Keeping A Hybrid (One Directi...

By KeepingItSimple

1.5M 33.5K 5.4K

Copyright 2013 No one may publish, promote or use any ideas, plot line, in anyway with out my permission. Co... More

Keeping A Hybrid
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 not edited
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27:)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Questions and answers
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 half/Edited
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Contest!! :D
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Sequel !

Chapter 33

19.8K 448 46
By KeepingItSimple

Zayns P.O.V

After signing and taking a few pictures with the fans outside our apartment, Harry and I were off on our day together. I had the whole day planned out and I made sure not to include any parks what's so ever.

"where are we going ?" Harry asked looking out the window.

" it's a surprise... " I say looking over from the drivers seat of my car to see harry fiddling with the seat belt of the passenger seat.

"oh.." he says leaving the seatbelt alone and looking out the window.

"what's wrong kiddo?" I ask taking my focus off the road for a second to look at him leaning his head on the window looking down.

"nothing... sick of surprises lately" He says grabbing his tail to twirl in his fingers. I felt bad for the little guy, the only surprises he's gotten lately are either a punch to the face or getting knocked out.

"well I can promise you that this surprise is going to be different" I muttered ruffling his curls an brushing his ears a little bit. As I did, his mood seemed to change....after I said that he looked down and out of it all.

He didn't add anything after that, instead he just slumped into the seat more and fiddled with his tail for about 5 minutes looking a little displeased.

" don't promise" he said out of no where just as I turned a corner.

"what?"I asked pulling into a carpark outside a very large building.

"don't promise things" he said sitting up and and crossing his arms, looking straight out the front window with a glare.

" Harry what's wrong?" I ask putting my hand on his knee for comfort, only for it to be swatted away.

"Don't ! " he yelled grabbing at his seatbelt and yanking on it, trying to get it to open.

"harry! Stop it! " I yelled quickly, pushing his hands away from the belt, only making him scream at me.

"NO! Shut up! Shut up! I'm sorry! "he yells covering his ears and bringing his knees up to curl up.

"Harry! Stop it! St- what?.... God harry come on... Shhhhh" I muttered trying to pry his hands away from his ears so he could hear me but he just kept yelling and hissing loudly- so loud that people outside were starting to stop and stare, probably thinking that I hit harry or something or if I needed help.

"I PROMISED !" he yelled pushing me off of him and yanking the seatbelt off of him and pelting out of the car door with his leash being dragged behind him.

"shit" I said in utter shock, before I unclicked my seatbelt and ran after him. Dodging all the people in the crowds. Thank god no fans or paps were around otherwise I would never get to harry and he would be long gone.

"Harry! Stop!" I yelled running after him. He was a constant 15 meters in front of me and was much better at dodging the objects in front of him, when I had to stop sometimes to get around them.

"Harry!" I yelled again as I watched him wipe away tears with his sleeve as he ran from me.

I was getting more worried by the minute, because the streets side walk was ending meaning harry would come to the option of running across a very busy road. It wouldnt be the first time someone has hit a hybrid with a car, so I had to do something fast.

"Harry ! Stop, please?! " I yelled at him as my legs started to slow down. If only Liam was here he would of already caught the hybrid but he wasn't and I couldn't stop running now, so I pushed myself to continue, sprinting after him.

After a 20 more meter sprint, Harry was up to the road and was staring straight ahead at the busy 4 way road .

I stopped running a good 10 meters away and just watched him. At first he just stood there and stared straight ahead with his back to me. I could still hear him sobbing and all I wanted to do was hug him and tell him everything was all right.

I didn't know I was daydreaming until I heard shouting. I looked up to see a group of P platers driving past harry throwing an empty can through the window at him as they shouted numerous things.

"aghhh! " he squealed as the can connected with his thigh. I ran up to him but before I could reach him he sprinted into the nearest shop, which happened to be a empty laundromat .

"Harry?" I muttered as I opened the door and walked in. It was a very dead looking place, no one was in it and the only noise was a washing machine going with someones washing in it. The place had 6 dryers in the middle of the room and washing machines lined up on the side of the walls.

But behind the little island of dryers in the middle, was where I heard the familiar sobbing coming from.

"Harry? " I ask again as the sobbing stops.

"what's the matter?" I ask walking behind the dryers to see harry curled up and looking towards me, he had red eyes from all the crying and tear stained cheeks.

"I promised" he whispers as he puts his face back in between his knees that were pushed to his chest .

"what did you promise?" I asked sitting down next to him, leaning againist a dryer.

"I promised to take care of my brother and I broke that promise" harry whispered, hiccuping from all his crying.

"your brother? I didn't know you had a brother?" I asked watching him as he used his sleeve as a tissue and wiped his cheeks to get rid of the ever falling tears.

"yea... I used to anyway" he says flattening his legs out onto the ground and putting his head back to rest on the dryers side. I looked down at his thigh to see him rubbing the place where the can hit him. It didn't look bad, probably just bruised.

"can you tell me something harry?" I asked scooting closer to him so our arms and legs touched.

"what" he hiccuped .

"tell me about before you went to the facility" I asked watching his face turn from sad to surprised.

"theres nothing to s-"

"please...harry" I said interrupting him and making him look at me as if arguing with himself wether he should come clean about his past.

"okay, where do I start?" he asked lifting up abit to free his Tail from under himself.

"start from the first day on the run" I said slouching a bit to get comfy as harry sorta looked around the room to see if anyone else was listening, only to see it empty.

"okay... Well -"

Harry's P.O.V


"Harry, maybe we should go back" Jeremy said tugging on my coat as we walked hand in hand down a dark street.

"we can't go back Jeremy, there is no where to go back to". I told him watching as relizasion hit him and he started to get teary eyes.

"what about mummy and daddy? Where will they go when they come back?"

" their not coming back " I muttered as I continued to walk down the street, while Jeremy stopped. Refusing to go any further.

"Jeremy I'm sorr- " I stopped talking just as I heard a low growling coming from the other side of the street. It was dark out so I could only see a faint outline of a very large dog.

"harry..." Jeremy said getting scared and running to my side.

"it's okay" I whispered as I put my arm around him. The dog thing started to ease off with the growling and started to walk across the road towards me and jeremy.

I started to pant at how scared I was, the thing was huge! when the dog/wolf like creature was a mere meter away from us, I really had to take in that this thing was huge! And trying to run would be useless. It had to be at least a few inches taller then me so I was starting to think that this wasn't no dog or typical wolf.

I stared at it's big brown eyes and saw nothing but loneliness, it didn't really show anything that could hurt us. As I stared at the creature and it's features, it looked down to jeremy and i must been imagining things but i swear i saw it smile while gazing at jeremy. i went to walk closer to the wolf but something must of caught its attention because it sharply turned its head to see two bright lights speeding down the road. I didn't know what they were at first but the wolf thing seemed to, as she gently pushed us with her nose towards an alleyway. I didn't knwo why but we went with it and crouched next to a rubbish bin.

As the wolf looked back at the lights a net was thrown from a machine that covered all of its body,enabling it from moving.

At first I was frozen to the spot with Jeremy holding on to my arm tightly ,but something in me made me go out and help it.

"Jeremy , stay" I said prying him off and running out of the alley and started to pull off the netting. The lights were getting bigger and the wolf wouldn't stop moving and howling, which was making it harder to free it.

After some agonising moments of pulling, I'd finally got the net off and chucked it away. As soon as the wolf realised this, it sprang to life and pushed me to run.

We ran together down the road while the huge rover was merely 10 meters behind us, I must say it was all very exciting, the adrenaline was pumping and I started laughing. when I looked over to the wolf i could tell that if it could it would be doing the same, with it smiling and showing its teeth.

After a few minutes of running, the rover had gained on us and was at our side, I had started to panic a bit but the wolf seemed to know what it was doing and ran in front of me making me slam into its soft furry side But the rover couldn't stop that fast and slammed into a nearby car, while trying to brake.

I looked up at the wolf to see it had a more serious face now and it walked towards the crash and leaped up onto the car, where it stuck its head in The window.The first thought I had was it was going to eat the victims inside .but to my amazement it did the exact opposite It pulled its head out of the window and in its mouth it was very gently holding a middle age man by his t-shirts scruff and placing him down on the side walk. He looked very hurt but surprised at the same time at how the wolf didn't get it's revenge on him.

They were looking at each other for a few minutes before the wolf walk up to me and nuzzled my head making me turn and walk off back towards Jeremy.

"harry!" jeremy cheered as we walked back into the alley.

"hey, little man" I said as he engulfed me in a hug .

"wheres the wolf?" he said making me lose my smile and turn around to see the wolf had disappeared and was replaced by a blonde haired girl.

" um hey,where did you come from?" I said pushing Jeremy behind me and standing straight.

"it's a little late to act tough kid,specially since I just saved you" she said laughing a bit as she walked u to us.

"what ?...... You were that wolf!" I said surprised, I had heard of these creatures before but never thought I would meet one in real life.

"took your time" she said standing in front of me smiling" you did great back there, most people freeze up" she said walking over to a large rubbish bin and sitting on it .

"why did you save that man" I said walking over and looking up to her .

"because kit kat, it will come in handy in the future"she said smiling at her nickname she used at me.

"I'm Mary " she said holding her hand out,which I gladly excepted.

Flashback over:

Still Harry's P.O.V

I looked over to zayn to see him looking down at his lap fiddling with his fingers.

"where's Mary now?" he said looking up at me.

I thought about what he said for a minute before a shrugged,unsure of her where abouts .

"where ever sam is ... that's if they didn't get separated" I said looking down, remembering all our days together back when we were on the run.

"Sam? Tell me about him ?"

Flashback :

It had been weeks since our encounter with Mary and not once have we left each others side since. We had been dodging and running from the government as well and I had learnt that Mary had been running from them for a long time and learnt a lot of skills from being caught and also how to stay alive. She has also taught me about The whole law change and how it affected us .

Our new life wasn't that bad It was acturely pretty exciting .

"where are we?" I ask Mary looking around the weird neighbour hood.

"not a good place" she said, constantly looking over her shoulder

"why?" I ask looking around more now I know it's not the safest place.

" this is where most of the vampires hang out" she says jumping into the air and switching forms, so she was now in her wolf body.

I nod my head and look around abit noticing the place looked run down and forgotten and there were a few people standing out side buildings watching us as we walked down the lonely road .

Mary was walking close to Jeremy keeping him safe while I walked beside them taking in the scenes.

It was dark out, the only time we travel, which gave the place a eerie vibe to it all. I was quite entranced by it all that I didn't notice that Mary and Jeremy had crouched down by a bench and was watching something.

"Mary? Jeremy ?" I said making them look at me and glare, I quickly, chose to copy them, by crouching down, looking the direction they were.

To my surprise they was a square object sitting in an alley way with rustling sounds coming from it.

Mary was the first to act, stalking low to the ground until she was at the entrance of the alley way and looked back at us, signalling to follow. I hesitantly walked with Jeremy towards the opening to join mary.

My first reaction was to cover my nose because of the smell!

Like blood, it head a real metallic smell to it, it was horrid! But my second reaction was to run because the square object happened to be a cage with a very angry looking vampire stuck in it...I guess it was another way the government was capturing us these days But what idiot would walk into a cage!?

Looking to the side a bit, I could see a bucket full of red thats what smells and probably what got him to walk straight into the trap.

"what do we do?" I say looking at Mary as she shook her big fury head and walked closer to the vampire to get a better look.

She stared at the cage just as the vampire looked up at her.

He was really young and by the look of it alone. i felt sorry for him and I think Mary did aswell because in seconds she was beating down the door to the cage, trying to Un latch it from the hinges. It was working at first and the door was breaking but what we didn't intend on was that the cage had a security alarm on it for times just like this, so the government knows when a cage is being vandalised ...shit

A constant bell was going off that could probably be heard from miles away, so we had to work fast because not only would it get troops attention but also other hungry vampires in the area might come to check out what's happening.

Mary was now Snarling and biting at the door as she had it in her teeth, practically playing tug-a-war with the hinges. This whole time the vampire was curled up in the corner looking scared as thinking that this huge dog only wanted to get in there for a easy meal.

In the distance you could hear the sound of sirens going off, notifying us that the troops werent far off, this made Mary more forcefully bite down on the bars, pulling, until finally snapping the hinges off making a peice of wire flick my arm but I ignored it for now. She dove into the cage grabbing the terrified young vampire by his t-shirts scruff and started to pelt off with me and Jeremy following right behind her.

we narrowly escaped the troops, getting out of the alley just as their headlights came visible a good 50 meters away.

We ran for a good 5 minutes with Mary still very gently carrying the vamp in her mouth as we did. Jeremy was always a good runner so he had no worrys with keeping up.

When we thought we were well away from the troops, we stopped under a old bridge.

Mary very hesitantly put the vamp down as he stumbled to the ground a bit.

"thanks" he muttered, rubbing his neck where his t-shirt had been rubbing.

"it's all good kid " I said looking up at Mary to see she had changed back.

"you guys arnt gonna hurt me? Are you?" he asked standing from the ground looking at all of us a little shaken up.

"nah kid, if i was going to then I would have done it back in that alley" Mary said patting his back.

" oh, then why did you save me?" he asked looking at all of us unsure why he isn't back there still in that cage.

" cause us beasts have to stay together " Mary said sitting on a stack of the bricks that stuck out of the bridge.

"oh" he said with a little bit of a smile forming on his face." your bleeding " he said looking down at my arm, where the peice of wire hit.

"crap!" I yelled looking at the big cut going up my arm.

"you know vamps have a good healing talent " Mary said giving me a smirk as she nodded to the vamp that was eyeing my blood that was making its way out.

Before I could protest the vamp had pulled my arm towards him and taken in the blood that was oozing from my arm, I thought for a second that Mary might have to pull him off but as fast as it started it finished. He looked up at me then down to arm, where in fact it was already healing.

" I guess this makes us blood brothers" I said inspecting my arm and chuckling at our new family member.

"hahaha... I'm Sam" he said holding his hand out which I gladly excepted.

Flashback over:

Still Harry's P.O.V

"wow " was all zayn said looking at me, still thinking about what I had just said.

"wow, that is just..... What, what about your brother? Where is he now?" zayn said making me remember when Louis asked me this.

"he... He is ... I don't know" I say not wanting to tell zayn anymore.

"wow harry, you've had an eventful life... Ah with all your story telling it looks like we've missed your surprise" he says looking at his watch.

"what? what was it?" I ask flicking my tail off of me.

" I was going to take you for a ride on top of a double decker bus for a tour then go for lunch " he says smiling.

"well... What about we go for some icecream and you can tell me more about your past?" he asks getting up and helping me up off of the floor of the laundromat that we have been sitting on for that last hour.

I don't know what it was about today but zayn has really grown on me... maybe it was that he is one of the first people to show interest in my past and wants to know me.

...Huh maybe zayn isn't that bad, well sometimes he can be but he's shown something else today and he's also made me relise something .

My old family was made and destroyed both in an alley.


If you go back to chapter 6 I think , where harry is saying goodbye to his friends in the rover ,then this chapter should make those goodbyes make sence:)

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