Eternal || Elijah Mikaelson

By Breathe_Me

2.7M 81.2K 23.2K

*Wrote this when I was 14, you've been warned*. --------- People would say that the two of them had been in l... More

Description/Trailer/AUTHOR'S NOTE
I - Little Warrior
II - 914
III - The First Hybrid
IV - The Frenzy
V - Leaving Him Behind
VI - Hexed
VII - No Weaknesses
VIII - Because Of Me
IX - Massacre
X - Terrified
XI - Poisonous
XII - Marcel's Rules
XIII - Take A Risk
XIV - His Return
XV - Littlest Wolf
XVI - Every King Needs An Heir
XVII - Speechless Little Klaus
XVIII - Barbie Mikaelson
XIX - Dealer's Choice
XX - Back To Me
XXI - The Devil In Disguise
XXII - Collateral Damage
XXIV - The Five
XXV - Poisoned Apples
XXVI - Safety
XXVII - Don't Leave Me
XXVIII - Car Doors
XXIX - The Worst Of Him
XXX - My Promise
XXXI - Not His Fault
XXXII - Broken Stitches
XXXIII - It'll Be A Slaughter
XXXIV - Wooden Bullets
XXXV - Everything I Want
XXXVI - Also Unfortunate
XXXVII - More Than I Admit
XXXVIII - Lei Sta Arrivando
XXXIX - Linked
XL - Resurrect
XLI - You Will Regret It
XLII - Ripped To Shreds
XLIII - Welcome Home, Nik?
XLIV - Blood Of A Hybrid
XLV - Candy Crush
XLVI - At Their Mercy
XLVII - Inhabited
XLVIII - Sanitorium
XLIX - I Will Find You
L - Gone Forever
LI - Finally Free
LII - I Know What It's Like
LIII - My Town
LIV - I Regret This Already
LV - Change Of Thought
LVI - They Listen To You
LVII - You Signed The Treaty
LVIII - Worry
LIX - Annihilation
LX - Understanding
LXI - Pain
LXII - Imploding
LXIII - Desiccating
LXIV - First Sight
LXV - This Is For Thierry
LXVI - Gangsters
LXVII - I'm Not Her
LXIX - One Feeling
LXX - Red & Gold
LXXI - I'm Right Here
LXXII - I'm Not Afraid
LXXIII - Now Or Never
LXXIV - Forever
LXXIV - Remind Me
LXXVI - Waiting For Me
LXXVII- Loving Proposition
LXXVIII - Intoxicating
LXXIX - Bloodbath
LXXX - Come In
LXXXI - Tombs
LXXXII - Prey To Predator
LXXXIV - Find A Way
LXXXV - Bonfire
LXXXVII - Trivia
LXXXVIII - Blood Sharing
LXXXIX - Blocked
Author's Note
XC - Maria
XCI - In Good Hands
XCII - Carillon Eve
XCIII - Part Witch
XCIV - Just One Night
XCV - The Vows
XCVI - The Gift
XCVII - Bring Him Back
XCVIII - Any Kind Of Cake
XCIX - Always
C - Darling
CI - Crumble Like A Cookie
CII - Thunder & Lightning
CIII - Best Story Ever Written
CIV - Rite Of Nines
CV - Truly Immortal
CVI - Broken Things
CVII - Trust
CVIII - Viking Corpse
New Trailer!
CIX - Trust Her
CX - Burying Your Dead
CXI - Monstrous
CXII - Payment
CXIII - Betrayal Of A Hybrid
CXIV - Darker Turn
CXV - Dahlia
CXVI - A Thousand Ways
CXVII - Burn
CXVIII - Kingmaker
CXIX - Lesson One
CXX - Mr. Castle
CXXI - Fight Back
Author's Note
CXXII - Chant
CXXIII - The Strix
CXXIV - We Always Do
CXXV - Flight Of Stairs
CXXVI - One Of A Kind
I Got Tagged And There Is Nothing You Can Do About It
CXXVII - Mohinder
CXXVIII - Antidotes
CXXIX - Set His Course
CXXXI - Both At Fault
CXXXII - Lock Them Away
CXXXIII - Shen Min
CXXXIV - Little Devil
CXXXV - Pinot Noir
CXXXVI - Ocean
CXXXVII - Save The Devil
CXXXVIII - Fervour
CXXXIX - Devour Us All
CXL - That I Do
CXLI - Right On Time
CXLII - The Last Person
CXLIII - Even When You Hate Him
CXLIV - Tristan's Gift
CXLV - How Disappointing
CXLVI - Regret
CXLVII - I Should Have Killed Him
CXLVIII - "Guess Again"
Author's Note - Gods & Monsters
CXLIX - Unsired Heart
CL - Sever The Link
CLI - Innocence
CLII - Free
CLIII - Default Setting
CLIV - The Usual
CLV โœง Don't Look Back
CLVI - Allure Of Indoor Plumbing
CLVII - Hate Yourself
CLVIII - Final Step
CLIX - Poisoned Hearts
CLX - Hypocrite
CXLI - Frozen In Time
CLXII - Entries

XXIII - Family & Tequila

24.9K 799 338
By Breathe_Me

I may or may not have written this chapter at four in the morning. :') So I'm sorry if it sucks.

The song for this chapter is "Lean On" by Major Lazer and DJ Snake, but it's the cover by Christina Grimmie. I feel like it kind of fits Rose's current emotions. She just needs her family back, she needs someone to, well... Lean on. :)

Okies. Well. Enough of the sentimental stuff. Enjoy. ^_^


Chapter Twenty-Three

I had been staying in a hotel for a long time now. A few weeks, at the very least. It really wasn't a problem. I had my own money, more than a couple hundred million combined in my faked bank accounts. I didn't need to live off of Klaus or Marcel.

Even so, I was still keeping an eye on Hayley. I simply made sure that none of Marcel's little vampires went after her, and if anyone got in the way of her and the Mikaelson's protection, I simply tore their heads from their shoulders and waited for them to find the bodies.

Klaus and Rebekah knew who was responsible for the killings. I knew that they wanted my help, they had called me hundreds, if not, thousands of times. But I was pretty sure that it was because they knew that I wouldn't stay angry for long. I wasn't stupid, we had been through this millions of times over the just over nine centuries we had been together. It wasn't a matter of if I would forgive them, it was a matter of when I would forgive them.

For now, I was enjoying my life in New Orleans. Partying, feeding. The ideal life for any average vampire. And a perfectly content one for me. Well, that wasn't completely true.

I missed them. Perhaps that was why I felt a strange sense of happiness the night that Klaus appeared at the balcony of my hotel room.

"What do you want, Nik?" I asked, sensing his presence without having to turn and look at him. I was sitting at the desk in the corner of my room, going over the amount that was currently in my bank accounts. I simply needed to make sure that my aliases were actually working against the multiple banks that I was involved with.

He sighed, opening the sliding door and moving in, shutting the glass door behind him. "I'm not going to lie, I had a futile hope that you weren't going to notice me."

"So, you were hoping that you weren't going to be noticed when you were stalking me?" I asked, turning around in the chair to look at him.

He chuckled. "Not stalking. Simply... Checking up on you."

"Klaus, if anyone needs checking up on, it's you and your unborn child."

"So why have you not stopped by, then?" he asked, raising a brow at me.

"Who said I haven't?" I smirked. I stood up, walking over to him. "Unlike you," I said, pulling off a loose thread from his navy blue jacket, "I never get caught."

I walked past him, going over to my suitcase. I pulled out a clean pair of shorts and a tank top, which I would be using for my pajamas that night. He watched me, seeming puzzled by what I was doing.

"You know, your things are still at the mansion."

"I'm doing perfectly fine on my own."

"Rose," he whispered, and I turned to look at him. The previously humorous look he had on his face was now gone. "You need to come home."

"I don't need you, Klaus," I muttered, turning my attention back to my suitcase. I began to zip it back up, speaking as I did so. "I can live on my own."

I knew that that comment had hurt, because I heard him swallow dryly before continuing. "Then why did you stay for so long?"

At first, I didn't know what to tell him. But eventually, I found the right words. "Because I loved all of you. Even Finn, even Kol. I still do."

He stayed silent, and bit his lip. He looked down at the carpeted floor, then spoke. "Then I suppose you must decide if your love for us all is strong enough to allow you to return," he muttered, and I heard his voice crack. "It's your decision."

With that, he left the same way he came, leaving the drapes surrounding the door waving in the wind.

The next morning, I knew what I wanted to do.

I had decided that I wanted to help find Elijah. That was truly the only reason why I was in the city now. Because of the lingering hope that I would find him again. I didn't know why I wanted to find him so badly. Maybe it was because no matter how many times he had hurt me, I cared for him.

Being angry with him about choosing Katherine over us was a horrible reason. I think I had always known that... Perhaps I was jealous, because someone was taking away one of the people I cared about.

I had also been watching St. Anne's church, and I now figured out what was in there. Marcel went in there often, meaning that only one thing could be in the church that he was worried about; Davina.

So, in less than a few minutes, I was going to go straight into that church, no matter who might be there to stop me.

The moment that I saw Marcel leave and heard Kieran go to the back of the church, I sped right in. Davina had put a strange block on one specific room, the attic that she was now inhabiting. I couldn't hear specifics, but I knew that she was talking to someone.

As I moved further up the stairs, I could hear the conversation more clearly. However, I couldn't tell exactly who was talking. "I will fight for my family until my last breath," it was a man speaking. He paused before continuing. "I will fight for Roseia until my last breath."

"And I will fight the witches until mine." I knew that one. It was Davina.

Who was talking about me? It seemed like a stupid question when I realized it was him.

"Elijah!" I called out as I ran down the hallway and reached the door to Davina's room. I couldn't help the anxiety that came over me. Was it really him? Was my mind playing tricks on me?

The relief that I felt when I pushed the door open was unbelievable.

Davina was sitting up in her bed, and there he was, standing in front of her with his hands in the pockets of his pants.

"Elijah?" I repeated, whispering the name.

He turned to face me, his eyes widening ever so slightly. "Rose?" he asked, seeming just as surprised as I was.

I was also surprised at my following actions. It appeared that I had forgiven him completely, seeing how I had ran forwards and practically jumped on him.

He caught me while I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. I heard him sigh softly in relief, right before he put his arms around my waist. "I believe that I neglected to tell you how much I missed you since you left Mystic Falls."

"It doesn't matter," I said, shaking my head and pulling away. "Just forget about that. All that matters is that you're okay."

He smiled down at me, nodding slowly as he removed his arms from my waist. I turned to look down at Davina, who looked slightly fearful of me.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"For what?"

She glanced over at Elijah, raising an eyebrow at me.

I shook my head. "Davina, at some point, Marcel would have found a way to kill an Original. And he would have done it, too... If you hadn't taken the dagger out," I smiled softly at her. "All is forgiven... I just can't say the same for Marcel, that's all," I finished, then turned to look at Elijah. "Now... I believe we have a Mikaelson to murder, and a Mikaelson to reunite with. Don't you think?"

The corners of his lips turned up into a smile, and he nodded.

I grabbed his arm, and dragged him to the door. "We're off to see the hybrid! The evil hybrid of New Orleans!"

He sighed. "Sometimes, I wonder if you are a toddler inside of a nine hundred year old body."

"Nah, I just had seven shots of tequila an hour ago."

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