Big and Broken, Paisley || Se...

By xxLuckyCharmedxx

434K 23.4K 12.5K

"Look," He approached me, making me back against the door. He put his hands beside my body on the doorway "I'... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23 // Pt. 1
Ch. 24 // Pt. 2
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Disclaimer (4 years later...)

Ch. 6

13.7K 727 353
By xxLuckyCharmedxx

***Im praying the photo shows man, comment if you can see it***


Lonnie ran in my room with his Superman onesies on.

"Mommy, I'm scared" He pouted

"What's wrong?" I sat up

"I heard gunshots in my dream" He croaked

I picked him up and put him in the bed with me. Rubbing his forehead to calm his sobbing down, I couldn't help but think about that one infamous day that happened 2 years ago.

Lonnie has dreams about a certain guy killing shooting someone on the street. He described the victim so well, and it was his father, Larenzo.

"How come ion got a dad?" He looked up at me

"Lonnie, we discussed this"

"You were lying though" Lonnie huffed

"Stop" I groaned "I mean it"

"Big meany" He mugged me, getting out the bed

"Alonzo, bring that little behind back here, now" I said sternly

He slouched, turning back around. His bottom lip was out, making his cheeks bloat.

"I will tell you sooner or later, okay? But for now, just listen to me. Mommy's having a hard time and she's stressing. Can you act like a big boy and stop throwing fits for me?"

"Yes ma'am" He nodded

"There's my baby" I smiled. He giggled as he climbed on my lap

"Awww sheit, slumber party!" Quinta barged in the room

She ran and jumped in the bed, making Lonnie and I almost fall out the bed.

"Quinta, no"

"But Passion, I'm bored" She dragged out "And being bored is boring!"

"Talk to Rah"

"He sleep"

"At 9?"

"No, I just don't want to text him" She shrugged


"Not his type I guess" She twisted her mouth

I pinched her nose, "You better text him, girl"

"Whale," She put her finger out "That's onleh if you cawll Raisin back!"


"Can you let go of mai nose now? I thank my ears are popping" She got in my face

Letting go of her nose, she breathed dramatically. Smacking my lips, she got up to leave the room. Lonnie was asleep on my lap, and I got up to put him in his bed. Tucking him in, I heard my phone ringing.

Going to answer it, I didn't look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey" Reizon spoke "I was wondering if we could FaceTime tonight"

"Uh.." I touched my frizzy weird hair "Sure"


He hung up and he immediately called. I rushed to brush my hair down, answering the video call.

"Where you at?" He asked

"I, uh, I'm finding my charger" I rolled my eyes at my white lie

"Mhm, lemme find out your hair look nice instead of messed up. Trynna look cute" He smirked in the phone

Widening my eyes, I fluffed my hair out a little.

"Okay, I'm back" I said, hooking my phone up to the charger

It was actually dying and I didn't even notice.

"Show your face"

I inched my head in, showing my forehead.

"Your entire face- stop acting shy, ma"

Groaning, I picked my phone up as I was laying in my bed. I was honestly tired, but I can stay up and talk to him. It wouldn't be a problem.

"Aww, look at you" He cooed

I rolled my eyes, "Is it hot in your house?"

"Yeah why?"

"You're shirtless" I mumbled, looking at his tatted chest

"I can see that," He chuckled, looking down at his body "But um, why'd you slam the door in my face? Almost broke a nigga nose"

"I panicked, I'm sorry" I blushed

"It's okay," He smiled "But to be honest with you, I was anxious as hell to see you again. Like I said, I think about you all the time"

I couldn't help but smile, "Whatever, what you doin'?"

"Just gon' change the subject, huh?" He chuckled "Don't hide that smile of yours. You know I love it"

I tucked in my lips.

"And those lips are something that I'm craving right now. Kissing you again and again, as I hold you close to me. I swear, I've never been a soft nigga till now. Passion, you have me whipped" He spoke

I nibbled on my bottom lip, trying to control myself at how deep his voice is. It was driving my crazy.

"Are you speechless?"

I nodded.


I shrugged.

"Talk to me, beautiful. I love your voice- and the fact that you're not talking is making me sexually frustrated"

My head darted up to see a tight smirk upon his face. Laughing slightly, I cleared my throat.

"I really don't know what to say" I pursed my lips

"Could've said that at first, but nah. You wanna be difficult" He laughed

I scoffed.

"You catching attitude?" He raised his eyebrow, licking his lips as his face was emotionless now

"N-No" I stammered

"You sure? I wouldn't mind correcting that fine ass of yours"


"Passion" He grinned "I tell you what. How about we go to the movies tomorrow night?"

. . . .

"I wan' get me some Skittles and popcorn" Rasheed squinted his eyes at the glass counter "Yeah, I wanna taste that rainbow today"

"Can't taste no rainbow any other day, so why you confident, boy?" Reizon said to him

"Because today was the first day I looked at my dick without a mirror"

"You finally at 4 inches, nigga?"

"Stop playin'" Rasheed kissed his teeth

Quinta, the cashier, and I looked at them with our mouths slightly open.

Rasheed mouthed to her, "I'm kidding" while holding up 10 and said "10 inches"

Quinta almost fainted with her nachos in her hand.

We went to go ahead to see our movie, but we snuck out to go see the movie Spy.

After that movie, we ran into the movie Jurrassic World.

"Oh hell, if I was him, I would pray my ass off" Reizon "Not finna die today, Jesus" He sang

I hit his chest and he squeezed my thigh. Jumping a little, I didn't want it to bother me because it sent a horny rush through my body.

He grabbed it again, but this time my inner thigh and I strained a moan, sipping on my Sprite.

"I'm sorry" Reizon whispered in my ear

"Mhm" I said bashfully because a few looked back at us

"I am though, stop resisting me" He said oh so softly in my ear

"Please" I lowly whimpered "Stop"

"Like I said, I'm whipped"


He grabbed my arm, both of us getting up to leave the theater.

Soon we was outside near his car.

"Reizon, what the hell?" I finally spoke up, confused on why he brought me out here

"Why do you keep resisting me? Why do you keep running away from me, Passion?"

"I'm not" I was honestly mindless

"Is it because I touch you in a certain way? Like this?"

His hands were placed on my cheeks as he inched closer to me. Our noses were rubbing against each other as the cool Summer breeze blew against us.

"And like this?" He bit his lip

He pulled me against him, his hands slowly going down to my ass as he squeezed it softly.

"Reizon, I-I.." I couldn't think because of how his touch put me in a trance

"I want you to be mine, not because of your beauty or your body- but because I can tell who you are inside. You're a scared woman, Passion. You are. And I can tell you're mostly scared of being in love because you don't want to be broken. Please, let me fix that"

He slipped his fingers between mine, holding my hand.

"I'm falling for you, and damn, I can't lie and say that I'm not because it's easy to tell. I can make you happy if you're not, and make you feel better. Anything you need, baby, I'll be there for you if you would just talk to me and stop running away from me and being confused with your feelings.

If I say I got you, then I got you. Just please, be mine"

His eyes were pleading and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I'm so sorry"

"What?" He dropped his hands from mine

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like shit when I saw you again. I truly am. And I admit that you're always on my mind sometimes too. But.."

"Are you kidding me?" He inhaled

"Reizon, please, I-"

"Nah, man" He rubbed his hand over his face "Should've kept my damn mouth shut"

I saw his eyes get a bit glossy.

"Goodnight, okay?" He chuckled, putting his hands in his pocket "Just, goodbye"

"Please don't leave" My throat started to tighten

"Passion, I'll just go if you want me-"

"No no no," I croaked "I just.. I want you and I do need you. I'm willing to move on and I can"

I wiped my tears away.

"Just please," I pleaded "Don't leave me, I'm sorry, I am- for everything. I really don't want to be alone, not anymore"

I felt his hands creep their way on my face. His thumbs wiped my tears as he kissed my lips.

"C'mere" He said as he unlocked the car door

We got in the backseat and I laid my head on chest, crying into his shirt as he laid his head on top of mine.

"It's okay," He kissed my nose "I promise, baby, it's okay"

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