's just too confusing, and the fact that the test went extremely horrible since I lost my voice, was definitely not helping.

I was walking down the street, still thinking about what should I do, because I'm confused with myself. Was he the person Mother talked about or was he just another game ?

Huh, perhaps we never know.

"Babe, do you want to go somewhere to eat ?" I heard a voice said behind me in a subway. I gave him a long deep kiss when I realized it was him.

"I hate you for making me wait for so long," I said pounding on his chest jokingly.

He chuckled. "Haha, I like you too" he said before kissing my forehead. I was turned into stiff the moment he said it. It's not as strong as the other L word, but it's strong enough for me. Why did men always had to be this hard to understand ? Why did men like to bang girls a lot enough to make me shivered at the thought ? I actually shivered at the thoughts, especially with the fact that maybe Aiden has done it before. Banging a lot of girls, I mean, like what Karen said.

Speak of the devil, I'm still not in a speaking term with Karen. All we said is just, "Morning," "Whatever," or "Pass the sugar please,". There's still tension inbetween us up until right now, even when Al tried to have a conversation with both of us, we quickly butchered her hope when we both stood up and make an excuse to just go away from each other at the same time.

How cute, not.

"Uhm... we can go somewhere to eat," I muttered, stuttering when I saw a glimpse of my best friend, who gave me-wait no-us the disgusted look. I look away from her face but I still had it in my mind.

"Yeah, tell me something I didn't know babe," Aiden rolled his eyes. "Wanna go to the cafe ?" he suggested. I raised my eyebrow.

"Which one ?" he gave me his million dollar smile.

"The cafe we met at New Year's Eve of course," I quickly gave him a knowing look before I muttered an 'Oh, great'.

In the car, the music was blaring through the speakers like usual. It's blaring the newest EDM songs and we started singing like usual. It's just, something is a little bit off between us. We're not like we used to, we used to be careless when we were around each other, like we're reckless. We shouted out the lyrics like we forgot how excruciating our voices are, we share a hot steamy kiss everytime there's a musical interlude or some sort. Now we're just singing together, but my mind were somewhere else.

"You okay ?" Aiden looked over to me, before he change the gears, and began to parallel park. I nodded weakly.

"As perfect as I'm gonna be," I replied with a weak smile. He just smiled at me back, but we both know, something is just off about us-no, I mean somehing off about me.


When you care for someone, you'll do anything for them. But the sad thing is, you can't help who you care. It's just an unspoken rule of nature. But what if, you care for someone who didn't care back ? Or someone with bad intentions ? What if you fell for the wrong person ?

This is what I've been thinking about for the past weeks. Aiden has been dying to have a lunch with me or just to talk to me, but I brushed him away. Thinking about how wrong and bad someone could be when you're around the exact same person is not easy. I sighed before I took a big gulp of rum.

Sulking with bottles of harmless alcohol is what I do for the weeks. Five bottles of beer, two bottles of vodka and one bottle of rum is taking me somewhere today, I think. I know I'm not a lightweight but I'm not a god either.

I know that I become a little emotional everytime I get drunk. It depends on what I've been dealing with and to be honest, my situation now is not helping. I knew I can't think straight but, my mind just drifted off to Karen's voice, and what she said a couple weeks back.

He bullshits you for god's sake !

He's a player, Jade. He only do one-night stands, when he got into your pants, puff, he's gone with some other girl.

Can't you search for a better one ?

He's a player, Jade.

He's a player.

I took another gulp of rum, burning my throat in the process. I can't let myself hurt for being too emotionally attached to someone. I don't want my heart broken. Who the fuck want to get their heart broken ? And why would someone go after somebody, only to get hurt in the end ? Who ?

I felt like I was holding back on something. And that something telling me that I did care for Aiden more than I should have, that I like him, that I love him. And frankly, I was scared shitless.


A/N :

So I want to tell you something kind of funny.

So, I wrote this book at midnight and I was about to pass out, but I forced myself to write until the end. So I wrote a paragraph literally trying to open my eyes and make my mind think straight but I failed miserably and I go to sleep.

When I woke up, I woke up with this paragraph, and it made me laugh so much because it doesn't make any sense. Here's the paraghraph :

It's a little tense, even AI arrived, is a book he's cleaning something this morning. How cute, not.

He tried to kiss me again, but I look away when I thought about my parents. I almost never call them right now, saying that they didn't need a visit when he wants to be me. I barely answered the text from Aiden for a couple things. I need to change.

Don't ask what it means. I, myself was confused with what I wrote that night. And no, I'm not drunk I assure you.
I was still laughing my ass of now. It's just, too much XDDD

Recommended songs for today are Wildest Dreams and I Know Places, both of them by Taylor Swift. I'm not a biggest fan of Taylor, but these songs are catchy, I guess ? I don't know I just kinda like them.

Upload : in a day, I think. Depends on the reads of the last chapter :)

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